Active Grammar With Answers. Level 2 (PDFDrive)

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CAMBRIDGE active eye with answers Pam Mae Series Editor: Penny Ur Introduction What is Active Grammar? Active Grammar is a grammar reference and practice series for secondary students and university students. It is divided into three levels, corresponding to the levels of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF). Level 1 corresponds to A1-A2, Level 2 to B1-B2, and Level 3 to C1-C2. The books give comprehensive coverage of grammar at each level, while also covering reading, composition and discussion. The books are suitable for students who are preparing for Cambridge ESOL exams. How are the books organised? Each unit includes + a short presentation text which shows the grammar in context and provides authentic content in areas such as geography, history, social studies and science. + easy-to-understand grammar explanations with plenty of examples. + Tip boxes which highlight common errors or other interesting facts about the grammar. + graded grammar practice exercises, many of which are in the style of ‘Cambridge ESOL exams, aimed at building students’ confidence. + a My Turn activity, where students can actively apply the grammar to their own, experiences, opinions and personal preferences. + a My Test section which allows students to check their understanding of key point Also included in the book + regular Review units which provide contrastive practice of previous units. + an Answer key. + the Appendices, which include a Glossary with definitions for all Righlighted words in the units. The CD-ROM includes + extra activities for all the grammar covered in the book. + printable progress tests. How do I use the book? ‘You can work through the book unit by unit from Unit 1. Alternatively, you can use any unit or group of units separately if you want to focus on a particular area of grammar. The book can be used for self-study, or in the classroom. For teachers, a comprehensive online teacher's guide gives practical tips on how to use the material in class. Introduction 3 LOxosaicyalic} Introduction ‘Tenses 1 Present simple and present continuous 1'm holding my breath. 2 Past simple and past continuous He was driving on a dark night. 3 Used to and would They used to pay soldiers in sat 4 Present perfect, past simple, present simple Many famous people have studied at Harvard. 5 Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous She's been living here for 30 years. 6 Past perfect simple and past perfect continuous Scientists had been studying a hurricane. 17 Will and be going to What will the future be like? 8 Present continuous and present simple for future use; future continuous Well be flying from Hong Kong to Bangkok. 9 Future perfect and other future forms Will they all have gone? RI Review: present, past and future forms Modals 10 Modals of ability and obligation 1 Six astronauts can stay there. 11 Modals of ability and obligation 2 He should have given the dog a biscuit. 12 Possibility and certainty in the present and future Mt must be 3. 13 Possibility and certainty in the past emust already have been there, 10 “ 22. 26 34 42, 4 56 14 Requests, permission, offers, suggestions, promises Could you take your hat off please? R2 Review: modals 60 64 Questions, multi-word verbs and verb structures 15 Question forms What is language? 16 Question tags Babies don’t have teeth, do they? 17 Multi-word verbs 1: prepositional verbs What are you looking for? 18 Multi-word verbs 2: phrasal verbs Throw away the remote control 19 Verb + to-infinitive or -ing He decided to run without shoes. 20 Verb + object + o-infinitive Greg made the children work 60 hours a week. 21 Linking verbs: be, get, feel, etc. It looks abit yellow bur it tastes great. 3 Review: questions; multi-word verbs verb structures Determiners and prepositions 22 Articles A famous code 23 Quantifiers 1 ‘Anything can happen in the mountains. 24 Quantifiers 2 There are plenty of activities, 25 Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns Do it yourself! 26 Prepositions of place, movement and time We waited in front of a petrol station. 66 70 ™ 18 82 86 90 04 96 100 104 108 2 21 Verbs with two objects Throw her to the dogs! 28 Prepositions Hewas terrible at spelling Ré Review: articles; quantifiers, pronouns; prepositions 16 120 124 Adjectives, adverbs, the passive and conditionals 29 Adjectives Totally amazing! 30 Comparatives Athree year-old speoks much more fluently 31 Superlatives The most dangerous fish is 32 Adverbs and adverb phrases He climbs the monument regularly. 33 The passive 1 The new metal was called bronze, 34 The passive 2 They deserve to be mentioned. 35 Zero, first and second conditional If you think you can, you can, 36 Third conditional, I wish, Ifonly I wish | had heard those songs. 31 Variations on conditionals We can change the world if people listen to us. RS Review: comparatives and superlatives; the passive; conditionals 126 130 134 138 142 146 180 184 188 162 ‘Word formation and sentences 38 Indirect statements They said their son was flying. 