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RW¥3 Check the Topic and Main Ideas of a Passage Almost all TOEFL passages contain one question about either the topic or subject, or the main ideas of a reading passage. This type of question is usually the first question about the passage. ‘These questions ask about the whole passage, not just a part of the passage. In order to correctly answer these questions, you should use the skimming and scanning strategies practiced in RV. ‘To answer questions on the TOEFL about the topic and the main ideas of a passage, follow these steps: 1 2. 3, Read the first several sentences for the topic and main ideas. Read the last sentences for the conclusion and a possible restatement of the topic and main ideas. Skim the rest of the passage for the key words that will confirm the topic and the main ideas and show the organization of the passage. Read the first question about the passage and answer it. Read the answer choices, Eliminate any answers that are definitely wrong, and choose the best answer from the remaining ones. ‘Think about the following passage. Answer the questions before you read the explanation. MODEL In the critical area of food production, new cooperative efforts in agricultural research and development are paying off. Food scientists are discovering that humankind is nowhere near the limits of plant, livestock, and soil productivity. There is still room to boost yields and learn how to use more efficiently the earth’s acreage for animal and crop husbandry. Investigation of irrigation procedures, pest control, intercropping, and multicropping are several areas that are providing useful information for the world’s farmers, 1, What is the topic of this passage? (A) Agricultural research and food production (B) Farmers throughout the world (©) Food scientists (D) Investigation of irrigation procedures 7 2. The passage supports which of the following statements? (A) New information from agricultural research can increase world food production, (B) Food production is declining around the world, (©) Agricultural research and development will be expensive. (D) There are few initiatives to help today’s farmers. Answers: 262 Reading Comprehension Y Explanation & ‘The correct answer to Question 1 is (A) Agricultural research and food production. This question asks ‘you about the topic of the passage, which is the most general statement you make about a passage. In the first sentence of this passage the phrases food production and agricultural research and development give you this basic concept. The rest of the information in the passage supports the statement in the first sentence. Answers (B), (C), and (D) ate too specific to be the topic of the passage. Answer (A) is the most general statement in the passage. ‘The correct answer to Question 2 is (A) New information from agricultural research can intcrease world food production. This question asks you about a main idea of the passage. A main idea of a passage tells you something more about the topic. In this passage the author tells us that efforts in agricultural research and development (in the area of food production) are paying off, which means they are beneficial. Other key words that develop this concept are: nowhere near the limits of . productivity; boost yields .. . use more efficiently; investigation . .. useful information for the world’s farmers. Answers (B) and (D) are not true; and answer (C) is not mentioned in the passage. Read About the Topic ‘The topic of a passage is what the passage is mainly about. It can usually be stated in a few words and is the most general statement that can be made about the passage. To identify the topic of a passage, read the first and last sentences of the passage. Skim through the passage and notice the ‘words that are repeated exactly or are repeated as synonyms or pronouns many times throughout the passage. These key words should give you a clue to the topic. Answer choices to TOEFL topic questions often require students to: 1. distinguish between general and specific concepts and determine which are necessary to correctly state the topic of the passage; 2, identify a paraphrase of the key words and concepts; 3. identify a term which correctly serves as a category word for certain concepts in the passage; and, 4. understand the organization of the passage to determine if the passage is a description, a process, a comparison, etc. and identify the correct organizational word in the answer. ‘TOEFL questions about the topic of a passage are often worded as follows: With what is this passage mainly concerned? What is the topic of this passage? This passage mainly discusses ‘What does this passage mainly discuss? This passage deals mainly with . What is the subject of this passage? oe ON THE TOEFL ‘+ Remember that topic questions ask about the