EKG Clep Test

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uestion 1 of 50 CORRECT

A normal QRS should be less than .12 seconds

Your Answer
Question 2 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Ventricular Fibrillation
Question 3 of 50 CORRECT
At Houston Healthcare a nurse who is deemed competent in rhythm interpretation is required to sign
off his/her strips every shift.
Your Answer
Question 4 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Sinus Rhythm w/ ST Elevation w/ V.Tach to V.Fib.
Question 5 of 50 CORRECT
This picture represents (select two):
Your Answer
Myocardial Infarction
Your Answer
ST Elevation
Question 6 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Failure to Capture
Question 7 of 50 CORRECT
ST Elevation is a sign of INFARCTION
Your Answer
Question 8 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Accelerated Junctional Rhythm
Question 9 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Junctional Tach
Question 10 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Torsades de Pointe
Question 11 of 50 CORRECT
Select ALL lethal rhythms from the list below
Your Answer
Ventricular Tachycardia
Your Answer
Pulseless Electrical Activity
Your Answer
Ventricular Fibrillation
Your Answer
Ventricular Standstill
Question 12 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Multifocal Atrial Tach
Question 13 of 50 CORRECT
Which rhythm is considered to be lethal
Your Answer
Ventricular Fibrillation
Question 14 of 50 CORRECT
A normal PR interval should be 0.20-0.30 seconds
Your Answer
Question 15 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Atrial Tach
Question 16 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
3rd Degree AV Block (3rd degree heart block)
Question 17 of 50 CORRECT
Normal Rate for the SA node is 40-60.
Your Answer
Question 18 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Sinus Rhythm w/ 1st Degree AVB
Question 19 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Second Degree AV block Type II (Mobitz 2)
Question 20 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Ventricular Standstill
Question 21 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Sinus Rhythm w/ Ventricular Bigeminy
Question 22 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Second Degree AV Block Type 1 (Mobitz 1) (Wenckebach)
Question 23 of 50 CORRECT
Which is NOT a pacemaker type?
Your Answer
Junctional pacemaker
Question 24 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Sinus Brady w/ ST Elevation
Question 25 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Junctional Rhythm
Question 26 of 50 CORRECT
ST depression is a sign of ISCHEMIA
Your Answer
Question 27 of 50 CORRECT
A rhythm with sawtooth P waves and a ventricular rate of 80 would be which rhythm?
Your Answer
Atrial Flutter
Question 28 of 50 CORRECT
When a blockage occurs in the Bundle of HIS, the electrical impulse
takes a detour to its destination. When this happens, it causes the
QRS to become > 0.12sec and can happen in any rhythm. This is
Your Answer
IVCD (Intraventricular Conduction Delay)
Question 29 of 50 CORRECT
Which rhythm is considered to be lethal?
Your Answer
Ventricular Tachycardia
Question 30 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
R on T Phenomenon
Question 31 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Accelerated Idioventricular Rhythm
Question 32 of 50 CORRECT
When a patient has a rhythm change the doctor/nurse should be notified.
Your Answer
Question 33 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Question 34 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Idioventricular Rhythm
Question 35 of 50 CORRECT
Failure to capture of a pacemaker happens when the output is too
low. This results in a failure to depolarize the ventricle, which causes
an absence of a mechanical contraction of the ventricle, or no QRS.
Your Answer
Question 36 of 50 CORRECT
When measuring for ST segment elevation or depression, you should
measure where the _____ intersects the _______.
Your Answer
J point; Isoelectric line
Question 37 of 50 CORRECT
This patient has no pulse. Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Pulseless Electrical Activity
Question 38 of 50 CORRECT
Normal Rate for the AV node is 40-60
Your Answer
Question 39 of 50 CORRECT
The heart’s primary pacemaker is located:
Your Answer
SA node
Question 40 of 50 CORRECT
Sinus Rhythms originate in which area of the heart?
Your Answer
SA Node
Question 41 of 50 CORRECT
The heart's "primary pacemaker" is located in the AV NODE
Your Answer
Question 42 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:
Your Answer
Sinus Rhythm w/ Pause
Question 43 of 50 CORRECT
If the R to R measurement is 0.84 and the QT interval is 0.64 the QT
interval is considered to be _________ and you should ___________.
Your Answer
Long; Call the Nurse/Doctor
Question 44 of 50 CORRECT
A STEMI (ST elevation myocardial infarction) is an emergency
Your Answer
Question 45 of 50 CORRECT
PVC's originate from which area of the heart?
Your Answer
Question 46 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Ventricular Tach
Question 47 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Atrial Fibrillation
Question 48 of 50 CORRECT
Normal Rate for the Ventricles is 60-100
Your Answer
Question 49 of 50 CORRECT
Identify the rhythm:

Your Answer
Wandering Atrial Pacer
Question 50 of 50 CORRECT
You enter the room and your patient has no pulse. You begin CPR. When you connect him to the
monitor his rhythm "looks like" a sinus rhythm. You would document this rhythm to be......
Your Answer
Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA)

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