39 Indirect questions Ifyou are wondering why glaciers are interesting .. 40 Defining relative clauses The companies who connect people to the Internet 41 Non-defining relative clauses ‘Tthought it was dumb, which shows he's smarter than lam! 164 168 172 176 42 Word formation 1: verbs and adjectives (affixes) 180 Scrabble ~ the international game 43 Word formation 2: nouns (affixes) You need imagination, self-confidence. 44 Itand there Do you find it difficult to sleep? 45 Linking words 1: addition, contrast and time (Once you have read one 46 Linking words 2: reason, purpose and result, Why? Becouse the roads were bad. RG Review: indirect speech; relative clauses; word formation; it and there; linking words Appendices Verb tenses Irregular verbs Glossary Grammar index Answer key 184 188 192 196 200 202 203 204 206 207 Present simple and present continuous I'm holding my breath. >» @ ° a blogspot blogspot blogspot blogspot blogspot blogspot new post Friday night midi d'm holding my breath, that irs. | think there's someone in the hot ight and listen t door or... just noti ''m staying at my friend's house. Round here all the houses have got two floors. M\ iend doesn't live in a safe part of town and sometimes BUGIS come in through th y!'I'say to myself. (V'm always lying awake al ually I find out is the fridge or someone nk ared for this moment. Th quietly again ... and it's getting cl don't want to do this. | get slow ju can. 2 You phone the police on your mobile. 3 You talk to the But then | stop. Two round eyes are looking at me. scream The neighbour's cat runs back the way it came. How did it But that means the 1 Where is the writer of the story? 2 What is making the noise? Present simple and present continuous 3. Use the present simple for things that are always 1 Add an-s for third person forms in present simple statements, or usually true. . All other forms stay the same. He doesn't live in a safe part of town. I / you / we / they run, He | she /it runs. 4. Use the present simple for regular or repeated events and habits. 2 Make negative forms of regular verbs with don’t and doesn't. Ivisit my friend every month. Idon't want to do this. My friend doesn’t live in a safe part of town, NOT =-doesn't tives 5 We often use the present simple with adverbs of frequency, e.g. always, never, usually. Usually | find out it's the fridge or someone next door... or just nothing. 6 We often use the present simple to give instructions or directions. 1 You lock the door as quietly as you can, 2 You phone the police on your mobile. 7 We often use the present simple to tell a story, or to describe a series of events as they happen. | get slowly out of bed. But then I stop. 8 We often use the present simple for a review (of a book ora film, for example). The film tells the story of a boy who lives in the poorest part of the city. It has an unexpected ending. Have got means the same as have. Have got is more common in informal and British English. I've got three brothers. = | have three brothers. Thaven't got any sisters. = I don’t have any sisters. ‘A:Have you got any children? B:Yes, | have. | No, | haven't. = A:Do you have any children? B: Yes, Ido. | No, | don't. Present continuous 9. Make present continuous sentences with am /is are + verb +-ing. J'mm always lying awake. W's getting closer. Two round eyes are looking at me. 10. Use the present continuous to describe an activit progress now or around now. Two round eyes are looking at me. Im studying two languages: English and Spanish 11 Use the present continuous to talk about unfinished or temporary actions. 1m staying at my friend's Note the difference: He lives in a beautiful flat. (The speaker doesn't think this situation will change soon) He's living in the north of the city at the moment. (The speaker thinks this is a temporary situation) 12. Use the present continuous with always, constantly or forever to criticise. Vm always hearing noises. 13. Use the present continuous to talk about situations Which are gradually changing. The noise is getting louder. 14 We often use the present continuous to describe the background to a story. We use the present simple to describe the events. It’s midnight and t'm holding my breath, ‘Don't be silly! | say to myself 15. We don't usually use the present continuous with state verbs (which describe states, not actions), e.g. want, sound, believe, mean, promise. Idon't want to do this. That means the downstairs window is open. 16 We can use some state verbs in the continuous form to describe actions. The verb then has a different meaning. Some common verbs we use like this are: appear, expect, feel, have, imagine, look, think, see, smell, taste, weigh. | think there's someone there. (think = talking about a belief) I'm thinking what to do next. {think = talking about a process) ‘We often use the present simple in formal letters and emails. I write to inform you that. look forward to meeting you. We often use the present continuou: informal letters and emails. Tm writing to let you know that... {Tm looking forward to seeing you. more > See Unit 8 for the present simple and present continuous with future meaning, Present simple and present continuous 7 Practice A Underline the correct option. It’s the middle of the afternoon. In a quiet neighbourhood a burglar "tries /is trying to break into a house. He round the house when he hears is hearing a voice. ‘Spider-Man ‘watches /is watching you!’ The burglar tums /is turning round quickly but he ®doesn't see /isn’t seeing anything. So he starts /is starting creeping across the garden again. “Spider-Man 8watches /is watching you! The burglar 9hears /is hearing the voice again and this time he*°sees /is seeing a parrot. The parrot Usits /is sitting by the side of the house. 2:Do you talk /Are you talking to me?" asks /is ‘asking the burglar. "Yes; “says /is saying the parrot. ‘How do you do? 'm Batman’ “That's a silly name/*Slaughs /is laughing the burglar. Why ®does your owner call /is your ‘owner calling you that?” ‘Thave no idea,” replies /is replying the parrot, ‘and 3 don’t know /I'm not knowing why the FSREWEiIBES name is Spider-Man. ‘1?8don't want /am not wanting to find out! the burglar says /is saying, ‘And he2!vuns /is running away! B Match each text 1-5 to a description a-e. Then complete the texts using the words in brackets and either the present simple or the present continuous. Match the pairs. 1. Atlast the sun a is coming out. 2. The sun—__b always comes after rain. 3. They're not staying a at home in the evenings. 4 They don't usually stay inthe country for very long. 5 Thesealevelon Earth a isrising 6 Thesun b rises early. 7 Inthe mountains a its getting cold. 8 Comeand have yourdinner~ b it gets cold. 9 I'm looking forward a tomeeting you at the interview tomorrow. 10. We look forward b to seeing you in town tomorrow. D Complete the sentences using the verbs from the box in the present simple or present continuous. Each verb is used twice. niothave notlook think weigh % te Gs i ©) on 1 The child weighs 21 kilos. 2 He all the ingredients for a cake. 3. They any pets 4 Alex breakfast this moming 5 What about? 6 What of this photo? 7 You very happy. 8 Youwor't find it. You in the right place. a description of change abook review directions criticism temporary situation E Complete the questions using the verbs in brackets i 1 A: Doyou know that woman? (know} When ?(get home} : Where she. 2 (go) 5 you ?(agree) Why laugh) his name ? (remember) : What 2(read) 8 A: Why ? (ary) F Complete the sentences in an appropriate way. 1. First of all, the oven has to be hot and then. you put: ‘the cake in for 20 minutes 2 because he's a vegetarian. 3. On Saturday | work in a café all day but Complete the descript questions. 1 Where are you? And what are you doing? {'m in bed and ('n sleep What happens next? The alarm rings, turn it off and gp, to sleep. How do you feel? feel tired, When is it? And where are you? ions by inventing answers to the What happens next? | see my brother, How do you feel? When is it? And where are you? What happens next? The lights, 46 out, How do you feel? Circle the correct option. The Pyrenees This bag We sometimes It's Sunday and I'm bored. It This film is great 1 tome, heavily. itt ither the present simple or present continuous. B: on the border between France and Spain. No, I've never met her before. : Usually at about 4. To the shop, | think. Yes, | think you are right. | just heard a funny joke. | think it began with B. It’s novel by a new young writer. It’sa really sad film, . but she wants to be a doctor one day. Hurry up — Look - I'm an only child — He makes me angry — evo Where are you? And what are you doing? ‘What happens next? | see someone famous and | 46 up t6 her. How do you feel? ‘When is it? And what are you doing? What happens next? The car breaks dawn, How do you feel? When is it? And what are you doing? What happens next?.fl stranger comes up ¢0 me, How do you feel? alie b lies ¢ arelying a doesn't belongs b doesn't belong isn’t belonging the car racing in the holidays. a rain a really ike b amreally ike d amreally liking a watch b watches ¢ are watching b rains c is raining Present simple and present continuous 9 mple and past continuous He was driving on a dark night. j Casey Jones (1863-1900) was an American [rap ee came i he dled because he saved the Ives of many SRE nari accident. ‘ | q (On 30 April 1900 Casey was driving his train back to the station during a dark and wet night. He was with another driver, his friend Webb, The train was going fast because Casey wanted to get back quickly but this wasn’t the problem. There was another train on the same railway. Casey and Webb didn’t know about this train, As Casey was coming around a bend, he saw the other train. Casey realised the danger. “Jump! he shouted to his friend, ‘Webb jumped from the train while Casey was trying to stop. Webb fell 100 metres but he didn’t die, While he was