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Aatiqa Ijaz
Department Of Architecture And Planning, University Of Engineering and Technology, Lahore.

Key Words: Tourism plays an important role in promoting local handicrafts,
soveniour and fine arts of any place. It helps in strengthening bond
Soveniour among different cultures of a country. With the increase in
Mughal architecture tourism, Lahore is becoming hub for tourists with every passing
day. Due to presence of landmarks, Mughal architecture and rich
Voronoi cultural heritage of Lahore, tourists prefer visiting Old Lahore.
Lacks of facilities and tourists attractions in other regions have
increase the cultural discrimination among all four provinces. The
vendors in different regions are selling the handicrafts of different
areas. To remove overall discrimination, the aim of my project is
to create Voronoi and unite all the cultures through a single line
and depicting the view point of culture without boundaries. The
project will provide a primary shelter to all the vendors which are
sitting outside the fort so that they can sell the soveniour in a better
way and can play their role in improving the overall economy

January 11, 2020

Voronoi Versa: A Unison of Cultures

Introduction: Self-organization is defined as the process

according to which different systems of an
The project is based on implementation of
internal environment along with their
technique of Voronoi division to unite all the
functions change themsleves according to
cultures of Pakistan. At present, Lahore is
external environment. With the development
the main tourist hub. Each year a large
in technology, a large number of Voronoi
number of tourists visit the heritage of
self-organization based structures have been
Lahore. The Walled city provides an
constructed (Snoeck, et al., 2018).
opportunity to vendors to sell their souvenirs
based on cultural values of other traditions. In this modern era of architecture,
Souvenirs depicting the craftsmanship of developments of complex and dynamic
Multan, Bahawalpur, Peshawar which division of spaces which are being inspired
includes food and other goods such as by nature have become an emerging trend.
pottery, bed sheets, handmade key chains Another term known as Voronoi tessellation
are being sell by Vendors in different areas which refers to division of space according
of Old Lahore. However, these vendors do to different structural based elements is also
not have any primary shelter due to lack of being used in Architecture. Due to minimum
built structure which further lead to cultural requirements and other criterion Voronoi
discrimination. The main aim of this project based structures have helped architects in
is to uniting all the cultures and providing providing many optimal based solutions. At
the vendors a properly constructed built present, the modern techniques are based on
structure which will depict the cultural value nature along with understanding of methods
of different regions. It will be a revival of of division in nature, self-based organization
cultures of Pakistan. This approach will help of different structures and then their
in improving the economy as well as tourism representation by using different proposed
in regions of Sindh, Baluchistan and mathematical models (Rokicki et al., 2016).
Peshawar. In existing urban as well as contemporary
architecture, Voronoi structures have played
Literature Review: a very important role. It is a fact that
Voronoi is defined as the technique which Voronoi is an approach which leads
helps in dividing a specific space into architects in bringing new trends of
different sub spaces (Rokicki, et al., 2016). It designing. This system of division is present
is a process of division which exists in our on the shell of turtle, skin of giraffe, and
nature. Self-organization of different process of wax generation by honey comb
biological based structure can also be and on the wing of butterfly known as
presented using this technique. The project dragon fly. This approach of
is based on implementation of Voronoi in implementation of Voronoi helps in uniting
planning as well as in exterior of building different spaces, creating harmony,
which will lead to unite all the existing communication as well as dynamic response
cultures of Pakistan. Voronoi will help in by the internal environment according to the
depicting the approach of all at one place. external changings (Chen, et al., 2017).

