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REFERRAL – is a set of activities undertaken by a An ILHZ is defined to be:

health care provider intervention or facility in
• Any form or organized arrangement for
response to its inability to provide the necessary
coordinating the operations of an array and
health intervention to satisfy patient’s need.
hierarchy of health providers and facilities which
REFERRAL SYSTEM – is one that ensure the typically include
continuity and complementation of health and o Primary health providers
medical services. – is comprehensive, encompassing o Core referral hospital and
promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative o End – referral hospital, jointly serving a
care. – It engages all health facilities from the lowest common population within a local
to the highest level. geographic area under the jurisdiction of
more than one local government.
TWO – WAY REFERRAL – it involves movement of a
• ILHZ, as a form of inter – LGU cooperation is
patient from the health center of first contact and
established in order to better protect the public
the hospital at first level referral. When hospital
or collective health of their community, assure
intervention has been completed, the patient is
the constituents access to a range of services
referred back to the health center.
necessary to meet health care needs of
TYPES OF REFERRAL individuals, and to manage their limited
resources for health more efficiently and
1. Internal Referral – occur within the health
facility, from one health personnel to another.
• ILHZ provides a means for consolidating health
2. External Referral – is a movement of a patient
care efforts. It does not only cover government
from a health facility to another
health services but includes all other sectors
a. Vertical referral – where the patient
involve in the delivery of health services like
referral may be from a lower to a higher
community based NGO’s and the private sector
level of health facility or the other way
both local and foreign.
b. Horizontal referral – where the patient is
referred between similar facilities in
1. People – WHO has described the ideal
different catchments areas
population size of a health district is between
100,000 – 500,000. However the number of
people may vary from zone to zone especially
when taking in to consideration the number of
LGYs that will decide to cooperate and cluster
2. Boundaries – clear boundaries ILHZ establish
accountability and responsibility of health
service providers
3. Health Facilities – RHUs, BHS and other health
facilities that decide to work together as an
integrated health system. – District or Provincial
Hospital serving as the central referral hospital,
make-up the health facilities.
4. Health Workers – who delivers comprehensive
• DOH personnel’s
• District and Provincial Hospital
• Rural Health Units
• Barangay Health units
• Private Clinics
• Volunteer Health Workers from NGOs
• Community Based Organizations
through the Center for Health Dev. In each 17
Mission – Guarantee equitable, sustainable, and
quality health for all Filipinos
Vision – A global leader for attaining better health
outcomes, competitive and responsive health care
system, and equitable heal financing
Levels of Health Care Delivery
– Primary
– Secondary
– Tertiary

THE HEALTH CARE DELIVERY SYSTEM Classification of Hospitals

Health System – consist of all organizations, people, A. General Hospital – provides services for all
and actions whose primary intent is to promote, kinds of illness, injuries or deformities.
restore, or maintain health. Services offered.
– Level 1
Six Building Block or Components of a Health System
– Level 2
a) Health Service – Level 3
b) Health Workforce B. Specialty Hospital – offers services for a
c) Information specific disease or condition or type of
d) Medical products, vaccines and technologies patient such as children, elderly or women.
e) Financing
Classification of other Health Facilities
f) Leadership & governance or stewardship
1. Category A – Primary Care Facility
• First contact health care facility that offers
WHO – specialized agency of the United Nations basic services including emergency services
(UN) provides global leadership on health matters and provision for normal deliveries
a) Without in-patient beds like health
Government {
centers, out-patient clinics, and dental
Private Sectors – for profit {provide health services
NGOs – nonprofit {
b) With in-patient beds – a short stay
facility where the patient spends on the
National Level: Roger’s Theory of Unitary Human Be
average of one or two days before
DOH – set direction by virtue of the mandate of discharge, like infirmaries and birthing
Local Government {R.A. 7160} {lying in} facilities.
Local Government Units (LGUs) should have an
2. Category B: Custodial Care Facility
operating mechanism to meet the priority needs
- A health facility that provides long term care,
and service requirements of their communities.
including basic services like food and shelter, to
Nurse – is an essential member of the health patients with chronic conditions requiring
workforce in the country. – should have an ongoing health and nursing care due to
understanding of the dynamic relationships among impairment and a reduced degree of
its components in order to work efficiently within independence in activities of daily living, and
the health delivery system. – its role provide patient in need of rehabilitation.
motivation to work despite overwhelming odds. Examples: Psychiatric facilities, Leprosaria,
nursing homes
DOH – serves as the main governing body of health
service in the country. – is the national agency
3. Category C: Diagnostic/Therapeutic Facility
mandated to lead the health sector towards
- A facility for the examination of the human
assuring health quality health care for all Filipinos.
body, specimens of the human body for the
Provides guidance & technical assistance to LGUs
diagnosis, sometimes treatment of disease, or
water for drinking water analysis. The test ENVIRONMENTAL THEORY
covers the pre-analytical, analytical, and post- Florence Nightingale
analytical phases of the examination.
– Is the founder of Modern Nursing
- This category is further classified into:
– Born on May 12 1820, in Florence, Italy and was
a. Laboratory Facility:
named after her birthplace
- Clinical Laboratory
– She is well-educated, affluent and belong to an
- HIV testing laboratory
Aristocrastic family
- Newborn screening Lab
– Her father educated her more broadly than
- Blood service facility
other girls.
- Drug testing laboratory
– She was tutored in mathematics, languages,
- Drinking water analysis
religion and philosophy
b. Radiologic Facility providing services
– She developed the sense that her life should
such as : X-ray, CT scan, MRI,
become more useful
Mammography & ultrasonography
– She had a calling from God to his service.
c. Nuclear Medicine Facility: a facility
– She became a nurse after completing her
regulated by the Phil. Nuclear Research
nursing training in 1851 at Kaiserwerth,
Institute utilizing applications of
Germany, a Protestant religious community with
radioactive materials in the diagnosis,
a hospital facility
treatment, or medical research, with the
– She trained as a nurse for approximately 3
exception of the use of sealed radiation
sources in radiotherapy as in internal
– In her return to England, Nightingale was
radiation therapy
employed to examine hospital facilities,
4. Category D: Specialized Outpatient Facility
reformatories and charitable institutions
– A facility that performs highly specialized
– She became the superintendent of the Hospital
procedures on an outpatient basis
for Invalid Gentlewomen in London
Ex. Dialysis clinic, ambulatory surgical
– Traveled to Scutari Turkey with a group of nurses
clinic, cancer chemotherapeutic
to care for wounded British soldiers.
center/clinic, cancer radiation facility,
– She addressed the environmental problems that
physical medicine, rehabilitation
existed in that place:
o Lack of sanitation
RURAL HEALTH UNIT o Exposure to frostbite
o House infestations
o Commonly known as a health center is a primary o Wound infections
level health facility in the municipality o Opportunistic diseases from battle
o Its focus is preventive and promotive services wounds
and the supervision of BHSs (Barangay Health o Presence of filth
Station) under DOH. Ratio of RHU is to 20,000 ▪ Few chamber pots
population ▪ Contaminated water
o Find a combination of the two methods list ▪ Contaminated bed linens
BARANGAY HEALTH STATION ▪ Overflowing cesspools