falling, he heard Casey. Casey was shouting, “Help!” ‘The train was going fast, so it couldn't stop quickly. Casey slowed the train down but it still erashed. Casey was killed but the passengers didn’t dic. Casey became very famous after this and his friend wrote a very popular song, The Ballad of Casey Jones, about birn inderline the correct options: 1 Casey is a hero because he saved many lives /wrote a song. 2 Webb was a driver /‘passenger, ayers Past simple and past continuous Past simple 1_Add-ed to make the past simple (regular) for all persons, Use did not with the infinitive without to to make the negative and use did to make a question. ea Pas 1/You/He/She/ started. did not (didn't) id /you /he//she /it / Yes.) did It/We /They start we / they start? No,(Iidnot(aidn'). | 2 Many common verbs have irregular forms for past simple statements, eg. go» went, see -» saw, be -» was / were. Casey went to the station. We saw the crash > See page 203 for alist of irregular verbs. 3. Use the past simple for past actions, states and facts. Casey lived in the USA. Millions of immigrants moved to the USA in the nineteenth century. 4 We usually use the past simple for repeated or usual actions or situations. While | was on the train, Mike called twice. Casey walked to work every day. Past continuous 5. Make the past continuous using the verb was / were + verb +-ing. were not (weren't) working. He/She /It was working. was not (wasn’t) working. ‘Make questions and short answers as follows: ‘Yes, (we] were No, {we} weren't, Yes, he] was. No, [he] wasn't. Were you /we /they working? Was | /he/she/it working? 6 Use the past continuous (e.g. was walking, were living, etc.) to talk about events which were in progress at a particular time in the past. On 30 April Casey was driving his train back to the station What was he doing the day before? 7 Use the past continuous for a description of simultaneous ongoing situations. Itwas raining, so we weren't driving fast. What were the passengers doing while this was happening? Past simple and past continuous 8 We canuse the past simple with the past continuous in the same sentence. The past simple is a shorter action / event that happens in the middle of, or ferrupts, a longer past continuous action / event. ‘My dad phoned while Iwas having a shower. ‘My dad phoned. x past present Iwas having a shower. 9 Use the past continuous to give the reason for a past ‘event, or to set the background to a story —to talk about what was going on when an event happened. The train was going fast, soit couldn't stop quickly. Iwas listening to the radio when | heard the news. When, while and as 10 Use when, while or as to link past simple and past continuous verbs. Use when before the past simple or the past continuous verb. Use while before the past continuous verb. While he was falling, he heard Casey. | didn't say anything when / while the police were asking questions. a consecutive. The train stopped when it arrived at the station. When the phone rang, Jack answered it 12 We usually use when with states, e.g. ages. They left America when they were children. Casey died when he was 37. 13 We usually use as to describe two short events that happen simultaneously, or two events that change together. As the train crashed, everyone screamed. As the train went faster, Casey worked harder. Use during to say when something happened. Use for to say how long something went on. The train crashed during the night. He was a train driver for 10 years. Iwas working during my holidays and didn’t see her for three weeks. Past simple and past continuous 11 Practice A ‘Write the past simple forms of these verbs. 1 drive-... drove 2 do- 3 have~ 4 get- 5 open- 6 eat- 7 swim- 8 shout~ 9 fall- 10 ty- 11 know- 12 become~ ‘Complete the sentences using the verbs from the box in the past continuous. cy dream drive have live not play not snow wait watch not work 1. Max 104s driving his car to work when it happened. 2 The baby very loudly, so! couldn't hear. 3 you TVall night? 4 couldn't call you because our phone 5 While we for the bus, it started to rain. 6 John in London when you met him? 7 My mum and dad a coffee in the kitchen, ait but it was very col. 9. Didit really happen or lonly ? 10 Glenn and Kirsten inthe game last Saturday. Match the pairs. 1 When! got home, a | made dinner. b_Lwas making dinner 2. The bottle smashed a asit ell on the floor. while it was falling on the floor. 3 After the teacher finished, the students asked some questions. b the students were asking some questions. 