Creature Deck 2

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To print your Numenera Creature Deck 2,

set your double-sided printer to short-

edge binding and print on a cardstock
material. Then, with a sharp utility knife
and straight edge, use the crop marks as
guides to trim the cards apart.

If you don’t have a double-sided printer,

print the pages individually and then
glue them back-to-back with a thin, even
coat of adhesive. Before glueing, hold the
back-to-back sheets up to a light source
to ensure they are lining up correctly.

The gutters between the cards give you a

little bit of leeway if the two sides do not
line up exactly.

TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC

Understanding 6 (18)
the Creature Listings Numenera ™

Level: All creatures (and NPCs) have a level. The level

Creature Deck 2
determines the target number a PC must reach to attack or
defend against the opponent. In each entry, the difficulty number Build encounters quickly and easily, or create them
for the creature or NPC is listed in parentheses after its level. randomly on the fly. Then give your players a look
The target number is three times the level. at their foes before plunging into combat.
Health: A creature’s target number is usually also its health,
which is the amount of damage it can sustain before it is dead This deck contains 100 creatures found in the
or incapacitated. Ninth World, drawn from Ninth World Bestiary 2.
Damage Inflicted: Generally, when creatures hit in combat, they When you need to build an encounter (either when
inflict their level in damage regardless of the form of attack. prepping your game or at the gaming table), simply
Some inflict more or less or have a special modifier to damage. draw a card from this deck. You’ve got basic stats
Armor: This is the creature’s Armor value. This entry doesn’t (with a reference to the sourcebook, for full stats
appear in the game stats if a creature has no Armor. and info) on one side, and an image to share with
Movement: Movement determines how far the creature can your players on the reverse.
move in a single turn.
Design: Bruce R. Cordell
Modifications: Use these default numbers when a creature’s
information says to use a different target number. For example, a
Creative Director: Monte Cook
level 4 creature might say “defends as level 5,” which means PCs Managing Editor: Dennis Detwiller
attacking it must reach a target number of 15 (for difficulty 5) Proofing: Charles A. Conley
instead of 12 (for difficulty 4). Graphic Designer: Bear Weiter
Combat: This entry gives advice on using the creature in combat,
© 2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC
such as “This monster uses ambushes and hit-and-run tactics.”
Numenera and its logo are trademarks of
Page Number: The number you see at the bottom of a creature Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries.
listing tells you where to get additional information about that All Monte Cook Games characters and character names,
creature’s motives, appearance, habitats, loot, and interactions. and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of
All creatures are from the Ninth World Bestiary 2. Monte Cook Games, LLC.

TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC

Jon Gislason - - 250987
Abykos 6 (18) Alioptor
Arravelon 6
7 (18)
(21) Alioptor
Artifix 6 (18) Alioptor
Asomatis 6
4 (18)
Health: 26 Movement: Short Health: 33 Movement: Long when Health: 24 Movement: Immediate Health: 15 Modifications: Speed
Damage Inflicted: Damage Inflicted: flying Damage Inflicted: Damage Inflicted: defense tasks as level 5
6 points 5 points (ignores 4 points 5 points due to tactical connection
Armor) Movement: Short to datasphere; tasks
Combat: At the beginning or the end of its turn, Combat: An artifix is accompanied by at least
four silvery translucent ambassadors. Usually related to disguise and
an abykos butcher can be insubstantial or solid. Combat: An arravelon can attack one target
the artifix remains hidden, potentially within deception as level 6.
While phased, normal attacks can’t hurt it, and within immediate range with dozens of
it can move through solid matter except for crawling tendrils of intangible light. A character an opaque, silvery mental construct carried Combat: An asomatis uses whatever physical
force fields. who fails an Intellect defense task suffers 5 by an ambassador. Ambassadors are separate weapons are granted by its shape, and may
points of Intellect damage (ignores Armor) entities, but all of them serve and defend the even gain +1 to Armor if the shape has it. For
Its preferred method of attack is to turn solid artifix that created them. example, an asomatis who takes the shape of a
and experiences an odd sense of narrowing
at the beginning of its turn, then move up to a glaive has a melee attack that inflicts 5 points of
possibilities. Each time the victim takes
short distance as it whirls its weapon. Targets An artifix can create a new ambassador or damage; as a ravage bear, it uses claws to inflict
damage, the difficulty of its Intellect-based other level 4 object as an action, which costs
must succeed on a Speed defense task or take 5 points of damage. An asomatis doesn’t gain
tasks increases by one step. This effect lasts it 1 point of health. It creates objects for
damage and be knocked to the ground. Every special abilities from the forms it mimics.
until the arravelon is destroyed or one day has specialized needs, such as a shielding wall, a
target who carries at least one cypher or artifact
passed. bauble, a path or door where none was before, An asomatis can access the datasphere to learn
of level 6 or higher must succeed on an Intellect
defense task or one of those items (chosen by and so on. Essentially, it can create any shape specific answers to tactical questions, reducing the
An arravelon is vulnerable to attacks that use
the GM) becomes useless. The abykos butcher that fits into a cube that is 10 feet by 10 feet difficulty of its Speed defense tasks by one step.
transdimensional energy. If damaged by such
gains 5 points of health per item drained, even if (3 by 3 m). Newly created objects last until
an attack, the creature falters and takes no destroyed or until they are separated from the If its form is destroyed, it becomes a glowing red
the increase puts it above its maximum health. action for one round, after which it can act haze (which can be treated as an out-of-phase
artifix by more than a short distance.
Each item drained grants the butcher +1 to normally. target with 1 point of health). Only transdimensional
Armor for one minute while it’s solid. Artifix ambassador: level 4 weapons can affect it in this form.
20 22 23 24

Ateric 6
4 (18)
(12) Alioptor
Banisther 6 (18) Alioptor
Bithyran 6
4 (18)
(12) Alioptor
Blacktusk 6
4 (18)
Health: 12 Movement: Short Health: 22 Movement: Immediate; long Health: 18 Movement: Short; Health: 12 Movement: Long
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Attacks at an Damage Inflicted: when swimming Damage Inflicted: 5 short when climbing Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed
Varies ever-escalating level. 6 points Modifications: Speed defense points Modifications: Knowledge- 5 points defense as level 6 due to
Armor: 2 as level 5 due to size. related tasks as level 7; quickness.
Combat: A just-roused ateric has a rough but Combat: A banisther uses its feeding legs to make two stealth tasks as level 6. Combat: Blacktusks typically attack with their
articulated form. Each subsequent round it draws attacks as a single action. If the victim fails a Might eponymous tusks, which inflict 5 points of
defense task, toxin inflicts an additional 2 points of Combat: Bithyrans can batter foes with their
inert mechanisms, drit, and even cyphers and damage, although they might also claw or
artifacts carried by other creatures within short Speed damage (ignores Armor) for three rounds. strong, boneless limbs, but they prefer to use
items of technology they usually carry, including pounce. If a blacktusk pounces, it is usually
range into itself. As time passes, it grows stronger. because the creature is attacking with surprise,
A banisther can change scale while in combat and long-range ray emitters that can inflict damage or,
Finding the “seed” device amid this junk is a
can use its long tail to attack targets within 20 feet with a flipped setting, induce deep sleep for an or because it takes its first turn before its foe.
difficulty 6 Intellect-based task.
(6 m) to inflict the following effects: hour or more if the victim fails a Might defense A pounce attack inflicts normal damage, but
An ateric’s power increases according to the the victim must succeed on a Might defense
number of rounds it remains active, though never Disruption. The foe must succeed on a Might task. Bithyrans prefer to cause as little damage as
more than five consecutive rounds. defense task, or one of their arms or legs shrinks possible to potential subjects, so the sleep setting task or be knocked down and pinned beneath
in scale to microscopic size, then returns to is used most often, except against automatons. the blacktusk until it can escape. Each round a
Round 1: Inflicts 3 points of damage; attacks as level 3
normal size. This distortion inflicts 8 points of victim remains pinned, the blacktusk savages it
Round 2: Inflicts 4 points of damage; attacks as Bithyrans can increase their staying power by using for 6 points of damage.
level 4; +3 health damage (ignores Armor).
cyphers that grant +4 to Armor for a few minutes.
Round 3: Inflicts 5 points of damage; attacks as Body Theft. The foe must succeed on a Might In case a specimen collection mission goes badly, Blacktusks work together when hunting to
level 5; +6 health defense task, or they are scaled down to less than at least one bithyran carries a cypher that creates a increase their chances of bringing down prey,
Round 4: Attacks twice; inflicts 6 points of a millimeter in height. To the victim, it might seem short-lived teleportation portal for instant transport including more powerful creatures. Three or more
damage; attacks as level 6; +12 health like they’ve been shunted to a bizarre dimension blacktusks working in concert to attack the same
to a distant and hidden base (which might be a
Round 5: No additional change filled with writhing alien entities. The scale change target reduces the difficulty of one blacktusk’s
spacecraft or a transdimensional redoubt).
reverts within a minute. attack against the target by two steps.
Round 6: Spontaneous disassembly
25 26 27 28

TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC

Jon Gislason - - 250987
TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC
Jon Gislason - - 250987
Brendril 61(18)
(3) Alioptor
Candescent Sabon 63(18)
(9) Alioptor
Caprimag 63(18)
(9) Alioptor
Carnivorous Color 63(18)
Health: 3 Movement: Short; Health: 12 Movement: Short when Health: 11 Movement: Short; long if Health: 12 Movement: Short;
Damage Inflicted: immediate when burrowing Damage Inflicted: flying Damage Inflicted: flying (short if flying with Damage Inflicted: immediate when flying
3 points Modifications: Speed 4 points Modifications: Knowledge 4 points a victim) 3 points Modifications: Stealth tasks
Armor: 5 points defense as level 3 due to Armor: 2 of the numenera as level Modifications: Perception and attacks as level 5.
versus fire and heat small size. 8; Speed defense as level 4 as level 5. Combat: A carnivorous color attacks the mind of
due to size. Combat: A caprimag attacks with talons and an intelligent creature within immediate range,
Combat: A single brendril bites a foe and inflicts
1 point of damage from its fangs and 2 points of Combat: If pressed to defend itself, a candescent beak. To catch a foe and carry it away back to a inflicting 4 points of Intellect damage (ignores
damage from a heat spike (a total of 3 points of sabon can project a tiny energy orb at any creature nest, a caprimag dives from just beyond short Armor).
damage). within short range, inflicting 4 points of damage. range, moving about 100 feet (30 m) in a round,
Attacking a carnivorous color means attacking the
However, it prefers to attack by establishing a attempting to grab a victim. A target must
When brendrils attack in a pack of three or object currently hosting the entity. Solid objects like
mental link with a creature touching its surface. succeed on a Speed defense task or be jerked
more creatures, the pack acts as a single level walls might provide the color with a few points of
Each day—and after each conferral with the into the creature’s taloned grip into the sky.
4 creature. A target hit by a pack is grabbed Armor. A color rarely chooses to fight to the death,
candescent sabon where it provides useful help— A victim is held immobile by the caprimag’s and may flee upward as a globe of illumination. If a
with strong, spindly arms. An embraced target
the candescent sabon poses one question, riddle, extra set of arms. The victim can take only purely host object is destroyed, the color is disrupted and
can move, but the difficulty of all attack and
or puzzle to the user. The user must succeed mental actions or struggle to escape. Caprimags fades. Unless a weapon using extradimensional
movement-related tasks is increased by one step.
on a difficulty 3 Intellect-based task to answer have a supremely unpleasant body odor that energy is used, the color isn’t actually killed, just
Escaping the embrace of a pack requires that the correctly. Every few days, the difficulty increases becomes overpowering to those held in their rendered inactive for several days.
target succeed on a difficulty 5 Might-based task. by one step. If the user gets a question wrong, the grip, which increases the difficulty of all tasks
Killing the embracing pack also works, but damage candescent sabon automatically inflicts 4 points When a color successfully eats the intelligence of
attempted by a victim by one step, including a victim, the victim becomes darker as their color
done to a brendril tightly holding a target is shared of Intellect damage (ignores Armor) each round Might tasks made to escape. Of course, a victim
with the target. Each round a target remains in a fades. The carnivorous color gains 3 points of
until the victim releases their grip, which requires who successfully escapes is probably looking at a
pack embrace, it takes 5 points of damage health when it does this, even if the increase
a successful difficulty 5 Might-based task. fall of at least 50 feet (15 m). puts it above its maximum health.
from heat generated by the pack. 29 30 31 32

Chalik 62(18)
(6) Alioptor
Clicker 63(18)
(9) Alioptor
Corpuscular Maw 6 (18) Alioptor
Crystalvore 62(18)
Health: 6 Movement: Short; short Health: 12 Movement: Long Health: 18 Movement: Long Health: 6 Movement: Short
Damage Inflicted: when climbing Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Stealth Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Stealth Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed defense
2 points Modifications: Speed defense 4 points as level 1 because of 4 points as level 1 because of 2 points as level 4 due to size.
Armor: 1 as level 4 due to size. constant sound they constant sound they Armor: 4
Combat: Chaliks swarm a foe and bite with their produce; Speed defense produce; Speed defense
Combat: Crystalvores typically attack with their
mandibles. A group of four or more chaliks can as level 2 due to size. as level 2 due to size. claws, but also have been known to spray a jet of
attack as a single level 4 creature that inflicts 5 Combat: Clickers are drawn to living creatures. Combat: Corpuscular maws mainly attack with the same fluid they use to hollow out their shells.
points of damage. Alternatively, a single chalik can A target must succeed on a difficulty 3 Speed their arms, which can extend a short distance, This liquid is an almost universal solvent that does
contract its abdomen and cause the glands inside defense task to avoid one’s grasp or suffer 4 doing 4 points of damage to up to two foes on 3 points of damage (ignores Armor).
to burst, resulting in a gush of sticky secretions points of damage. The hit target then must a single attack. Simultaneously, every other
from its mouth (and in that chalik’s death). This A mortally wounded crystalvore (with 1 point
succeed on a difficulty 5 Might defense task or attack, they can either release a cloud of fetid of health or less) will retract into its shell and
is a level 4 attack that inflicts no damage, but a be “swallowed.” A creature so engulfed suffers air that dazes the targets for one round or spray spray its solvent all over the interior, weakening
single targeted victim who fails a Speed defense 8 points of damage each round until it can volatile acidic juices that do an additional 2 it in a multitude of places. The creature will
task is covered in the secretion and immobilized
escape. points of damage per target. then enter a unique biological state in which its
(and unable to take actions other than attempt to
break free) until it can escape. Attacks against a internal organs dissolve and a dangerous level of
When a corpuscular maw is “killed,” the high-pressure gasses build up within the corpse,
target immobilized by chalik secretions are two
flesh becomes unstable and bursts, causing until finally releasing and igniting on contact with
steps less difficult.
a transdimensional wave that knocks all air. The resulting explosion sends deadly shards
Chalik carapaces slough off their own secretions characters prone within short range. in all directions. The process leaves no trace of
so they don’t become stuck in the sticky material the crystalvore, making a proper study of them
provided by their fellows. difficult unless they can be captured alive.
33 35 36 37

TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC

Jon Gislason - - 250987
TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC
Jon Gislason - - 250987
Culova 6
5 (18)
(15) Alioptor
Cyclic Raider 6
5 (18)
(15) Alioptor
Cypherid 63(18)
(9) Alioptor
Dal 6
4 (18)
Health: 25 Movement: Long; short Health: 20 Movement: Short; long when Health: 9 Movement: Short Health: 15 Modifications: Knowledge
when climbing Damage Inflicted: 4 jumping Damage Inflicted: 5 of other dimensions as
Damage Inflicted: Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed
6 points Modifications: Speed points Modifications: Speed defense points level 5; Speed defense as
as level 6 due to quickness;
3 points defense as level 4 due to level 5 due to existing only
defense as level 6 due to Armor: 2 Movement: Short;
Armor: 2 stealth and interaction tasks Armor: 2 size; uses cyphers as if in two dimensions.
quickness; stealth and as level 7. cyphers were level 5. able to fade into an
interaction tasks as level 7. alternate dimension up
Combat: Cyclic raiders use a device they call a Melu box Combat: Cypherids can batter or stab, but to once each hour as
Combat: A culova protector prefers to attack to render human targets unconscious.
from ambush, usually with two or three web traps they prefer to try to pilfer cyphers. If one feels an action
Raiders avoid direct engagement and are expert at especially threatened, it uses a cypher-like
deployed—as well as the backing of a couple of dodging incoming attacks. If forced to defend themselves, Combat: A dal can race along a surface but also
regular culova compatriots. A web trap is a level 5 they fire a sound blast that inflicts 4 points of Intellect function available to it. The cypher effect could use its thin body as a blade to attack a target. In
sticky net that ensnares an unsuspecting victim, damage (ignores Armor) on a failed Intellect defense task. be a ray emitter, a detonation, a gravity wave that addition, most dal can affect their surroundings by
preventing them from taking any actions until they In areas with ambient sound, these automatons holds the characters down, a phasing cypher that manipulating the fabric of spacetime and can create
can escape. Attacking a victim in a web trap is two require no sustenance and operate indefinitely. But in allows the cypherid to get away, and so on. one of the following effects:
steps less difficult. completely soundless areas, such as the void beyond
Dissonance. A long-range sonic attack against a single foe.
the sky, they collapse and can be restored to function When a cypherid attacks a character carrying
Culova protectors also rely on envenomed crossbows only when exposed to sound. a cypher, the PC must succeed on an Intellect Alienation. An immediate-range psychic attack against a
of their own making that inflict 6 points of damage MELU BOX (ARTIFACT) defense task or the cypherid snakes a glassy single foe who takes Intellect damage (ignores Armor)
plus 6 points of Speed damage (ignores Armor) for Level: 1d6 + 3 tendril into the character’s equipment and and on a failed Might defense task loses their next turn.
two rounds on those who fail a Might defense task. Form: Small silver box comes away with a cypher chosen by the GM. Transfer. An immediate-range attack that transfers
In addition, protectors can spray venom from Effect: When activated, every living creature in short Along with any other action it takes on its next both the dal and its victim into an alternate dimension
their mouths on all creatures within 10 feet (3 m). range that can hear must succeed on an Intellect
defense task or fall unconscious. Unconscious
turn, the cypherid can add the cypher to itself, if the victim fails a second Intellect defense task. This
Victims must succeed on a Might defense task or creatures can attempt an Intellect task each round which grants the creature 5 points of health even alternate dimension might look exactly like the one
take 6 points of Speed damage (ignores Armor). to rouse themselves. if this takes it over its normal maximum. just departed, except empty of life. Victims phase
Depletion: 1 in 1d10 back to their plane of origin after a few rounds.
38 39 40 41

Datatar 6
5 (18)
(15) Alioptor
Dazzlegad 6
5 (18)
(15) Alioptor Reaper
Decanted 6 (18) Alioptor
Deiparon 63(18)
Health: 15 Movement: Short when flying Health: 25 Movement: Short Health: 33 Movement: Short; short Health: 12 Movement: Short; short
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Most Damage Inflicted: 6 Modifications: Attacks and Damage Inflicted: when climbing; long when Damage Inflicted: when climbing
5 points knowledge tasks as level 9. points Speed defense as level 6 due 8 points leaping 4 points Modifications: Perception
Armor: 2 to visual glare. Modifications: Stealth as tasks as level 6.
Combat: A datatar can be affected only by energy Armor: 3 Armor: 2
weapons or similar implements. Combat: A dazzlegad can trample up to two foes next level 8 when using visual
distortion field. Combat: Deiparons pounce on prey when they
to each other. It can focus its light into a burning beam
Datatars can discharge electromagnetic energy or able to target a creature within long range, inflicting 6 Combat: A decanted reaper often makes its initial
attack, from the branches of overhanging trees
a battering force field to attack a foe within long points of damage. It can also accomplish the following: attack by relying on a visual distortion field that if possible. However, a deiparon can also deal
range. renders it nearly invisible. The field collapses if the 6 points of damage from the energy orb on its
Blind one target within short range and all targets back to a creature within short range. Each time
They can also tune themselves to display a decanted reaper attacks or makes a long-range leap
within immediate range for about a minute if they fail they do so, they lose 1 point of health.
customized mind-infecting pattern at a foe within to enter combat. Surprised targets take 2 additional
a Might defense task.
immediate range who fails an Intellect defense points of damage (for a total of 10 points).
In rare instances, a deiparon uses its energy
task. An affected foe stands entranced until they Create a convincing illusion of the arrival of a far more
can escape the trance by succeeding on a difficulty serious threat. If it wants a target’s head, a decanted reaper uses to trigger a transformation that grants it
6 Intellect-based task. an energy saber to attack just one target within intelligence at least equal to a human’s, as well
Beam a pulsing light display into the eyes of a target immediate range. The damaged target must as the abilities of a level 6 creature. This effect
Each round in which a victim remains entranced, within short range, sending them into a seizure lasting succeed on a Might defense task or descend one usually lasts for no more than a minute. The
knowledge is siphoned from the victim’s mind, a few rounds if they fail a Might defense task. This effect step on the damage track as the reaper attempts deiparon uses its temporary intelligence to
inflicting 2 points of Intellect damage (ignores inflicts 3 points of Speed damage (ignores Armor). to sever its head The reaper keeps up this tactic on defray a conflict, unless it sees a way to defeat
Armor). the chosen target until the target descends all three
Beam a disorienting light pulse that confuses a target foes through trickery or some other stratagem.
Composed of regenerating light, datatars regain within short range who fails an Intellect defense task, steps on the damage track and its cauterized head
health at 2 points per round as long as they causing them to attack a random target next comes free. The reaper then “ingests” the liberated
have at least 1 point of health. round. head and stores it for later processing.
42 43 44 45

TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC

Jon Gislason - - 250987
TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC
Jon Gislason - - 250987
Dimensionworm 86 (24)
(18) Alioptor
Dread Rider 6
4 (18)
(12) Alioptor
Effigy 6 (18) Alioptor
Elaan 6
5 (18)
Health: 56 Movement: Short Health: 15 Movement: Short Health: 30 Movement: Short; short if Health: 15 Movement: Short when
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed defense Damage Inflicted: 6 Modifications: Might Damage Inflicted: phasing through stone Damage Inflicted: flying
10 points as level 5 due to size; resists points defense tasks as level 6. 8 points Modifications: Knowledge 6 points Modifications: Stealth as
Armor: 2 trickery as level 3. Armor: 3 of the numenera as level 7. level 6.
Armor: 3
Combat: A dimensionworm hides in a parallel Combat: A dread rider can make a single attack
Combat: An effigy often uses cyphers and, if Combat: Since elaan are always partially
dimension. Even while dimensionally separated from with an electricity-infused weapon for 6 points of
damage (4 points from the blade and 2 points from available, an artifact to aid itself in combat. phased, a character must succeed on a
prey, its howls possess a transdimensional resonance
the electricity). difficulty 6 Intellect task to even notice one
able to paralyze a target and anyone within immediate However, it can also hit hard with its stone
range of the target. Victims who fail Intellect defense when it hitches a ride on them. If the targeted
A dread rider can use several special abilities: fists, attacking twice as one action, inflicting 8
tasks are paralyzed until they can shake off the effect. character fails to notice, they get another
points of damage per punch. Alternatively, an attempt at a Might defense task during
Lightning Storm: The dread rider becomes immune
When the dimensionworm appears from what seems to electricity. Anyone within immediate range of effigy can generate a small quake by phasing their next ten-hour recovery, when the elaan
to be empty space to attack, its massive blunt head a dread rider takes 1 point of damage each round, one hand into the ground. Everyone within attempts to burrow. If either Might defense task
batters the target and all creatures within short range and the dread rider inflicts an additional 2 points of short range must succeed on a Might defense is successful, the target can defend themselves
of the target. The target, however, must succeed on a damage from electricity each round. task or fall to the ground and take 8 points of enough to frustrate the creature.
Might defense task from the envenomed bite or move Recall: The dread rider teleports to the nearest dread damage (from shaking and from being struck
one step down the damage track. destroyer, which could be many hundreds of miles away. by toppling objects, crumbling walls, and so An elaan that burrows is difficult to detect. A
on). Once an effigy triggers a quake, it is dazed character descends one step on the damage
A dimensionworm uses its ability to transcend Summon: The dread rider summons a dread destroyer, track each day the creature is not extracted. The
planes defensively as well as offensively. Once every which arrives in a few hours. Most of the time, a rider for a few rounds and finds the difficulty of all
tasks increased by one step. target must succeed on an Intellect task each
few rounds, a dimensionworm can burrow through won’t do this, even if it’s in personal danger, unless it
feels some greater purpose could be achieved. hour to remain in their right mind; otherwise,
dimensional walls as part of its movement. The hole
An effigy flees through the stone rather than they attempt to slip away and die in peace.
created closes up a few rounds after it is no longer Death Trigger: If a dread rider is killed, a
being used by the worm.
fight to the death. When the character is dead, a clutch of
dread destroyer is summoned. elaan blows out of the body.
46 47 49 50

Eldmor 96 (27)
(18) AlioptorShepherd
Erodel 6 (18) Alioptor
Exigen 6
4 (18)
(12) Alioptor
Faradawk 62(18)
Health: 50 Movement: Long when flying Health: 18 Movement: Short; long Health: 15 Movement: Short Health: 6 Movement: Immediate;
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed defense Damage Inflicted: while flying Damage Inflicted: Modifications: All tasks Damage Inflicted: long when flying
12 points as level 6 due to size. 6 points Modifications: Resists all 5 points related to stealth as level 6. 3 points Modifications: Speed
Armor: 5 Armor: 2 mental attacks as level 8. defense as level 4 due to
Combat: An exigen stalks targets by following
Combat: Erodel shepherds can batter foes with small size.
Combat: When “encysted” between dimensions, them from the safety of their mirror dimension.
eldmorem appear like inanimate, weathered their limbs, but their true strength is in their Particularly observant targets may notice Combat: A faradawk prefers to feed on items rich
boulders the size of small mountains. Upon ability to mentally control others into defending reflective shimmers in the air from time to time, in energy, but if hungry, it attacks living targets
waking, they unfold to reveal their true shape. them. A shepherd can make a psychic attack on a but the significance isn’t immediately clear— who carry such objects. A faradawk’s lashing tail
Though large, eldmorem can easily discern prey creature within short range. On a failed Intellect until an exigen reaches through and attempts inflicts 3 points of damage and sets the victim on
defense task, the target acts as the shepherd to grab a target. An attacking exigen becomes fire, inflicting 1 point of damage each round until
much smaller than themselves.
mentally commands on its next action. If the the victim uses an action to douse the flame.
visible as it attempts to snatch prey, during
An eldmor’s primary weapons are its eyes, same target is affected by this dominating attack Someone who is so attacked by a faradawk must
which time it is vulnerable.
which can emit twin blasts of destructive a second time within a minute, the shepherd’s also succeed on an Intellect defense task or a
transdimensional energy at targets within 5 miles mental control lasts for ten hours. A target damaged by an exigen must succeed on cypher they carry is drained of its energy and
(8 km). Each blast inflicts 12 points of damage that a Might defense task or be pulled through. Once rendered useless.
In addition, a shepherd can broadcast a psychic
phases past normal matter and protective gear field that extends to short range, filling affected a target is pulled through, the exigen releases If three or more faradawks attack a single target,
(and thus ignores Armor). targets with calm love. An affected target it and offers no further aggression unless they act like a single level 4 creature that inflicts 5
breaks off attacks on the shepherd, lays down attacked. Otherwise, the target is free to act as it points of damage.
Eldmorem can also catch a target that fails a
their weapons, and cajoles other combatants wishes, though it remains trapped in the mirror
Speed defense task in its manipulators. If a A faradawk that is killed detonates in a fiery
attacking the shepherd to do the same. Using dimension until it can find some way to escape (a
caught target fails an Intellect defense task in the this field is not an action for the shepherd, blast of energy, inflicting 6 points of damage
difficulty 6 Intellect task) or it dies.
subsequent round, it is ejected from the current but the field affects only one creature in a on all creatures (except other faradawks) in
reality into a random dimension. given round. immediate range.
51 52 53 54

TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC

Jon Gislason - - 250987
TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC
Jon Gislason - - 250987
Flaw 6
5 (18)
(15) Alioptor
Fuser 6 (18) Alioptor
Gaphelin 6
7 (18)
(21) Alioptor
Gevanic 6 (18)
Health: 20 Movement: Long Health: 27 Movement: Short; long Health: 21 Movement: Immobile (but Health: 36 Movement: Short when
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Deception Damage Inflicted: when jumping Damage Inflicted: can appear or disappear Damage Inflicted: flying
6 points as level 7. 8 points Modifications: Tasks 9 points up to once per hour when 6 points Modifications: Speed
related to interfacing with Armor: 5 unobserved) defense as level 5 due to
Armor: 1 Armor: 2 Armor: 3
or talking to machines as Modifications: Tasks related size and speed.
Combat: A flaw can draw a weapon from to interfacing with or talking
apparently nowhere and use it as an action, be level 8. Combat: When first encountered, this
to machines as level 8.
that a large maul, a weapon that fires energy, Combat: A fuser might seem rational one automaton swirls forward, which might be
Combat: If a gaphelin spends an action charging
or a detonation. They can also move up to a moment, then with an audible click become a construed as an attack, but which is actually a
its crystalline interior with psychic energy, in
long distance by taking a single step, and thus murderous sociopath the next, which means the following round it can make a psychic attack sample-gathering exercise. A nip of flesh tucked
position themselves well to attack or evade a they might attack with surprise. A fuser usually on a creature within long range that inflicts 9 into a sphere inflicts 1 or 2 points of damage at
fight. has some kind of weapon built into its modified points of Intellect damage (ignores Armor). If the most, then the gevanic moves on.
body, which might be a machine sword or a gaphelin doesn’t spend the round charging up,
A flaw affects reality in its vicinity, usually to However, if resisted, the gevanic becomes
ray-emitting artifact. Because of its quickness, the 9 points of damage are deflected normally
the detriment of its foes. For instance, the aggressive. It can attack all creatures within
a fuser can attack two foes as one action. by Armor.
ground under a foe’s feet may become soft immediate range by “flailing” its metallic
and mushy, restricting movement. The air may A fuser can also jump up to a long distance as A gaphelin can telekinetically manipulate objects spheres in a flurry, inflicting 6 points of damage
become smoky and harsh, making breathing part of its movement, which might allow it to within short range. to each victim. In addition, the touch of a
difficult and obscuring sight lines. A character’s close in to attack or escape if things are going sampling sphere from an aggressive gevanic
A gaphelin can also cause portions of the ground
weapon might become so slippery that they risk poorly. Many fusers enjoy a low-level self-repair around it within long range to detonate near disrupts nervous systems. Anyone who is
dropping it. And so on. capability, which restores 1 point of health per foes. struck by one must make a Might defense task;
round. those who fail are stunned and lose their next
55 56 57 58