whole passage. NOTE: The terms subject and topic are often used interchangeably in questions on the Reading Comprehension Section of the TOEFL. Reading Comprehension 263 EXERCISE 3A: Practice Predicting the Topic from the Key Words Read the following key words to predict the probable topic of the reading, passage from which they were taken. Circle the letter of the probable top. 1. Reservations, February, snow conditions, ski pass, rentals, ce skating, sauna, on the other hand, water temperature, beach, swimming, suntan, fishing. (A) Recreational activities (B) Two types of winter vacations (C) Learning to ski (D) Choosing a pastime 2. Basic document, seismogram, literature of the earthquake, analyze the waves, calculate, power, duration, surface location, precise origin, movement along the fault, piece of paper, piece of tape. (A) Recording an earthquake (B) Predicting an earthquake (C) Photographing an earthquake (D) The structure of the earth 3, Sweet com, home gardens, warm weather ctop, plant early, August harvest, com-on- the-cob, canning, freezing, relishes, eating pleasure, good nutrition. (A) The history of sweet com (B) Where to grow sweet corn (© Common corn recipes (D) Sweet com as a garden vegetable Read About Main Ideas 4, Radio, AM transmitters, high signal, 1920s, at first, inass listening, earphones, Pittsburgh, Chicago, pioneer, later on, loudspeaker, living room, weekly broadcasts, favorite shows, (A) Radio programming (B) The development of AM radio (© Early communications (D) The first radio stations 5. Form, space, light, architect, superficial effects, International Style, box-like, inhibiting to spatial freedom, devoid of any organic relationship with nature, peas ina pod. (A) Architectural criticism (B) Restrictive building codes (©) Garden vegetables (D) Natural forms in housing ‘The main ideas of a passage are statements about the topic which indicate a point of view about the topic. While the topic is stated as an answer to the question “What is the passage about?”, the main ideas answer the question “What is important about the topic?” A main idea is most often a full sentence which contains a statement about the topic. To identify main ideas, look for key words that show a relationship to the topic and are repeated throughout the passage. The main idea is often restated in the conclusion of the passage. Answer choices for main idea questions often require students to: 1. distinguish between true and untrue statements about the passage and 2. identify the statement that contains the key words of the controlling idea of the passage. TOEFL questions about main ideas are often worded as follows: ‘The passage supports which of the following statements? Which of the following assumptions is expressed in this passage? 264 Reading Comprehension wl EXERCISE 3B: Practice Identifying the Topic, Main Idea, and Details in a Series of Statements from a Reading Passage ‘Skim all four statements for each question. Label each statement: T for topic, MI for main idea, or D for details. _D_ 1, Electrical failure is a constant concern to both engineers and ground control. _T_ Problems with the NASA space program. _MI Technical problems have consistently delayed progress in the NASA space program. _D_ Fuselage leaks caused postponement of the latest shuttle flight. 2, The technique involves inserting genetic instructions into the bacteria, which follow the instructions Producing human insulin ‘ Humulin is the first substance made by gene-splicing approved by the US. government for human use. | 3 i ‘The instructions involve creating the two necessary ingredients to make insulin, ___. 3. With the Appalachian Trail following the state line along the ridge, this is a wonderful place to hike from spring to fall. Each season will offer visitors to the park an array of sights and activities. ‘ ‘Smoky Mountain National Park Mountain laurel and flame azalea bloom in early June to mid-July. 4, Fungal foods, of which corn smut is perhaps the ugliest, may soon become part of American nouvelle cuisine. ° ‘Most people in the United States view corn smut with revulsion because they question the safety of fungal foods in general t ‘The mushroom-like fungus has long played a part in the diet of Native American cultures. 3] New uses for “corn smut” ____ 5. For instance, air freight may be much more expensive than rail transport, but shipping : everything from a single warehouse may cut other costs. ‘The cost of transportation Many companies today use the total physical distribution concept, mnaximizing the efficiency of physical distribution activities while minimizing their cost. ‘The company will make cost tradeofis between the various physical distribution activities, Reading Comprehension 265 EXERCISE 3C: Practice Predicting the Topic Read the key sentences. Circle the letter of the topic for a passage containing these key sentences. 