4 What musicdid you like a__while you were 11. years old? b_ when you were 11 years old? 12 5 Iwasn't working ‘a during two years. b fortwo years 6 Clare was working in Oxford a_as Mike studied at night school. b while Mike was studying at night school. ‘when everything was ready. while everything was ready. when she came in? when she was coming in? 7 Westarted 8 Was Susan wearing the same dress D This accident happened yesterday. Write what the people were doing at the time of the accident. When the accident happened... Joy ioas eating an ice crea, 1 2 3) 4 5 6 7 8 E Someone stole a picture from the museum last night. Read the detective’s notebook with information from three museum workers, then use the notes to write sentences. Every sentence should have one verb in the past simple and one in the past continuous. VVVVVVAN VAL ‘Tom Higgins: eave mutceum / hear noise vremenber his car keys / walk to his ear come back / see a wonuan with a picture shout /the wonan ran mem martha wileins: clean the room. / Lights gp out Lock for some muatshes / lights come on notice glace om the floor / look around Stn Sith: sit at his deck / the phone ving he ple up the phone /a strange woman cone iw he speak / the woman go out Tom was leaving the museum when he heard a noise, Boovausune u Circle the correct option. Dick Whittington (1358-1423) was a famous mayor of London, The story says that Dick was a poor boy who 4. to London to become rich. Dick... his cat with him for company. Life was very hard in London. Dick worked as a servant 5... some months but he got very little money and all he had was his cat. Finally, Dick decided to give his cat, to.amerchant and leave London. As he *.. down the street, he®...a voice in his head. The voice said, ‘Come back, Dick, you will be Mayor of London three times" Dick came back. At the same time, the merchant and his men 6. by ship to another country. It was a good ship but there was a big problem: rats! Rats .. everywhere on the ship and no one®...them. Luckily, Dick's cat was very good at catching rats. The merchant was very happy with the cat and gave Dick a nice present when he®... home, Dick now had some money and he started his own business. He also married a rich woman. Dick 20., mayor of London three times and ...he died he left.a lot of money. The story does not say what 2 to his cat, Circle the correct option. the train stopped, all the passengers got off | didn't interrupt Casey because he to Webb. along time. Webb was a driver 4 What Casey's wife 5. Casey's friend never by train again. 1 awascoming came c hascome d comes 2 awastaking b weretaking c took d taken 3 afor b during cin dat 4 awalks b iswalking has walked d was walking ahear b heard d were hearing 6 a travels b travelled d were travelling 7 aiisrunning —b are running d were running 8 a has caught d didn’t catch 9 aget b got 10 a did become was becoming did becoming 11 aas bwhile c when d since 12 a happens — b happened cdidhappen d was happening © was hearing ¢ was travelling ¢ was running b couldcatch ¢ didcatch € gotten d was getting b become Ly Complete the sentences to make them true for you. 1 When | got home yesterday, my ister was playing game during the summer. ‘While | was having breakfast, Itwas very late when as | was going to my friend's When I was 10, a When b While c¢ As a spoke _b was speaking c were speaking a during b since when she heard the news? a didn’t travel for a was...saying b did..say ¢ has b travelled ¢ was travelling Past simple and past continuous 13 The Lydians, people who used to live Tamora) Muelle) coins about 2,600 years ago. The PVR U CLC Beem lcmea) their coins to show where the money came from. SUMO oe sR CRs VAUClIS soldiers partly in salt. Salt used to. LMA LUC eee RSeL ese SMe RUe Le ‘salary’ means ‘salt money’ and the eof see (0) re ele) at your job) comes from this. Po, Se BICC ECR Saricmuce emcee leRure} Sameer mL Ram AUC Emm (ela Mut mem ss OCR LT: Bc) [oy oir 0) 0816 Used to and would Used to 1 Used tos followed by an infinitive without to. Used to has no present or continuous forms. Salt used to be very valuable. 2. Make used to questions with Did + noun / pronoun +used to Did the Egyptians used to buy gold? Did you used to eat a lot of sweets when you were young? 3 Make the negative of used to with did not (didn't) use to or never used to. Used to vs. would 7. Used to, not would, is for past states. The Lydians used to live in Turkey. NOT —-would-Hive ‘My sister used to know him. NOT =-would-know=: Used to and would vs. the past simple 8 We can.use the past simple instead of used to and would. We used to watch / watched too much TV. The soldiers would sell / sold the salt for other things. 9. Use the past simple, not used to or would, when talking about single events, how long they took or how many Paper money didn't use to be very common, feresihey beget We never used to spend much. I went to the market yesterday. NOT theme lay. The negative didn’t used to is also common. We didn’t eat for two days. Used not to is also possible in formal language. NOT Wedidn'tuse-to-eat fortwo days. Jane visited me in hospital twice NOT fane-used-to-visit mein hospital-twice. 4. Used tois for habits and activities which are no longer happening today. Used to often contrasts the past and the present. Used to usually comes without a time expression. The Romans used to pay soldiers in salt. Jused to work in a bank but now I'm a teacher. Would 5. Would is followed by an infinitive without to, and the negative is would not. The affirmative short form is ‘d and the negative short form is wouldn't. For example, you'd give a sheep and get a knife. They wouldn't work on Sundays. 