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To print your Creature Deck, set your

double-sided printer to short-edge
binding and print on a cardstock
material. Then, with a sharp utility knife
and straight edge, use the crop marks as
guides to trim the cards apart.

If you don’t have a double-sided printer,

print the pages individually and then
glue them back-to-back with a thin, even
coat of adhesive. Before glueing, hold the
back-to-back sheets up to a light source
to ensure they are lining up correctly.

The gutters between the cards give you a

little bit of leeway if the two sides do not
line up exactly.

TM and ©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC

Understanding the Creature Listings Numenera Creature Deck

Level: A creature’s level determines the target number a PC Build encounters quickly and easily, or create
must reach to attack or defend against the opponent. The them randomly on the fly. Then give your
difficulty number is listed in parentheses after its level. The
target number is three times the level. players a look at their foes before plunging
Health: A creature’s target number is usually also its health,
into combat.
which is the amount of damage it can sustain before it is dead
or incapacitated. This deck contains 100 of the most commonly
Damage Inflicted: Generally, when creatures hit in combat, they encountered creatures in the Ninth World,
inflict their level in damage regardless of the form of attack. Some drawn from both the Numenera corebook and
inflict more or less or have a special modifier to damage.
The Ninth World Bestiary. When you need to
Armor: This is the creature’s Armor value. This entry doesn’t build an encounter (either when prepping your
appear in the game stats if a creature has no Armor.
game or at the gaming table), simply draw a
Movement: Movement determines how far the creature can
move in a single turn.
card from this deck. You’ve got basic stats (with
a reference to the corebook, for full stats and
Modifications: Use these numbers when a creature’s
information says to use a different target number. For info) on one side, and an image to share with
example, a level 4 creature might say “defends as level 5,” your players on the reverse.
which means PCs attacking it must reach a target number of 15
(for difficulty 5) instead of 12 (for difficulty 4).
Design: Monte Cook and Bruce Cordell
Combat: This entry gives advice on using the creature Graphic Design: Kali Fitzgerald
in combat, such as, “This monster uses ambushes and
hit‑and‑run tactics.”
© 2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC
Page Number: The number you see at the bottom of a creature Numenera and its logo are trademarks of
listing tells you where to get additional information about that Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries.
creature’s motives, appearance, habitats, loot, and interactions. All Monte Cook Games characters and character names,
Orange numbers refer to the Numenera corebook, while blue and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of
numbers refer to The Ninth World Bestiary.
Monte Cook Games, LLC.

TM and ©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC

Abykos 4 (12) Accelerator 6 (18) Astraphin Monolith 6 (18) Avatrol 4 (12)
Health: 12 Movement: Short Health: 30 Movement: Long Health: 30 Movement: None Health: 19 Movement: Long
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Defends Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Damage Inflicted: Modifications:
4 points as level 5 (or as level 7; 7 points Perceives as level 8; 6 points 4 points Attacks as level 5;
see Combat). Armor: 4 Speed defense as level Armor: 4 perceives as level 6.
5 due to size. Armor: 2
Combat: An abykos fights with its long, Combat: An astraphin monolith can fire a
seemingly metallic claws. At the beginning Combat: Accelerators defend themselves with Combat: Avatrols use nasty, charging
beam of energy at foes within a range of 200 pounces when they attack. However, the
or the end of its turn, it can choose to be multiple bladelike appendages, attacking up feet (61 m), but it can vary the type of beam
insubstantial, solid, or partially solid. Once this to three foes as a single action. most interesting thing about them is
based on the situation:
decision is made, the creature can’t change Most significantly, however, they can alter the that they are immune to most dangerous
state again until its next turn. • A blast of raw force that inflicts 6 points of
acceleration of up to three different creatures energies. Blasts of force, concentrated
damage on one target
While insubstantial, it can’t affect or be affected or objects within immediate range, from light, and focused heat reflect off the hide
by anything unless the attack is pandimensional. • A ray of psychic energy that inflicts 4 points
halting a moving object to causing an object of an avatrol back in the direction it came
While partially solid, an abykos defends as level to suddenly move rapidly and with force. This of Intellect damage on one target (and
ignores Armor)
from. (This isn’t true of more specific
7. It can affect and attack in this state, but affects power can be used in a variety of ways. They or exotic energies—magnetic waves,
solid matter as level 2. While solid, an abykos can: hurl a heavy object at a target in short • A beam of nerve-targeting energy that
can affect and be affected by others normally. paralyzes one target if she fails a Might
high frequency sonics, and so on—or of
range (7 points of damage), hurl a light object ambient damage.) Reflected rays have
As an attack, a solid abykos can touch an object up to long range (5 points of damage), or defense roll. Each round, the paralyzed
that uses transdimensional energies, such as an victim can attempt another Might defense the same level, range, and damage as the
hurl a foe away from them up to short range
artifact or a cypher. Instead of taking damage, the roll to shrug off the effect original source of the attack, so avoiding
(7 points of damage). A moving character
object is drained of power and becomes useless or object within immediate range can also • A burst of heat that inflicts 3 points of the reflected beam of a level 7 ray emitter
and the abykos gains +5 health (even if the be forced to stop immediately and remain damage on all creatures within immediate is a difficulty 7 task.
increase puts it above its maximum health). motionless for one round. range (rather than its normal range)
230 20 21 22

Balikna 4 (12) Bellowheart 6 (18) Blitzer 5 (15) Blood Barm 3 (9)

Health: 20 Movement: Short Health: 30 Movement: Short Health: 20 Movement: Short Health: 10 Movement: Short
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications:
6 points Defends as level 5 6 points defense as level 5 due 6–15 points See Combat for 4 points Speed defense as
due to camouflage. Armor: 3 to size. (see Combat) escalating attack level 4 due to size.
Armor: 3 Armor: 2
Combat: A bellowheart can attack up to six Armor: 4 level modification.
Combat: The balikna’s camouflage is a Combat: Blood barms’ main mode of
different foes with its whiplike tendrils.
passive skill (a level 3 task). If it’s invisible, Combat: It attacks by blitzing, which increases attack is through the opening in their
On each attack, it chooses one of the following
each PC must make an Intellect roll every its mass, damage, and attack level each round, necks—they slide the membrane back and
round to see it. Failure means that the according to the following schedule: spray out blood bubbles that are filled with
character cannot attack the creature this • A flesh-eating acid (2 additional points
of damage) Round 1 Damage 6 points; attacks as level 5 long, sharp seeds. The bubbles attack a
round, and defending against it is two steps target in short range and burst on impact,
more difficult. The balikna knows who cannot • A nervous-system-disrupting venom Round 2 Damage 9 points; attacks as level 6
see it and always attacks them, if possible. (4 points of Speed damage if the victim fails Round 3 Damage 12 points; attacks as level 7 causing 4 points of damage.
a Might defense roll) Round 4 Damage 15 points; attacks as level 8 Barms can break their own body sacs by
Its main attack is a sneak attack, a swipe pressing them against a PC or an object.
with its heavy spiked tail that inflicts 6 points • A paralytic concoction (victim loses his next Round 5 Blitzer overheats, falls dead, and
turn if he fails a Might defense roll) begins to smolder The larger sacs burst first due to their
of damage and stuns its opponent for one
round, meaning that he loses his next turn. • A poison that blurs the victim’s vision extended size, and any young barms
The creature follows up with an attempt to (increases the difficulty of all actions requiring within are born. Each youngling is level 2
close its pincers on its stunned opponent for sight by one step for one hour) (6) and deals 2 points of damage.
4 points of damage. • A disorienting venom (changes the target of
the character’s next action (such as an attack) to
a random target within immediate range).
23 24 25 232

