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The Puppet Workshop with Viviana Rogozinski

Viviana Rogozinski´s workshop with puppets can be used for teachers and
students of any age.
Before introducing the puppets, it is necessary for the participants of the
workshop, whether they are students or teachers, to get rid of the state of
tension produced by day-to-day concerns in order to relax mind and body.
To do this, the participants will walk randomly around the room, listening
to soft music.
The hands are one of the most expressive parts of the body. To give life to
the puppet, we have to develop its sensitivity, to be able to show with our
hands, emotions, such as joy, sadness, surprise or anger and feelings such
as love, happiness, hatred, envy, compassion, empathy or disappointment.
Walking, each time the director applauds, everyone stops, stands in front of
a colleague and will make a gesture with their hands, silently,
demonstrating, without words, an emotion or a feeling.
Then they all sit on a circle, move freely first one hand, then both, making
them communicate, perform some actions, such as dancing, swimming,
hugging and silently telling a story,
In the next stage, we will work with all types of gloves, wool, latex,
mechanic, party or any other that is available.
With the glove on, we close our eyes and imagine what the space in which
the character lives is like, his personality and character. The hand will now
express the emotions, feelings and actions that this character would carry
out in his profession and in his private life. In case the participants have
difficulty in imagining what their personality would be like, think in
qualities such as being sociable, cheerful, anxious or aggressive and what
his character would be in his way of reacting, his nature; his temperament,
calm or violent, his firmness and coherence of attitudes, his solid and
unquestionable morals. If that character has a good or bad character.

In the next stage we will work with a neutral puppet. Participants receive
the puppet with their eyes closed and try to figure out the best way to fit it
in their hand. Once put on, the participant, with eyes closed, will imagine
how that character would be, what his personality and character would be
like as described above The next step is to create improvisations between
two participants with that neutral puppet in which their personality and
character are manifested. It is important after each of the stages that half of
the participants show to the rest the action they consider the most
interesting. The others and the director present their constructive criticisms.

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