6 Wouldis similar in meaning to used to but itis less common. Ina text, would usually follows used to or a past time expression. That summer we would go swimming every morning Jack used to love books. He would read two books every week, In this meaning, would is very rarely used in questions. Be / get used to means to know something so that itis not strange or new. A noun or verb + -ing can come after be / get used to. After three weeks, Iwas used to my new home. It's difficult to get used to working at night. > See Units 14, 35, 36 and 37 for other uses of would. Used to and would 15 Practice ‘A Underline the correct option. 1. The Romans used to /didn't use to have paper money. 2. George Bush used to/didn't use to be president of America, 3. Thirty years ago, we used to /didn't use to have mobile phones. 4 English used to /didn't use to be an international language. 5. Robin Hood used to /didn’t use to help poor people, 6 Space travel used to /didn’t use to be impossible. 7 Children used to /didn't use to go to school. 8 December used to /didn’t use to be the tenth month of the year. 9 There used to /didn't use to be any hospitals. 10 France used to /didn’t use to have a king and queen B_ Joe used to be in prison but now he is a free ‘man! Write about the changes in Joe's life with used to and didn’t use to. Hegetsup at9.00. 68 mechanic the prison kitchen x¢his neighbours letters He isa mechanic. He works in a garage. He likes hsneighbours He writes emails He wears nice clothes He sees his friends. He goes to bed late. prison uniform y6see his friends early. He feels happy. sad 10 Heis free. wefree 1 Hecused bo got up at 6.00, 2 He didn't use to bea mechani Booveuse E Complete each sentence b so that it has a si © Change the past simple into would in this text, if possible. would 46 | remember my childhood very well. Every summer, we went to the seaside. | was ten years old and I loved the sea. | played on ‘the beach and my father bought me an ice cream. Sometimes we ‘went on a boat. Some people swam around the boat, others fished, others watched. One trip my sister fell into the seat Luckily, she was good swimmer. That was very funny. In the evenings, we walked around the town, My mother told us stories about all the places and we listened very carefully. At night | fell asleep feeling very happy. Awonderful time! D Underline the correct option. Sometimes more than one option is possible. 1 My best friend used to have /would have a mountain bike. 2. That summer we used to spend / would spend all day on the beach Yesterday | would phone /phoned Jil When | lived in France | used to speak /spoke French very well. ‘On long car journeys we used to play /would play cards. Sheila didn't use to know /wouldn’t know Charles then. Did it used to be / Would it be a rich country? When we got to the airport, the strongest boys used to carry / would carry the bags. 9. Last April, they didn’t use to work /didn’t work for a week. 10. Inthose days, | never used to worry / would never worry about my future. 11 Maggie used to be /would be the best student in her class. eau lar meaning to sentence a, Use two to four words including the word in brackets. 1a MyDad was an engineer. (be) b MyDad sed. be, an engineer. 2 a People did more exercise then. (do) b People more exercise then. 3 a We wouldn't go to the cinema much. (used) b We to the cinema much. 4 a Was Mike in your team? (be) b in your team? 5a When! was a teenager, | used to get up at 11.00. (would) b When | was a teenager, | at 11.00. 6 a Theprices weren't so expensive in the 1990s. (never) b The prices so expensive in the 1990s, 7a His sister always used to shout at me. (would) b His sister at me, 8 a Jennifer drank coffee for breakfast every morning. (have) b Jennifer coffee for breakfast. F Complete the text using the words in brackets and, where possible, used to or would. From 1921-1923, there \...... 1085... (be) very high jiiflation| in Germany: the cost of things increased very dramatically. The reason for this was the bad political and financial situation after the First World War. The national in Germany? (be) the Mark. At the beginning of 1921, one American dollar cost) 60 Marks, By the end of 1922, one dollar - (get} you 8,000 Marks. The effect on ordinary German people was terrible. In 1922, a loaf of bread cost three billion Marks. People ® (buy) something in the morning and find the price much higher a few hours later. There is a story that once someone 6 (leave] a big bag of money outside a shop. When she z {come} back, the bag wasn't there but the money was on the floor! Money q (become) Worthless, so people? (exchange) things. Finally, the government 1 (make) some new money, the Rentenmark, and the inflation stopped, ‘Write five things you used to do or be when you were younger. Use used to and would. 