Capstone Project Process: Niversity F Argodha

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Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

Capstone Project Process

Capstone / FYP – BS/MSc-IT Final Year Project
UOS – University of Sargodha
CSIT – Department of Computer Science & IT, UOS
Faculty – Permanent & Contractual Faculty
Capstone Committee – Responsible for scheduling and managing projects.
Capstone Coordinator – Faculty member taking the course of Capstone I / Capstone II
Supervisor – A person responsible for the supervision of student’s capstone project. He may
be a faculty member or an expert of relevant area from industry.
Examiner – Currently a faculty member of CSIT
Student – Registered student of CSIT
Group – A group of students formed for the purpose of doing capstone project.

1. During early summer Faculty floats the proposal for Capstone project through
Capstone Committee.
2. Students form a Group (of 2, or 3, or 4). Group submits the Student names and
Capstone title along with one page description till the end of 2nd week of the semester to
Capstone Coordinator.
3. Group studies about Capstone project and submits a three page (maximum) Capstone
project proposal (on specified template) along with Supervisor approval form (on
specified template) till the end of 3rd week of the semester to Capstone Coordinator.
4. Capstone Committee compiles all the capstone proposals from Capstone
5. Capstone Coordinator approves the Capstone proposals and may suggest
amendments. It also approves the external examiner if any. No change in Capstone
Project or Supervisor is allowed without consent of the Supervisory Committee.
6. If the Capstone proposal is not approved, Group selects a new Capstone Project and
repeats step 3 within next 2 weeks. Group continues with the Capstone project only if
the Supervisory committee approves the capstone proposal through consensus.

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Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

7. Mid semester is held in 10th week. Group prepares an A2 size proposal. Posters are
placed on open display by the Capstone Committee. Posters are evaluated by the
Supervisory Committee.
8. Group submits a semester report (on specified template) and delivers a presentation in
14th week. The report and presentation will be graded by the Capstone Coordinator.

1. Groups who have passed Capstone I continue with their project in Capstone II.
2. Mid semester evaluation is held in 9th week. Group gives a demo of the project. Demo is
evaluated by the Capstone Coordinator.
3. The final evaluation and presentation is held in 14th week of the semester. This
evaluation is done by the examiner. Capstone Committee assigns examiners to each
Capstone project.
4. Group submits Capstone Report and all other deliverables to Capstone Committee after
final evaluation. The submitted report and relevant deliverables includes the corrections
and amendments proposed during final evaluation.

Grading Schema

Software FYP-1:
Project Proposal and Plan: 20%
10th Week Evaluation – Poster: 20%
First Semester Report & Presentation: 40%

Software FYP-2:
Mid Semester Evaluation: 20%
Final Presentation & Demo: 80%
Final Report: 20%

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