Ejemplos Mios en Primer Ensayo Gratuito de Toefl

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First of all, the reading passage was mainly about doubts on whether the Chavelier´s memoir was

accurate enough. It was doubted his being rich since he borrowed lots of money to gamble and party.
However, the lecture contradicted this theory because in order to have liquidity he should have sold
some of his properties and since some of his properties were not sold yet he had to borrow his money
to have a good time which does not means he is poor whatsoever. In connection therewith, the reading
passage explained that it is impossible to remember with such accuracy the exact phrases he had in
some conversations with the famous writer Voltaire casting doubts about the accuracy of his memoirs.
But, in the lecture it is mentioned that according to some witnesses he kept for many years notes he
wrote the same day he had conversations with Voltaire, therefore, that makes the argument of the
passage invalid. And the last but not the least, in the reading it is explained that the escape from prison
could not have been possible as mentioned. That is because as he had good relations with some friends
of his he probably bribed some of the prison guards so as to escape. The lecture provides some evidence
that the stated by the passage is wrong since some of the prisoners of the same prison at that time had
better connections and could not escape. Furthermore, according to some written evidence of the place
aforementioned the roof of his cell had to be repaired, hence, confirming his escaping the cell as
mentioned in his memoir. Those are the main points of the lecture which disapprove the reading

Have you ever been in school and thought why am I learning this? Maybe, because what you have been
doing is just learning by heart some concepts you did not understand whatsoever. Some say learning
facts is far more important than ideas. However, I truly believe that understanding ideas and concepts
are always of a greater importance that it is for students to learn just facts because it helps the student
reason what is beneath an idea and solve real problems more effectively.

First of all, understanding ideas is more important than learning just mere facts because it gives the
student a sense of what is beneath that concept. The student by analyzing the idea is capable of groking
the causes and effects of the concept. Learning just facts will make us machines repeating something
just over and over again without any reasoning which will make us look more than robots than human
beings. Knowing that CO2 always keeps on the lower end of a bottle if trapped with air because it has a
higher density than air is important but the understanding of why that happens is far more reaching to
the student as he/she will in the future capable of applying that concept to many things more.

Secondly, it will help the student solve real life problems more effectively. Since the student will
understand the idea he/she will have most of the tools to solve a problem and he/she understands why
that happens. To put it as an example, just knowing that an electric current can cause damage on your
tissue will prevent you from exposing oneself into the electric lines where thousands of amperes pass
through, however, one will not understand that having a charge station next to the shower posses a
great risk because of electrification of water. If the student knew the concept he/she will avoid such
situations and therefore solve the problem and prevent it.
However, learning facts is also of a great importance since facts are examples of the ideas being applied
in real life such as experiments and historic facts they are very important because it can show a student
of the consequences of such concepts. It does not make any sense knowing what gravity is and not
knowing the exact magnitud of it which is 9.806 m/s. If such value would not been known the student
will never understand profoundly the overall ideas of what the teacher is trying to explain his/her.

In conclusion, knowing ideas and concepts is far more important than learning facts since it gives you a
sense of what is really happening; however, one does not need to underestimate that facts are also
important as they are an example of the idea put into practice.

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