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Reagan v CIR, 30 SCRA 968

MIAA v. Court of Appeals

Facts: A question novel in character, the answer to which has far- G.R. No. 155650, July 20, 2006
reaching implications, is raised by petitioner William C. Reagan, at FACTS:
one time a civilian employee of an American corporation providing The Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) operates the Ninoy
technical assistance to the United States Air Force in the Philippines. Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Complex in Parañaque City under
He would dispute the payment of the income tax assessed on him by Executive Order No. 903 (MIAA Charter), as amended. As such
respondent Commissioner of Internal Revenue on an amount realized operator, it administers the land, improvements and equipment
by him on a sale of his automobile to a member of the United States within the NAIA Complex. In March 1997, the Office of the
Marine Corps, the transaction having taken place at the Clark Field Air Government Corporate Counsel (OGCC) issued Opinion No. 061 to the
Base at Pampanga. It is his contention, seriously and earnestly effect that the Local Government Code of 1991 (LGC) withdrew the
pressed, that in legal contemplation the sale was made outside exemption from real estate tax granted to MIAA under Section 21 of
Philippine territory and therefore beyond our jurisdictional power to its Charter.
Thus, MIAA paid some of the real estate tax already due. In June
Issue: Whether or not the sale was made outside the Philippine 2001, it received Final Notices of Real Estate Tax Delinquency from
territory and therefore beyond our jurisdictional function to tax. the City of Parañaque for the taxable years 1992 to 2001. The City
Treasurer subsequently issued notices of levy and warrants of levy on
Held: The Court held that nothing is better settled than that the the airport lands and buildings.
Philippines being independent and sovereign, its authority may be
exercised over its entire domain. There is no portion there of that is At the instance of MIAA, the OGCC issued Opinion No. 147 clarifying
beyond its power. Within its limits, its decrees are supreme, its Opinion No. 061, pointing out that Sec. 206 of the LGC requires
commands paramount. Its laws govern therein, and everyone to persons exempt from real estate tax to show proof of exemption.
whom it applies must submit to its terms. That is the extent of its According to the OGCC, Sec. 21 of the MIAA Charter is the proof that
jurisdiction, both territorial and personal. Necessarily, likewise, it has MIAA is exempt from real estate tax. MIAA, thus, filed a petition with
to be exclusive. If it were not thus, there is a diminution of its the Court of Appeals seeking to restrain the City of Parañaque from
sovereignty. imposing real estate tax on, levying against, and auctioning for public
sale the airport lands and buildings, but this was dismissed for having
It is to be admitted that any state may, by its consent, express or been filed out of time.
implied, submit to a restriction of its sovereign rights. There may thus
be a curtailment of what otherwise is a power plenary in character. Hence, MIAA filed this petition for review, pointing out that it is
That is the concept of sovereignty as auto-limitation, which, in the exempt from real estate tax under Sec. 21 of its charter and Sec. 234
succinct language of Jellinek, "is the property of a state-force due to of the LGC. It invokes the principle that the government cannot tax
which it has the exclusive capacity of legal self-determination and itself as a justification for exemption, since the airport lands and
self-restriction." A state then, if it chooses to, may refrain from the buildings, being devoted to public use and public service, are owned
exercise of what otherwise is illimitable competence. by the Republic of the Philippines. On the other hand, the City of
Parañaque invokes Sec. 193 of the LGC, which expressly withdrew the
Its laws may as to some persons found within its territory no longer tax exemption privileges of government-owned and controlled
control. Nor does the matter end there. It is not precluded from corporations (GOCC) upon the effectivity of the LGC.
allowing another power to participate in the exercise of jurisdictional
right over certain portions of its territory. If it does so, it by no means It asserts that an international airport is not among the exceptions
follows that such areas become impressed with an alien character. mentioned in the said law. Meanwhile, the City of Parañaque posted
They retain their status as native soil. They are still subject to its and published notices announcing the public auction sale of the
authority. Its jurisdiction may be diminished, but it does not airport lands and buildings. In the afternoon before the scheduled
disappear. So it is with the bases under lease to the American armed public auction, MIAA applied with the Court for the issuance of a TRO
forces by virtue of the military bases agreement of 1947. They are to restrain the auction sale. The Court issued a TRO on the day of the
not and cannot be foreign territory.
auction sale, however, the same was received only by the City of Neri vs. Senate
Parañaque three hours after the sale. G.R. No. 180643, March 25, 2008

Issue: Legislative Inquiry in Aid of Legislation vs. Legislative Inquiry during

Whether or not the airport lands and buildings of MIAA are exempt Question Hour
from real estate tax? Elements of Presidential Communications Privilege
Exception to Executive Privilege
The Petition is GRANTED. FACTS:
The airport lands and buildings of MIAA are exempt from real estate This is regarding the contract entered into by DOTC with ZTE for the
tax imposed by local governments. Sec. 243(a) of the LGC exempts supply of equipment and services for the NBN Project. In connection
from real estate tax any real property owned by the Republic of the with this NBN Project, Senate passed various Resolutions and pending
Philippines. This exemption should be read in relation with Sec. bills, which it then used as basis for initiating an investigation.
133(o) of the LGC, which provides that the exercise of the taxing
powers of local governments shall not extend to the levy of taxes, One of the cabinet officials invited to appear before the Senate during
fees or charges of any kind on the National Government, its agencies the investigation was Petitioner, who was Director General of NEDA at
and instrumentalities. the time. During the 11-hour questioning, Petitioner invoked
executive privilege and refused to answer the questions on (a)
These provisions recognize the basic principle that local governments whether or not President Arroyo followed up the NBN Project, (b)
cannot tax the national government, which historically merely whether or not she directed him to prioritize it, and (c) whether or not
delegated to local governments the power to tax. she directed him to approve.