1 [used t collect coins, Write four sentences about your friend, 6 Maria used to live in Barcelona, 7 8 9 maa Circle the correct optic 1 He bea millionaire. ausedto b areusedto c used 2 Jack sometimes give them some money forsweets. a used b use would 3 Last Saturday | alotofmoney. a usedtospend b spent have spent 4 collect coins when you were young? a Didyouuseto b Would you ¢ Did youused 5 Money never. important to me. ausedtobe b wouldnotbe ¢ wouldn't be Used to and would 17 Harvard University is the oldest university in the USA. The university started in 1636 and it got its name two years later when John Harvard died and gave eRe eaten See am rh PSE a ec eae famous universities in the world. Now people all over the world have heard about Harvard. Many famous, people have studied at Harvard, including the poet TS. Bliot, the president Barack Obama and the actress Toe aoe ae eee Nc Nobel Prizes. eee LeU ceva RM Uae CuO mt ct 1869-1909, made the biggest changes. For example, before Eliot was president, students didn’t rd Bre aOR sy want to study at Harvard but only about 10% of them etc Harvard is not all about education, Sport and culture are also very important. Twenty-first-century students Neeser aia! Present perfect, past simple, present simple Present perfect 1 Make the present perfect using the verb have + past participle. 1/You /We / They have(ve) visited have not (haven't [ve not] visited hhas not (hasn't / ‘snot) visited He/She / tt has (’s) visited Make questions and short answers as follows: ‘Yes, (I) have. No, (I) havent. Yes (he) has. No, (he) hasn't. Have I /you/we/they visited. Has he/she /it visited ..2 2 Use the present perfect to talk about recent events or a past event which the speaker feels is connected with the present. Kurt is very happy that he has graduated. A:Have they arrived? B: Yes, they're here. Past simple 3 Use the past simple to talk about a finished a the past. John Harvard died. ‘Matt Damon went to Harvard. Present simple 4. Use the present simple to talk about present facts orevents. I study Mathematics at Harvard. There are 15 students in my class. Present perfect vs. present simple 5. Use the present perfect, not the present simple, for an event or a situation which began in the past and continues inthe present, when we want to say how much time it has been going on. Harvard has been a university since 1636. NOT s-Wwas-auniversity. Natalie, how long have you worked in the movie business? NOT wedid-you work: Ithasn't rained for months now. NOT =-didn’t rain Gohas two past participles: a difference in meaning. ‘My brother has gone to America. (© My brother is travelling to America or is there now) ‘My brother has been to America. (= My brother went to America but he is back home now) jone and been. There is Present perfect vs. past simple 7 Use the present perfect when we do not know ‘exactly when the past event took place, or it is not important. Use the past simple to give details later. Have you seen my book? Bill has come back from university. He arrived on Tuesday. President Obama has arrived in india. He met Indian business men and visited With the present perfect, we use words which mean ‘at a time up to now, e.g. already, ever, for, lately, never, recently, since, yet. With the past, we use words and expressions which mean a finished period of time, e.g, ago, in 2003, last week, on my birthday, then, when, yesterday. Teresa has already graduated. I've never been to America, The university started in 1636. Last Saturday we had a party. With today and this + time word, e.g. this afternoon, this year, we can use the present perfect or the past simple. Use the present perfect to mean the complete time period up to now. Use the past simple to mean a finished part of that time period. I've phoned John this morning (Itis still the morning) I phoned John this morning, (It is now the afternoon.) In conversation, we can often use either the past simple or the present perfect. Did you speak to Jim? OR Have you spoken to jim? Brenda bought a hat. OR Brenda has bought a hat. Present perfect, past simple, present simple 19 Practice A Complete these news stories with the present perfect and the past simple. 1 John Bruce... has wan. (win) three million euros ina lottery. He bought. (buy) the lottery ticket last Saturday and. 2. Princess Lola and Sir John Falstaff (marry). They (meet) at a party at Windsor Castle in 2009. 3. Cameron Bowie (break) the 800 m record in Oslo. He (run) 1.40.23, the fastest time in the world. 4. Farmer Bo Peep {lose) all her sheep. She (call) the police last night but they . 5 Pop star Donna Ma (go) to live in Greenland. The pop star (say) that .. 6 Builders Hansel and Gretel Sweet (build) a house out of sugar. Work on the house (start) two years ago and Underline the correct option. Let’s go out. The rain stops /has stopped. Alice lives /has lived in Newcastle for three years. Itis /has been my birthday today. Tony doesn't speak / hasn't spoken German. Tony doesn't speak /hasn't spoken to me for years. Do you ever see / Have you ever seen my school photos? | play / have played it twice. This cake doesn't taste /hasn’t tasted very nice. England has /has had a king or queen for more than 1,000 years. 