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10, OCTOBER 2010

An Inertial-Measurement-Unit-Based Pen With

a Trajectory Reconstruction Algorithm
and Its Applications
Jeen-Shing Wang, Member, IEEE, Yu-Liang Hsu, and Jiun-Nan Liu

Abstract—This paper presents an inertial-measurement- the portability of devices without introducing additional dimen-
unit-based pen (IMUPEN) and its associated trajectory reconstruc- sion and weight for HCI devices, most existing products have
tion algorithm for motion trajectory reconstruction and relied on a liquid crystal display (LCD) screen with a touch
handwritten digit recognition applications. The IMUPEN is com-
posed of a triaxial accelerometer, two gyroscopes, a microcon- panel to provide an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI). In
troller, and an RF wireless transmission module. Users can addition, many researchers have focused on developing novel
hold the IMUPEN to write numerals or draw simple symbols HCI methods based on human behaviors [4], [8], [10], [12].
at normal speed. During writing or drawing movements, the Recently, pen-based input devices embedded with inertial
inertial signals generated for the movements are transmitted to sensors have been provided for hand gestures or handwriting
a computer via the wireless module. A trajectory reconstruction
algorithm composed of the procedures of data collection, signal [2], [3], [5], [6], [9], [24]. A salient superiority of inertial
preprocessing, and trajectory reconstruction has been developed sensors for general motion sensing is that they can be operated
for reconstructing the trajectories of movements. In order to without any external reference (such as infrared, radar, or video
minimize the cumulative errors caused by the intrinsic noise/drift motion-sensing technologies) or limitation in working condi-
of sensors, we have developed an orientation error compensation tions (such as friction, wind, directions, or dimensions) [20].
method and a multiaxis dynamic switch. The advantages of the
IMUPEN include the following: 1) It is portable and can be This kind of device usually comprises two types of sensors:
used anywhere without any external reference device or writing accelerometers for sensing translational accelerations and gyro-
ambit limitations, and 2) its trajectory reconstruction algorithm scopes for detecting angular velocities. However, most inertial-
can reduce orientation and integral errors effectively and thus sensor-based recognition systems suffer from low recognition
can reconstruct the trajectories of movements accurately. Our rates due to various errors generated by the inertial sensors.
experimental results on motion trajectory reconstruction and
handwritten digit recognition have successfully validated the The errors not only involve the effects of sensor uncertainty,
effectiveness of the IMUPEN and its trajectory reconstruction namely, sensitivity and offset, but also include contingent error
algorithm. sources, such as intrinsic drift of inertial sensors, circuit thermal
Index Terms—Handwritten digit recognition, inertial sensing, noise, time discretization, quantization error, vibration, friction,
multiaxis dynamic (MAD) switch, orientation error compensation, etc. To improve the recognition accuracy, many researchers
pen-type input devices, trajectory reconstruction algorithm. have focused on the subject of error compensation of iner-
tial sensors to develop effective algorithms. To name a few,
I. I NTRODUCTION Bang et al. [2] used an error compensation method, called zero
velocity compensation, to compensate the acceleration signals.
R ECENTLY, tremendous progress in miniaturization tech-
nology in electronic circuits and components has greatly
reduced the dimension and weight of computers and per-
Luo et al. [15] designed an extended Kalman filter based on a
micro inertial measurement unit (IMU) with magnetometers for
real-time attitude compensation. Zhang et al. [23] showed that
sonal digital assistants, thus making them extremely powerful,
the Kalman filter is an effective technique to reduce noise of in-
portable, and convenient. Due to the revolutionary paradigm
ertial sensors. Tsang et al. [19] utilized an electromagnetic reso-
shift in computer technology, human–computer interaction
nance motion detection board to improve the tracking accuracy
(HCI) techniques have become an important part of our daily
of a digital writing instrument. Yun and Bachmann [22] pro-
lives. For the past decades, fusing emerging technologies to
posed a quaternion-based Kalman filter which combines with
create more user-friendly interfaces has been a continuing rev-
acceleration, angular velocity, and local magnetic field for hu-
olution in the HCI research community. Particularly to enhance
man body motion tracking. Suh [17] proposed a multiple-mode
Kalman filter for 1-D attitude estimation using accelerometers
Manuscript received June 27, 2009; revised August 22, 2009; accepted and gyroscopes. Won et al. [21] used a Kalman filter with IMU
October 30, 2009. Date of publication December 31, 2009; date of current sensors to estimate the orientation and reduce the orientation
version September 10, 2010.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National error caused by the integration of angular velocity error.
Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan (e-mail: jeenshin@mail.ncku. An inertial-measurement-unit-based pen-type input device, named IMUPEN, and a trajectory reconstruction algorithm
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at have been developed in this paper. The IMUPEN is composed
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2009.2038339 of a triaxial accelerometer, two gyroscopes, a microcontroller,

0278-0046/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE

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Fig. 1. IMUPEN hardware device. (a) Front view of the circuit. (b) Back view
of the circuit.
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the IMUPEN.

