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Transmitting feelings and emotions with your hands

In relation to Viviana Rogozinski's workshop, from the previous

Download, if students have difficulty creating hand gestures, the educator
can use the references below to guide the participants:

Joy: Waving and jumping your hand
Sadness: Lowering your closed hand
Surprise: Hand jumping back and holding still
Anger: Shake a closed hand
Dislike: Hand that opens slowly and looks sideways.
Contempt: Movement of the closed hand that opens quickly to the side.

Love: Hands hug, Kiss with fingers together of one hand touching the
other, Caress the hair, one hand caresses the back of the other closed hand,
Holding hands, Heart with fingers.
Happiness: Hands forward shaking with energy, clapping, jumping
Joy: Kiss from one hand to another with fingers. Join fingers on both hands
and tap them together back and forth, Open hands moving to the right and
Hate: Hand clenched, tense, shaky
Envy: Clenched hand turning to the right

Types of personalities:
Introverted, Outgoing, Sentimental, Selfish, Generous, Quiet,
Agitated, Solitary, Sociable, Formal, Relaxed, Proudly modest,
Arrogant, Ashamed

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