TM and ©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC

TM and ©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC
Bloodfeast Tick Scion 6 (18) Broken Hound 2 (6) Callerail 7 (21) Calyptor 3 (9)
Health: 18 Movement: Short Health: 6 Movement: Short Health: 30 Movement: Short Health: 9 Movement: Short
Damage Inflicted: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications:
6 points 4 points Perception as level 5 7 points Speed defense as 5 points Musical performance
due to scent. level 6 due to size. Armor: 2 as level 7; perception
Armor: 2 Armor: 3
Breaks objects tasks as level 7.
Combat: If an insect-sized bloodfeast tick scion Combat: These creatures deal damage with
drops unseen onto a victim, she is allowed
as level 9. Reacts Combat: A calyptor attacks locally with its
their terrible bite. Broken hounds attack to deception and piercing head spikes or at long range via an
a difficulty 3 Intellect defense roll to notice in large numbers. Four to six of them can
the itchy sensation of the tiny insect crawling trickery as level 5. intensely loud, focused bleat that inflicts 2
concentrate on one foe and make one points of damage (ignores Armor). A pride of
across her skin. If detected, the insect is easily Combat: A callerail smashes foes with its
attack as if they were a level 4 creature, calyptors plays coordinated chords that create a
inflicting 8 points of damage. Each hound powerful limbs. It can absorb matter, healing level 5 attack, producing either soporific or panic
But if the victim doesn’t notice, the next time itself a number of points equal to the level of
must still be attacked individually, as effect (the calyptor’s choice) on every creature in
she sleeps, that sleep deepens rapidly to a the material (5 or 6 points for a large piece
normal. If their numbers are reduced to short range who fails an Intellect defense roll.
coma. If her companions fail to notice the of metal or stone, for example).
quickly bloating insect sucking her blood and fewer than four, they flee. Soporific: The sound puts the listener to
nothing else intervenes before ten hours have In addition, a callerail can hold its action sleep for one minute or until roused by rough
elapsed, the victim dies and the tick scion tears until a foe attacks with a weapon. The treatment or an extremely loud noise (not
free. If the victim is roused (and the bloating foe must make a Speed defense roll to made by a calyptor).
tick squished) sometime before ten full hours avoid having the weapon absorbed into Panic: The sound instills unreasoning fear in
of exsanguination have elapsed, she is saved the creature. Absorbing a weapon heals the listener for one minute. During this time,
but is debilitated for a few days. the callerail for a few points, negates the the victim runs off, stumbling and falling in her
A tick scion can make two bashing attacks with attack, and destroys the weapon. haste to get away from the calyptors.
a single action using its powerful limbs.
26 232 234 27

Cave Qui 4 (12) Chirog 4 (12) Chronal Feeder 4 (12) Cragworm 6 (18)
Health: 12 Movement: Short Health: 15 Movement: Short Health: 18 Movement: Short; Health: 36 Movement: Short
Damage Inflicted: when on the ground; Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: can phase into its Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Hides
4 points long when flying 5 points Climbs as level 7. 5 points home dimension as 8 points in rocky terrain
Modifications: Tasks Armor: 1 an action. On its next Armor: 2 as level 7. Speed
Armor: 3
related to persuasion action, it can phase defense as level 5 due
Combat: Chirogs do not use weapons or Modifications: back into this world
as level 6. Perception as level 5. to size. Perception
tools, usually attacking with a savage bite. and move, traveling as level 4. Resists
Combat: A cave qui attacks a foe with However, they can also grapple a foe, which up to 300 feet (91 m) trickery as level 3.
its claws. is just like a normal attack except that each time.
Three cave quis can coordinate their attack, rather than inflicting damage, it holds the Combat: A cragworm hides amid rocks and
acting like a swarm. When they swarm, they foe immobile. The foe can take only purely Combat: A chronal feeder attacks with its ruins. While hiding, it howls, and the subsonic
make a single attack against one character mental actions or struggle to get free (a crushing mandibles. nature of the sound paralyzes anyone within
as a level 6 creature and deal 8 points Might task at difficulty 4). long range. Victims who fail Intellect defense
A chronal feeder can phase back and forth rolls are paralyzed for two rounds.
of damage (4 points even if the target Both the grappling chirog and the grappled between its home dimension and the
succeeds on a Speed defense roll). Ninth World, and it uses this ability to great When the cragworm emerges from its
foe are easier targets for other combatants,
effect when hunting prey. For instance, it hiding place to attack, its envenomed bite
Cave quis speak their own hypersonic with attackers gaining a two-step
can close on prey otherwise protected by inflicts terrible damage. Victims who fail
language, which many creatures can’t hear. modification in their favor.
barriers or features of the landscape. It Might defense rolls move one step down
can also use this ability to draw a victim’s the damage track.
attention and then launch a surprise attack Once a cragworm enters combat, it fights
from behind. to the death.
28 235 31 236

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Culova 4 (12) Dark Fathom 8 (24) Dedimaskis 7 (21) Dimensional Husk 5 (15)
Health: 20 Movement: Long Health: 40 Movement: Short Health: 35 Movement: Long Health: 15 Movement: Short;
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed Damage Inflicted: can teleport to any
4 points Moves with stealth 8 points Perception as level 6. 7 points defense as level 6 due 3 points location it can see
and climbs as level 6. Armor: 4 Sees through deception Armor: 4 (see Combat) to size. as an action.
Armor: 2 as level 6. Armor: 2
Combat: A dedimaskis can fire up to four Modifications:
Combat: Culovas can spray venom from Combat: The dark fathom has a construct like
destructive rays in a single round at the Social interaction
their mouths. When they do, their heads a singularity, drawing in all ranged attacks—
same or different targets within long range tasks as level 1.
turn almost 360 degrees, so all creatures matter and energy — and consuming them. The
within 10 feet (3 m) get the poison in their or one destructive ray at a range of 1,000 Combat: A dimensional husk is composed
only ranged attacks that harm it are mental,
feet (305 m) in lieu of making four attacks. of many overlapping versions of itself—
eyes, nose, and mouth. A victim must magnetic, or extradimensional. Characters who
make a Might defense roll; those who fail stand close enough to the dark fathom to touch A dedimaskis regenerates 3 points of health most reasonable, a few improbable—that
suffer 4 points of Speed damage (ignoring it or make melee attacks against it must make each round as the slaved swarm repairs and are always in flux. A dimensional husk that
Armor). Otherwise, culovas attack using a Might defense roll each round. Those who fail maintains it. appeared without weapons before combat
are drawn into the singularity (at least partially) Further, the slaved machines can rapidly can produce them, as if from nowhere, and
weapons, usually javelins or spiked clubs.
and sustain 30 points of damage. adapt the larger machine to various attack with 1d6 melee or ranged weapons
Culovas enjoy laying ambushes for foes As an action, a dark fathom can draw all situations. For example, after two rounds
or sneaking around to flank or surprise each round, each wielded by a hazy
creatures and objects within short range so of dealing with a particular attack from a alternate version of the husk.
from the rear. If things reach a point they end up next to it. If the dark fathom draws particular foe, they can repair 1 additional
where a culova is engaged in combat, it too much, it can be overwhelmed and lose its A husk is difficult to hit due to its fluctuating
point of Armor against that attack. They can
fights to the death. next action. nature. When rolling an attack against a
adapt the dedimaskis to give it new abilities,
A dark fathom is immune to poison, disease, such as a level increase in performing
husk, a PC must reroll even‑numbered
and other attacks relying on physiology. certain tasks, as the GM sees fit. results and take the second roll.
236 237 35 36

Disassembler 5 (15) Drebil 2 (6) Earthshaker 8 (24) Edacious Destroyer 7 (21)

Health: 18 Movement: Short Health: 9 Movement: Long when Health: 80 Movement: Long Health: 30 Movement: Long
Damage Inflicted: Damage Inflicted: flying; immediate Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications:
5 points 3 points when on the ground.
8 points Speed defense as 8 points Speed defense as
Armor: 4 Armor: 1 Modifications: level 4 due to size. level 5 due to size.
Deceiving as level 6; Armor: 4 Armor: 5
Combat: A disassembler’s arms end in tools Speed defense as level Combat: An earthshaker attacks with its Combat: For living prey, edacious destroyers
that allow it to take apart inorganic matter on 3 due to size. impressive display of tusks and can target attack with their giant, clublike arms,
a molecular level, turning solids into liquid
Combat: A drebil that can’t attack a creature up to four creatures (standing next to each battering foes for 8 points of damage.
and gas. Obviously, this ability makes it an
with surprise usually will not initiate an attack. other) with a single attack.
effective combatant against automatons and A disguised drebil ends its charade, attacking a In addition, they may attempt to suck still-
the like. A disassembler inflicts 10 points of victim who has picked up or otherwise touched An earthshaker can also make a trampling living prey into their sprouts. If a PC fails a
damage against inorganic foes. In addition, the creature. When this occurs, the drebil attack if it can get up to speed first by difficulty 4 Speed defense roll, he is sucked
a disassembler can destroy a foe’s weapons instantly retracts its faux-skin disguise and making a charge from long range. When it into the sprout, taking 5 points of damage.
or armor by touch, which is usually its initial bites the target, surprising the target so much does, it moves 200 feet (61 m) in a round, To cut himself free or otherwise escape
strategy against organic opponents that are that the difficulty of his Speed defense roll is and anything that comes within immediate from his living, crushing cage, the captured
armored or armed. increased by two steps. If the drebil hits with range is attacked. Even those who make PC must succeed on two difficulty 3 Might
The creature’s disassembling tools cannot the surprise attack, it deals 7 points of damage a successful Speed defense roll take 2 defense rolls. If he fails three rolls before he
affect organic matter, but this limitation might (unless Armor completely encapsulates the
points of damage. escapes, he is crushed.
have been programmed into it—perhaps as a victim, offering no soft places to bite; however,
safety mechanism—rather than an inability. a drebil is unlikely to attack such a target).
A disassembler with this prohibition removed A drebil whose health is reduced to 3 or less
would be a true terror. attempts to fly off and escape to its lair.