and an RF wireless transmission module. The measured inertial

signals from the sensors are transmitted to a computer via the accelerometer’s sensitivity was set from −2g to +2g in this
wireless module. Users can use the IMUPEN to write numerals paper. The ADXRS300 measures the Z-axis angular rate (yaw
or draw simple symbols at normal speed without any space rate) of the IMUPEN, and its full-scale range and sensitivity
limitation. The movement trajectories can be reconstructed are ±300◦ /s and 5.0 mV/◦ /s, respectively. The IDG-300
by the trajectory reconstruction algorithm, which consists of can simultaneously sense the X- and Y -axis angular rates
the procedures of data collection, signal preprocessing, and (roll and pitch rates) of the IMUPEN, and its full-scale range
trajectory reconstruction. In order to minimize the cumulative and sensitivity are ±500◦ /s and 2.0 mV/◦ /s, respectively.
error caused by the intrinsic noise/drift of sensors, we have The microcontroller of the IMUPEN is responsible to collect
developed an orientation error compensation method and a the analog signals generated from the accelerometer and the
multiaxis dynamic (MAD) switch. The effectiveness of the gyroscopes, to transform the signals to digital ones via an
IMUPEN and its associated trajectory reconstruction algorithm internal 12-b A/D converter, and to transmit the data to the PC
has been validated by two experiments. The advantages of main processor. The sampling rate (fs ) of the microcontroller is
our proposed HCI input device include the following: 1) It is 100 Hz. The RF transceiver is capable of wirelessly transmitting
portable and can be used anywhere without any external refer- all signals measured by the accelerometer and gyroscopes to a
ence device or writing ambit limitations, and 2) the trajectory computer for further signal processing and analysis. Note that
reconstruction algorithm can reduce orientation and integral all signal processing procedures are performed on a PC. The
errors effectively and thus can reconstruct the trajectories of battery of the IMUPEN is replaceable and rechargeable. The
movements accurately. overall power consumption of the hardware device is 30 mA
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In at 3.7 V. Fig. 2 shows the schematic diagram of the IMUPEN
Section II, we introduce the IMUPEN hardware components hardware system.
in detail. The proposed trajectory reconstruction algorithm is
presented in Section III. Section IV provides experimental III. T RAJECTORY R ECONSTRUCTION A LGORITHM
results of motion trajectory reconstruction and handwriting
recognition applications. Finally, conclusions are presented in A trajectory reconstruction algorithm has been developed to
Section V. perform the trajectory reconstruction of motions or movements
using the signals measured by the inertial sensors embedded
in the IMUPEN. The trajectory reconstruction algorithm is
composed of the following procedures: 1) data collection;
Our IMUPEN is a pen-type portable HCI device that gener- 2) signal preprocessing; and 3) trajectory reconstruction. At the
ates and transmits the inertial signals of handwriting motions. beginning of the procedure, the acceleration signals and angular
The IMUPEN includes an IMU, a microcontroller (C8051F206 rate signals are transmitted to a computer via the RF transceiver.
with a 12-b A/D converter), and an RF wireless transmis- Before using the IMUPEN, we need to calibrate the inertial
sion module (nRF2401). The size of the pen-type board is sensors to reduce the errors of sensitivity and offset of the
125 mm × 15 mm × 15 mm as shown in Fig. 1. The IMU is sensors first. Then, a moving average filter is applied to remove
composed of one triaxial accelerometer (LIS3L02AQ3), one high-frequency noise from the raw data. The trajectory recon-
uniaxial angular rate gyroscope (ADXRS300), and one biaxial struction procedure includes the following steps: 1) orientation
angular rate gyroscope (IDG-300). The accelerometer plays a estimation; 2) coordinate transformation and gravity compen-
role in detecting the acceleration, velocity, and position of hand sation; and 3) position estimation. In the orientation estimation
motion, and the two gyroscopes are used to detect the orien- step, the quaternion representation is employed to express the
tation of handwriting motions. The LIS3L02AQ3 possesses a orientation of the IMUPEN. To obtain correct orientation of
user selectable full scale of ±2g and ±6g and is able to measure the IMUPEN, adaptive magnitude thresholds are used to detect
accelerations over the bandwidth of 1.5 kHz for all axes. The the rotation interval of the filtered acceleration and angular

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Fig. 3. Trajectory reconstruction process of the IMUPEN.