The rule is that a tax is never presumed and there must be clear In view of his refusal, the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee issued a
language in the law imposing the tax. This rule applies with greater subpoena ad testificandum, to which Petitioner replied that he was
force when local governments seek to tax national government willing to testify to other matters besides those three questions
instrumentalities. Moreover, a tax exemption is construed liberally in covered by “executive privilege” and that he wanted to be furnished
favor of national government beforehand matters to be taken up during the inquiry so that he may
instrumentalities. adequately prepare therefor. Executive Secretary Ermita also sent a
letter to the Blue Ribbon, affirming that indeed those three questions
MIAA is not a GOCC, but an instrumentality of the government. mentioned were covered by “executive privilege” because such
information if disclosed might impair diplomatic as well as economic
The Republic remains the beneficial owner of the properties. MIAA relations with the People’s Republic of China. As such, the Office of
itself is owned solely by the Republic. At any time, the President can the President has ordered Petitioner not to answer those questions.
transfer back to the Republic title to the airport lands and buildings
without the Republic paying MIAA any consideration. As long as the Nevertheless, the Blue Ribbon issued a show cause Letter and a
airport lands and buildings are reserved for public use, their contempt Order against Petitioner. Thus, this case.
ownership remains with the State. Unless the President issues a
proclamation withdrawing these properties from public use, they ISSUE:
remain properties of public dominion. As such, they are inalienable, Are the communications elicited by the subject three (3) questions
hence, they are not subject to levy on execution or foreclosure sale, covered by executive privilege?
and they are exempt from real estate tax.
However, portions of the airport lands and buildings that MIAA leases IN AID OF LEGISLATION: Scope and Limitations --
to private entities are not exempt from real estate tax. In such a case,
MIAA has granted the beneficial use of such portions for a The power of Congress to conduct inquiries in aid of legislation is
consideration to a taxable person. broad. This is based on the proposition that a legislative body cannot
legislate wisely or effectively in the absence of information respecting
the conditions which the legislation is intended to affect or change. Respondent Committees failed to show a compelling or critical need:
Inevitably, adjunct thereto is the compulsory process to enforce it. xxx presidential communications are presumptively privileged and
But, the power, broad as it is, has limitations. To be valid, it is that the presumption can be overcome only by mere showing of
imperative that it is done in accordance with the Senate or House public need by the branch seeking access to conversations xxxx
duly published rules of procedure and that the rights of the persons Here, the record is bereft of any categorical explanation from
appearing in or affected by such inquiries be respected. respondent Committees to show a compelling or critical need for the
answers to the three (3) questions in the enactment of a law. Instead,
The power extends even to executive officials and the only way for the questions veer more towards the exercise of the legislative
them to be exempted is through a valid claim of executive privilege. oversight function under Section 22 of Article VI rather than Section
21 of the same Article. Senate v. Ermita ruled that “the oversight
Is there recognized claim of executive privilege despite revocation of function of Congress may be facilitated by compulsory process only to
E.O. 464? At this juncture, it must be stressed that the revocation of the extent that it is performed in pursuit of legislation.” It is conceded
E.O. 464 does not in any way diminish our concept of executive that it is difficult to draw the line between an inquiry in aid of
privilege. This is because this concept has Constitutional legislation and an inquiry in the exercise of oversight function of
underpinnings. Congress. In this regard, much will depend on the content of the
questions and the manner of inquiry is conducted.
EXCEPTION TO EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE: “Demonstrated, specific need
1) The protected communication must relate to a “quintessential and for evidence in pending criminal trial” (US v. Nixon) does not apply --
non-delegable presidential power.”
In Nixon, there is a pending criminal proceeding where the
2) The communication must be authored or “solicited and received” information is requested and it is the demands of due process of law
by a close advisor of the President or the President himself. The and the fair administration of criminal justice that the information be
judicial test is that an advisor must be in “operational proximity” with disclosed. This is the reason why the US Court was quick to “limit the
the President. scope of its decision.” It stressed that it is “not concerned here with
the balance between the President’s generalized interest in
3) The presidential communications privilege remains a qualified confidentiality xxx and congressional demands for information.”
privilege that may be overcome by a showing of adequate need, such Unlike in Nixon, the information here is elicited, not in a criminal
that the information sought “likely contains important evidence” and proceeding, but in a legislative inquiry. In this regard, Senate v.
by the unavailability of the information elsewhere by an appropriate Ermita stressed that the validity of the claim of executive privilege
investigating authority. depends not only on the ground invoked but, also, on the procedural
setting or the context in which the claim is made. Furthermore, in
Using the above elements, we are convinced that, indeed, the Nixon, the President did not interpose any claim of need to protect
communications elicited by the three (3) questions are covered by military, diplomatic or sensitive national security secrets. In the
the presidential communications privilege. First, the communications present case, Executive Secretary Ermita categorically claims
