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Idioma Extranjero October 20th, 2021

There is – There are

I. Complete the sentences using "there is" or "there are".

1. __________________ books on the 6. ___________________ a cat under

table. the table.

2. __________________ some cars in 7. ___________________ seven apples

the street. in the fridge.

3. __________________ a picture on 8. ___________________ ten dog in the

the wall. house.

4. ___________________ a pencil near 9. ___________________ thirty

the book. monkeys on the tree.

5. ___________________ some trees in 10. ___________________ twenty rooms

the forest. in my house.

II. Correct the mistakes. Write the correct sentence.

a) There is some waters in the glass. f) There is people in the backyard.

_____________________________ _____________________________
b) There are a 3 children talking g) There are a stickers in the album.
with the teacher. _____________________________
_____________________________ h) There is ninety earasers on the
_____________________________ table.
c) There are a car in the car park. _____________________________
_____________________________ ________
d) There is a windows in this i) There are some sugar in the
classroom. basket.
_____________________________ _____________________________
__________ __________
e) There is some pencils in the j) There is some apples.
pencilcase. _____________________________

III. Choose the correct answer.

1. ______________ someone looking at me. There is There are
2. ______________ many boys in the school. There is There are
3. ______________ some photos in her bag. There is There are
4. ______________ an egg in the fridge. There is There are

Prof. Anyela Ezeiza Ayala

Idioma Extranjero

5. ______________ forty magazines in his room. There is There are

6. ______________ a soccer studium here. There is There are
7. ______________ pictures on the wall. There is There are
8. ______________ an electrician at school. There is There are

IV. Read and write affirmative sentences

a) a lion under the tree. f) mangoes in the basket.

_____________________________ _____________________________
b) children in the car. g) an orange in the box.
_____________________________ _____________________________
c) a woman in the house. h) a child in the school.
_____________________________ _____________________________
d) tigers in the cage. i) buses on the road.
_____________________________ _____________________________
e) mice in the box. j) twelve months in a year.
_____________________________ _____________________________

V. Write some/a/an in the following gaps.

a) There are ___________ people in the street.
b) There is _____________ cinema on the right.
c) There is ________________ internet café on the left.
d) There are ________________ rivers running through the town centre.
e) There is ________________ bar called Moe's.
f) There are _______________ mountains in the horizon.

VI. Unscramble these sentences.

a) There/600/students/are/in/this school.
_________________________________________________________ .
b) There/windows/in my/room./are/four
_________________________________________________________ .
c) There/some/is/oil/in the/bottle.
_______________________________________________________ .
d) There/in this/room./is/a ghost
_______________________________________________________ .
e) There/on the desk/is/an/apple
_______________________________________________________ .

VII. Write affirmative sentences. Use some.

a) boxes on the chair.

Prof. Anyela Ezeiza Ayala

Idioma Extranjero October 20th, 2021

b) thirty days in a month.
c) An elephant in front of the house.
d) an ant on the paper.
e) a teacher in the classroom.
f) one pencil on the book.
g) white geese in the lake.
h) policemen in the police station.
i) benches in the garden.
j) Rice on the table

VIII. Mark “there is” sor “there are”

a. In our living room _________ four chairs and a table. We have breakfast there
every morning.
A. there is B. there are
b. In our class we have students from Italy, Spain and Saudi Arabia but _________
no students from France
A. there is B. there are
c. In our school, every Friday ________ a 'Conversation Club' in the afternoon after
A. there is B. there are
d. I don't like the garden in winter time. ____________ any flowers. The only colour
is green.
A. There isn't B. There aren't
e. I can't have a cup of coffee this morning. _______ no black coffee in the coffee
machine and I don't like Coffee with milk.
A. There's B. There are
f. Are there any students in the school from Switzerland? Yes, _______ one in class
G and two in class A.
A. there's B. There are

Prof. Anyela Ezeiza Ayala

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