238 38 39 40

TM and ©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC

TM and ©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC
Ellnoica 5 (15) Encephalon 6 (18) Erynth Grask 6 (18) Etterick 6 (18)
Health: 18 Movement: Short, even Health: 36 Movement: Short Health: 28 Movement: Short Health: 25 Armor: 4
Damage Inflicted: when burrowing through when walking on the Damage Inflicted:
solids with acid. Damage Inflicted: Damage Inflicted: Movement: Short
3 points surface or burrowing 8 points
Modifications: Stealth 7 points 6 points
Armor: 2 or 10 Armor: 1
(against acid) and Speed defense as Armor: 2 Modifications:
level 6 when visible. Disguise as level 3. Combat: When it attacks prey from beneath, the
Speed defense as level erynth grask uses its claws, bite, or tentacles Combat: An etterick is a straightforward
Combat: An encephalon makes physical attacks
10 when invisible (if the (which do not inflict damage but instead disrupt combatant, pummeling foes with its fists.
with its massive arms, but only when desperate.
attacker can sense the the victim’s nervous system, causing him to lose
ellnoica via something Its preferred method of attack is loosing a flock An etterick can emit a powerful magnetic
of hundreds of tiny cranial slugs at a group his next turn if he fails a Might defense roll).
other than sight). pulse that inflicts damage to all within
of creatures within half a mile. Each attacked At the same time, the erynth grask uses its short range. Those with a large amount of
Combat: An ellnoica usually begins a combat creature must succeed on a Speed defense telekinetic abilities to manipulate up to six
invisible, surprising its prey with the initial attack. roll. On a failed roll, one or more of the flying small objects (weighing 10 pounds [4.5 kg] or
metal on their person must make a Might
When the ellnoica attacks, it becomes visible. purple slugs lands on the character, punches less) at once. It uses these objects in several defense roll or be knocked down and back
Once the creature becomes visible, it cannot a proboscis through temple, ear, or other an immediate distance. The etterick cannot
ways: as shields (each one increasing the
become invisible again for one minute, or for at
soft route to the brain, and inflicts 3 points of difficulty of striking the erynth grask by one use this ability two rounds in a row.
least one minute after it’s been hurt.
damage. Once the flock is loosed, it continues to step; no more than two objects can be used in
Each of its three feeding tentacles can attack a attack each round until it has digested a total of If an etterick is destroyed, the insects
this way); by hurling the objects as projectiles
different target with a crushing blow. If an ellnoica 30 points of Intellect damage. At that point, the (long range, 6 points of damage); and by inside swarm out and scatter, never to be
attacks a single victim with all three feeding slugs sweep back to the parent encephalon and seen again.
tentacles, it makes one attack that, if successful, grabbing an object in its foe’s hand or on his
are ingested into the creature’s toothless maw, person (which increases the difficulty of all of
crushes the victim (5 points of damage) and inflicts granting the encephalon 30 points of health.
acid burns (2 points of damage). Once dead and the foe’s actions by one step).
tenderized, a victim is liquefied by the acid An encephalon can spit out a new flock of An erynth grask flees if it takes damage
and slurped up. cranial slugs every hour. equal to half its health.
41 43 240 50

Ferno Walker 6 (18) Flying Elchin 5 (15) Frilled Baul 5 (15) Gazer 1 (3)
Health: 35 Movement: Long Health: 20 Movement: Long Health: 28 Movement: Long Health: 3 Movement: Long
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: when jumping; Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: while flying
7 points Perceives as level 5 points short when walking. 7 points Perceives as level 7; 2 points Modifications:
Armor: 1 7; use tools and stealth as level 6. Armor: 1 Perception as level
Armor: 2 Armor: 1
(20 versus heat) weapons in their 5; Speed defense as
forelimbs as level 5. Combat: Elchin teeth and claws are Combat: A frilled baul is a solitary hunter level 2 due to size.
designed for tearing flesh from bone. that has an incredible bite with its double- Combat: Groups of gazers fly in a spherical
Combat: A ferno walker can inflict terrible hinged jaw. Further, each forelimb bears a
While combat is not their normal mode, formation, which allows them to present the
wounds with its bite, but that is not the wicked curved claw that inflicts 5 points of
attack that makes it feared. At the cost of they will defend any kills they claim with maximum possible perception and threat
ripping, tearing attacks that aim for damage and transmits a paralytic poison (5 surface. A gazer can fire its scarlet beam
1 point of its own health, the creature can points of Speed damage if the victim fails
exposed flesh. to attack a target at long range. If the gazer
vomit a super-hot chemical spew and spray a Might defense roll). Worse, the poison can see any part of its target, it ignores any
it in an arc so that it affects everyone within Elchin are very vocal, producing sounds continues to inflict 1 point of Speed damage difficulty step penalties for cover that the
immediate range. The spew deals 7 points of such as grunts, growls, snorts, whines, per round until the victim succeeds at a target might have otherwise enjoyed.
damage that ignores Armor, and even those chatters, and near-human laughter. Might defense roll.
who make their Speed defense roll suffer 1 As few as three gazers can act as a swarm,
They can also manipulate their fronds
Even the frills of the baul are dangerous. focusing their attack on one target to make
point of damage. to replicate and then amplify myriad
Anyone coming close enough to make a one attack roll as a single level 3 creature,
Alternatively, at a cost of 2 points of its own noises,including thundering hoof beats and dealing 4 points of damage. On a miss, a
health, a ferno walker can spit a stream of this a variety of whistles. A single elchin can melee attack on an angry frilled baul suffers
1 point of damage. Likewise, when the baul swarm of gazers still deals 1 point of damage.
same super-hot liquid up to short range at a sometimes emulate the arrival of a great The intensity of a gazer’s beam is level 5 (as
single target. Anyone next to the target suffers attacks a foe, even if the attack misses, the
pack of predators in an attempt to scare measured against the level of material of an
1 point of damage from the splash. target still takes 1 point of damage from
others away from fresh kills. the frills. inanimate object to be burned through).
52 54 55 56

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TM and ©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC
Gemorrn 7 (21) Golthiar 3 (9) Grey Sampler 3 (9) Griffalo 2 (6)
Health: 21 move anywhere the Health: 12 Movement: Short Health: 9 Movement: Short Health: 6 Movement: Short
Damage Inflicted: datasphere reaches, Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: when flying; long Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Stealth
4 points and download itself into 3 points Perception and Speed when making a 3 points as level 3 in grassland
a fresh nanobot haze.
5 points
Armor: 2 Armor: 2 defense as level 4. flying charge. Armor: 1 environments.
It can’t do this in any Armor: 3
Movement: round in which it has Combat: Golthiars usually act as part of a Modifications: Combat: A griffalo attacks with its tusks,
Immediate. Once per taken damage. team, coordinating their attacks by displaying Speed defense as which also inject a lingering poison that
day, a gemorrn can beams of color to each other that are invisible level 2 due to size.
Modifications: Stealth increases the difficulty of Speed defense
upload itself into the to most people.
datasphere as its turn, as level 2. Combat: A grey sampler inflicts damage rolls made by the victim by one step. The
A golthiar can simultaneously spear one foe with its bladed arm. poison lasts for one hour or until the victim
Combat: A gemorrn doesn’t take damage from with its thornlike forearm extension and bash spends her turn to make a successful Might
mundane physical sources, such as axes, swords, a second foe with the hard plating on its other A grey sampler can also attack by making defense roll. The effects of multiple poison
and arrows. It is vulnerable only to attacks that forearm. In addition, once every few hours, a flying charge if it’s farther than short
have non-kinetic components (such as energy, injections are not cumulative, and once a
one in four golthiars can beam visible light at range from the victim (but still within victim succeeds at one Might defense roll,
psychic, radiation, light, plasma beams, or melee foes within short range that inflicts 8 points
weapons that emit the same). Even against such long range). If the victim fails the Speed she becomes immune to griffalo poison.
of damage. defense roll to evade the charge, he takes
attacks, the gemorrn gains the benefit of its Armor. Griffalo matrons sometimes accompany other
If golthiars have any weakness, it is sensitivity 8 points of damage, is knocked 10 feet griffalos, and they can be aggressive. Griffalo
A gemorrn can attack all creatures within short
to unexpected light. A flash of bright light that (3 m) back, and is knocked off his feet.
range with a psychic onslaught. If a creature is matrons are burlier level 4 creatures with 12
killed by a gemorrn, a portion of the victim’s catches a group of golthiars could make them
A grey sampler extracts the brains of dead points of health and 2 points of Armor. They
mind is drawn into and becomes part of the lose their next action. This tactic works only
make two tusk attacks per turn, each of which
gemorrn. The gemorrn gains 5 points of health once during any given combat. (or completely immobilized) victims and
inflicts 4 points of damage.
each time this occurs, even if that means A golthiar regenerates 1 point of damage processes their brains into sludge.
it exceeds its starting health. per round if exposed to direct sunlight.
57 59 60 61