velocity signals. Based on the detection, the corresponding alternately upward and downward. The SF and the bias in
filtered acceleration and angular velocity are then used to obtain each axis of the triaxial accelerometer can be expressed as
the static and dynamic orientation angles of the IMUPEN. In follows:
addition, an orientation error compensation method is used to
V (+g) − V (−g)
reduce the orientation error and to improve the accuracy of the SFacc = (1)
orientation. Once we obtain the quaternion-based orientation, 2g
the filtered acceleration can be transformed from the body V (+g) + V (−g)
Bacc = (2)
coordinate to the reference coordinate, and the gravitational 2
acceleration can then be removed. In the position estimation
step, a MAD switch is used to detect the integration interval of where V (+g) and V (−g) are the voltage outputs in each axis
the compensated acceleration based on the adaptive magnitude of the accelerometer when it is aligned with the direction of
thresholds of the acceleration and the velocity. Finally, the final the Earth’s gravity and with the opposite direction of Earth’s
acceleration is doubly integrated to obtain the trajectories of gravity, respectively. SFacc is expressed in volts per g (V/g),
handwriting motions. The trajectory reconstruction process of while Bacc is in volts, where g is the gravitational acceleration.
the IMUPEN is shown in Fig. 3. The acceleration in each axis can be calibrated by the following
Vacc − Bacc
A. Signal Preprocessing Ac = (3)
Signal preprocessing is a required procedure for the sig-
nals measured by inertial sensors embedded in the IMUPEN where Vacc is the output voltage in each axis of the accelerom-
because the signals are always contaminated not only by the eter. As a result of (3), the outputs of the three axes of the
aforementioned error sources but also with users’ unconscious triaxial accelerometer (Acx , Acy , and Acz ) can be converted
trembles. Since a relatively small drift error or offset on the ac- from voltage to acceleration (in terms of g). In general, the
celeration or angular velocity will produce large integral errors, outputs of each axis of the accelerometer are +1g and −1g
obtaining signals that contain no undesired signal component when the IMUPEN is stationary.
has become an importance issue for trajectory reconstruction. In the procedure of the gyroscope calibration, we use the
In our approach, we first calibrate the accelerometer and gyro- sensitivity in each axis of the gyroscopes presented in the
scopes. After obtaining the calibrated measurements, a digital datasheet as the SF of the gyroscopes (SFgyro ). The SFgyro
filter is used to filter the high-frequency noise of the raw data is expressed in volts per degree per second (V/◦ /s), where ◦ /s
generated by the IMU. is the angular velocity. If the IMUPEN is stationary without
Calibration of IMU: Two important factors are usually used any rotation, the ideal outputs of the gyroscopes should be
to calibrate inertial sensors: a scale factor (SF) and a bias [1]. zero. However, there is a nonzero offset and drift signals in
The SF (or sensitivity) denotes the ratio of change in the sensor the output of the gyroscopes due to temperature and stress
output to change in the sensor input, and the bias (B) (or variations. In this paper, the bias of each axis of the gyroscopes
offset) denotes the average sensor output over a specific time. (Bgyro ) is set as the mean of the angular velocities collected
This has no correlation with the input. The detailed calculation by keeping the IMUPEN stationary in the beginning. Thus, the
of the SF and bias of the IMU can be found in [18]. When angular velocity in each axis can be calibrated by the following
the IMUPEN is stationary, the output of each sensitive axis equation:
of the triaxial accelerometer contains only the gravitational Vgyro − Bgyro
acceleration. According to this fact, we calibrate the triaxial ωc = (4)
accelerometer to align each axis with the Earth’s gravity [11],
[14]. To perform the calibration, we first mount the triaxial where Vgyro is the output voltage of each axis of the gyroscopes
accelerometer on a leveled surface and then point each axis and Bgyro is expressed in volts. With (4), we can convert the

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outputs of the three axes of the gyroscopes (ωcx , ωcy , and using the information of the acceleration. The aforementioned
ωcz ) from voltage to angular velocity (in terms of degrees per three computational phases are based on the quaternion repre-
second). sentation [7]. The proposed orientation estimation algorithm is
Low-Pass Filter: After we obtain the six calibrated measure- elaborated as follows.
ments (Acx , Acy , Acz , ωcx , ωcy , and ωcz ) from the aforemen- Rotation Detection: The filtered gyroscope signals are still
tioned calibration process, a moving average filter is used to contaminated with drift errors and user’s unconscious trembles.
reduce the high-frequency noise of the six signals from the Therefore, the filtered signals from the gyroscopes are not
IMU. The representation of the filter is expressed as always equal to zero, while the IMUPEN is stationary. In
order to avoid this problem, a thresholding method is used to
1  determine the start and end points of the rotation interval of the
y[n] = x[n − i] (5)
N i=1 IMUPEN. We developed an adaptive magnitude thresholding
method for detecting if the IMUPEN is rotated during hand-
where x[n] is the input signal, y[n] is the output signal, and N writing motions. That is, the thresholds for discriminating the
is the number of points in the average filter (N = 15 is used in rotation signals from the nonrotation signals are determined
this paper). The six filtered signals of the IMU are denoted as dynamically according to different motions.
Abx , Aby , Abz , ωbx , ωby , and ωbz . The filtered acceleration and gyroscope signals at the be-
ginning of a motion, denoted as tinitial , are used to determine
the thresholds. The magnitudes of the filtered acceleration and
B. Quaternion-Based Orientation Estimation
gyroscope signals are defined as follows:
Once we obtain the filtered signals of the IMU, we can use  
them to estimate the orientation and position (or trajectory) EAb (k) =  A2bx (k) + A2by (k) + A2bz (k) − 1 (6)
of the IMUPEN via the integral operations. To reconstruct a