relate to a “quintessential and non-delegable power” of the President, executive privilege on the grounds of presidential communications
i.e. the power to enter into an executive agreement with other privilege in relation to her executive and policy decision-making
countries. This authority of the President to enter into executive process and diplomatic secrets.
agreements without the concurrence of the Legislature has
traditionally been recognized in Philippine jurisprudence. Second, the Executive Privilege vis-a-vis Right of the People to Information on
communications are “received” by a close advisor of the President. Matters of Public Concern
Under the “operational proximity” test, petitioner can be considered a
close advisor, being a member of President Arroyo’s cabinet. And The right to public information, like any other right, is subject to
third, there is no adequate showing of a compelling need that would limitation. The provision (Section 7, Article III) itself provides the
justify the limitation of the privilege and of the unavailability of the limitations, i.e. as may be provided by law. Some of these laws are
information elsewhere by an appropriate investigating authority. Sec. 7, RA 6713, Art. 229, RPC, Sec. 3(k), RA 3019, and Sec. 24(e),
Rule 130, ROC. These are in addition to what our body of
jurisprudence clarifies as confidential and what our Constitution Petitioners Escudero, et al., also reiterate that R.A. No. 9337’s stand-
considers as belonging to the larger concept of executive privilege. by authority to the Executive to increase the VAT rate, especially on
Clearly, there is a recognized public interest in the confidentiality of account of the recommendatory power granted to the Secretary of
certain information. We find the information subject of this case Finance, constitutes undue delegation of legislative power. They
belonging to such kind. submit that the recommendatory power given to the Secretary of
Finance in regard to the occurrence of either of two events using the
Legislative Inquiry in Aid of Legislation vis-a-vis Right of the People to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a benchmark necessarily and
Information on Matters of Public Concern: More than anything else, inherently required extended analysis and evaluation, as well as
though, the right of Congress or any of its Committees to obtain policy making.
information in aid of legislation cannot be equated with the people’s
right to public information. The former cannot claim that every Petitioners also reiterate their argument that the input tax is a
legislative inquiry is an exercise of the people’s right to information. property or a property right. Petitioners also contend that even if the
xxx right to credit the input VAT is merely a statutory privilege, it has
already evolved into a vested right that the State cannot remove.
The members of respondent Committees should not invoke as
justification in their exercise of power a right properly belonging to ISSUE:
the people in general. This is because when they discharge their Whether or not the R.A. No. 9337 or the Vat Reform Act is
power, they do so as public officials and members of Congress. Be constitutional?
that as it may, the right to information must be balanced with and
should give way, in appropriate cases, to constitutional precepts RULING:
particularly those pertaining to delicate interplay of executive- The Court is not persuaded. Article VI, Section 24 of the Constitution
legislative powers and privileges which is the subject of careful provides that All appropriation, revenue or tariff bills, bills authorizing
review by numerous decided cases. increase of the public debt, bills of local application, and private bills
shall originate exclusively in the House of Representatives, but the
Abakada Guro v. Ermita Senate may propose or concur with amendments.
G.R. No. 168056, July 5, 2005
The Court reiterates that in making his recommendation to the
FACTS: President on the existence of either of the two conditions, the
Motions for Reconsideration filed by petitioners, ABAKADA Guro party Secretary of Finance is not acting as the alter ego of the President or
List Officer and et al., insist that the bicameral conference committee even her subordinate. He is acting as the agent of the legislative
should not even have acted on the no pass-on provisions since there department, to determine and declare the event upon which its
is no disagreement between House Bill Nos. 3705 and 3555 on the expressed will is to take effect. The Secretary of Finance becomes the
one hand, and Senate Bill No. 1950 on the other, with regard to the means or tool by which legislative policy is determined and
no pass-on provision for the sale of service for power generation implemented, considering that he possesses all the facilities to gather
because both the Senate and the House were in agreement that the data and information and has a much broader perspective to properly
VAT burden for the sale of such service shall not be passed on to the evaluate them. His function is to gather and collate statistical data
end-consumer. As to the no pass-on provision for sale of petroleum and other pertinent information and verify if any of the two conditions
products, petitioners argue that the fact that the presence of such a laid out by Congress is present.
no pass-on provision in the House version and the absence thereof in
the Senate Bill means there is no conflict because “a House provision In the same breath, the Court reiterates its finding that it is not a
cannot be in conflict with something that does not exist.” property or a property right, and a VAT-registered person’s
entitlement to the creditable input tax is a mere statutory privilege.
Escudero, et. al., also contend that Republic Act No. 9337 grossly As the Court stated in its Decision, the right to credit the input tax is a
violates the constitutional imperative on exclusive origination of mere creation of law. More importantly, the assailed provisions of R.A.
revenue bills under Section 24 of Article VI of the Constitution when No. 9337 already involve legislative policy and wisdom. So long as
the Senate introduced amendments not connected with VAT. there is a public end for which R.A. No. 9337 was passed, the means