Grush 4 (12) Hontri 5 (15) Ithsyn 4 (12) Jesanthum 4 (12)

Health: 16 Movement: Short Health: 22 Movement: Long Health: 12 Movement: Short Health: 18 Movement: Short
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Might Damage Inflicted: (short on the ground) Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed
5 points defense as level 5; 4 points Perception as level 3. 5 points defense as level 5.
5 points Modifications: Resists mental attack
Intellect defense and Armor: 1 Armor: 1
Armor: 1 Armor: 1 Perception as level 7. as level 3.
resistance to trickery Combat: Once a jesanthum inflicts damage with
as level 3. Combat: Hontris’ swoop attacks deal 2 Combat: Ithsyns charge forward in a burst of its rasping, cutting tongue, the victim must make a
additional points of damage. (Usually, speed to attack with savage kicks or their weird, Might defense roll. On a failed roll, the jesanthum
Combat: Skilled with big two-handed a hontri can swoop only once in an trifurcated mouths. pounces with the aid of its tongue and impales its
weapons, grush inflict an additional 2 encounter, as its first attack, but sometimes If struck in combat, an ithsyn releases a dark victim with a massive barb (dealing more damage),
points of damage (total of 7 points) when circumstances might allow a second greenish gas from bodily orifices. Creatures
which adheres the creature to its prey. For PCs with
using them. an adhered jesanthum, the difficulty of all attacks and
swooping attack.) A hontri hunting pair is within immediate range must make a Might Speed defense rolls is increased by one step. On the
Grush cannot be stunned or dazed and particularly dangerous, as the machines in defense roll or be addled and behave randomly other hand, all attacks a jesanthum makes on a victim
they regenerate 1 point of health each their systems allow them to communicate on their next action. it is stuck to automatically succeed. Removing the
round. They are immune to most poisons mentally with each other. If acting in d100 Victim’s Action jesanthum requires the victim’s (or another creature’s)
and disease. Even though their tough flesh concert, the hunting pair operates as level 6 01–20 Run off in a random direction for a short distance full turn and gives the jesanthum one free attack as the
21–30 Attack the nearest creature with whatever extraction occurs.
provides only 1 point of Armor, it applies creatures in all tasks. means is closest at hand In addition, a jesanthum can breathe out a cloud of
against things that normally ignore Armor The microscopic machines laced in a hontri’s 31–60 Do nothing but cough and shout spores that fills an intermediate area around it. Any
(environmental damage, heat, cold, falling, flesh allow it to build up a powerful electrical 61–80 Fall down and roll on the ground living creature in the area who fails a Might defense roll
and so on). Severing an arm or even the head charge. Once per hour (usually on its first 81–90 Drop whatever is held and cover eyes and face coughs uncontrollably. Victims cannot act until they
of a creature is not a guaranteed killing blow. attack), it can inflict an additional 4 points of with hands successfully make a Might defense roll, which they can
Complete dismemberment is the only way to damage. Hontris also regenerate 2 points of 91–00 Activate most powerful available ability, attempt once per turn. After the jesanthum uses this
ensure that a grush is truly dead. cypher, or artifact that is not an attack ability, it must regenerate new spores before it
health each round due to these nanites. (if none, roll again) can do so again, which takes hours.
62 66 241 68

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Jiraskar 7 (21) Kalyptein Crab 3 (9) Kanthid 4 (12) Killist 3 (9)
Health: 40 Movement: Long Health: 9 Movement: Short Health: 12 Movement: Short Health: 9 Movement: Short
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications:
10 points Perception as level 3 points 5 points Speed defense as 3 points Stealth as level 4.
10. Speed defense Armor: 3 Armor: 3 level 3 due to stiff Combat: Killisti hate and fear a fair fight.
as level 5 due movement. They set ambushes and traps whenever
Combat: Intent on defending their soft
to size. Intellect Combat: A kanthid bashes prey with its possible. Traps usually consist of spiked
bodies at all costs, kalyptein crabs attack
defense as level 4. spine-studded limbs. Each time a victim pits, tripwires, or spine-filled nets. Any
with their strong vertical pincers, using
Climbs as level 2. is hit by a kanthid and takes damage, sharp points in their traps are poisoned.
them to slice open skin rather than close
Combat: Jiraskars are fierce, apex predator around things. poisoned spines break off in the wound.
Most killisti carry long knives and crude
reptiles. Their colorful bodies have fleshy If he takes damage from a kanthid three
Many kalyptein crabs have also developed bows. These weapons are always freshly
frills and only two functioning limbs: times in the same fight, his extremities go
odd cypherlike skills due to their long-term venomed from their internal poison
powerful legs that carry them at prey with numb and he must succeed on a difficulty
contact with the devices they live in. If sacs—it is not an action for a killist to
great speed. 5 Might defense roll or drop limply to the
seriously injured, they attempt to employ poison a weapon or its own claws. Killisti
They charge in with a savage bite and ground, paralyzed for one minute.
these abilities along with their typical poison inflicts an additional 3 points of
don’t stop biting until the prey is dead—or attack. GMs may roll on the cypher table If allowed to do so without interruption, a Speed damage if the victim fails a Might
they are. Things like invisibility, illusions, in The Ninth World Bestiary (page 70) to kanthid lowers its body across a paralyzed defense roll.
disguises, camouflage, and crafty hiding see which attack the creature has. (or recently slain) creature, allowing
places mean nothing to them. A killist leader is level 4, and level 6 in
Characters must succeed on a level 6 its many ciliated mouths to feed. Each
stealth actions. She has 12 points of health
Speed defense roll to avoid the cypher’s round a kanthid feeds in this fashion
and level 5 poison.
intended effect. automatically inflicts damage.
242 70 71 72

The Kiprus 8 (24) Laak 1 (3) Latos 10 (30) Laurik-Ca 4 (12)

Health: 24 Movement: Immediate Health: 3 Movement: Short Health: 100 Movement: Long Health: 15 Movement: Short
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed Damage Inflicted:
8 points defense as level 6 due 2 points Speed defense as 12 points defense as level 8 due 4 points from their
to size and speed. level 2 due to size. Armor: 6 to size. claws and teeth;
Combat: The creature attacks by touching its Climbs as level 4. Combat: A latos can attack in a straightforward additional damage
foes, but is not affected by material attacks. physical manner, smashing foes with hands depends on their
Combat: Laaks typically attack en symbols (see Combat).
In fact, material objects touching it that are or feet. It can make two such attacks on two
masse. They leap onto a foe and use
of lower level than the Kiprus are damaged different foes (or on the same foe, if the target Armor: 3
or destroyed. Raw energy (such as from a ray
their poisonous bite to bring it down.
is quite large) as a single action. At the same Combat: Because the three laurik-ca are
emitter or an explosion) affects it normally. Victims must make a Might defense roll; time, the latos can lash out with myriad horrific
those who fail take 2 additional points of connected to one another so completely, they
By manipulating time and space, the Kiprus mental attacks (for full details see The Ninth fight as one creature, increasing their level to
damage that ignore Armor. World Bestiary, page 74).
can teleport anywhere in the world in one 7, their health to 40, and their Armor to 6.
round, which compensates for its very slow Laaks are immune to poison. A latos can transport a willing target into Although they attack with tooth and claw,
speed. It can even use these powers on the location stored in its sphere by touch. their true weapons are the destructive mental
Although laaks are ubiquitous and However, convincing the latos to do so is
others, bending space to teleport a character forces that they access via the datasphere.
elsewhere. Doing so is exhausting and drains
annoying, they are generally not a huge difficult, as it was apparently instructed to These forces are unlocked by the three-symbol
1 point of health with each use. threat to PCs. However, an encounter with keep the place safe. code on their foreheads, but only while they
a powerful NPC foe who keeps a few laaks If the latos is destroyed, its body shatters and are within long range of each other. The
It can also create a duplicate of itself (with all as pets could be more interesting and scatters across a mile radius. At the center of
the same stats) that can help fend off foes. creatures can make a mental attack and a
more dangerous. that area, the location stored in the sphere is physical attack in the same action. (See The
This duplicate never remains longer than one transplanted as if it had always been there.
minute. Ninth World Bestiary, page 75, for examples of
It is perfectly preserved but empty of life. possible codes and powers.)
73 243 74 75