1. All caged birds need a home that is large and roomy. Most finches need a cage with narrow spaces between the bars. Almost any garden setting is ideal for an aviary, as long as it is out of the wind’s path. A. Caged birds B. The proper home for your bird C. Finding the right bird 2. Deciduous forest communities once formed a continuous band across eastern North America. In its natural state itis rich in species, net production is high, and the structure of the ecosystem is stable. Today much of this area is occupied and utilized by human beings, so that the biome rarely is found in its original state. A. Forest ecosystems B, The changing deciduous forest C. Human influence on biomes 3. Numerology begins with your name and your birthdate. During the time of Pythagoras, the famous Greek mathematician and philosopher, numerology ‘was reserved for the rulers, who often used it to make critical decisions. Sometimes understanding yourself is just as important as understanding someone else. A. Personality disorders and theit cure B. Ancient mathematicians | C. Describing you through numbers 4, Early in the seventeenth century, settlers from western France came to what is now Nova Scotia’s fertile Annapolis Basin. Their new homeland of Acadie fell under British rule in 1755, and 10,000 Acadians were deported, captured, or detained. By 1765 a few hundred had settled in Louisiana, while 2,500 impoverished Acadians congregated in French maritime ports. In 1785 the Spanish king transported about 1,600 Acadians to Louisiana; this has been called the largest single transatlantic migration up to that time, the end of a 30-year exile. A, The eatly settling of North America B, Acadians on the move C. A transatlantic migration 5. The art of judo lies not so much in great strength as in skillful use of the body and mind. Judo involves a complex system of physical and mental skills that help produce both mental and physical fitness. ‘Consisting of hundreds of techniques, every movement in judo has a definite meaning and purpose. A. Judo is more than a sport B. Judo and physical fitness C. Disadvantages of judo 266 Reading Comprehension EXERCISE 3D: Practice Identifying the Topic and Main Ideas of a Reading Passage Read the passage and answer the questions. Circle the correct answer to each question. Sometimes called puma, panther, or mountain lion, the agile cougar has a greater natural range than any other mamumal in the Western Hemisphere except humans. However, long viewed as a threat to livestock, it has been Line intensively hunted since the arrival of European colonists to the Americas (5) and was almost extinct by the early twentieth century. While protective measures have been implemented in the United States, humans continue to destroy the cougar’s habitat, further endangering this solitary cat, ‘L. What is the topic of the passage? 3. The word “threat” in line 3 is closest (A) The cougar in meaning to (B) Mammals of the Western Hemisphere (A) friend (© Endangered species (B) danger (D) A threat to livestock (©) boon (D) signal 2. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? z| (A) The cougar is extinct. Fi (B) The cougar is an endangered animal. (© The cougar inhabits a small area of North America (D) The cougar lives easily with humans. EXERCISE 3E: More Practice Identifying the Topic and Main Ideas Read the passage and answer the questions, Circle the correct answer to each question. ‘cleaning symbiosis.” At least six species of small shrimp, frequently brightly colored, crawl over fish, picking off parasites and cleaning injured Line areas. This is not an accidental occurrence, because fish are observed to (5) congregate around these shrimp and stay motionless while being inspected. 4 Several species of small fish (wrasses) ate also cleaners, nearly all of them. having appropriate adaptations such as long snouts, tweezer-like teeth, and bright coloration. Conspicuous coloration probably communicates that i In marine habitats, a number of small creatures are involved in a 4 these animals are not prey. 7q 1. Whats the topic of this passage? 3. The word “adaptations” in line 7 is closest | (A) Marine life in meaning to (B) Why fish need to be cleaned (A) equipment (C) How certain sea creatures clean other fish (B) sensitivity (D) How fish are adapted to be cleaners {C) modifications (D) attractions 2. The passage supports which of the J following statements? 