through which such end shall be accomplished is for the legislature to POWER EXERCISED BY ALTER EGOS OF PRES: The Court recognizes
choose so long as it is within constitutional bounds. that the authority delegated to the President under Section 28(2),
Article VI may be exercised, in accordance with legislative sanction,
The Motions for Reconsideration are hereby DENIED WITH FINALITY. by the alter egos of the President, such as department secretaries.
The temporary restraining order issued by the Court is LIFTED. Indeed, for purposes of the President’s exercise of power to impose
tariffs under Article VI, Section 28(2), it is generally the Secretary of
Southern Cross Cement Corp. v. Cement Manufacturers Finance who acts as alter ego of the President. The SMA provides an
Association of the Phils., G.R. No. 158540, Aug. 3, 2005 exceptional instance wherein it is the DTI or Agriculture Secretary
who is tasked by Congress, in their capacities as alter egos of the
(HOLY CRAP, CHECK OUT THE INTRO!!!! ^.^) President, to impose such measures. Certainly, the DTI Secretary has
no inherent power, even as alter ego of the President, to levy tariffs
“Cement is hardly an exciting subject for litigation. Still, the parties in and imports.
this case have done their best to put up a spirited advocacy of their
respective positions, throwing in everything including the proverbial TARIFF COMMISSION AND DTI SEC ARE AGENTS: Concurrently, the
kitchen sink. At present, the burden of passion, if not proof, has tasking of the Tariff Commission under the SMA should be likewise
shifted to public respondents Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) construed within the same context as part and parcel of the
and private respondent Philippine Cement Manufacturers Corporation legislative delegation of its inherent power to impose tariffs and
(Philcemcor),[1] who now seek reconsideration of our Decision dated imposts to the executive branch, subject to limitations and
8 July 2004 (Decision), which granted the petition of petitioner restrictions. In that regard, both the Tariff Commission and the DTI
Southern Cross Cement Corporation (Southern Cross). Secretary may be regarded as agents of Congress within their limited
respective spheres, as ordained in the SMA, in the implementation of
This case, of course, is ultimately not just about cement. For the said law which significantly draws its strength from the plenary
respondents, it is about love of country and the future of the legislative power of taxation. Indeed, even the President may be
domestic industry in the face of foreign competition. For this Court, it considered as an agent of Congress for the purpose of imposing
is about elementary statutory construction, constitutional limitations safeguard measures. It is Congress, not the President, which
on the executive power to impose tariffs and similar measures, and possesses inherent powers to impose tariffs and imposts. Without
obedience to the law. Just as much was asserted in the Decision, and legislative authorization through statute, the President has no power,
the same holds true with this present Resolution.” authority or right to impose such safeguard measures because
taxation is inherently legislative, not executive.
Section 28(2), Article VI, the executive branch has no authority to When Congress tasks the President or his/her alter egos to impose
impose tariffs and other similar tax levies involving the importation of safeguard measures under the delineated conditions, the President or
foreign goods. Assuming that Section 28(2) Article VI did not exist, the alter egos may be properly deemed as agents of Congress to
the enactment of the SMA by Congress would be voided on the perform an act that inherently belongs as a matter of right to the
ground that it would constitute an undue delegation of the legislative legislature. It is basic agency law that the agent may not act beyond
power to tax. The constitutional provision shields such delegation the specifically delegated powers or disregard the restrictions
from constitutional infirmity, and should be recognized as an imposed by the principal. In short, Congress may establish the
exceptional grant of legislative power to the President, rather than procedural framework under which such safeguard measures may be
the affirmation of an inherent executive power. imposed, and assign the various offices in the government
bureaucracy respective tasks pursuant to the imposition of such
QUALIFIERS: This being the case, the qualifiers mandated by the measures, the task assignment including the factual determination of
Constitution on this presidential authority attain primordial whether the necessary conditions exists to warrant such impositions.
consideration: (1) there must be a law; (2) there must be specified Under the SMA, Congress assigned the DTI Secretary and the Tariff
limits; and (3) Congress may impose limitations and restrictions on Commission their respective functions in the legislature’s scheme of
this presidential authority. things.
There is only one viable ground for challenging the legality of the • In the Certification of DILG, there is an enumeration of existing
limitations and restrictions imposed by Congress under Section 28(2) municipalties including 18 0f the 33 Municipalities invalidated in
Article VI, and that is such limitations and restrictions are themselves Pelaez Case. Camid finds this as an abuse of discretion and unequal
violative of the Constitution. Thus, no matter how distasteful or treatment for Andong.
noxious these limitations and restrictions may seem, the Court has no • Likewise, Camid insists the continuing of EO107 arguing that in
choice but to uphold their validity unless their constitutional infirmity Municipality of San Narciso v. Hon.Mendez, the court affirmed in
can be demonstrated. making San Andres a de facto municipal corporation. San Andres was
created through an executive order.
What are these limitations and restrictions that are material to the • Thus this petition.
present case? The entire SMA provides for a limited framework under
which the President, through the DTI and Agriculture Secretaries, may ISSUE: May the Municipality of Andong be recognized as a de facto
impose safeguard measures in the form of tariffs and similar imposts. municipal corporation?