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Llaric Scorpion 5 (15) Lorub 5 (15) Margr 2 (6) Mastigophore 4 (12)
Health: 18 Movement: Short Health: 15 Movement: Long while Health: 6 Movement: Short Health: 15 Modifications:
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Climb Damage Inflicted: swimming; short while Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Defends as level
7 points as level 6; perception 5 points on the ground 3 points Resists trickery and 5 points 5 when on guard.
Armor: 3 as level 7. Armor: 1 Modifications: Speed lies as level 3. Makes Attacks as level
Armor: 1 Armor: 3
defense as level 4 due Might defense rolls 5 when hunting.
Combat: The llaric scorpion’s spiky pedipalps Movement: Long
to size. Perception as level
inflict horrific damage on anything they clamp as level 3. Runs,
around. Characters who fail a Might defense Combat: Lorubs avoid peril and combat if jumps, and climbs 5. Hides, moves
roll are held fast, automatically taking damage possible. If they must defend themselves, as level 3. stealthily, and
each round, and increasing the difficulty of they prefer to use a short-range venom spray climbs as level 6.
all physical actions by two steps. Breaking that can inflict damage on up to three targets Combat: Margr tend to wield spears or
free requires a Might-based roll with an initial (within immediate range of each other) with long-hafted axe weapons. They wear
cost of 1. one attack. A lorub can spray venom only leather, hide, or scraps of other types of Combat: With a thought, mastigophores
The scorpion’s music disorients those who hear once every few rounds; while its venom armor. At range, they throw stones or can extrude organic matter from their
it and can be resisted by an Intellect defense roll. recharges, the creature must rely on bashing whatever is handy for 2 points of damage. wrists in the form of long, barbed whips.
foes with its bony, clublike muzzle. These whips stun foes for one round,
About one in six llaric scorpions has a mass Margr leaders are always default level 3
of newly born young in a broodsac attached If a lorub is killed in the water, venom leaks causing the victims to lose a turn.
(9). They inflict 5 points of damage, have
to its abdomen. Each of these is a level 1 from the corpse into the surrounding fluid, 16 health, and have 2 Armor. If the leader While on guard, mastigophores fight until
creature about 3 to 6 inches (7 to 15 cm) long. potentially afflicting every living creature in is killed, the rest of the group generally destroyed. When hunting, they retreat if
If the mother is attacked, they can swarm over the water within short range. Until the venom panics and flees. they suffer more than 5 points of damage.
a victim. The character must make a Speed dissipates (about a minute), all such creatures
defense roll; a failure means the difficulty must make Might defense rolls each round
of all actions is increased by two steps. to avoid being affected.
76 77 244 245

Memora 4 (12) Merkadian Soldier 2 (6) Mesomeme 5 (15) Minnern 7 (21)

Health: 18 Movement: Varies Health: 6 Movement: Short Health: 20 Movement: Short Health: 37 Movement: Short
Damage Inflicted: based on shape Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications:
4 points taken; usually short 4 points defense as level 3. 5 points Moves with stealth 7 points Perception as level 5.
Modifications: Armor: 3 Armor: 3 in the water as level Armor: 4
Armor: 1 6. Detects those
Disguise as level 8. sneaking in the water
Combat: With their merest touch, minnern can
Combat: A Merkadian soldier either attacks disrupt the cells of an organic creature’s body,
Combat: Unless a memora has eaten a with its blade or uses one of the two following as level 7.
which not only inflicts damage but also moves
humanoid that possessed a special ability abilities. First, the soldier can project a Combat: A mesomeme can attack two the victim one step down the damage track if he
or power that extends its combat abilities, detonation at targets within long range, which separate foes with its pincers, or it can fails a Might defense roll. They can also disable
it uses a medium weapon such as a mace explodes in a booming electrical display that direct both pincers to the same foe, with one a technological device at short range and make
or hammer. Memoras prefer to use blunt inflicts 4 points of damage to all targets in the claw holding the prey steady and the other it inoperable for ten minutes; if the device is
weapons because if a potential meal is immediate area. Second, the soldier can create being used by a character, the PC can attempt an
slicing deep into the victim’s neck. When the
a cloaking field around itself, becoming hard Intellect defense roll to prevent this if he chooses.
too sliced up, their ability to consume to detect (and odorless). While cloaked, it is
crustacean attacks one foe in this manner,
and copy the creature is jeopardized. A specialized in stealth and Speed defense tasks. the victim can make one Speed defense roll Further, whenever a minnern is encountered,
memora need only eat the portion of the The cloaking ends if the soldier does something (not two), and the mesomeme deals 5 points the GM should roll 1d6 times on the cypher
creature it wants to copy and transform of damage if it hits. A victim hit by both table in the corebook (page 281) and take
to reveal its presence or position — attacking,
into—sometimes just the face is enough, claws in this way also moves one step down every result without rerolling. Ignore results
moving a large object, and so on.
the damage track. that are not immediately pertinent to the
though the whole body is preferred for
If a defeated Merkadian soldier is not beheaded encounter. All of the useful cyphers are built
maximum verisimilitude. A creature slain by the mesomeme has its
and all its numenera devices removed, it into the minnern’s armor, but in such a way
head severed and placed on a new tendril that the creature can use one of them once
regenerates to full health over the course of one
day, though afterward it looks more that rises up to impale it (as part of the each round as an action (not just once,
corpselike than ever. same action that killed the creature). as is normally the case with cyphers).
83 84 246 85

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Morl 5 (15) Murden 3 (9) Nalurus 3 (12) Nevajin 4 (12)
Health: 30 Modifications: Resists Health: 9 Movement: Short Health: 12 Movement: Short Health: 10 (head) Movement: Short
Damage Inflicted: most physical attacks Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Stealth and 15 (body) Modifications:
5 points as level 6; resists 4 points as level 4.
mental attacks as
3 points Perception as level 5. Damage Inflicted: Understands the
Movement: Short Armor: 1 4 points numenera and
level 3. Combat: Typically, murdens bear slings
and long, wicked blades, attacking from Combat: The creature uses its hefty walking performs crafting
Combat: Morl grab prey and pull it into
themselves to digest. As a single action, a morl the shadows with ambushes and hit-and- staff to make physical attacks. tasks as level 6.
can make up to three tentacle attacks. Anyone run tactics. They normally flee in the face If a nalurus pulls back its hood or removes its Combat: A nevajin is not a proficient
struck by an attack must succeed on a Might of real danger. mask, it becomes a terrible threat. Characters physical combatant. It usually defends
defense roll or be pulled into the creature’s flesh. can look away from the creature’s face to avoid itself with cyphers or an artifact. Barring
A victim immersed in the acidic juices roiling Although it is inadvertent, their inherent the risk of infection, but doing so increases the other ideas, assume that a nevajin has
about the soft flesh of the morl moves one step telepathic powers are irritating and difficulty of all attacks and defense rolls against something that gives it 3 points of Armor
down the damage track each round and must harmful to nearby creatures, who perceive the nalurus by one step.
free herself with a Might defense roll.
for ten minutes and gives it a long-ranged
it as thought-scrambling static. Creatures Anytime a character within short range of a attack that inflicts 4 points of damage.
If multiple morl are in proximity, they create within immediate range of a murden must nalurus takes its turn and can see the nalurus’s
a bioelectric field that connects. If two morl make an Intellect defense action; if they If threatened, a nevajin’s head detaches
face, she must make an Intellect defense roll.
are within long range of each other, creatures fail, the difficulty of all their actions is On a successful roll, she does not become and floats into the air. In this situation,
caught in the area between them must make increased by one step. This lasts until they infected that round. On a failed roll, the the head and body can each make attacks
an Intellect defense roll or be stunned on the
leave the area of static influence. character is infected and moves one step that inflict 4 points of damage. Also, both
next round, losing their action. If three morl down the damage track. An infected character the head and the body can flee if need be.
are within long range of one another, everyone Murdens are immune to mental effects or continues to make Intellect defense rolls on her A nevajin can transfer health between the
within long range of any of the three must Intellect damage. turn. If she succeeds on a roll, she moves head and the body when the two
make the Intellect defense roll each round. one step up the damage track. portions are touching.
87 247 90 248

Nibovian Companion 3 (9) Orgulous 5 (15) Pallone 2 (6) Philethis 5 (15)