10 Who thinks / has thought he knows the answer? waVaueune © Match the pairs. 1. Leo Tolstoy— ‘a has written many books. 2 That women next to60> See Unit4 for how to form resent a t Ee the present perfect. 22 Present perfect continuous 2. Make the present perfect continuous using have + been + verb +-ing. have not (haven't / ‘ve not) been working. 1/You/We/They have 've) been working. has not (hasn't / ’snot) been working, He/She /It Make questions and short answers as follows: Yes, (I) have. No, (I) haven't, ‘Yes, (he) has. No, he) hasn't. Have | /you/we/they been working? Has he/she /it been working? 3. Weuse the present perfect continuous (or sometimes the present perfect simple] for a situation or activity that is still going on or has only just ended, when we want to talk about how long something has been going on. We do not use the present tense in these examples. She's been living in the village for 30 years. NOT solives in-the-village-— I've been waiting for a bus for 20 minutes. NOT sam waiting Professor X, who is leaving us today, has taught here for many years. NOT =-teaches here Use for with a period of time, e.g. for an hour, for a few days, for ages = for a long time); use since to emphasise when a situation began, e.g. since Monday, since last year, since she got married. Tve been standing here for half an hour / since 12 o'clock. 4 We usually use the present perfect continuous for changes. The village has been growing. Their music has been getting more popular. Present perfect simple vs. present perfect continuous 5 We usually use the present perfect simple for longer permanent situations and the present perfect continuous for shorter temporary situations. People have spoken English for 1,500 years. Victor has been studying English for three months. 6 Weusually use the present perfect simple for facts or events and the present perfect continuous for activities. ‘Mrs Black has gone home. She has been working and is very tired. We can use still... not with the present perfect simple when we want to emphasise that a past situation is not finished. Still goes before have. The bus still hasn't come! 7. Use the present perfect simple, not the present perfect continuous, with state verbs, e.g. understand, have and like. Saffron Walden has had a church for 1,000 years. NOT Saffron Walder-has-been having 8 Use the present perfect simple, not the present perfect continuous, to talk about how often you have done something. T’ve done the washing twice. NOT Fve-beendoing= 9 Donotuse the present perfect simple and present perfect continuous with past time expressions. Use the past simple and past continuous with past time expressions. We visited Saffron Walden last summer. NOT Wevewisited It was raining last night. NOT fe'sbeer-raining= (Often there is no difference in meaning between the present perfect and the present perfect continuous, but the present perfect is more common. Ihave lived here for 20 years= | have been living here for 20 years. Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous 23 Practice A. Make present perfect continuous sentences from the words. the pictures. 1 been /it / day / raining / has / all 1 -, 4 Te has ben aning all. day 7 2_ have / looking / for /1/everywhere / been / you 3. been /well / hasn't / Mike / feeling 4 giving /her / been / we / have / advice 5 eating / my /has / been / chocolate / who 6 my /been /has /me / helping / dad 7 haven't / the / working / phones / been 8 doing / crossword / been / have / you / that B Underline the correct option. q 1 Ithas been /has been being a difficult day. * 2 Trevor, have you listened /been listening to me? 3. Pete hasn't come /hasn't been coming back from London, 4 She has sung /has been singing for two hours, so she ‘hasbeen running, 1 2 needs a rest. 3 Has Sam taken /been taking my pen again? 4 Louise has read /has been reading the same book for 5 ‘two months, 6 7 The match has finished /has been finishing and Liverpool are champions! 8 Ihave thought /have been thinking about you all day. 9 He hasn't understood /hasn't been understanding what using the present perfect continuous. todo. 10 He can't drive home because he has drunk /has been Cars 300 drinking, Winter temperature 7 Write these time expressions under for or since. Warkinetiey ages alongtime February ithappened Population 800 Igothome midnight my whole life {= people who live there) she was two years old the rest of the year ear iontertChiistinas Tourists visiting every year 6,000 7 How much money each tourist spends 96s People have been buying Winters. People The population More tourists The tourists ousueNne 24 D Write present perfect continuous sentences to match E Complete the sentences about changes in a village 500 ¥ hours 700 8,000 50Saday 70S aday more cars. warmer, harder. more money.

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