spatial trajectory, we first transfer the filtered acceleration from
Eωb (k) = ωbx
2 (k) + ω 2 (k) + ω 2 (k)
by bz (7)
the body coordinate to the reference coordinate. For the spatial
trajectory reconstruction, the corresponding orientation of the
signal is required to perform the coordinate transformation. where EAb (k) and Eωb (k) are the magnitudes of the filtered
Note that the more accurate the orientation estimation is, the acceleration and gyroscope signals, respectively, and k denotes
better the trajectory reconstruction result we can obtain. In this the time steps. Note that the filtered acceleration in (6) includes
paper, we utilize the quaternions to represent the orientation of the gravitational acceleration that should be subtracted
the IMUPEN. from the filtered acceleration. We set the multiples of the
For the orientation estimation, we use two kinds of sensors: maximum values of EAb (k) and Eωb (k) in the interval of tinitial
rate and direct sensors. We choose two gyroscopes, one uniaxial as thresholds in the following equations:
and one biaxial, as our rate sensors. Since the initial orientation
angles cannot be obtained by gyroscopes, we need to obtain TA = Kt max (EAb (k)) (8)
initial orientation angles from a direct sensor which can pro-
vide direct information about the orientation of the objects. Tω = Kt max (Eωb (k)) (9)
Fortunately, an accelerometer can measure two orientation
angles directly without any integral operation; therefore, the where k denotes the time steps in the interval of tinitial and Kt
accelerometer embedded in the IMUPEN is used as the direct is an empirical value (Kt = 2 is used in this paper). Once we
sensor. During the course of the trajectory reconstruction, we obtain the thresholds, the rotation interval can be determined
have to decide which sensor to use for the orientation estimation by selecting the start and end points (or time steps) whose
at each time step. We partition the whole time interval into magnitudes are higher and lower than the thresholds, respec-
three phases: a prior static attitude estimation phase, a dynamic tively. With the two thresholds of the filtered acceleration and
attitude estimation phase, and a posterior static attitude esti- gyroscope signals, we can obtain two sets of start and end points
mation phase. In the two static attitude estimation phases, the for the rotation interval. The first set, tA A
start and tend , is obtained
orientation of the IMUPEN is computed through the acceler- from the acceleration signals, and the second set, tω start and
ation signals measured by the triaxial accelerometer. The first tω
end , is obtained from the gyroscope signals. We then determine
static attitude estimation phase decides the initial orientation the rotation interval of a motion by choosing the minimum
angles for the latter dynamic attitude estimation phase, while value of the two start points, tstart = min(tA ω
start , tstart ), and the
the second one calculates the final orientation angles at the maximum value of the two end points, tend = max(tA ω
end , tend ),
end of the pen motion. The dynamic attitude estimation phase to avoid inaccuracy in the attitude estimation of the prior and
calculates the orientation angles when the IMUPEN is being posterior static phases. After defining the rotation interval, we
rotated. The calculation within the dynamic attitude estimation can separate the whole interval into the following three phases:
phase involves both the rate and direct sensors. The orientation the prior static attitude estimation phase, the dynamic attitude
angles within the dynamic attitude estimation phase are first estimation phase, and the posterior static attitude estimation
calculated by the filtered reading from the gyroscopes, and phase. The curves in Fig. 4 are acceleration and angular ve-
then, an orientation error compensation method is employed locity signals obtained from the accelerometer and gyroscopes
to further improve the accuracy of the orientation estimation directly. Fig. 4 shows how to obtain the partition of the rotation

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Fig. 4. Partition of the rotation interval by the proposed rotation detection method. (a) Detection of the start and end points of the rotation interval based on
TA . (b) Detection of the start and end points of the rotation interval based on Tω . (c) Partition of the rotation interval into three phases based on TA and Tω

interval into the aforementioned three phases by the proposed the body coordinate through the sequence of rotation of yaw
rotation detection method. The region with a gray color and the angle (ψ) about the Z-axis, rotation of pitch angle (θ) about
region with no color represent the static and dynamic attitude the Y -axis, and rotation of roll angle (φ) about the X-axis
estimation intervals, respectively. sequentially.
Prior Static Attitude Estimation Phase: Static estimation In the prior static attitude estimation phase, the roll angle (φ)
plays the following two important roles: 1) obtaining the initial and pitch angle (θ) of the IMUPEN can be derived directly from
orientation angles for the dynamic attitude estimation phase and the filtered acceleration signals. To obtain the roll angle (φ),
2) obtaining the final orientation angles for the orientation error the following three different cases are defined to cope with the
compensation method. Under ideal circumstances, the filtered range limitation of the arctangent:
gyroscope signals should be zero in the two static phases. In  
Aby (k)
practice, however, the gyroscope signals are still contaminated φ(k) = tan−1 ,
with drift errors and user’s unconscious trembles, which will Abz (k)
cause a significant error in the orientation estimation. If we
estimate the orientation based on the gyroscopes, we may end for Abz (k) < 0 (10)
up with a random walk in orientation rather than the actual  
Aby (k)
orientation due to a cumulative error over a time interval. More- φ(k) = −π + tan−1 ,
Abz (k)
over, the initial orientation angles cannot be directly obtained
from the gyroscopes. Hence, the accelerometer is utilized in for Abz (k) > 0 and Aby (k) > 0 (11)
the two static attitude estimation phases. In this paper, we use
the Euler angles to represent the orientation angles first. The Aby (k)
yaw, pitch, and roll angles are related to the reference and φ(k) = π + tan−1 ,
Abz (k)
body coordinates through a rotation sequence of (ZY X). That
is, the reference coordinate can be rotated to coincide with for Abz (k) > 0 and Aby (k) < 0. (12)