January 11, 2020

Voronoi Versa: A Unison of Cultures

This process of Voronoing is sometime also Criteria for site selection:

known as the rule of nature. This division
can happen in different ways according to Lahore is famous for its food. Food is in its
scale, materials and available forms. tradition, culture, and roots. Food Street
generously represents the local culture and
In America, a pavilion known as Eureka diversity of food and taste. Food Street has
pavilion has been designed by seeking its importance for showcasing the real taste
inspiration from this process of division in and norms of the food for that area. So the
nature. It is not a closed space but an open site for my project is located in the main hub
pavilion. The growth as well as development of the cultural heritage of Pakistan. Due to
of different plants on the basis of Voronoi the main tourist attraction, cultural
has been implemented in the exterior of this acceptance exists. The site has strong
building. The headquarters of Alibaba security around its premises. It provides a
building located in China have also used the way to OLD LAHORE and other Cultural
approach of Voronoi for creating space heritage and landmarks of Pakistan. The site
which includes an atrium and other is the main hub for tourism. But due to lack
functional division. Changsha international of aesthetics people do not pay a visit to the
art Centre designed by Zaha Hadid located area. They come and enjoy their food in
in Tehran is also based on this method of Haveli and go back’. At the outside of
division. The architects have used this Lahore fort, a large number of vendors used
method in landscape as well as in outer to sell local and cultural-based things
building exterior for development of more without having any shelter. It is important to
sustainable structures. With the provide a space where tourists come and get
development in technology, architects are to know about all the cultures of our
able to generate new tools which lead to Country. There is a need to provide a
shaping of modern spatial divisions which permanent shelter where these vendors can
are more complex and interesting. In this sell our culture in a better way. This
whole process, algorithm and different approach will help in presenting Culture
methods of computing also play a very without boundaries. The site has different
important role (Şahin et al., 2017). By landmarks in its context which increase the
implementing algorithm in different site feasibility for my project.
computing programs it has become possible
for architects to generate Voronoi based
structures. Spatial planning on the basis of
Voronoi has been done differently in
different cases according to needs of the user
and demands of the environment. Many
architects and urban planners have used this Fig 1 showing the site location
approach for divisor of different spaces in
their context. Park has also been designed on
this context.

January 11, 2020

Voronoi Versa: A Unison of Cultures

The difference among cultures:

Craftsmen Pakistan is considered best in
their crafts skills. There exists a large
cultural diversity in Pakistan due to different
social, linguistic, ethnic and other social
circumstances of every area. Punjab is Fig 2 showing points Fig 3 showing Delaunay triangles
known for its literature and Sufis which have
Punjab is famous for its deep meaning.
Saag, Mela charaghan, lok dastan are among
some important features of this province.
Sindh is known for textiles work. Pottery of
Sindh along with leather work is also very
famous throughout the world. The Sindh Fig 4 showing voronoi Fig 3 showing bisection
ajrak and crafts of mohenjo daro have
importance on international level. The Voronoi and Map of Pakistan:
polished ornamentations of Indus valley
civilizations have also won the praise on Just like the division in nature, I observed
international level. Baluchistan is a region that Voronoi also exists in regions of
having deserts and more barren lands. The Pakistan. There are four provinces in
balochis are known for sajji and their Pakistan which are Punjab, Sindh,
balochi thap. KPK is known for its valleys Baluchistan, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwan.
and open green areas. Pakhtuns are very Other Graphical Regions include plateau,
friendly and are known for their food such plains, hills, mountains. The best way to
as kababs and their cultural dance. unite the cultures is through the technique of
Voronoi. I took the entomology map of
Creating Voronoi: Pakistan and then marked points of areas
which have some heritage and are famous
Voronoi is defined as the system which for their culture. After marking the points I
helps in dividing a space into different sub adapted the technique of creating Voronoi
divisions in a very systematic and a random and come up with a specific pattern which I
way. Points are being used for creation of would use further in my exterior and will
cells around such specific points. These help me in planning spaces. The overall
points can be taken as randomly or can be pattern will also be implemented on exterior
adapted according to certain data and then
according to site analysis.
tessellation is being done. The overall
process is based on six basic steps which
includes Defining the infinite points then
joining the points. Process of Line bisection.
Further divisions among triangles and then
having Final Voronoi pattern
Fig 5 showing points Fig 6 showing voronoi