Health: 9 Movement: Short, via Health: 28 Movement: Immediate Health: 6 Movement: Short Health: 30 Movement: Short
Damage Inflicted: bounces Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Attacks Damage Inflicted: Damage Inflicted: Modifications:
4 points Modifications: Speed 7 points as level 6; perception as 5 points Defends as level 6.
defense as level 5 due level 4; Speed defense 4 points
Armor: 1 Defends against
to size. as level 3. Armor: 2 Armor: 4
mental attack as level
Combat: The Nibovian companion gains the trust Combat: An orgulous uses its tendrils to paralyze a Combat: Pallones attack by turning 8.
of its human via shared activities (feeding, petting, single target within short range (if the target fails a sideways and whirring at their opponent
etc.), during which it harvests the PC’s energy. For Might defense roll). Paralyzed or not, the creature Combat: Philethis seldom engage in combat.
each hour that this exchange occurs, the PC feels is dragged within immediate range of the orgulous. with their thin edge, which is sharp enough When they do, they are likely to produce a
sluggish and takes 1 point of Might damage. Getting free requires a difficulty 6 Might-based task to cut nearly to the bone on a solid hit. The mysterious numenera weapon—perhaps some
If the PC discovers the reason for her failing health, or 12 points of damage to the tendril. edge cannot cut through hardy materials kind of energy emitter, or maybe something of
she can try to send the companion away (a difficulty Creatures pulled to the orgulous are automatically like metal, so pallones aim for exposed a more psychic nature that disrupts thought
6 Intellect-based task). This can be attempted once bitten. Paralyzed victims are bitten and swallowed. areas like hands, necks, and faces. processes. However, because a philethis can
per day, with each new effort being one step more Swallowed victims move one step down the teleport any distance, it usually just teleports
difficult. If the PC doesn’t uncover the cause or if the damage track each round, but if it is the final When attacking in full sun, the glint from away when threatened.
attempts fail, at the end of five days, the companion step (to dead), they can attempt a Might defense their surfaces can temporary blind an
tries to fully discharge her “battery” (a difficulty roll each round to remain alive; however, after opponent, who loses one turn if he fails a Although unlikely to do so in combat, a philethis
7 Might defense roll to resist). If the discharge five rounds inside the creature, they suffocate can also modify probability in small ways,
succeeds, it moves her one step down the damage regardless of their roll. The orgulous must be slain Speed defense roll. This is not an action on
such as making a rope break, causing a gust
track and permanently decreases her maximum to remove a swallowed character. the part of the pallone.
of wind to close a door, and so forth. They do
Might Pool by 5 points. When the orgulous dies, it emits a terrible “psychic Pallones land only if they kill prey, covering this to manipulate events in their favor. If the
A Nibovian companion will fight if necessary, opening scream” that inflicts 5 points of Intellect damage
the body and draining it of blood. manipulation affects a PC, the GM can force the
its mouth wide to reveal a second set of sharper, larger to all creatures within short range that fail an
teeth, along with a barbed tongue. Intellect defense roll. character to reroll a die at any time. (It also begs
for frequent GM intrusions.)
93 96 251 252

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Plasmar 3 (9) Queb 4 (12) Quotien 7 (21) Ravage Bear 4 (12)
Health: 12 (see Movement: Short; long Health: 24 Movement: Long Health: 21 Movement: Long when Health: 20 Movement: Long
Combat) if a plasmar chooses Damage Inflicted: flying; immediate when Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Makes
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: on the ground.
Damage Inflicted: to “ride the lightning” 7 points 7 points Might defense rolls as
and appear in another
4 points Speed defense as Modifications:
4 points level 3 due to size. Armor: 3 Armor: 1 level 6. Runs, climbs,
area within a larger Armor: 2 Knowledge of history as and jumps as level 7.
Armor: 1
(or connected) energy level 9.
Combat: A queb can make two attacks Combat: The ravage bear grabs foes with its
field, though this kind Combat: A quotien can deliver a massive psychic
of movement requires
(one bite, one sting) as a single action. powerful arms, holds them fast, and then
strike at long range, inflicting Intellect damage
a plasmar’s entire turn. Its stinger is coated with a mild poison; to every creature it chooses within immediate squeezes and tears at them until they are
a victim stung by a queb takes normal range of where the strike hits. Targets can dead. It can hold only one creature at a time.
Combat: Plasmars attack with a fiery plasma damage and is poisoned with a lethargy While a ravage bear is holding a creature,
attempt an Intellect defense roll to avoid taking
touch. A plasmar can fire a plasma bolt at
that makes all his Speed-based tasks one damage. A quotien may also use a variety of it can attack only the held creature. In each
long range, but each time it does so, it loses 1
step more difficult for about a minute. cyphers and artifacts. round that a held creature does not escape,
point of health. It makes the attack as a level
4 creature, and on a hit, the fiery bolt deals 6 After being stung, most victims who A quotien’s best defense is its near-immortality. it suffers 4 points of damage in addition to
points of damage. survive develop an immunity to queb If killed, it regenerates from the remains of its damage from attacks made against it.
poison. head after a few weeks of dormancy. Unless
A plasmar on its home turf, within the confines every last piece of a quotien’s brain tissue is In combat, a ravage bear can go into an
of an energy field, regenerates 1 point of health burned, the creature regenerates with all the insane fury; if it takes 10 or more points of
per round. In areas of particularly strong energy knowledge and sense of self it had before dying, damage, its defense is reduced by one step,
fields (strong enough to possibly hurt regular plus a newfound enmity and desire for revenge but its attacks are increased by one step.
creatures), plasmars might regenerate even against whoever slew it.
more health per round and also double or triple Ravage bears are immune to visual effects,
Quotiens move through telekinetic levitation
their maximum health — or even increase it such as illusions. However, olfactory effects
and can manipulate small items within
by an order of magnitude. immediate range the same way.
can confuse and “blind” it temporarily.
98 101 103 254

Relentless Reaper 5 (15) Rocira 3 (9) Rurtalian 4 (12) Sarrak 5 (15)

Health: 15 Movement: Short; long Health: 9 Movement: Long Health: 18 Movement: Short Health: 23 Movement: Long
Damage Inflicted: when flying. Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications:
6 points Modification: Speed 3 points defense as level 4 4 points Perception as level 6. 5 points Resists deception as
Armor: 2 defense, perception, due to size. Armor: 1 level 8.
and stealth as level 6
Armor: 1 Combat: Always on the hunt for food,
Combat: Rociras are not combative unless particularly protein-rich flesh to Combat: In direct combat, a sarrak can use
Combat: A relentless reaper attacks the specific threatened or something stands in the supplement its diet of plant matter, the its claws to slash at foes. Far more effective,
individual it imprinted on when triggered, using way of their migration to a disaster area. rurtalian attacks almost any creature it however, is its ability to control the actions
spinning metallic blades. It can also generate They attack as a level 5 swarm of six to ten finds (except others of its kind). It can fire of other creatures within short range who fail
an electric pulse at immediate range; anyone in creatures, inflicting 6 points of damage by at an Intellect defense task. Once the sarrak
up to six rays of energy at long range from
the area must succeed on a Might defense roll establishes control, the victim can attempt
folding their wings into long blades and its eyes as a single action. Matter struck
or be electrocuted for 1 point of damage and a new Intellect defense task every 28 hours.
diving toward their enemy. turns to paste, so treat physical armor as if
lose his next turn. Control lasts only while the creature is within
Additionally, they can use their strong it offered half as much protection. short range of the sarrak.
The datasphere links a relentless reaper to its pheromones to inflict a mental attack on
target. Unless the target stays somewhere that Rurtalians have a decent sense of self- Likewise, a sarrak can use an action to control
a character in short range (level 6 Intellect almost any electrical device within short range
blocks access to the datasphere, the reaper preservation, but sometimes they become
task to resist), causing her to believe that as if it held the item. It can cause the device to
eventually finds him, even if it takes years. overzealous in their quest for food.
Once the target is killed, the reaper switches she is experiencing whatever disaster the activate or operate. No roll is required for this
off, its purpose served. If a target is killed rociras most recently heralded. (GMs control, so bringing any sort of device close to
before the reaper finds him, whoever killed him should roll on the action table in The Ninth a sarrak is dangerous.
becomes its next target. If the target dies of World Bestiary, page 108). The PC relives Sarraks heal very quickly, regaining 2 points per
natural causes, the reaper switches off. the disaster for one turn, causing her to round when damaged. This regeneration
take a random action. stops when they are dead.
106 108 110 255