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Once the roll angle is determined, the pitch angle can be filtered acceleration signals via (10)–(13). Then, the yaw angle
computed by the following equation: (ψ) is set according to the quaternion representation of the last
⎛ ⎞ time step in the dynamic attitude estimation phase. The yaw
A bx (k) angle (ψ) is equal to
θ(k) = tan−1 ⎝  ⎠. (13)  
A2by (k) + A2bz (k) 2q1 q2 + 2q0 q3
ψ = tan−1 . (17)
2q02 + 2q12 − 1
In this phase, the yaw angle (ψ) can be set at zero de-
grees [16]. After obtaining the Euler angles (φ, θ, ψ), we can After the Euler angles (φ, θ, ψ) of the posterior static attitude
compute the parameters of the quaternion representation, q = estimation phase are obtained, the corresponding quaternion
[q0 , q1 , q2 , q3 ]T , by the following equations: representation of the posterior static attitude estimation phase
can be found via (14).
q0 = cos(α) cos(β) cos(γ) + sin(α) sin(β) sin(γ) Orientation Error Compensation: Due to inaccurate estima-
tion of the orientation angles, orientation errors are inevitable.
q1 = cos(α) cos(β) sin(γ) − sin(α) sin(β) cos(γ) Particularly, the integration of the drift errors from the gyro-
q2 = cos(α) sin(β) cos(γ) + sin(α) cos(β) sin(γ) scopes causes a cumulative error that is extremely large after a
time interval. After the motion of the IMUPEN is completed,
q3 = sin(α) cos(β) cos(γ) − cos(α) sin(β) sin(γ) (14) the orientation angles obtained in the posterior static attitude
estimation phase can be used to compensate the orientation
where α = ψ/2, β = θ/2, and γ = φ/2. The quaternion is error within the dynamic attitude estimation phase. In this
normalized to ensure its unity. That is, the four parameters are paper, we developed an orientation error compensation method
constrained to satisfy the following condition [13]: to compensate the IMUPEN’s orientation error. First, we model
the orientation error accumulation by a linear function in the
q02 + q12 + q22 + q32 = 1. (15) quaternion space. By finding the difference between the last
quaternion representation of the dynamic attitude estimation
The normalized unit quaternion serves as the initial unit phase and the first quaternion representation from the posterior
quaternion in the dynamic attitude estimation phase. static attitude estimation phase, the slope of the linear error
Dynamic Attitude Estimation Phase: During the dynamic model can be obtained by (18). The offset term of the linear
attitude estimation phase, the IMUPEN is rotated during a error model is set to zero
motion. The rotation always involves translational motion.
Therefore, the acceleration measurements are no longer reliable q(tend ) − q(tend + 1)
m= (18)
for the orientation estimation. The angular velocities measured tend − tstart
from the gyroscopes are then used to determine the dynamic
orientation during a motion. Once the initial unit quaternion where m = [m0 , m1 , m2 , m3 ]T represents the slopes of the
of the IMUPEN’s orientation is obtained in the prior static four components of the quaternion and tstart and tend represent
attitude estimation phase, we can use the following equation the start and end time indices of the dynamic attitude estimation
to obtain the quaternion at each time step for the orientation phase. Once the linear error model is derived, the error caused
angles within the dynamic attitude estimation phase by using by the drift can be compensated by the following equation:
the filtered angular velocity signals:
  q(k) = q(k) − mk (19)
q(k + 1) = exp Ω(k)Ts q(k) (16)
2 where k is the time steps in the dynamic attitude estimation
phase. Fig. 5 shows an illustrative example of the proposed
where orientation error compensation method.
q(k) = [q0 (k), q1 (k), q2 (k), q3 (k)]T
⎡ ⎤ C. Coordinate Transformation and Gravity Compensation
0 −ωbx (k) −ωby (k) −ωbz (k)
⎢ ωbx (k) 0 ωbz (k) −ωby (k) ⎥ Due to the fact that the output of an accelerometer always
Ω(k) = ⎣ ⎦
ωby (k) −ωbz (k) 0 ωbx (k) has an offset (1g) because of local gravity, this offset must be
ωbz (k) ωby (k) −ωbx (k) 0 subtracted from the filtered acceleration signals to obtain the
acceleration generated by motion alone. Since the orientation of
and Ts is the system’s sampling time (Ts = 1/fs ). The afore- the IMUPEN changes dynamically during a motion to perform
mentioned equation is then expanded as a first-order Taylor the aforementioned subtraction, all the filtered acceleration sig-
series. For details about the quaternion, please refer to [13]. nals have to transfer from the body coordinate to the reference
Accordingly, the dynamic orientation of the IMUPEN can be coordinate. The coordinate system of the IMUPEN is shown
obtained by the expansion. in Fig. 6. To transform the acceleration from the body coor-
Posterior Static Attitude Estimation Phase: In the posterior dinate to the reference coordinate, we need to derive a trans-
static attitude estimation phase, the roll angle (φ) and pitch formation matrix based on the quaternion that represents the
angle (θ) of the IMUPEN can also be derived directly from the IMUPEN’s orientation in the reference coordinate. To derive

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Fig. 5. Illustrative example of the proposed orientation error compensation method. (a) Quaternion before the orientation error compensation. (b) Quaternion
after the orientation error compensation.

bases for R3 . With the aforementioned quaternion expression,

a rotation operation can be written in the following form:

vr = qvb q ∗ = Tvb (21)

where q ∗ denotes the conjugate of q, T is the transformation

matrix, vb is the vector expressed in the body coordinate, and
vr is the vector expressed in the reference coordinate. If we
replace vb with a 3 × 3 identity matrix, the transformation
matrix in the quaternion can be derived as follows:

T = (q02 −uT u)I+2uuT −2q0 [u×]

⎡ 2 2 2 2 ⎤
q0 +q1 −q2 −q3 2(q1 q2 −q0 q3 ) 2(q1 q3 +q0 q2 )
=⎣ 2(q1 q2 +q0 q3 ) q02 −q12 +q22 −q32 2(q2 q3 −q0 q1 ) ⎦
2(q1 q3 −q0 q2 ) 2(q2 q3 +q0 q1 ) q02 −q12 −q22 +q32

Fig. 6. Coordinate transformation between the body coordinate and the refer- where I ∈ R3×3 ⎤is an identity matrix and [u×] =

ence coordinate. Rx : Roll angle. Ry : Pitch angle. Rz : Yaw angle. 0 −q3 q2
⎣ q3 0 −q1 ⎦. With the transformation matrix T, we
the transformation matrix, the quaternion is written in the fol- −q2 q1 0
lowing special expression that comprises a scalar and a vector can transfer the filtered acceleration signals from the body
part: coordinate to the reference coordinate through
q = q0 + u (20) Ar = TAb (23)

where u = q1 i + q2 j + q3 k. q0 , q1 , q2 , and q3 are all real where Ab = [Abx , Aby , Abz ]T is the filtered acceleration in the
numbers, and i, j, and k represent the standard orthonormal body coordinate and Ar = [Arx , Ary , Arz ]T is the transformed