January 11, 2020

Voronoi Versa: A Unison of Cultures

Voronoi and Culture: Interpretation of the software:

Just like in nature, there is division among A hexagonal grid is being created by
different areas of Pakistan. Each province hexagonal components. Different points
has Different divisions, Cities, Culture, outside the socket create the center point for
Traditions, Language, Food, Architecture, each of the hexagon. This helps in
Art and Crafts. However, the Voronoi shows determining the overall distance among all
unity among all the cities. The above drawn the spatial divisions. The basic structure is
Voronoi pattern ill help in planning a lot as based on the distance components. The
it will depict where to place Punjab where distance between the points of the attractor
Baluchistan, Sindh is and where should be to the center is the main thing. In the overall
KPK inside the building. The Voronoi definition, each rid has a specific value
diagram also depicts the shortest distance so according to its position on the map of.
by implementing this technique on the site I
will be able to understand the area ground

Voronoi and master planning:

This project will act as a Voronoi. The
building exterior will have an opening just Fig 7 and 8 showing Voronoi using grasshopper
like we have drawn in the above sections.
Building program:
The opening and closings of the Voronoi
module will be according to the site analysis The final building programs include open as
and such direction. In master planning, again well as closed pavilions. The building will
the approach of Voronoi has been have different floors according to existing
implemented to know about the best levels of divisions among areas of Pakistan.
accessibility points. The Voronoi drawn on The project will be more like a global
site has helped in depicting the green spaces village for tourists. The ticket counter,
and other spatial divisions. Relation among admin office will be placed in the beginning
different spaces will also be depicted on the according to the access points being
basis of this pattern. The black areas shows determined in the above. And other
the paths while the blocks shows the divisions will be according to site feasibility
pavilions in building. for the user. The unity is being shown
through the paths and the same approach
will be implemented while designing the
floors. The final building will also have a
large amphitheater according to the above
drawn Voronoi pattern. This amphitheater
Fig 9 showing pattern for master planning
will help the craftsman in presenting their
artwork in open areas.

January 11, 2020

Voronoi Versa: A Unison of Cultures

the consumption structures which

of material and will help the
improving the government in
structural strength improving the
as Mughal illiteracy rate in
architecture is Walled City
present in the which is the main
context of the problem in present
existing site. The Urban
openings and Development. The
closing in exterior project will also
will be according help in creating a
to the existing sun more lively space
direction. This is just like Haveli
how the final and Coco’s den in
product will act as the Food Street of
a dynamic self- Lahore. Tourists
Fig 10 showing pattern for building roof
Fig 11 showing voronoi on overall building
organized will get to know
structure. The about the
Conclusion determining the Voronoi façade livelihood of
green spaces, open will have a blend Sindhis, Punjabis,
The use of
spaces and built of vernacular Pakhtun, Balochi
Voronoi in spatial
structure of the architecture of and other
as well as in the
building. The different regions localities which
façade helps not
implementation of which will further will create a sense
only in designing
Voronoi in lead to decrease of curiosity
a piece of art but a
creating Versa cultural among the
building that will
will help in discrimination viewers. The
fit into the
balancing among areas of experience and
existing culture as
different forces of Pakistan. ambiance of
well as the
the designed Voronoi Versa
socially based Voronoi Versa
process. In this will force people
realm of the site. will be a place for
balanced designed to visit Whole
By generating a all the vendors
process, while Pakistan.
Voronoi diagram who are sitting on
doing planning
on the existing footpaths and are Bibliography:
architects will
site, the overall earning less. Rokicki, W. and
have plenty of
planning will Cobblers, fireman Gawell, E., 2016.
options. The Voronoi diagrams–
become more and all such
process of architectural and
simplified as it craftsmen will structural rod
Voronoi will also
will help in have primary structure research
help in reducing

January 11, 2020

Voronoi Versa: A Unison of Cultures

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January 11, 2020


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