Ghru 63(18)
(9) Alioptor
Glauxim 6
5 (18)
(15) Alioptor
Gleresisk 6
4 (18)
(12) AlioptorCachinnate
Golden 6
5 (18)
Health: 12 Movement: Short Health: 18 Movement: Short Health: 12 Movement: Immediate; Health: 25 Movement: Short; short
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Knowledge Damage Inflicted: Modifications: All tasks Damage Inflicted: long when flying Damage Inflicted: 5 when leaping
7 points of machines as level 6; 6 points related to perception and 4 points Modifications: Speed points
Armor: 1 seeing through lies or tricks Armor: 3 stealth as level 7. defense as level 5 due to Armor: 1
as level 2. size.
Combat: A glauxim usually avoids direct combat Combat: Targets touched by a golden
Combat: Ghru warriors wield storm staves, by staying hidden and relying on its long-range Combat: A gleresisk dives at prey and attacks cachinnate must succeed on a Might defense
medium melee artifact weapons that inflict 3 improbability field. The field has two levels of with its nest of tendrils. A victim must succeed task or take 5 points of Speed damage (ignores
additional points of damage from electricity. effect. Normally, the field causes random odd on a Speed defense task or take 4 points of Armor) from toxin. Each round thereafter, the
(A storm staff can also hurl short-range bolts happenings in the area, troubling targets for damage. If it inflicts damage, the gleresisk toxin continues to inflict 2 points of Speed
of red lightning that inflict 5 points of damage.) several days or months with unsettling dreams, retains its hold on the victim until the victim damage until the victim succeeds at a Might
Ghru also employ poison against their enemies extreme runs of bad luck, mysterious marks, can escape. Each round, a victim held fast in defense task.
whenever possible. For the ghru, sometimes strange sounds, and so on. a gleresisk’s tendrils takes 4 points of Intellect
a warrior is one who employs stealth to get damage (ignores Armor). A victim who dies In addition, every creature within immediate
close to an enemy and strike with a poisoned But if a glauxim’s secret presence is threatened, from this damage is mentally consumed by the range of a golden cachinnate must succeed on
fingertip needle rather than a burly armored it can directly manipulate reality to cause gleresisk. The body collapses, and the gleresisk a Might defense task each round or take 1 point
figure with a massive weapon. walls to collapse on foes, weapons to go off of Speed damage (ignores Armor) from the
floats away, satisfied.
unexpectedly, cyphers to detonate, brains to toxin in the air exhaled by the creature.
Ghru armor is derived from an artifact called drop into sleep, and so on, generally creating
electric armor that also inflicts 1 point of one level 5 effect within long range per round. Finally, a golden cachinnate can spit toxic darts
damage on any creature that strikes the ghru Whenever a glauxim creates such a directed at targets within long range who are affected as
in combat. effect, its entire body glows with a soft blue if they were touched by the creature.
59 60 61 62

TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC

Jon Gislason - - 250987
TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC
Jon Gislason - - 250987
Haneek 6
4 (18)
(12) AlioptorPennon
Hungry 6
4 (18)
(12) Alioptor
Iani 6
4 (18)
(12) Alioptor
Ice Weaver 63(18)
Health: 16 Movement: Short; short Health: 18 Movement: Short when Health: 12 Movement: Long Health: 9 Movement: Long
Damage Inflicted: when gliding Damage Inflicted: flying Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed Damage Inflicted: 4 Modifications: Speed
4 points Modifications: Stealth tasks 4 points Modifications: Perception 4 points defense, jumping, and points defense as level 4.
as level 7; stealth tasks as as level 6. balancing as level 5. Armor: 4 (see Combat)
Armor: 2
level 3 for up to an hour
Combat: A hungry pennon attempts to flee Combat: While iani have claws they can use to Combat: Ice weavers race quickly on self-created
after it has fed.
from direct combat by flying away. If it has no narrow lanes of ice and use that speed to their
Combat: A haneek prefers that victims ensnare other option, it bites a foe with the tiny mouths batter and cut foes, they rely on technological
devices they’ve absorbed. As an action, an iani advantage in combat. An ice weaver can move a
themselves by failing to notice it poised before it hides under the folds of its banner-like wings.
can absorb any device it touches. As another long distance and attack as a single action. It can
them. Otherwise it can lash out with a flap of
A hungry pennon takes down prey by convincing also use its action to create a lane that stretches up
tissue. Either way, a victim must succeed on a action, it can use the absorbed device (if
its host to attack a target. Fresh hosts must above the heads of its prey, so that they can’t reach
Might defense task or become stuck to the haneek applicable) as though the device were a natural
succeed on an Intellect defense task to avoid it that round unless they try to climb an elevated,
until it can escape. Each round a victim remains part of it. Given ten minutes, it can transfer the
stuck to a haneek, it suffers 4 points of damage the suggestion to attack. The difficulty of all slippery ice lane (a difficulty 6 Might task).
abilities of the absorbed device to all iani within
(ignores Armor) as the direct contact begins to attacks made by a host with a bonded pennon
3 miles (5 km). It can also reject a previously Ice lanes are level 3 and melt in under an hour in
digest the victim. is reduced by one step, which explains the
absorbed device and spew it out again, good warm conditions.
attraction to the initial psychic connection.
Even after a victim escapes, a runaway digestive as new. When an ice weaver bites down on a foe, it drains
process continues to inflict 1 point of damage A pennon never willingly leaves a bonded host.
heat and inflicts 4 points of Speed damage
(ignores Armor) each round, until the victim can A host who has had enough of the bond must Cyphers can be used only once, and abilities
succeed on a difficulty 6 Intellect task each (ignores Armor). Completely frozen victims are
come up with some sort of treatment or, more don’t always transfer, but absorbed artifacts dragged off and consumed later.
likely, cut off the afflicted patch of skin. Best case, time it wants to attack the pennon. If a hungry can be used multiple times and their abilities
this self-mutilation inflicts 4 points of damage pennon is killed, its bonded host suffers 6 can be shared among other iani. Anyone within immediate range of an ice weaver
(ignores Armor) that leaves a nasty scar. Worst points of Intellect damage (ignores Armor). suffers 1 point of cold damage each round.
case, the victim must sacrifice a limb.
63 65 66 67

Idyc 6
5 (18)
(15) Alioptor
Igothus 63(18)
(9) Alioptor Gonoph
Imorphin 6
5 (18)
(15) Alioptor Crawler
Imusten 6
5 (18)
Health: 19 Armor: 2 Health: 9 Movement: Short Health: 23 Movement: Flies an immediate Health: 18 Movement: Short; short
Damage Inflicted: Movement: Short; Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed Damage Inflicted: 5 distance each round Damage Inflicted: when climbing; immediate
3 points short when climbing or 4 points defense as level 4. points Modifications: Stealth as 6 points when burrowing
swimming Armor: 2 level 7. Armor: 2 Modifications: Stealth as
Armor: 1
Combat: The idyc’s abilities are based on the initial Combat: Imorphin gonophs don’t move quickly, so level 7.
health of those it encounters. It targets healthy Combat: Igothus are fast and agile, savagely anyone who wants to break off combat with one can Combat: An imusten crawler bites prey if the
creatures in hopes of finding robust hosts for its attacking with claws and teeth. They never usually do so by moving out of range. An imorphin victim fails a Speed defense task, inflicting 6
young. use weapons or armor, and they prefer swarm gonoph rarely pursues. Normally it attacks only points of damage. The bitten target must then
tactics. A group of five igothus can attack as a if attacked first (usually by a victim who doesn’t succeed on a Might defense task, or it feels a
Healthy: Attacks with a shower of short-range darts single individual of level 5, inflicting 8 points of appreciate having their equipment stolen). numbing, mounting pressure in its lungs, which
(up to four as a single action) and then attempts
damage. In addition to lashing a target with its tendrils to begin to fill up with smothering gel. The victim
to break off the engagement. Victims struck by a
inflict 5 points of damage, a gonoph can reveal a takes 6 points of damage (ignores Armor) each
dart must succeed on an additional Might defense Igothus seem to be utterly fearless and fight cavity resembling a large mouth that emits piercing round until it succeeds on a Might defense task.
task. On a failure, the embedded dart digs deeper
with a savage bloodlust to their dying breath. sonic effects, including the following: Each failed task to cough up the gel makes the
into the tissue and becomes impossible to extract
In the moment in which it is struck down, an succeeding defense task one step more difficult as
without a special operation. Sometime over the Sonic barrage that inflicts 5 points of damage on all
igothus can often make a single, final attack if it the victim suffocates.
following three days, the victim releases 1d6 tiny targets within immediate range
level 1 idycs. This inflicts 3 points of damage per has the opportunity. An imusten crawler instead may choose to secrete
idyc so hatched. If the victim survives, they feel Piercing sonic ray that inflicts 5 points of damage gel from its skin that holds the victim in place—
protective of the newly hatched creatures. (ignores Armor) on one target within short range rather than suffocating it—in a pocket of clear,
Reverberation that deafens all characters within viscous material. The gel has a soporific effect
Hurt: Attempts friendly interaction. This could
occur even after the idyc has hurt a previously short range who fail a Might defense roll. Each and can store living creatures indefinitely until the
healthy victim with darts. round, they can attempt another Might imusten becomes hungry enough to eat.
68 69 defense roll to shrug off the effect. 70 71

TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC

Jon Gislason - - 250987
TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC
Jon Gislason - - 250987
Ixobrychid 6
7 (18)
(21) Alioptor
Jacentwing 61(18)
(3) Alioptor
Jasmeris 6
5 (18)
(15) Alioptor
Jreet 63(18)
Health: 28 Movement: Immediate; Health: 3 Movement: Immediate when flying Health: 20 Movement: Short Health: 12 Movement: Long; short when
Damage Inflicted: long when flying Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed defense as Damage Inflicted: 5 Damage Inflicted: climbing; immediate when
1 point level 3 due to size. 3 points burrowing
7 points Modifications: All tasks points
related to the numenera as Combat: Jacentwings inflict 1 point of damage with their Modifications: Perception
level 9. sting. Treat a swarm as a level 3 creature that inflicts 3 points Combat: A jasmeris attacks targets with as level 5; Speed defense as
of damage. Victims of a swarm attack must also succeed on barbed leaves, though its perfume is its most level 4 due to quickness.
Combat: An ixobrychid can make four attacks a Might defense task or suffer one of the following: lethal quality. Unless the jasmeris’s petals are
as a single action using its fractal-like limbs. A Combat: A jreet attacks with its multiple-mouthed
1 Target is shunted to a pocket dimension. folded, those in short range must succeed on bite, inflicting 3 points of damage. A victim must
damaged target must also succeed on an Intellect 2 Crystal version of the PC pops out of a parallel a Might defense task or descend one step on also succeed on a Might defense task or be latched
defense task or be stunned and lose its next turn. dimension on to the real character.
the damage track each round. A creature that onto by the jreet and suffer an additional 3 points
3 The character’s armor or equipment is shunted to a
If an ixobrychid chooses to focus all of its attacks pocket dimension. descends to the final step on the damage track of damage each round until escaping.
on a single target, and at least two of those attacks 4 A doppelganger of the character appears. because of this effect collapses into so much A pack of five or more jreets can act as a single
hit, the victim must succeed on a Might defense 5 Target’s limb becomes lodged in an alternate dimension bloody liquid. This scent-triggered hemophilia level 5 creature and make a stampede attack.
until they succeed on a difficulty 3 Might task. occurs regardless of any other action the
task to pull free. Otherwise the creature folds When they do, the pack moves 50 feet (15 m) in
6 The character’s armor is damaged as it becomes
up around the target, completely covering it. phased, reducing its Armor value by 1 until the PCs jasmeris takes. a round, and everything along the line of that
The enfolded target can do nothing but attempt return to their home dimension. movement is attacked. Victims take 5 points of
to escape. If the target doesn’t escape within a 7 Alternate dimensions bleed through reality around To avoid this, a character within short distance damage. Even those who succeed on a Speed
few rounds, the ixobrychid unfolds once more, the character, increasing the difficulty of all tasks by must hold their breath by succeeding on a defense roll take 2 points of damage.
one step for about a minute. Might task each round. The difficulty begins at 1
revealing that the target has vanished. In truth, Finally, a jreet can use its poisoned sting. The
8 Target is shunted into a dimension where each
it’s been shunted to a pocket dimension where round is one hour. and increases each round. sting inflicts only 1 point of damage, but a victim
the ixobrychid collects things of all sorts, many of 9 Transdimensional leeches (level 1) appear on the target. must also succeed on a Might defense task or
which defy description. 10 One of the target’s cyphers explodes, inflicting suffer 3 points of Speed damage (ignores
damage equal to the cypher level. Armor) each round for three rounds.
73 74 75 76

Kaseyer 63(18)
(9) Alioptor
Keeper 6
5 (18)
(15) Alioptor
Keltonim 63(18)
(9) Alioptor
Kelursan 6
7 (18)
Health: 12 Movement: Short Health: 20 Movement: Short (or as Health: 12 Movement: Short; long Health: 30 Movement: Short; long
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Disguise and Damage Inflicted: host body, if better) Damage Inflicted: when flying Damage Inflicted: when jumping
3 points stealth as level 5. 5 points Modifications: Knowledge 3 points (8 when Modifications: When 8 points Modifications: Strength and
Armor: 1 Armor: 3 skills as host body. transformed) transformed, Speed defense Might defense tasks as level
and attacks as level 5. 8; Speed defense as level 5
Combat: A kaseyer can bite and claw, but mostly Combat: A host body is almost completely due to size.
relies on mental abilities. It uses those abilities Combat: Keltonim flee combat unless they are
protected by the keeper, but it’s also in a state hurt. Then the fight-or-flight reflex hidden in Combat: Kelursans batter their enemies with
to disguise itself (usually taking the likeness of a of stasis. Unless a keeper is damaged by a large keltonim flesh is activated over the course of one brutal ferocity. They can make a whirlwind attack
human child), and also to mentally assault victims. attack (such as a detonation, which affects both targeting every creature within immediate range.
round, during which the creature does nothing
Brain Wrack: If a kaseyer touches a foe, the target keeper and host), the host remains protected but shake as if having a fit. If not killed or sedated In addition, they can hurl nearby boulders, chunks
must succeed on an Intellect defense task or be even as the keeper takes the brunt of any before the beginning of its next turn, the keltonim of synth, walls from ruins of the prior worlds, or
subject to horrifying images that corrode their offensive. is transformed for about a minute. other creatures at targets within long range, dealing
damage to all creatures within immediate range of
brain, inflicting 3 points of Intellect damage A keeper can use any equipment or cyphers A transformed keltonim’s muscles are taut the impact zone that fail a Speed defense task.
(ignores Armor) and, on a failed Might defense possessed by the host body, or it can exhale beneath its skin, its eyes are wide, its mouth
task, making them lose their next turn. If three or on a foe within immediate range. A target gapes, and wicked claws emerge from its fingers. Kelursans regain 4 points of health per round. If
more kaseyera work together, the attack is level 5 must succeed on a Might defense task or fall A transformed keltonim inflicts an additional 5 a kelursan inflicts damage during the same round
and inflicts 5 points of Intellect damage. into a confused state. Until the target makes points of damage (8 points total). It cannot be in which its healing factor is active, it inflicts 2
a successful Intellect task, it can take no other stunned or dazed, and its skin thickens, providing additional points of damage (10 points total) with
Sway: If a kaseyer touches a foe, it must succeed its attacks that round.
actions. If a keeper maintains skin-to-skin +3 to Armor. Even when killed, a transformed
on an Intellect defense task or take an action
contact with a victim for three rounds, it can keltonim gets a final death spasm attack. If a kelursan dies, embedded tech slowly reknits
specified by the kaseyer on its next turn. If three
or more kaseyera work as one, the attack is a level transfer itself. The old host wakes within a few Once a transformation runs its course, a surviving the creature, bringing it back to life within a few
5 assault. rounds, having moved one step down keltonim is dazed for several minutes, and all days unless the body is completely destroyed.
the damage track. tasks it attempts are one step more difficult.
80 81 82 83

TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC

Jon Gislason - - 250987
TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC
Jon Gislason - - 250987
Kissing 63(18)
(9) Alioptor
Klax 6
4 (18)
(12) Alioptor
Kroth 6
4 (18)
(12) AlioptorCourier
Lacaric 6
7 (18)
Health: 11 Movement: Short Health: 12 Movement: Long when Health: 12 Movement: Immediate; jumps Health: 33 Movement: Short when
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: All tasks Damage Inflicted: hovering Damage Inflicted: a long distance Damage Inflicted: flying; immediate when
4 points related to positive social 4+ points Modifications: Numenera 4 points Modifications: Stealth and 7 points crawling
interaction and deception knowledge as level 7. Armor: 3 disguise as level 6; perception Modifications: Speed
as level 3; Speed defense as Armor: 4
as level 5. defense as level 4 due to
Combat: A klax attacks with a touch that’s level 3 due to size.
Combat: A kissing fawn may seem playful, even size.
going so far as to “kiss” a target with its wriggling charged with electricity. It can increase the Combat: Kroth scales secrete a sticky fluid that
feelers. However, the corrosive slime produced by intensity of the attack by sacrificing its own bonds to most objects and surfaces, and that Combat: If threatened, a lacaric courier can
each feeler inflicts 4 points of damage, and if the health, inflicting 2 additional points of damage digests most materials. Characters who tread upon direct up to four blasts of energy at the same or
target fails a Might defense task, a feeler detaches per health point used. If a klax uses the last of a kroth’s back must succeed on a difficulty 6 Might different targets within long range, or fire one
and burrows in. its health to make an extremely powerful attack, defense task or become stuck until they can escape. blast of energy at a range of 1,000 feet (300
instead of dying, it appears to fade away, falling Kroths that ensnare prey while lying submerged m) in lieu of making four attacks. If nothing
A target hosting one or more feelers finds the else, it could ram a target, inflicting 14 points
back into whatever dimension, interstellar in water roll their prey beneath the surface.
difficulty of all tasks one step higher due to the pain, Attempting to “wrestle” a kroth while stuck to it in
location, or time from which it projected itself. of damage to both the target and itself, though
which also automatically inflicts 2 points of Speed order to get a breath of air before being rolled under
damage (ignores Armor) each round until it can be All their possessions go with them. its Armor applies. However, if attacked, a
again requires a difficulty 5 Might-based task. courier doesn’t spend more than a few rounds
extracted. Extracting a burrower requires some kind
A klax can control a device of any size that is The adhesive, digestive fluid inflicts 4 points of defending itself.
of tool that can be used as tongs, however crude,
able to use power, as long as they remain in damage per round to adhered victims, who may
and inflicts 4 points of damage (ignores Armor).
contact with it and the device is level 4 or lower. also be attempting to stave off drowning.
If a burrowing feeler kills a target, a new fawnling Each additional klax that touches the device
is born in the dead flesh, feeding on the body and Drowning: For every three rounds a character
increases the level of the device that can be goes with no air (as well as what is likely a few
growing until it finally emerges after about a week. controlled. accidental breaths of water), they move one
step down the damage track.
84 85 86 87

Lambrequin 6
5 (18)
(15) Alioptor
Lanmoro 6
4 (18)
(12) Alioptor
Latos Adjunct 6
5 (18)
(15) Alioptor
Leradyt 6
5 (18)
Health: 20 Movement: Short Health: 12 Movement: Immediate Health: 25 Movement: Short Health: 15 Movement: Long
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Tasks Damage Inflicted: 4 Modifications: Speed Damage Inflicted: 6 Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Perception
5 points related to understanding points defense as level 2 due to points 5 points as level 6.
and talking to machines slowness.
Armor: 3 Combat: A latos adjunct can physically attack by Armor: 1
as level 7. Combat: A lanmoro can attempt any of the following: battering foes with metal alloy fists. Alternatively, Combat: A leradyt acting as part of a group
Combat: A lambrequin can direct up to two Emotional Surge: A creature within short range it can lash out with horrific mental attacks. Attacks attempts to either chase a lone target into the
blasts of energy at the same or different targets must succeed on an Intellect task or be overcome include the following:
jaws of an ambush, or lead a group of targets
within long range, inflicting 5 points of damage. with sadness, hilarity, fear, disgust, or surprise.
All creatures within immediate range of the adjunct into an ambush. Leradyt attacks from ambush
The target loses their next turn, or can wrench their
As part of the same action, they can extend mind back into focus, which inflicts 4 points of must succeed on an Intellect defense task or suffer increase the difficulty of defending against
their head tendrils and attack all targets Intellect damage (ignores Armor). 3 points of Intellect damage (ignores Armor). them by two steps, and deal a total of 7 points
within immediate range or one target within of damage.
Bland Gray Sky: Biological creatures within short One creature within short range must succeed on
short range. A character who fails a Speed range must succeed on an Intellect defense task an Intellect defense task or their consciousness A standard leradyt bite inflicts 5 points of
defense task loses one cypher or oddity in or lose all motivation for the next minute. Affected is transferred into the adjunct, where it cannot damage, and the target must succeed on a
their possession (in that order) as the tendril creatures pause and become unmoving. A creature take action. The adjunct controls the target’s Might defense task or be blinded by a splash
touches it and sucks away the energy. If the PC can attempt to escape this torpid state, but if body, taking over so seamlessly that allies might of white, sticky froth until they use an action
has an artifact, the character must check for successful, it suffers 4 points of Intellect damage not notice. Usually, it tries to convince the allies wiping away the muck. If a leradyt hits a blind
depletion as some of the energy powering it is (ignores Armor). to leave, ignore the latos, and so on. If necessary, target, it can wrap the befuddled victim in its
leeched away. the adjunct will attack the target’s allies using the
Bloom: The lanmoro detonates. Creatures within clawed legs and inflict 5 points of damage each
Each item a lambrequin sucks energy from immediate range must succeed on a Might defense body. The adjunct can continue to act even while it round until the target can escape. A blind target
grants it 3 points of health, even if that exceeds task or suffer 4 points of damage. Over the next controls a target. The target can regain control of finds any task requiring sight at least two steps
the creature’s normal health maximum. few days, juvenile lanmoros take root in random their body if they succeed on an Intellect task.
more difficult, if not impossible.
locations that exposed targets visit.
88 90 91 92

TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC

Jon Gislason - - 250987
TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC
Jon Gislason - - 250987
Malvok 63(18)
(9) Alioptor
Mazocacoth 6 (18) Alioptor
Mimus 6 (18) Alioptor
Mnethashi 6
5 (18)
Health: 12 Movement: Short; immediate Health: 22 Movement: Long in Health: 22 Movement: Short; immediate Health: 22 Movement: Short
Damage Inflicted: when burrowing Damage Inflicted: 8 darkwalker aspect; short in Damage Inflicted: for burrowing or climbing Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Stealth and
3 points Modifications: Defends as points sleeper aspect 8 points deception as level 7.
6 points Modifications: Speed
Armor: 2 level 4 due to slick scales; Armor: 2 Modifications: Perception Combat: Mnethashi claws drip with a powerful
Armor: 1 defense as level 4 due to
stealth tasks as level 6 when (in sleeper aspect) as level 9. acid that is also their blood. The damage they
size; stealth tasks as level 7
burrowing. Combat: A mazocacoth in its darkwalker aspect inflict includes 3 points of acid damage. Further,
due to ability to hide most
Combat: If caught, malvoks might use crude usually enters combat only if an attacker is able to if they are struck in melee, the creature striking
of its body. them suffers 2 points of acid damage from the
weapons like spears or clubs to defend themselves affect its phased form, requiring a device designed
before they attempt to slip away down a freshly to affect out-of-phase creatures. A darkwalker can Combat: A mimus hides in plain sight by blood spray.
burrowed hole in the ground. They avoid open extend one of its legs to stab a foe within 300 feet digging in or hiding behind convenient
(90 m), inflicting 8 points of Intellect damage Mnethashi are experts in stealth. They can cloud the
conflict when possible and instead try to skewer structures so that only its head is visible. Such minds of other creatures, implanting false images.
sleeping (or at least reclining) foes from the safety (ignores Armor) to the target as well as all within a peculiarity is enough to lure some victims to
immediate range of the target who fail a Speed Those failing an Intellect defense task cannot help
of stealthily extended tunnels. Defending against a within immediate range. That’s when the face but be confused by these psychic illusions.
surprise bite by a malvok is two steps more difficult defense task. Those who succeed suffer 2 points of
Intellect damage (ignores Armor). splits and erupts with a shower of burrowing Mnethashi have mental powers that they can use
(or impossible for a sleeping target). A victim takes
3 points of damage and must succeed on a difficulty leeches. On a failed Speed defense task, targets offensively as well. A target within short range
Sleeper mazocacoths roused from slumber or
5 Might defense task or be completely paralyzed found while browsing vegetation do not defend suffer 6 points of damage and an additional 6 that fails an Intellect defense task suffers 6 points
and unable to take physical actions until the themselves if attacked, though they do move away points of damage (ignores Armor) each round of Intellect damage (ignores Armor). A character
damage from the initial bite is restored. at full speed. thereafter from burrowing leeches until they reduced to 0 Intellect loses much of their will
succeed on a Might-based task to expel the and obeys any command or suggestion sent to
A malvok secretly feeds on a paralyzed victim If a mazocacoth is killed in either aspect, a psychic them telepathically. This condition lasts until their
through the same puncture cavity it used to cry inflicts 8 points of Intellect damage (ignores leeches. After a few rounds, victims begin to
Intellect Pool is completely restored.
inject its paralytic venom, inflicting 3 points of Armor) on all creatures within a mile (2 km) of suffer flitting hallucinations and odd visions
damage (ignores Armor) each round as it the deed. The body fades over the course that make no apparent sense. Mnethashi often use cyphers or artifacts,
sucks out the organs. of hours. usually as weapons.
95 96 98 99

Moilt 6
5 (18)
(15) Alioptor
Multrolca 6
7 (18)
(21) Alioptor Wind
Nacreon 62(18)
(6) Alioptor
Namnesis 6
5 (18)
Health: 24 Movement: Short Health: 32 Movement: Short; short Health: 9 Movement: Short when Health: 18 Movement: Short
Damage Inflicted: Damage Inflicted: when climbing Damage Inflicted: flying Damage Inflicted: 3
2 points 10 points Modifications: Speed defense 3 points points (see Combat)
Combat: Moilts don’t usually fight in the Armor: 3 as level 6 due to size. Combat: A nacreon wind is insubstantial, Armor: 3
physical sense, but they can use their tendrils to unaffected by anything not transdimensional.
Combat: A multrolca chases prey with single- Combat: If threatened, a namnesis attempts to
attack all creatures within immediate range for It can move through small cracks and fissures.
2 points of damage as a single action. minded intensity, bounding from boulder to psychically remove a character’s special ability
Its presence makes all tasks related to finding
cliff wall, slavering and roaring with horrendous objects of the numenera one step less difficult, and use it for itself. For instance, if a nano with
Moilts hypnotize creatures with their psychic fury. The multrolca’s bite inflicts 10 points of the Mind Control esotery confronts a namnesis,
as those objects tend to gleam, power on, or
gaze. A moilt can potentially mentally affect damage, and if the victim fails a Might defense the nano must succeed on an Intellect defense
otherwise reveal themselves.
all creatures within short range as one action. task, venom inflicts an additional 6 points of task or lose the use of that ability for about
Affected creatures that are not at least as smart Speed damage (ignores Armor). A nacreon wind can concentrate down to a fraction a minute. As part of the same action, the
as humans forget the moilt is present. of its former size and become a solid that mimics,
namnesis attempts to use Mind Control on the
A multrolca that commits itself to combat in outline only, the shape of a character or object.
A human or equivalently intelligent creature is character or the character’s ally. If a namnesis
begins to bleed from ancient wounds after a In this shape, it touches a character or unattended
compelled to move forward and take a few bites cypher and “rewrites” its functionality. If this fails to “borrow” an ability, the target instead
from the moilt’s soft, bread-like outer flesh few rounds of activity, which inflicts 1 point
happens to a character, randomly choose one new takes 3 points of Intellect damage (ignores
(which inflicts 1 point of damage to the moilt). of damage per round to the creature. These
cypher for that PC (the old cypher remains in form, Armor) that round.
Upon swallowing, the diner must succeed on re-opened wounds eventually become life but it has a new function).
a Might defense task or fall unconscious for threatening; at that point, the multrolca A namnesis may also attempt to remove a
an hour. Unless awakened prematurely, those activates the strange devices studding its If attacked, a concentrated nacreon wind is foe’s memory of their initial meeting so it can
who eat of the moilt wake with a new memory, skin, opens a temporary wormhole to another vulnerable. It can also return an attack, inflicting slip away or try again, though this works only
which is so out of context that little can be location, and attempts to escape to safety 3 points of Speed damage (ignores Armor) if the against a single foe without allies.
gleaned from it. and convalescence. target fails a Speed defense task.
100 104 105 106

TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC

Jon Gislason - - 250987
TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC
Jon Gislason - - 250987
Nausrak 62(18)
(6) Alioptor
Neanic 6
5 (18)
(15) Alioptor
Nerodrod 6
4 (18)
(12) Alioptor Domicile
Nibovian 6
4 (18)
Health: 9 Movement: Short Health: 33 Movement: Teleports Health: 12 Movement: Short; long Health: 24 Modifications: Deception
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Stealth and up to a long distance Damage Inflicted: 4 when flying Damage Inflicted: 5 points as level 7; Speed defense
Damage Inflicted: 5 as level 1 due to size
3 points deception as level 5; resists points each round points (see Combat) Armor: 3 (exterior only)
and relative immobility
poisons and passive energy Armor: 2 Movement: Immediate; (Speed defense as level
attacks as level 8. Combat: Each round any character within long when it extends 3 when it extends legs to
short range clearly sees the neanic and fails an Combat: A nerodrod usually begins a combat thousands of tiny insect flee and evade attacks).
Combat: A nausrak attacks by hurling a glob of
Intellect defense task, victims suffer 5 points of with utter surprise, targeting whoever has its legs to shift location
fungus at a foe. A struck target takes 3 points or flee from external
Intellect damage (ignores Armor). This mind- distributed body part, a so-called “nerodrod
of damage and must also succeed on a Might attackers
draining effect persists for one round after a cypher.” It arrives suddenly as if it had dived
defense task or become infected.
creature who glimpsed a neanic ceases to view directly from overhead (even if a target is inside or Combat: A Nibovian domicile flees if creatures on its
If three or more nausraks target a foe, it’s treated underground), phasing into material form just in exterior realize its true nature. It prefers to attack with
it, whether because they turn away, close their time to deliver a level 2 attack that inflicts 10 points a subtle poison it secretes, which appears as nothing
as a single level 5 attack that inflicts 8 points of
damage, and the Might defense task becomes eyes, or something else occurs—or because of damage. If the target fails a Might defense task, more than dust. Someone who spends more than an
difficulty 5. the neanic is killed. it is also stunned and unable to take its next turn. hour in the domicile must succeed on a Might defense
task or they refuse to leave. If left alone, the domicile
An infected target struggles for breath and loses A character could choose to avert their gaze In subsequent rounds, the nerodrod can attack opens a suspiciously mouthlike “secret hatch” in the
their next turn. The infection is a level 5 disease. while attacking a neanic, which increases the with its massive metallic splinter, inflicting 5 floor and attempts to eat the target, inflicting 5 points
Every 28 hours the victim must succeed on a points of damage. If it attacks a target holding of damage per bite. A target affected by the poison
difficulty of their attack by two steps. The remains cognizant enough to defend itself but is dazed,
Might defense task or descend one step on the creature doesn’t physically attack its foes, but its distributed body part, it attacks as if a level 6
finding the difficulty of all tasks increased by one step.
damage track as the fungus grows on them, but creature inflicting 7 points of damage.
it does stalk after those who run from it, and The victim won’t leave the domicile, even when it’s
especially over any objects of the numenera they attacking them, unless they succeed on an Intellect
carry. If a target completely divests itself of such
attempts to teleport itself back into a victim’s If threatened overmuch, a nerodrod’s core body
field of view. defense task. A victim that seems to be getting the
items for 56 hours, the infection ends. If a victim phases and flies off, searching for easier prey
better of the domicile is spit out the front door, and
dies while infected, their corpse is ground elsewhere in time and space, leaving behind its then the entire structure flees.
zero for a fresh infestation. parts.
107 109 110 111