POWER BELONGS TO CONGRESS: …the cited passage from Fr. Bernas RULING:
actually states, “Since the Constitution has given the President the NO. Municipal corporations may exist by prescription where it is
power of control, with all its awesome implications, it is the shown that the community has claimed and exercised corporate
Constitution alone which can curtail such power.” Does the President functions, with the knowledge and acquiescence of the legislature,
have such tariff powers under the Constitution in the first place which and without interruption or objection for period long enough to afford
may be curtailed by the executive power of control? At the risk of title by prescription.
redundancy, we quote Section 28(2), Article VI: “The Congress may, - Camid does not have shown factual demonstration of the
by law, authorize the President to fix within specified limits, and continuous exercise by the municipal corporation of its corporation of
subject to such limitations and restrictions as it may impose, tariff its corporate powers as well as acquiescence by the other
rates, import and export quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and instrumentalities of the state like charters or the legislature’s action.
other duties or imposts within the framework of the national May the any action on the Certification be an appropriate solution to
development program of the Government.” Clearly the power to Camid’s prayer?
impose tariffs belongs to Congress and not to the President. - NO. The Certification has no power or it does not bear any authority
to create or revalidate a municipality.
Camid v. Office of the President, et,al. Should the case of Andong be treated same as the case of San
FACTS: - No. for the following reasons:
• This is a petition for Certiorari arguing the existence of Municipality o There are facts found in the San Andres case that are not present in
of Andong in Lanao Del Sur the case at bar: (1) The Executive Order creating San Andres was not
• This decision have noted the earlier decision of Pelaez where the invalidated in Pelaez Case, (2) The municipality existed for 30 years
Executive orders of Former President Macapagal creating 33 before it was questioned and (3) The municipality was classified as a
Municipalities of Lanao Del Sur was considerd null and void due to fifth class municipality and was included in the legislative district in
undue delegation of legislative powers. the House of Representatives apportionment.
• Among the annulled executive orders is EO107 creating Andong. o Andong did not meet the requisites set by LGC of 1991 Sec.442(d)
• The petitioner herein represents himself as resident of Andong (as a regarding municipalities created by executive orders. It says:
private citizen and taxpayer)  Municipalities existing as of the date of the effectivity of this
• Camid contends/argues the following: Code shall continue to exist and operate as such. Existing municipal
o Municipality of Andong evolved into a full blown municipality (since districts organized pursuant to presidential issuances or executive
there is a complete set of officials appointed to handle essential tasks orders and which have their respective set of elective municipal
and sevices, it has ist own high school, Bureau of Post, DECS office officials holding office at the time of the effectivity of this Code shall
etc. and 17 baranggays with chairman) henceforth be considered as regular municipalities.
o He noted agencies and private grous recognizing Andong and also o The failure to appropriate funds for Andong and the absence of
the CENRO and DENR Certification of land area and population of elections in the municipality are eloquent indicia (indicators) that the
Andong State does not recognize the existence of the municipality.
o The Ordinance appended in the 1987 Constitution (which From Sept 04 to Oct 29, 1964, the President (Marcos) issued
apportioned seats for the House of Reps to the different legislative executive orders creating 33 municipalities – this is purportedly in
districts in the Philippines, enumerates the various municipalities pursuant to Sec 68 of the Revised Administrative Code which
encompassed in the various districts) did not include Andong. provides that the President of the Philippines may by executive order
define the boundary, or boundaries, of any province, sub-province,
Is there an unequal treatment since 18 of the 33 invalidated municipality, [township] municipal district or other political
municipalities are now considered existing? subdivision, and increase or diminish the territory comprised therein,
- No there was none. The DILG Certification and the Ordinance in the may divide any province into one or more subprovinces…The VP
1987 Constitution validates them. The fact that there existing organic Emmanuel Pelaez and a taxpayer filed a special civil action to prohibit
statutes passed by the legislation recreating these municipalities is the auditor general from disbursing funds to be appropriated for the
enough to accord a different treatment as that of the municipality of said municipalities. Pelaez claims that the EOs are unconstitutional.
Andong. He said that Sec 68 of the RAC has been impliedly repealed by Sec 3
SC DECISION: DISMISSED for lack of Merit. of RA 2370 which provides that barrios may "not be created or their
RELEVANCE: boundaries altered nor their names changed" except by Act of
Note the following Sections with regards to juridical personality of Congress or of the corresponding provincial board "upon petition of a
corporations in relation to the reasons why San Andres have a majority of the voters in the areas affected" and the
different treatment with Andong: "recommendation of the council of the municipality or municipalities
Batas Pambansa Blg. 8: in which the proposed barrio is situated." Pelaez argues, accordingly:
Section 2. Corporation defined. - A corporation is an artificial being "If the President, under this new law, cannot even create a barrio, can
created by operation of law, having the right of succession and the he create a municipality which is composed of several barrios, since
powers, attributes and properties expressly authorized by law or barrios are units of municipalities?" The Auditor General countered
incident to its existence that only barrios are barred from being created by the President.
Section 4. Corporations created by special laws or charters. - Municipalities are exempt from the bar and that t a municipality can
Corporations created by special laws or charters shall be governed be created without creating barrios. Existing barrios can just be
primarily by the provisions of the special law or charter creating them placed into the new municipality. This theory overlooks, however, the
or applicable to them, supplemented by the provisions of this Code, main import of Pelaez’ argument, which is that the statutory denial of
insofar as they are applicable. the presidential authority to create a new barrio implies a negation of
Moreover, under Art.44 of the New Civil Code with relation to Art. 45 the bigger power to create municipalities, each of which consists of
of the New Civil Code, those considered as juridical person includes several barrios.
the State and its political subdivisions and Other corporations,
institutions and entities for public interest or purpose, created by law; ISSUE: Whether or not Congress has delegated the power to create
their personality begins as soon as they have been constituted barrios to the President by virtue of Sec 68 of the RAC.
according to law. These two are governed by the law creating them.
Since Andong has no law recreating it and that it is not a recognized HELD: Although Congress may delegate to another branch of the
political subdivision, it is not also considered a juridical person. government the power to fill in the details in the execution,
Note: enforcement or administration of a law, it is essential, to forestall a
What happened with the people from Andong? violation of the principle of separation of powers, that said law: (a) be
- The constituent barrios of the voided town returns to its complete in itself — it must set forth therein the policy to be
original municipalities (Lumbatan, Tubig and Tubaran) which are executed, carried out or implemented by the delegate — and (b) fix a
recognized and still existing. standard — the limits of which are sufficiently determinate or
The solution to have Andong recognized is through legislation and not determinable — to which the delegate must conform in the
judicial confirmation of void title. performance of his functions. Indeed, without a statutory declaration
of policy, the delegate would, in effect, make or formulate such
Pelaez vs Auditor General policy, which is the essence of every law; and, without the
G.R. No. L-23825: aforementioned standard, there would be no means to determine,
with reasonable certainty, whether the delegate has acted within or
beyond the scope of his authority.
In the case at bar, the power to create municipalities is eminently Also, while the law provides subtitles for National Initiative and
legislative in character not administrative. Referendum and for Local Initiative and Referendum, no subtitle is
provided for initiative on the Constitution. This means that the main
SANTIAGO v. COMELEC thrust of the law is initiative and referendum on national and local
G.R No. 127325, March 19, 1997 laws. If R.A. No. 6735 were intended to fully provide for the
implementation of the initiative on amendments to the Constitution, it
Constitutional Law, People's Initiative, Political Law could have provided for a subtitle therefor, considering that in the
order of things, the primacy of interest, or hierarchy of values, the
FACTS: right of the people to directly propose amendments to the
On December 6, 1996, Atty. Jesus S. Delfin, founding member of the Constitution is far more important than the initiative on national and
Movement for People's Initiative, filed with the COMELEC a "Petition local laws.
to Amend the Constitution, to Lift Term Limits of Elective Officials, by
People's Initiative" citing Section 2, Article XVII of the Constitution. While R.A. No. 6735 specially detailed the process in implementing
Acting on the petition, the COMELEC set the case for hearing and initiative and referendum on national and local laws, it intentionally
directed Delfin to have the petition published. After the hearing the did not do so on the system of initiative on amendments to the
arguments between petitioners and opposing parties, the COMELEC Constitution.
directed Delfin and the oppositors to file their "memoranda and/or WHEREFORE, petition is GRANTED.
oppositions/memoranda" within five days. On December 18, 1996, People's Initiative
Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago, Alexander Padilla, and Maria This is probable the best case there is on the question of the people's
Isabel Ongpin filed a special civil action for prohibition under Rule 65 right to directly propose amendments to the constitution through the
raising the following arguments, among others: system of initiative.