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acceleration in the reference coordinate. The compensated ac- 1) Turning on the Switch: At first, the switches of the three
celeration vectors in the reference coordinate generated from axes are all turned off and are waiting to be turned on. The
the pen motion are then expressed as follows: magnitude of the compensated acceleration signals of each axis
is defined as
A = Ar − G (24)
EAi (k) = |Ai (k)| (25)
where A = [Ax , Ay , Az ]T is the compensated acceleration in
the reference coordinate and G = [0, 0, 1]T is the gravitational where Ai (k) and EAi (k) are the compensated acceleration and
acceleration in the reference coordinate. the compensated acceleration magnitude of the i-axis, respec-
tively, k denotes the time steps, and i denotes the X-, Y -, or
D. Position Estimation Z-axis of the reference coordinate. The acceleration magnitude
The velocities and positions of the IMUPEN in a motion can threshold is determined through the following equation by
be obtained through the single integral and double integral of finding the maximum acceleration magnitude in the beginning
the compensated acceleration signals, respectively. Ideally, the of a motion, tinitial , where the IMUPEN is stationary:
acceleration should be zero when the IMUPEN is stationary.
TAi = KA max (EAi (k)) (26)
However, in practice, the acceleration measurements are not k
always equal to zero when the IMUPEN is stationary due to
the inherent sensor noise and drift which may originate from where k is the time steps in the interval of tinitial , TAi is
temperature changes and sensor imperfections. Besides the the adaptive acceleration magnitude threshold of the i-axis for
noise and drift, when the IMUPEN is held by a user, his/her the compensated acceleration signals, and KA is an empirical
unconscious trembles may cause relatively small variations in value which is equal to two in this paper. Once the acceleration
acceleration. If we integrate all the compensated acceleration magnitude of one axis exceeds TAi , a motion in that axis is said
signals, all these inevitable small errors would be accumu- to be detected, and the dynamic switch of that axis is turned on.
lated. To minimize this undesirable error accumulation, we That is, the start point of the integration interval of each axis of
developed an effective position estimation algorithm, named the compensated acceleration can be determined based on the
MAD switch. The concept of the MAD switch is to integrate individual TAi of each axis.
acceleration measurements only when the IMUPEN is moving 2) Finding the Velocity Magnitude Threshold Adaptively:
and to reset the velocity to zero when the IMUPEN is stationary. Right after the dynamic switch is turned on, it will then keep
This can prevent undesired error accumulation. To determine looking for the maximum magnitude of velocity for setting the
whether the IMUPEN is stationary or in motion, two important velocity threshold while integrating the compensated accelera-
thresholds are defined in the MAD switch: 1) an acceleration tion signals. Because each switch for each axis is mutually inde-
magnitude threshold and 2) a velocity magnitude threshold. pendent, the velocity magnitude is also calculated individually
The underlying reason for using the two aforementioned for each axis by the following equation:
thresholds is elaborated as follows. To produce or stop a motion,
EV i (k) = |Vi (k)| (27)
a user has to exert force on the IMUPEN. Hence, it is straight-
forward to set an acceleration threshold to determine whether where Vi (k) and EV i (k) are the velocity and the velocity mag-
the IMUPEN is in motion. However, between the start and end nitude of each axis, respectively, k denotes the time steps, and
of a motion, it is possible that the IMUPEN may move at a i denotes the X-, Y -, or Z-axis of the reference coordinate. To
fixed speed momentarily when the acceleration measurement is find the maximum velocity magnitude, we allocate a variable,
fairly close to zero. If we only use the acceleration threshold, EV i,max , to keep the maximum-so-far velocity. If a successive
we would make a huge mistake by taking the moving IMUPEN velocity is smaller than the maximum-so-far velocity, the maxi-
a stationary one. Thus, there is a need to define the velocity mum velocity magnitude is then set to be that maximum-so-far
magnitude threshold to avoid such a mistake. value, and the adaptive velocity magnitude threshold of each
The MAD switch consists of three individual switches, and axis can be obtained by
each switch is responsible for one axis of the acceleration in the
reference coordinate. The switches are mutually independent TV i = KV EV i,max (k) (28)
and operatively identical to one another. That is, the magni-
tudes and magnitude thresholds for each axis are calculated where k is the time steps in the integration interval, TV i is the
independently. The two thresholds for each switch are adjusted adaptive velocity magnitude threshold of the i-axis, and KV is
adaptively according to different writing conditions, and the an empirical value which is equal to 0.5 in this paper.
IMUPEN is regarded as stationary when acceleration and ve- 3) Turning off the Switch: If the magnitude of the com-
locity measurements are both below their respective thresholds. pensated acceleration and the corresponding velocity are both
There are three phases in the operational procedure of each below their respective thresholds, the switch is then turned
switch: 1) turning on the switch; 2) finding the velocity mag- off, and the velocity is reset to zero to prevent further error
nitude threshold adaptively; and 3) turning off the switch. After accumulation. Otherwise, the integration continues. That is,
the MAD switch is applied to reject the undesired errors, the the end point of the integration interval of each axis of the
final acceleration signals are obtained. The detailed description compensated acceleration is determined by both TAi and TV i
of the procedure is given hereinafter. of each axis simultaneously.

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Step 3: Filter the high-frequency noise of the raw data

measured by the inertial sensors by a moving average
low-pass filter.
Step 4: Estimate the orientation of the IMUPEN.
Substep 1: Detect the rotation interval.
Substep 2: Estimate the prior static orientation.
Substep 3: Estimate the dynamic orientation.
Substep 4: Estimate the posterior static orientation.
Substep 5: Compensate the dynamic orientation error.
Step 5: Transform the coordinate systems from the body
coordinate to the reference coordinate.
Step 6: Remove the gravitational acceleration for the trans-
formed acceleration.
Step 7: Estimate the position or trajectory of the IMUPEN
via the MAD switch method.