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Sathosh 3 (9) Seskii 2 (6) Shivern 2 (6) Silver Orphan 5 (15)
Health: 9 Movement: Short Health: 6 Modifications: Health: 6 Movement: Short Health: 21 Movement: Short
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Attacks as level 3 Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications:
if wearing any type 5 points Perception as level 6; any
3 points Climbs as level 2 points 3 points Stealth as level 5. knowledge pertaining
of manufactured Armor: 3
5. Resists mental Armor: 2 Armor: 1 specifically to the Ninth
attacks as level 6. armor, including World as level 2.
Movement: Long Combat: Shiverns attack with long talons
a spiked collar,
Combat: A swarm of four sathosh can of steel-hard shadow. Combat: When attacking, a silver orphan can
daggered tail cover,
attack a single foe in melee, making one extrude what seems to be a portion of itself to
or synthclaws. A group of five shiverns can act as a
level 5 attack that inflicts 6 points of create a sword. If it redistributes its carapace and
Defends against swarm, focusing their attack on one target lowers its Armor to 1, it can create a massive sword
damage. Further, two sathosh next to each
piercing weapons as to make one attack roll as a single level that deals 8 points of damage. Instead of a weapon,
other can join their minds in communion
level 3. 4 creature dealing 5 points of damage. an orphan can produce any shape that fills a 5-foot
and launch a mental attack on one target (1.5 m) cube. Such a shape includes a grasping hand
at short range; it inflicts 6 points of Whenever shiverns form a swarm, that, with a successful immediate-range attack,
Intellect damage and ignores Armor. Combat: Seskii typically attack with their absolute darkness descends in short range holds an enemy fast each round that it fails a Might
teeth and the hard, bulbous tips of their around them. Shiverns can see in absolute defense roll.
Sathosh feed on the blood of creatures they darkness without penalty, but creatures As an action, a silver orphan can also rapidly expel
slay, absorbing it through their tentacle. tails, although they might also claw or
pounce. While the crystals on their backs who can’t see in darkness will find it two silvery bolts from its palms at the same or
difficult to hit a shivern with an attack. separate targets. Each bolt inflicts 4 points of
provide armor, their scales provide them damage. The bolts liquefy and flow back to rejoin
with additional protection against piercing their host a few rounds after they lose contact. If
weapons. this rejoining is prevented, the silver orphan loses
its ability to create constructs of any sort for
one hour.
256 258 114 115

Skysmasher 7 (21) Slicer Beetle 5 (15) Slidikin 5 (15) Slurge 2 (6)

Health: 21 Movement: Immediate Health: 15 Armor: 3 (young), 4 Health: 22 Movement: Long Health: 6 Movement: Short
Damage Inflicted: when burrowing; short (adults), or 6 (wizens)
when on the ground; long Damage Inflicted: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed
8 points
when flying (see Combat). 5 (young), 7 (adults), Movement: Short 5 points Speed defense and 3 points defense as level 3 due
Armor: 5 (but see Combat) to size and quickness.
Modifications: Speed or 10 points (wizens) stealth as level 6. Armor: 4
defense as level 6 due Combat: A slurge can spit a glob of eating
to size.
Combat: Slidikin are known for
participating in what they call “the mucus at one foe within short range as its
Combat: A skysmasher inflicts amazing attack (or settle down atop an unresisting
bludgeoning damage with its huge fist and can Combat: Slicer beetles are the kings of hideous game,” which seems to be an
incongruous competition among slidikin foe or piece of food and inflict damage every
make two attacks as a single action. It also flies piercing and tearing, using their pointed round automatically that ignores armor).
with extreme velocity, shooting skyward on a front legs to stab through and rip into (and only slidikin) that involves dark
plume of flame and smoke. To do this, it spends deeds—theft, kidnapping, mutilation, and The mucus acts like acid, which the slurge
flesh, bone, and armor. Young slicer can adjust depending on the material it’s
a preparatory turn curling into a tight ball. In the murder. They are likely to use weapons in
following round, it ignites and rockets straight up. beetles deal 5 points of damage, adults attempting to eat or damage.
Any character or object within short range of the deal 7 points of damage, and wizens deal combat, although they never wear armor,
skysmasher lift-off is washed in a wave of burning 10 points of damage. preferring to remain agile rather than A slurge’s shell provides the first line of
plasma that deals 10 points of damage. The wave encumbered. protection, but the creature also produces
also knocks creatures one step down the damage
Additionally, each time that a slicer beetle defensive slime when threatened, which oozes
track and sets flammable items afire. successfully attacks, the victim must make across the ground within immediate range of
Once aloft, a skysmasher can crash down again a level 5 Speed defense roll or his armor is the slurge. The slime is amazingly sticky, and
anywhere in the world, though its aim is imperfect. torn apart and destroyed. any creature (other than a slurge) standing in
It usually lands within 1 to 100 miles (1.6 to 161 the area must make a Might defense roll on its
km) of the intended location. It has an additional
turn; failure means the creature is stuck in the
20 points of Armor against damage from
impacts and fire. slime and can’t move.
116 117 118 119

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Spurn 3 (9) Steel Spider 3 (9) Stellar Weaver 9 (27) Stratharian War Moth 2 (6)
Health: 9 Movement: Immediate; Health: 9 Movement: Short Health: 80 Movement: Short Health: 6 Movement: Long
Damage Inflicted: long if a spurn chooses Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Climb as while flying;
to discarnate in one
Damage Inflicted:
4 points 3 points Balances and climbs 12 points level 10; Speed defense immediate while on
location and reassemble as level 8 due to size.
2 points
Armor: 1 Armor: 2 as level 6. Armor: 8 the ground.
a new body from trash
Combat: Steel spiders attempt to catch prey in Combat: The venom from a stellar weaver’s bite
in another location.
immediately knocks a character one step down
Combat: Stratharian war moths can swoop
Combat: Spurn can spontaneously reform a their razor-sharp webs, which easily cut through in to attack with a bite, but their major
the damage track if she fails a Might defense
limb to extrude splintered glass, sharpened any material (including flesh) lower than level 5, roll. This process continues each round until offensive power is the flesh-withering light
synth, or a heavy, macelike mass, depending on inflicting 4 points of damage. The strands are the victim succeeds at her Might defense roll or from their wings. The light manifests as
the apparent vulnerability of their foe. so thin that an Intellect task (level 3) is needed dies (athough technically, she is not dead but a short-range cone of energy that inflicts
When its turn begins, a spurn can choose to fall to see them in time. Severing a web requires at permanently paralyzed). 4 points of damage to living creatures.
apart and instantaneously reassemble a new least 2 points of damage from an energy attack The webs of a stellar weaver are level 9. Avoiding
or from a blade higher than level 5. Creating this light requires an action, and
body anywhere within long range that contains them requires an Intellect-based perception task.
A character caught in a web must make a Might
a moth can use the ability once every other
sufficient trash. A spurn loses 1 point of health If the webs don’t kill prey immediately, the round. If a moth is reduced to 3 health or
each time it travels in this fashion. When it defense roll to get free. Failure results in becoming
steel spider moves in to attack with its bite. less, it flies away.
appears behind a foe and attacks as part of the more entwined, so an additional successful roll is
The creature’s spinnerets are in its mouth, required for each failure (and each attempt requires
same action, the foe’s Speed defense roll against and a bite injects a victim with the metallic A Stratharian war moth is immune to
a separate action). The webs also bend space, and
that attack is increased in difficulty by one step. strands. Victims who fail a Might defense roll mind-influencing effects.
a character trapped in them for more than four
A spurn that has a functioning cypher may take 4 points of Speed damage that ignore rounds is shunted into an extradimensional space
spend its action absorbing the item into its body Armor as their muscles and tendons are torn to await the stellar weaver. Leaving this space
and gain 1d6 points of health. A wounded spurn apart by the invasive injection. This damage involves getting free from the sticky webbing and
might try grabbing a cypher from a character. is in addition to the normal 3 points of then moving along the maze of nonsticky web
damage from the bite. strands in just the right way.
120 260 121 261