4, The word “Conspicuous” in line 8 is closest 7 (A) Some fish never need to be cleaned. in meaning to ij (B) Cleaning symbiosis is an important (A) Dismal aspect of marine life. {B) Changing (© Most fish clean each other. {C) Unfortunate (D) Clean fish are brightly colored. (D) Noticeable oF Reading Comprehension 267 | | EXERCISE 3F: More Practice Identifying the Topic and Main Ideas Read the passage and answer the questions. Circle the correct answer to each question. The northern lights, or the aurora borealis, is one of nature’s most dazzling spectacles. When it appears, there is often a crackling sound coming from the sky. A huge, luminous arc lights up the night, and this are | Line is constantly in motion, Sometimes, the brilliant rays of light spread (5) upward in the shape of a fan. At other times, they flash here and there like giant searchlights, or move up and down so suddenly that they have been called “the merry dancers.” Farther north the aurora frequently looks like fiery draperies which hang from the sky and sway to and fro while flames of red, orange, green, and blue play up and down the moving folds. (10) According to scientific measurements, this discharge of light takes place from 50 to 100 miles above the earth, But it doesn’t reach its greatest brilliance at the North Pole. It is seen at its best around the Hudson Bay region in Canada, in northern Scotland, and in southern Norway and ‘Sweden. It may sometimes be seen even in the United States as it flashes, (25) across the northern sky. Science is still not certain regarding exactly what these lights are and what causes them, But it is believed that the rays are due to discharges of electricity in the rare upper atmosphere. The displays seem to center about the earth’s magnetic poles, and electrical and magnetic disturbances often (20) occur when the lights are especially brilliant 1. What is the topic of this passage? (A) What the northern lights look like (B) The northern lights (©) The cause of the northern lights (D) Where to best see the northern lights | 2. What does the second paragraph of the passage mainly discuss? (A) The northern lights at the North Pole (B) The brightness of northern lights (©) The distance from earth of the discharge of light ° (D) Where the northern lights are observable ‘The word “luminous” in line 3 is closest in meaning to (A) shining (B) curved {© lasting (D) pulsating 268 Reading Comprehension EXERCISE 3G: More Practice Identifying the Topic and Main Ideas Read the passage and answer the questions. Circle the cortect answer to each question. Coral reefs are to the seas what rain forests are to the land, Teeming with life, these ecosystems depend upon sunlight and an intricate relationship between plant and animal to survive. Line The brilliant blue of the Red Sea is an unexpected sight within the dry (5) expanse of the Middle Eastern desert. Even more unexpected, however, is the myriad of colorful marine creatures which thrive in its shallow reefs and deep slopes. Half a world away in Australia’s Coral Sea, a pair of clownfish will find protection in the reef as they patiently guard their eggs i until they hatch. Strangely enough, these fish are actually poor swimmers (20) and seldom stray far from the protective cover provided by the sea anemones which dwell in their coral reef homes. Another colorful addition to coral reefs appears as a rose-like creation. It is actually a ribbon of thousands of tiny nudibranch eggs. Nudibranches are a variety of very colorful, strangely shaped gastropods which can be (15) found in the world’s warm seas and which feed on sponges, hydroid polyps, sea anemones, moss animals, or sea squirts, (A) Colorful fish (B) Rain forests (© Coral reefs (D) Ecosystems of the world 2. According to the passage, al of the following statements about coral reefs are true EXCEPT (A) Coral reefs provide an ecosystem to support fish and plant life. (B) Coral reefs are found in warm waters of the world. (© Coral reefs are colorful (D) Coral reefs develop in the deepest parts of the ocean. | 1, What is the topic of this passage? 3. The word “stray” in line 10 is closest in meaning to (A) reproduce . ®) live (© wander (D) eat See the Reading Appendix, pages 493-499, for more information on the Topic and Main 7 Ideas of a reading passage. In the Answer Key, you will find explanations for the answers to the questions in Exercises 3-36. 2 RW4 — Check Purpose and Organizational Patterns Some TOEFL Reading Comprehension questions ask about the author’s purpose for the passage or about the organization of the passage. ‘The purpose of a passage is the reason the author wrote the passage, or the intent of the author in writing the passage. The organizational pattern of a reading pascage is the way that the author arranges the information to carry out his or her purpose or intent in writing the passage. TOEFL ] questions about the general organizational pattern of a passage ask you about the style the author uses in his or her writing rather than the purpose of the whole passage. Think about the following passage and questions. Answer the questions before reading the explanation. Reading Comprehension 269 |

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