The effectiveness of the IMUPEN and its associated tra-
jectory reconstruction algorithm is validated by the following
experiments: 1) motion trajectory reconstruction and 2) hand-
written digit recognition. In the handwritten digit recognition,
two experiments were designed to demonstrate the effective-
ness of the IMUPEN and its associated trajectory reconstruction
algorithm. The first experiment was restricted to an LCD touch
panel whose size is 261.1 mm × 163.2 mm, while the second
experiment allowed users to write digits without any ambit re-
striction. The acceleration and angular velocity data utilized in
our experiments were collected using the LIS3L02AQ3 triaxial
accelerometer, ADXRS300 uniaxial gyroscope, and IDG-300
biaxial gyroscope with a microcontroller (C8051F206) and a
wireless transceiver (nRF2401) on the portable pen-type board.
The output signals of the accelerometer and gyroscopes are all
sampled at 100 Hz by a 12-b AD converter. Our experiments
were performed on a PC running Microsoft Windows Vista
operating system with an AMD Athlon Dual Core Processor
4800+ and 2-GB RAM. Fig. 8 shows the aforementioned three
experimental settings.

A. Motion Trajectory Reconstruction

Fig. 7. Flowchart of the MAD switch method. In this experiment, we performed two types of mechanical
motions generated by a 6-DOF motion platform shown in
The flowchart of the MAD switch is shown in Fig. 7. After
Fig. 8(a) to validate the effectiveness of the trajectory re-
applying the MAD switch, we can obtain the final acceleration
construction algorithm. The platform can provide repeatable
signals as well as velocities and positions. For a motion with
reference motion trajectories for trajectory reconstruction tasks.
pauses, there will be multiple integration intervals over the
During the experiment, the IMUPEN was fixed on a leveled sur-
final acceleration signals. Therefore, error accumulation can be
face of the platform. Subsequently, we can set the reference mo-
significantly reduced by dynamically turning the switch on and
tion path through the GUI of the platform. Two 2-D reference
off according to a user’s motions.
motions, drawing a square and drawing a circle, are generated
by the platform to evaluate the performance of the trajectory
E. Summary of the Trajectory Reconstruction Algorithm
reconstruction algorithm. In this experiment, the orientation of
We now summarize the proposed trajectory reconstruction the IMUPEN was kept invariant since the IMUPEN was fixed
algorithm in the following steps. on the platform without any rotation. The platform is con-
trolled by high-precision dc motors and consists of the follow-
Step 1: Collect the raw data of the accelerometer and ing three components: a Newport RGV100 precision rotation
gyroscopes. stage, a Newport MTM100CC1 long-travel steel linear stage,
Step 2: Calibrate the accelerometer and gyroscopes. and a Newport IMS300CC high-performance long-travel linear

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difference between the trajectories. The formulas are expressed

as follows:

ea (nΔt) = |pref (nΔt)−pact (nΔt)| (29)

ea (nΔt)
er (nΔt) = 
n ×100% (30)
|pref (mΔt)−pref ((m−1)Δt)|

where n is the number of time steps Δt, and pref and pact are
the reference and reconstructed trajectories, respectively. The
average APE (ea_mean ) and average RPE (er_mean ) are defined
as follows:
ea_mean = ea (nΔt) (31)
N n=1
er_mean = er (nΔt) (32)
N n=1

where N is the number of trajectory positions.

The average APEs between the reference and reconstructed
Fig. 8. Three experimental settings. (a) The 6-DOF motion platform used for trajectories with the proposed trajectory reconstruction algo-
the trajectory reconstruction test. (b) Handwriting using a tablet digitizer pen
and the IMUPEN on an LCD touch panel. (c) Handwriting using the IMUPEN rithm for drawing a square and a circle are 2.55 and 2.44 cm,
without writing ambit limitation. respectively. The average RPEs between the reference and
reconstructed trajectories with the proposed trajectory recon-
stage. The detailed specifications of the stages can be found struction algorithm for drawing a square and a circle are 4.70%
in [25]. and 3.13%, respectively. To validate the effectiveness of the
In this experiment, each side of the square reference motion MAD switch, we compared another switch, called start–stop
and the radius of the circular reference motion are 26 and 13 cm, switch [2], for the same motion. The results of the reconstructed
respectively. The acceleration at each procedure of the proposed trajectories of the two switches shown in Fig. 11 validate the
trajectory reconstruction procedure for the square motion is superior performance of the MAD switch. The performance
shown in Fig. 9. Fig. 9(a) shows the raw data collected from comparisons of the two switches are summarized in Table I. The
the triaxial accelerometer. Because the IMUPEN was mounted MAD switch has an improved performance over the start–stop
parallel to the leveled surface, the acceleration of the Z-axis switch for drawing a square and a circle by 37.75% and 3.61%,
of the body coordinate is +1g when the IMUPEN is kept respectively.
stationary. That is, the Earth’s gravity is parallel to the Z-axis
of the body coordinate, and only the acceleration of the X-
B. Handwritten Digit Recognition
and Y -axes of the body coordinate will vary with the motion
of the platform. The acceleration signals shown in Fig. 9(b) In the handwritten digit recognition, two experiments were
were filtered via the moving average filter to reduce the high- designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the IMUPEN and
frequency noise. Subsequently, the acceleration signals in the its associated trajectory reconstruction algorithm. The purpose
body coordinate were transformed into the reference coordi- of the experiments is to compare the recognition rate of hand-
nate. From the Z-axis reading of the accelerometer that equals written digit trajectories generated by a commercial product
−1g, we found that the direction of the Z-axis of the body with those reconstructed by the IMUPEN. The writing ambits
coordinate is opposite to that of the reference coordinate. The for the two experiments were different. The first experiment
acceleration signals before and after the gravity compensation was restricted to an LCD touch panel whose size is 261.1 mm ×
are shown in Fig. 9(c) and (d), respectively. Finally, the final 163.2 mm, while the second experiment allowed users to write
acceleration signals obtained by applying the MAD switch to digits without any ambit restriction. A total of 20 participants
the compensated acceleration signals for the square motion are were invited to participate in the experiments, 10 for each
shown in Fig. 10. The final acceleration signals were doubly experiment. In each experiment, the participants were asked to
integrated to generate the moving trajectory of the IMUPEN write 10 digits (from 0 to 9), and each digit was to be written
shown in Fig. 11(a). 10 times. Therefore, a total of 1000(= 10 × 10 × 10) handwrit-
The difference between the reference trajectory generated by ten digit trajectories were generated for each experiment. The
the platform and the reconstructed trajectory generated by the handwriting recognizer of the Vista tablet PC was employed
proposed trajectory reconstruction algorithm is used to evaluate as the recognizer for the handwriting trajectories. An online
our proposed approach. We define an absolute position error GUI written in Matlab was developed to perform the following
(APE) (denoted as ea ) and a relative position error (RPE) tasks: 1) signal collection, 2) trajectory reconstruction, 3) trans-
(denoted as er ) calculated at a given travel time to indicate the formation of trajectories into images, and 4) sending images