Alioptor Guide
Nibovian 6
5 (18)
(15) Alioptor
Nildir 6
5 (18)
(15) Alioptor
Nomyn 6
4 (18)
(12) Alioptor
Null-Cat 6
7 (18)
Health: 15 Movement: Short Health: 23 Movement: Short; action to Health: 18 Movement: Short Health: 42 Movement: Long; short
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Tasks Damage Inflicted: 8 flit between known parallel Damage Inflicted: Damage Inflicted: when climbing
points dimensions Modifications: Stealth and
5 points related to stealth, 4 points 7 points
deception, and one area Modifications: Defense tasks hiding as level 9; Speed
Armor: 1 Combat: A nomyn’s touch transfers a handful
of expertise as level 6. as level 6 (see Combat); runs, defense as level 6 due to size.
climbs, and jumps as level 7. of insects that inflict 4 points of damage each
Combat: The Nibovian guide first seeks to gain Combat: A null-cat relies on its energy-draining
Combat: A nildir tears at prey with its powerful claws round until the victim removes the creatures.
the trust of one or more humans, then tries to field during combat. All characters within
until they are incapacitated, then attempts to steal In addition, victims must succeed on a Might
capture its victims in transdimensional cocoons away the dying body to an alternate dimension, there
immediate range who have an artifact must roll
defense task or be blinded by the poison until
that transfer them to its home dimension. to dine on the still-living flesh in peace. normally for depletion each round. Anyone who
they use an action to wipe their eyes clear. The is attacked by the null-cat and suffers damage
The guide releases chemicals into the air that Dimensional bleed surrounds a planar cannibal—a difficulty of most physical tasks is increased by “burns out” a cypher in their possession (if any)
create a drug-like dependency in humans. For being of disrupted dimension—like a halo. Each two steps for a blinded creature. on a failed Intellect defense task. The null-cat
each hour that this exchange occurs, the PC round, disquieting emotions, sounds, visions, and gains 5 points of health for each artifact charge
feels motivated and positive about whatever the even physical objects appearing out of nowhere can As part of the same action, a nomyn’s mobile
and cypher it consumes in this fashion.
guide is helping with, gaining an asset to any afflict foes. Generally speaking, these effects increase “head” can attack a character by jumping on
directly related task while the guide is present. the difficulty of all attacks and defenses against the them, but it only targets victims that have Simultaneously with its energy-draining effect,
cannibal by one step, though the GM can also choose already been blinded. If this happens, treat a null-cat can bite a target, inflicting 7 points of
If the PC doesn’t uncover what’s going to apply specific effects.
on after five days, the PC collapses into the head as a separate level 4 creature. If the damage.
unconsciousness. The guide then cocoons As its action, a planar cannibal can move into an target fails a Speed defense task, the head
alternate dimension, usually one it has previously automatically inflicts 4 points of damage each The null-cat stalks victims passing through its
the PC in white filaments from spinnerets in
visited. It leaves behind flickering footsteps that round until it can be shaken off. territory, preferring to wait until night to attack. If
its mouth. Once cocooned, a victim has only
can be followed for one round if pursuers are quick possible, it waits to attack sleeping victims.
about ten hours before it is shunted to
Reeval, there to face an unknowable fate. enough (a level 5 Speed task).
112 113 114 115

TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC

Jon Gislason - - 250987
TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC
Jon Gislason - - 250987
Olion 63(18)
(9) Alioptor
Onrakas 63(18)
(9) Alioptor Tester
Oorgolian 6
4 (18)
(12) Alioptor
Ort 63(18)
Health: 15 Movement: Short Health: 12 Movement: Short; short Health: 15 Movement: Short Health: 9 Movement: Short
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Stealth as Damage Inflicted: when burrowing Damage Inflicted: 4 Modifications: Knowledge of Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Stealth as
3 points level 4; see Combat. 3 points Modifications: Burrow points the numenera as level 6. 4 points level 5.
Combat: An olion has an overwhelming instinct Armor: 2 through stone, synth, Armor: 3 Armor: 1
to fake death when confronted with danger. It metal, and other Combat: Oorgolian testers don’t directly attack
falls into a torpor nearly indistinguishable from subjects, instead relying on Oorgolian soldiers to Combat: Orts become a frenzy of gibbering
substances of up to level
death for minutes, hours, or even longer. While provide candidates. But if pressed a tester can attack threat when they attack, battering foes with
7; perception as level 6.
in this trance, an olion has +5 to Armor, gains with a needlelike limb that inflicts 4 points of damage limbs suffused with transdimensional energy
Combat: An onrakas’s claws are unbelievably plus a specific drug if the subject fails a difficulty 5 that inflicts 4 points of damage. Three orts
immunity to poisons and disease, and regains 2
sharp and ignore Armor except that provided by Might defense task. Drug effects include:
points of health per round. acting in concert can attack as a level 5 creature
force fields or by effects or devices of level 8 or Paralysis: For one minute, target can do nothing but speak. and inflict 6 points of damage on one attack;
When an olion falls into its death trance, it higher. The claws also cause bleeding wounds, a victim must succeed on an additional
releases a psychic attack targeting all other Hallucination: Target can no longer distinguish reality
and a target who takes damage must also from upsetting visions for three rounds. Might defense task or be pulled into a pocket
creatures within immediate range. Targets succeed on a Might defense task or bleed for 2 dimension that the orts use as a lair until the
who fail a difficulty 5 Intellect defense task fall Truth: For one hour, target must succeed on a
points of damage per round until they use an victim can escape (with a successful level 5
unconscious, but do not gain any of the olion’s difficulty 6 Intellect task to lie.
action to tend to the wound. Intellect-based task) or the orts return to feed.
other modifications. The target must depend Once a target is subdued, a tester asks a series of
on an ally to pull it out of immediate range of When three or more onrakases are together, questions. If the tester believes the target hasn’t
any “dead” olions, or it must succeed on three as their action they can produce a level 5 answered a question, it applies a shock that inflicts 4
difficulty 5 Might defense tasks before failing subsonic hum that destructively interferes with points of Speed damage (ignores Armor).
two. Otherwise, the target becomes fused with
a selected object within short range, potentially Sample odd questions: “What motivates you?” “Do
the nearest olion (or olions—spreading the flesh
causing the object to shatter. fish get thirsty?” “Is green angrier than blue?”
around) and is essentially unrecoverable. “Is a fly without wings a walk?”
117 119 120 121

Otolin 6
4 (18)
(12) Alioptor Automaton
Overlord 6 (18) Alioptor
Oxyuratl 6 (18) Alioptor
Phaselost 62(18)
Health: 18 Movement: Short; long Health: 30 Movement: Long Health: 30 Movement: Long when flying Health: 9 Movement: Short when flying
Damage Inflicted: when flying Damage Inflicted: 7 Modifications: Perceives, Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed defense Damage Inflicted: 2 Modifications: Stealth as level
6 points Modifications: Tasks related points persuades, and deceives as 8 points as level 5 due to size; resists points 5; phasing attack as level 4.
to understanding and using Armor: 4 level 8; Speed defense as level Armor: 3 deception and trickery as
Armor: 2 Combat: A phaselost is mostly out of phase and
machines as level 7. 5 due to size. level 2. doesn’t take damage from mundane physical
Combat: Overlord automatons would prefer not to Combat: An oxyuratl can make physical melee
Combat: Otolins use ray emitters that have a range sources, such as swords and spears. It takes only
fight. But it if comes to it, an overlord can defend attacks, but mostly relies on a long-range ray
of 300 feet (90 m) in the air and many miles in the 1 point of damage from attacks that inflict energy
itself with bladelike appendages, attacking up to three targeting up to three different creatures as one
void. Because otolins are partly made of machines, foes as a single action. Additionally, an overlord can damage, even attacks specifically designed to affect
they can attempt to seize control of complex action. Targets who fail a Speed defense task suffer transdimensional creatures, no matter how much
attempt the following abilities: 8 points of damage from the focused energy.
equipment carried by foes, such as many artifacts, damage was indicated.
some cyphers, body parts of characters who Fuse Dazzling Display: The overlord produces a hypnogogic Alternatively, oxyuratls can focus their superb
light show. Living creatures with eyes within short senses to make a single attack on a target within 2 On the other hand, a phaselost can attack a target
Flesh and Steel, and similar items. Control is
range who fail an Intellect defense task are dazzled miles (3 km) that inflicts 10 points of damage. by touching it, inflicting 2 points of Intellect damage
gained when characters fail an Intellect defense
by the overlord’s majesty and cannot attack for one (ignores Armor) if successful. This represents the
task, after which an otolin can trigger a cypher or, round. Finally, an oxyuratl feeling threatened can activate target’s physical body gradually being converted
more likely, attempt to hold a character immobile a camouflage ability that makes it difficult to into an out-of-phase existence. A target that would
until they can escape. False Reinforcements: The overlord produces a burst see (stealth as level 7). However, this drains the otherwise be killed by a phaselost instead becomes
of electromagnetic radiation tuned to human nervous creature’s power reserves, and it must feed on a
As an action, an otolin can absorb a cypher or phaselost itself after a period of several days, during
systems that makes humans believe they are facing fresh source of power within the hour or begin to
artifact, and gain a number of points of health three times the number of foes on a failed Intellect which its out-of-phase body reconstitutes itself.
shut down.
equal to double the item’s level, even if that raises defense task.
It’s possible that some kind of intervention using a
the otolin above its normal maximum. If an oxyuratl uses an action, it regains a number
Force Field: The overlord erects a level 8 force field it device or special ability could convert a phased victim
of health points equal to the level of a cypher or
Otolins retreat if faced with a more powerful can use to trap up to two foes standing next to each artifact in its possession. (A cypher is used or even a phaselost itself back to normal phase.
foe, but return with reinforcements later. other, or to retreat behind and escape. up. An artifact is depleted.)
122 123 124 125

TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC

Jon Gislason - - 250987
TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC
Jon Gislason - - 250987
Pherotherm 63(18)
(9) Alioptor
Pitystrian 6
4 (18)
(12) Alioptor
Psellis 6
7 (18)
(21) AlioptorTree
Puppet 86 (24)
Health: 15 Movement: Short when Health: 14 Movement: Short; immediate Health: 21 Movement: Short; long Health: 33 Movement: None
Damage Inflicted: 4 flying Damage Inflicted: when phasing through solid Damage Inflicted: when flying Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed defense
points Modifications: All tasks 4 points objects (as an action) 10 points Modifications: Knowledge 10 points as level 5 due to size and
related to stealth as Modifications: Knowledge Armor: 3 immobility; deception and
Armor: 2 Armor: 1 of one particular concept
level 7. and operation of the disguise (puppeteering
or mastery as level 10; corpses to act in a lifelike
Combat: Energy or transdimensional attacks are the numenera as level 6.
Speed defense as level 6 manner) as level 6.
only way to harm a pherotherm; regular weapons Combat: A pitystrian can make two kinds of attacks. due to size. Combat: The red reeds surrounding a puppet tree end
just pass through it. A pherotherm, however, can The first is a phase blast of inverted dimensional
attack a foe with a burning touch that inflicts 4 power against a target within long range that inflicts Combat: Psellises are not usually aggressive in hard, sharp crystal spikes. When a living creature
points of fire damage. The touched target must but are capable of defending themselves. When comes within short range of the tree, the reeds rise
4 points of damage (ignores Armor). behind the target and try to skewer them through
then succeed on a Might defense task or burn (their one attacks, it dives out of the sky, moving up
The second is a melee attack that inflicts damage the head or neck. If a target is killed, the puppet tree
skin or their clothing) for 4 points of damage each to a long distance. In the same action, it can
and requires the target to succeed on a Might controls the body as a corpse puppet, using it to enact
round until the fire is put out as an action. release a blast of electricity on all targets within its plans.
defense task to resist an injection of nanomachines.
Alternatively, a pherotherm can attempt to The nanomachines attempt to repurpose the victim immediate range that ignores most Armor Most trees have about five corpse puppets active,
smother a foe by allowing itself to be breathed in. to become a clumsy servant of the pitystrian for except that provided by force fields. which can be simultaneously animated.
A target must succeed on a Might defense task about a minute before falling into a coma. The
or cough and wheeze, and take 4 points of Speed servant will do whatever the pitystrian asks, but all The first time a psellis is struck in combat, All fire attacks against the tree inflict 2 additional
damage (ignores Armor) each round until they tasks attempted by the target are one step more points of damage and ignore Armor. The puppet tree
it produces a piercing wail that scrambles
can clear the smoke from their lungs (a difficulty 5 difficult. The deep sleep lasts about an hour, after will always attempt to stop a fire, or target the source
minds. Creatures within immediate range must of flame during combat.
Might-based task). which targets of level 2 or higher are freed of the
compulsion. succeed on a Might defense task or become
Corpse puppet: level 2; a target must also succeed
While its fire burns, a pherotherm regains 2 addled and lose their next turn. This defense on a Might defense task or be grabbed until it can
points of health per round, even after it runs out If in danger, pitystrians can use an action to phase doesn’t require an action by the psellis.
through a handy wall or other obstruction escape; all physical tasks attempted by the
of health. target are one step more difficult.
127 and try to escape. 128 129 130

Quar Bastion 6
5 (18)
(15) Alioptor
Quover 6
5 (18)
(15) Alioptor
Rapicaw 61(18)
(3) Alioptor
Reconstructor 63(18)
Health: 25 Movement: Immediate Health: 22 Movement: Long Health: 5 Movement: Short; Health: 12 Movement: Short
Damage Inflicted: 5 Modifications: Speed defense Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed Damage Inflicted: immediate when burrowing Damage Inflicted: 4 Modifications: Knowledge
points as level 2 due to immense 5 points defense as level 6 due 2 points Modifications: Speed points of the numenera as level 5;
Armor: 4 size and lack of agility. to size and quickness; Armor: 1 resist trickery as level 2.
Armor: 4 Armor: 3 defense as level 2 due to
Combat: When a quar bastion must defend itself knowledge tasks as level 7. size; breaking through Combat: Reconstructors can attack using clawlike
against aggressors, it relies on the seething swarm of Combat: A quover can deliver a pulse of psychic solid barriers as level 5. manipulators if they have no other weapon, but
automatons it directs. When it deploys its servitors in energy to scramble the thoughts of one creature most have access to some kind of ranged weapon
Combat: Rapicaws attack with mandibles,
combat, they swarm everywhere on tiny legs, allowing within short range. A target that fails an Intellect gleaned from a nearby ruin, such as a ray emitter or
the bastion to attack every target within short range. inflicting 2 points of damage and marking a a localized gravity collapser, which usually provides
defense task takes 5 points of Intellect damage foe with a special targeting pheromone. For a long-range attack.
Directly attacking the swarm isn’t likely to produce (ignores Armor). the next hour or so, or until a marked foe can
results, because the bastion can pump out more. douse itself in water or otherwise remove the Because reconstructors are infused with
However, an effect that inflicts damage in an area at Alternatively, a quover can use a psychic pulse nanomachines, they are constantly self-repairing tiny
least a short distance across can disrupt the deployed to temporarily transfer its own mind into a scent, all rapicaws can attack the target as if flaws. They regain 1 point of health each round, even
swarm for a round. target that fails an Intellect defense task. For a they were level 3 and inflict 5 points of damage. if reduced to 0 health. This process can be prevented
period of up to one minute (or until the target if someone succeeds on a difficulty 5 Intellect task to
Smaller creatures, objects, or structures that can’t Sometimes ten or more rapicaws attack the
whose consciousness is submerged can regain understand the numenera, then sacrifices a cypher to
move out of the way of a slowly advancing quar control with a successful Intellect-based task), same marked foe by forming a “death spiral” use that insight to stem the process.
bastion are crushed.
the quover controls the target creature while its around it. When this happens, the circling
rapicaws make a single attack as if level 6 and Three or more reconstructors can reconfigure
A quar bastion regains 2 points of health each round own body stands silently by with eyes closed. A themselves to become a single entity much more
while its automatons repair it. quover-inhabited creature might try to negotiate inflict 12 points of damage. However, during the
powerful than the sum of their parts. These so-
with others, or simply run the host creature off a tight, trampling attack, about half the rapicaws
Someone who can talk to machines might be able to called “reconstructor primes” are level 6 and inflict
cliff or into some other dangerous situation involved in the death spiral attack are killed. 10 points of damage on a successful attack.
cause the swarm to stand idle for a round, but
they would have to do so each round. if nothing else seems to do.
132 133 134 135

TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC

Jon Gislason - - 250987
TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC
Jon Gislason - - 250987
Redintegrad 86 (24)
(18) Alioptor
Residuum 6
7 (18)
(21) Alioptor
Roummos 6
5 (18)
(15) Alioptor
Rythcallocer 6
7 (18)
Health: 33 Movement: Long when flying Health: 33 Movement: Short Health: 15 Movement: Short when Health: 33 Movement: Short; short
Damage Inflicted: Modifications: Speed defense Damage Inflicted: Damage Inflicted: flying Damage Inflicted: when swimming
10 points as level 5 due to size. 10 points 4 points Modifications: Attacks as 7 points Modifications: Knowledge
Armor: 5 Armor: 2 level 4 due to amorphous Armor: 3 of the numenera and
nature. crafting as level 8.
Combat: Redintegrads can smash themselves Combat: As a physically manifest creature, a
bodily into targets within short range as a residuum can batter or stab foes with powerful Combat: A roummos is partly phased. Due to Combat: Rythcallocers prefer not to fight. If forced
melee attack, attacking all creatures within limbs. However, it can often call upon impressive this a roummos ignores any attack that targets a to do so, they draw forth one of their orb-like eyes,
25 feet (8 m) of each other at once. Their abilities gleaned from its connection to the single creature; it can be affected only by damage revealing it to be artificial. Each orb is essentially a
impressive power reserves (perhaps tapped datasphere, including the following attacks, which from attacks that affect an area. A roummos can cypher that can kick a target (or the rythcallocer)
from a transdimensional source) give them it can project on a foe within short range: affect matter and attack prey, but it has a hard through time by a few minutes, which removes the
relentless energy and durability, allowing them to Confusion: The target takes 10 points of damage time affecting solid matter (it attacks as if a level target from the current conflict. Other orbs act
smash through most obstacles, including walls, and must succeed on an Intellect defense task or 4 creature). But as a phased entity, it can flow like detonations or ray emitters that inflict damage
structures, and mountains. spend the next turn attacking an ally. around obstacles and squeeze through cracks. while also kicking a target through time. In most
cases, the direction is into the future, which
A redintegrad can fire a beam of force at a target Fear: The target takes 5 points of Intellect damage A roummos can flow over and around characters means that the target seems to disappear and
within 300 feet (90 m) that inflicts 10 points (ignores Armor) and must succeed on an Intellect like a cloud. For characters inside the “cloud,” reappear a few minutes later, with no time having
of damage. On a failed Might defense task, the defense task or spend their next turn cowering in the difficulty of all tasks related to perception is passed for it.
target is also encapsulated in a level 8 force terror. increased by one step. Each round a character
bubble that resists tampering. Paradoxically, is so enveloped, they must succeed on a Might If killed, a rythcallocer phases away (to where isn’t
the bubble might keep the target safe from the Dislocation: The target takes 5 points of Speed
damage (ignores Armor) and must succeed on an defense task as the roummos begins to transfer clear—it’s possible their body becomes unmoored
redintegrad’s battering attacks—at least until them into its interior. On a success, the character in time), leaving only a few glass orbs behind.
the air runs out or the target can find a means to Intellect defense task or disappear, reappearing in
a random location up to a mile (2 km) away. takes 1 point of damage (ignores Armor); on a
collapse the bubble. failure, they take 5 points (ignores Armor).
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TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC

Jon Gislason - - 250987
TM and ©2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC
Jon Gislason - - 250987

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