Syzygy Ghoul 4 (12) Tachyron 4 (12) Terror Bird 4 (12) Tetrahydra 3 (9)
Health: 12 Movement: Short Health: 12 Movement: Short Health: 21 Movement: Long Health: 15 Movement: Long
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Two Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Stealth Damage Inflicted: while flying;
4 points knowledge skills as 4 points Perceives and 6 points actions as level 8; 4 points immediate while on
Armor: 1 level 5. Armor: 3 initiative as level Armor: 1 perception as level 5. Armor: 2 the ground.
Combat: A syzygy ghoul usually prefers not 10; attacks, Speed Combat: When hunting, a terror bird creeps Combat: Tetrahydras attack from the air,
to fight but is quite capable of defending defense, and stealth low to the ground and hides in the terrain coming down at perceived enemies quickly,
itself with a milk-white blade of bone (called as level 6. as best it can. When it attacks, it screeches, their wings folded back for maximum
a lunarum). A syzygy ghoul in combat sings Combat: A tachyron’s perception of time and any mammal within immediate distance
speed. They attack first with one of their
a dirgelike tune, the same one it sings while makes it a very strange creature to fight. must make an Intellect defense roll or freeze
consuming corpses. During combat, a ghoul four beaks and then with their tentacles,
It knows if you’re going to attack it (in its in terror for one round (the subsonic nature of
licks its lunarum immediately after each the screech interferes with certain portions of which grip and squeeze prey. Sometimes
mind, you already have), and thus it can they attack alone, but more often they
attack that inflicts damage, which gives it the mammalian brain). This screech is not an
start to move out of the way even before attack in groups of three or more.
a flash of insight regarding its current foe. action for the bird. For frozen prey, the difficulty
Each time a ghoul deals damage and licks you strike. The only reason that it’s possible Tetrahydras fight to protect their eggs,
to dodge the terror bird’s melee attack is
its blade, the difficulty of the Speed defense to strike it or dodge its attack is that which take two years to hatch and are
increased by three steps, and the attack inflicts
rolls made by the damaged creature against sometimes the tachyron can’t move quickly an additional 2 points of damage. situated in large nests as high up as the
the ghoul’s attacks increases by one step. enough. It is not preternaturally fast. creatures can build them.
If the bird wishes, as a single action, it can
Syzygy ghouls can see in the dark. They’re attack two different foes (one with its beak
blind in full daylight, but those who travel and one with a talon). The difficulty to avoid
to the surface carry oddities that cover their these attacks remains unchanged, but each
eyes, allowing them to see without attack inflicts only 4 points of damage.
penalty in full sunlight.
122 123 124 262

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TM and ©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC
Therivar 3 (9) Titanothaur 10 (30) Travonis ul 6 (18) Trawl 4 (12)
Health: 9 Movement: Long Health: 90 Movement: Short Health: 36 Movement: Short Health: 12 Movement: Short
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed
4+ points Numenera knowledge 18 points Speed defense as 6 points Speed defense as 4 points defense as level 3 due
(see Combat) as level 8; Speed level 8 due to size Armor: 3 level 5 due to size and to size.
Armor: 5 Armor: 2
defense as level 5 due speed. If using its
to size and speed.
and speed. mouth, attacks as level Combat: If a character grabs for an item
Combat: A therivar attacks with a “bite” that is Combat: A titanothaur can punch, kick, or 5, inflicting 8 points of that’s held by a trawl, he must succeed on a
really a discharge of its energy into a foe. It can deliver a tail or tentacle lash within long damage. Speed defense roll modified one step to his
add damage to this strike by sacrificing its own range. Damage is inflicted on the target Combat: This creature lopes forward to attack detriment due to surprise. On a failed roll, the
health, inflicting 2 additional points of damage and everything within short range of the in an ungainly fashion, using some of its victim is pulled out of phase and disappears
per health point. target, and even those that succeed on a tendrils as pseudopods for locomotion. It flails from the perceptions of his companions. The
A therivar can move at the speed of light Speed defense roll take 7 points of damage. and grabs at prey, and it also attempts to bite environment goes grey and dim, except for
(essentially, teleport) up to 1,000 feet (305 m) Titanothaurs heal quickly, at a rate of 2 with its terrible mouth (attacking as a level 5 the hungry trawl that’s got him by the wrist.
as an action. creature and inflicting 8 points of damage). The The trawl attacks with its bite that ignores
points per round. travonis ul can attack up to ten foes at once (no
Additionally, as an action, a therivar can
Titanothaurs are rare and devastating armor as long as the victim’s in its grip. A
“inhabit” a device of any size designed to more than one attack each), as long as they are
enough that most are dubbed with a victim can free himself with a successful
be powered in some way. If the device had within short range.
Might defense roll. If he kills the trawl or
no power, it functions indefinitely while the unique identifier by survivors. These In addition to the damage it inflicts, the touch moves away from it a distance equal to or
therivar inhabits it (assuming its power needs include the gravithaur, the rampagion, and of a travonis ul causes great pain and disrupts
greater than long range, he returns to reality.
are not great). If it already has power, the the suneko (for full details on each type nervous systems. Anyone who is struck by
therivar’s presence increases the level of the and their attacks, see The Ninth World the creature must make a Might defense roll; Under normal circumstances, a trawl
device by 1. As an action, the therivar can Bestiary, page 126). those who fail are stunned and lose their can’t be seen or affected by normal phase
leave any device. next turn. creatures and effects.
125 126 263 128

Valma 4 (12) Vape 2 (6) Varadimos 7 (21) Varakith 5 (15)

Health: 12 Movement: Short Health: 10 Movement: Short Health: 21 Movement: Long Health: 25 Movement: Short
Damage Inflicted: when flying Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Resists
4 points Modifications: 2 points Perception as level 7 points Defends as level 9. 6 points poisons or disease as
Knowledge of 4; stealth as level 6. Armor: 4 level 6.
Armor: 3 Combat: The varadimos can only be affected
history as level 6; by pandimensional attacks. It can pass Combat: In combat, a varakith attacks with its
Speed defense as Combat: A vape’s body, sharper than a through solid matter without hindrance, spearlike legs. Those struck by a leg must make
level 5 due to size. scalpel by a few orders of magnitude, but solid energy barriers keep it at bay. Its a Speed defense roll or be knocked prone and
ignores Armor. A victim of a vape’s attack intangibility does not keep the varadimos held immobile, losing their next turn. A varakith
Combat: A valma can direct an electrical bleeds at a rate of 2 points of damage can hold up to three such creatures immobile
from affecting the world around it. It can
discharge at any creature within short each round. He can suppress the bleeding at once. On the varakith’s next turn, it can
alter matter on a molecular level, damaging
range. If a valma is touched or struck by a by spending an action applying pressure creatures or objects within long range automatically bite the held creature, dealing 4
melee weapon, the attacker receives the and not moving. The bleeding stops simply by thinking about reshaping or
points of damage and draining its blood. The
same electrical jolt through conduction. varakith still takes its normal action for that turn;
permanently once the victim heals 4 or discorporating them. this action could be to attack the immobilized
more points of damage with a single A varadimos can cure any disease, victim with another spear-leg (the difficulty is
recovery roll or other healing method, or if counteract any poison, restore up to 15 modified by two steps in the varakith’s favor).
he is completely healed of all damage. points to an individual’s Pools, regenerate Victims can attempt a Might-based roll to free
lost body parts, and repair other major themselves once they can act. Failure means
wounds. It can repair broken items (even that the varakith gets another automatic bite.
sophisticated numenera) or recharge A slain creature is tossed on the varakith’s back,
expended artifacts. Those in the know seek where the body is caught on spines and hooks.
these creatures out and implore them for Each corpse adds 1 to the varakith’s Armor
aid, though getting it is not easy. for 28 hours.
130 131 132 264

TM and ©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC

TM and ©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC
Warder 4 (12) Yellow Swarm 5 (15) Zhev 5 (15)
Health: 15 Movement: Short Health: 18 Movement: Short Health: 20 Movement: Long
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Attacks
4 points Perception as level 6. 5 points Speed defense as 6 points as level 6. Perception
level 6. Armor: 4 as level 7.
Armor: 2
Combat: The Zhev usually begin a fight by
Combat: A warder can slash its foe with Combat: A yellow swarm moves in and firing stun gas canisters at long range that
the blade on its telescoping tail, which attacks with hundreds of tiny bites and explode and impede actions for creatures within
can extend up to short range as part of stings. The trick of fighting a swarm is immediate range of the blast. Affected targets
an attack. that it fades in and out of reality, so every can take no actions for 1d6 rounds unless they
Instead of slashing with its tail, a warder round, the GM rolls a d6 (yes, the GM make a Might defense roll to resist the gas. The
can attempt to disarm a foe holding a rolls a die!). If the result is 1–3, no attacks Zhev also project nets within short range that
weapon or other object by grabbing the or special abilities will affect the swarm in immobilize a struck target unless he can break
item in its jaws with a successful attack. that round, but the players don’t learn this or wriggle free (a Might or Speed action). If the
The warder does not give up the object until after they have declared their actions. gas and nets fail, they attack with their metallic
However, the swarm always attacks just arms that are 10 feet (3 m) long and jointed
unless commanded to do so by its ward or
before or after fading, so it is always able more like tentacles. The Zhev have three such
until the combat is over. arms and can attack three different foes as a
to affect creatures in this world.
single action if they are all within reach.
Unlike many automatons, the Zhev retreat if
faced with a more powerful foe. They usually
try to get reinforcements and then return to
engage the enemy.
133 266 268

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