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Fig. 9. Acceleration at each procedure of the proposed trajectory reconstruction algorithm for the square motion. (a) Raw data. (b) Filtered acceleration in the
body coordinate. (c) Filtered acceleration in the reference coordinate. (d) Compensated acceleration.

to the recognizer for digit recognition. Fig. 8(b) and (c) shows handwritten digit recognition performance with that of our
the GUI and the experimental setups for the handwritten digit IMUPEN and the associated trajectory reconstruction algo-
recognition experiments. rithm. The basic components of the Wacom Cintiq 12WX
Digit Trajectory Comparison Between Tablet Digitizer Pen interactive pen display include a pen tablet internally mounted
and the IMUPEN: In this experiment, the Wacom Cintiq behind a thin-film transistor color display and a tablet digitizer
12WX interactive pen display was selected to compare its pen. In order to generate the trajectory for the same motion

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Fig. 10. Final acceleration signals obtained by applying the MAD switch to the compensated acceleration signals for the square motion. (a) X-axis. (b) Y -axis.
(c) Z-axis. (The region with a gray color and the region with no color represent that the switch is turned off and on, respectively.)

Fig. 11. Results of the trajectory reconstruction. (a) Square shape. (b) Circle shape. Black color: Reference trajectory. Red color: With no switch. Green
color: Start–stop switch. Blue color: MAD switch.

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Fig. 12. Trajectories of the ten digits. (a) Pictorial digit trajectories. (b) Digit
trajectories using the tablet digitizer pen. (c) Digit trajectories reconstructed
using the IMUPEN and its associated trajectory reconstruction algorithm.


handwriting recognition, the effectiveness of the IMUPEN and

its associated reconstruction algorithm has been successfully
validated by its high average recognition rate.
Handwritten Digit Recognition via the IMUPEN: In this
experiment, participants were asked to write digits using the
IMUPEN without ambit restrictions. The experiment setup is
shown in Fig. 8(c). The proposed trajectory reconstruction
algorithm was utilized to reconstruct the trajectory based on the
angular velocities and accelerations generated by the IMUPEN
during handwriting motions. The reconstructed digit trajecto-
using two different pens, we bound the pens together as shown ries for each participant were recognized by the recognizer of
in Fig. 8(b). We asked all the participants to complete each digit the Vista tablet PC. The confusion matrix for handwritten digit
in one stroke and follow the pictorial trajectories of the digits recognition using the IMUPEN with the proposed trajectory
shown in Fig. 12(a). All the participants were asked to write reconstruction algorithm is shown in Table IV. The recognition
the digits using the pen to get used to it. When a participant rate was about 94.6%. Compared with the previous experiment,
wrote a digit using the tablet digitizer pen on the LCD touch we can see that the recognition rate can improve if there is no
panel, the corresponding coordinates of the trajectory were limitation on writing ambits.
obtained via the tablet sensors. However, the coordinates of
the trajectory were obtained via the proposed trajectory recon-
struction algorithm when the IMUPEN was used. Fig. 12(b)
and (c) shows the digit trajectories that were collected from A systematic framework of the trajectory reconstruction of
a participant using the tablet digitizer pen and the IMUPEN, motions for the IMUPEN has been presented in this paper. The
respectively. The confusion matrices for the handwritten digit acceleration and gyroscope measurements are collected from
recognition using the tablet digitizer pen and the IMUPEN are the inertial sensor module mounted on the pen-type board via
shown in Tables II and III, respectively. The recognition rates wireless communications. The proposed trajectory reconstruc-
of the digit trajectories using the tablet digitizer pen and the tion algorithm consists of data collection, signal preprocessing,
IMUPEN were 97.2% and 90.4%, respectively. Although and trajectory reconstruction. To obtain better trajectory recon-
the tablet digitizer pen performs better than the IMUPEN for the struction, we have developed an orientation error compensation

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