1.) That the Constitution can only be amended by people’s initiative if SANTIAGO VS COMELEC
there is an enabling law passed by Congress, to which no such law
has yet been passed; and Nature: Petition for prohibition; the right of the people to directly
propose amendments to the constitution through the system of
2.) That R.A. 6735 does not suffice as an enabling law on people’s initiative.
initiative on the Constitution, unlike in the other modes of initiative.
Miriam Defensor Santiago, Alexander Padilla, Ma. Isabel Ongpin –
ISSUE: Jesus Delfin, Alberto & Carmen Pedrosa (PIRMA), COMELEC –
Is R.A. No. 6735 sufficient to enable amendment of the Constitution respondents
by people’s initiative? Raul Roco, DIK, MABINI, IBP, LABAN – petitioners/intervenors

NO. R.A. 6735 is inadequate to cover the system of initiative on Atty. Delfin filed with the COMELEC a petition to amend the
amendments to the Constitution. constitution by People’s initiative. His proposal is to lift the term limits
Under the said law, initiative on the Constitution is confined only to of elective officials and thus amending Sections 4 and 7 of Art VI,
proposals to AMEND. The people are not accorded the power to Section 4 of Art VII and Section 8 of Art X of the 1987 Philippine
"directly propose, enact, approve, or reject, in whole or in part, the Constitution. In his petition, Delfin asked the COMELEC to issue an
Constitution" through the system of initiative. They can only do so order (1) fixing the time and dates for signature gathering all over the
with respect to "laws, ordinances, or resolutions." The use of the country; (2) cause the publication of such order in newspaper of
clause "proposed laws sought to be enacted, approved or rejected, general and local circulation; and (3) instructing municipal election
amended or repealed" denotes that R.A. No. 6735 excludes initiative registrars in all regions of the Philippines to assist him and his
on amendments to the Constitution. volunteers in establishing signing stations. The COMELEC then issued
an order directing Delfin to cause the publication of the petition and
set the case for hearing.
under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, given the Roco motion filed with
At the hearing, Senator Roco filed a motion to dismiss the Delfin the COMELEC seeking dismissal of the Delfin petition on the ground of
Petition on the ground that it is not the initiatory petition properly lack of jurisdiction.
cognizable by the COMELEC. Thereafter, Senator Santiago, et al., filed
a special civil action for prohibition before the Supreme Court. (2) RA 6735 is inadequate to cover the system of initiative to amend
the constitution because while Sec 3 mentions initiative on the
ISSUES: Constitution and Sec 5 restates the constitutional requirements as to
The issues in the instant petition are the following: the percentage of registered voters needed for a proposal, the law
does not provide for the contents of a petition for initiative on the
(1) Whether it is proper for the Supreme Court to take cognizance of Constitution; while there are subtitles for national and local initiatives,
the petition when there is a pending case before the COMELEC. there is no subtitle for the initiative on the Constitution; thus, the law
is incomplete, and this inadequacy cannot be cured by empowering
(2) Whether R.A. No. 6735, entitled An Act Providing for a System of the COMELEC to promulgate implementing rules and regulations.
Initiative and Referendum and Appropriating Funds Therefore, was
intended to include or cover initiative on amendments to the (3) It logically follows that the COMELEC cannot validly promulgate
Constitution; and if so, whether the Act, as worded, adequately rules and regulations to implement the exercise of the right of the
covers such initiative. people to directly propose amendments to the Constitution through
the system of initiative. It does not have that power under R.A. No.
(3) Whether that portion of COMELEC Resolution No. 2300 (In re: 6735. Reliance on the COMELEC's power under Section 2(1) of Article
Rules and Regulations Governing the Conduct of Initiative on the IX-C of the Constitution is misplaced, for the laws and regulations
Constitution, and Initiative and Referendum on National and Local referred to therein are those promulgated by the COMELEC under (a)
Laws) regarding the conduct of initiative on amendments to the Section 3 of Article IX-C of the Constitution, or (b) a law where
Constitution is valid, considering the absence in the law of specific subordinate legislation is authorized and which satisfies the
provisions on the conduct of such initiative. "completeness" and the "sufficient standard" tests.

(4) Whether the lifting of term limits of elective national and local (4) Santiago’s petition contend that the people's initiative is limited to
officials, as proposed in the draft "Petition for Initiative on the 1987 amendments to the constitution, not to revision thereof. Extending or
Constitution," would constitute a revision of, or an amendment to, the lifting of term limits constitutes a revision and is, therefore, outside
Constitution. the power of the people's initiative. Delfin in his memoranda contend
that the lifting of the limitation on the term of office of elective
(5) Whether the COMELEC can take cognizance of, or has jurisdiction officials provided under the 1987 constitution is not a "revision" of the
over, a petition solely intended to obtain an order (a) fixing the time constitution. It is only an amendment. "Amendment envisages an
and dates for signature gathering; (b) instructing municipal election alteration of one or a few specific provisions of the constitution.
officers to assist Delfin's movement and volunteers in establishing Revision contemplates a re-examination of the entire document to
signature stations; and (c) directing or causing the publication of, determine how and to what extent it should be altered. The Office of
inter alia, the unsigned proposed Petition for Initiative on the 1987 the Solicitor General opined that extension of term of elected officials
Constitution. constitute a mere amendment to the Constitution, not a revision
thereof. In its amended petition in intervention DIK and MABINI
RULING: contend that the Delfin proposal does not involve a mere amendment
The Supreme Court held that: to, but a revision of, the Constitution because, in the words of Fr.
(1) The instant petition is viable despite the pendency in the Joaquin Bernas it would involve a change from a political philosophy
COMELEC of the Delfin Petition. The COMELEC has no jurisdiction to that rejects unlimited tenure to one that accepts unlimited tenure;
take cognizance of the petition filed by Delfin and that it becomes and although the change might appear to be an isolated one, it can
imperative to stop the COMELEC from proceeding any further. The SC affect other provisions, such as, on synchronization of elections and
said that despite the pendency of the Delfin Petition in the COMELEC, on the State policy of guaranteeing equal access to opportunities for
the SC had jurisdiction over the Defensor-Santiago petition because public service and prohibiting political dynasties. A revision cannot be
the petition may be treated as a special civil action for certiorari
done by initiative which, by express provision of Section 2 of Article Bluntly stated, the right of the people to directly propose
XVII of the Constitution, is limited to amendments. amendments to the Constitution through the system of initiative
would remain entombed in the cold niche of the Constitution until
(5) COMELEC acted without jurisdiction or with grave abuse of Congress provides for its implementation. Stated otherwise, while the
discretion in entertaining the Delfin Petition. It was held that Constitution has recognized or granted that right, the people cannot
COMELEC is without jurisdiction to entertain the Delfin Petition exercise it if Congress, for whatever reason, does not provide for its
because it did not contain the signatures of the required number of implementation.
voters as required by the Constitution.
The petition therefore is granted; R. A. No. 6735 is declared Has Congress “provided” for the implementation of the exercise of
inadequate to cover the system of initiative on amendments to the this right?
Constitution, and for failure to provide sufficient standard for
subordinate legislation; Those parts of Resolution No. 2300 of the There is, of course, no other better way for Congress to implement
Commission on Elections prescribing rules and regulations on the the exercise of the right than through the passage of a statute or
conduct of initiative or amendments to the Constitution is declared legislative act. xxx
void; and the Commission on Elections is ordered to dismiss the
DELFIN petition. We agree that RA 6735 was, as its history reveals, intended to cover
Word of the Day: initiative to propose amendments to the Constitution.
Initiative is a form of direct legislation by the people consisting of two But is RA 6735 a full compliance with the power and duty of Congress
parts: petition and election. It does not become effective until passed to “provide for the implementation of the exercise of the right?”
by voters and its availability does not remedy the denial of the right A careful scrutiny of the Act yields a negative answer.
to referendum.
First. Contrary to the assertion of public respondents COMELEC, Sec.
SANTIAGO v. COMELEC 2 of the Act does not suggest an initiative on amendments to the
G.R. No. 127325, March 19, 1997 Constitution. The said section reads:

Constitutional provision on People's Initiative is not self-executory SECTION 2. Statement and Policy. – The power of the people under a
Principle of Non-delegation of Powers, Exceptions system of initiative and referendum to directly propose, enact,
approve or reject, in whole or in part, the Constitution, laws,
FACTS: ordinances, or resolutions passed by any legislative body upon
Petitioners in this case sought to amend certain provisions of the compliance with the requirements of this Act is hereby affirmed,
Constitution, specifically lifting the limit of terms of elective officials, recognized and guaranteed.
through people’s initiative. Santiago et al. opposed on the ground
that the constitutional provision on people’s initiative to amend the The inclusion of the word “Constitution” therein was a delayed
Constitution can only be implemented by law to be passed by afterthought. That word is neither germane nor relevant to said
Congress. There is no law passed yet and RA 6735, which provides for section, which exclusively relates to initiative and referendum on
initiative on statues and local legislation but not initiative on the national laws and local laws, ordinances, and resolutions. That section
Constitution. is silent as to amendments on the Constitution. As pointed out earlier,
initiative on the Constitution is confined only to proposals to AMEND.
ISSUE: The people are not accorded the power to “directly propose, enact,
Whether or not RA 6735 adequately provided for people’s initiative on approve, or reject, in whole or in part, the Constitution” through the
Constitution system of initiative. They can only do so with respect to “laws,
ordinances, or resolutions.”
Constitutional provision on people’s initiative is not self-executory Second. It is true that Sec. 3 (Definition of Terms) of the Act defines
Sec. 2 of Art. XVII of the not self-executory. xxx initiative on amendments to the Constitution and mentions it as one
of the three systems of initiative, and that Sec. 5 (Requirements)
restates the constitutional requirements as to the percentage of the
registered voters who must submit the proposal. But unlike in the the delegation itself is valid. It is valid only if the law (a) is complete
case of the other systems of initiative, the Act does not provide for in itself, setting forth therein the policy to be executed, carried out, or
the contents of a petition for initiative on the Constitution. Sec. 5, implemented by the delegate; and (b) fixes a standard – the limits of
paragraph (c) requires, among other things, statement of the which are sufficiently determinate and determinable – to which the
proposed law sought to be enacted, approved or rejected, amended delegate must conform in the performance of his functions. A
or repealed, as the case may be. It does not include, as among the sufficient standard is one which defines legislative policy, marks its
contents of the petition, the provisions of the Constitution sought to limits, maps out its boundaries and specifies the public agency to
be amended, in the case of initiative on the Constitution. apply it. It indicates the circumstances under which the legislative
command is to be effected.
Third. While the Act provides subtitles for National Initiative and
Referendum (Subtitle II) and for Local Initiative and Referendum Insofar as initiative to propose amendments to the Constitution is
(Subtitle III), no subtitle is provided for initiative on the Constitution. concerned, RA 6735 miserably failed to satisfy both requirements in
This conspicuous silence as to the latter simply means that the main subordinate legislation. The delegation of the power to the COMELEC
thrust of the Act is initiative and referendum on national and local is then invalid.
laws. If Congress intended RA 6735 to fully provide for the
implementation of the initiative on amendments to the Constitution, it
could have provided for a subtitle therefor, considering that in the
order of things, the primacy of interest, or hierarchy of values, the
right of the people to directly propose amendments to the
Constitution is far more important than the initiative on national and
local laws.

The foregoing brings us to the conclusion that RA 6735 is incomplete,

inadequate, or wanting in essential terms and conditions insofar as
initiative on amendments to the Constitution is concerned. Its lacunae
on this substantive matter are fatal and cannot be cured by
“empowering” the COMELEC “to promulgate such rules and
regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of the

Principle of non-delegation of power

The rule is that what has been delegated, cannot be delegated or as

expressed in a Latin maxim: potestas delegata non delegari potest.
The recognized exceptions to the rule are as follows:

Delegation of tariff powers to the President under Sec. 28(2), Art. VI;
Delegation of emergency powers to the President under Sec. 23(2),
Art. VI;
Delegation to the people at large;
Delegation to local governments; and
Delegation to administrative bodies.

Empowering the COMELEC, an administrative body exercising quasi-

judicial functions, to promulgate rules and regulations is a form of
delegation of legislative authority under no. 5 above. However, in
every case of permissible delegation, there must be a showing that

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