• Is the first contact health care facility that offers – She was called “The Lady of the Lamp”
basic services at the barangay level; a satellite o Made ward round during the night
station of RHU {DOH}; manned by volunteer o Provide emotional comfort to the
barangay. Health workers under the supervision soldiers
of Rural Health Midwife. – She was ill with Crimean Fever {Typhus or
Brucellosis} which affected her physical
– She was awarded with funds in recognition of
1. Municipal Health Officer or Rural Health her works and used it to establish schools for
Physician nursing training at St. Thomas Hospital and Kings
2. Public Health Nurse College Hospital in London.
3. Rural Health Midwife
4. Rural Sanitation Inspector
METAPARADIGM/ MAJOR ASSUMPTIONS IN o Concept of Light: position patients to
NURSING expose them to sunlight because of
its benefits
A. Nursing
o Cleanliness: daily bath of the patient,
• She believed that every woman, at one time
frequent hand washing, provision of
in life, would be a nurse
clean clothing, adequate sewage,
• Is having the responsibility for someone
access to pure H2O
else’s health
o Warmth: maintain room
• In her Notes on Nursing to provide women temperature, provide blankets when
with guidelines for providing nursing care patient is chilling
and to give advice on how to “think like a o Quiet Place: avoid/control
nurse” unnecessary noise
o Diet: meeting patient’s nutritional
B. Person needs
• She referred to the person as a patient
• Nurses performed task to and for the patient
and controlled the patient’s environment to Virginia Henderson
enhance recovery
• Ask the patient about his or her preferences Nurse – is temporarily the consciousness of the
and saw the patient as individual unconscious, the love for the suicidal, the leg of the
amputee, the eyes of the newly blind, a means for
• In control of some personal choices and
locomotion of the infant, knowledge of confidence
for the mother, the mouthpiece for those too weak
• Has respect for persons of various
or withdrawn to speak and so on.
background and was not judgmental about
social worth and religious beliefs Henderson was called the “First Lady of Nursing”
C. Health and the “First Truly International Nurse”
• Being well and using power that the person
Her writing, presentations, research and contacts
has to the fullest extent in living life
with nurses have profoundly affected nursing and
• She envisioned the maintenance of health
gave an impression on the recipient of care by
through the prevention of disease via
nurses throughout the world.
environmental control
D. Environment Began her career in public health nursing in the
• Are those elements external to and which Henry Street Settlement and in the visiting nurse
affect the health of the sick and health service in Washington D.C.
person and included everything from the
She was the first full-time instructor in nursing in
patient’s food and flowers to the patient’s
Virginia when she was at Norfolk Protestant
verbal and nonverbal interaction with the
• She believed that the sick, poor people An early advocate for the introduction of Psychiatric
would benefit from environmental Nursing in the curriculum and served in the
improvements that addressed both their committee to develop such a course at Eastern State
bodies and minds. Hospital in Williamsburg, Virginia in 1929
• Nightingale’s definition of environment as
Nurses through the US studied with her without
“All the external conditions and influences
ever leaving their home schools when her revision
affecting the life and development of an
of Bertha Harmers’ textbook of the Principles and
organism and capable of preventing,
Practice of Nursing became widely used.
suppressing or contributing to disease,
accidents and death.’ Other important publications grew out of
• Components of environment are: Henderson’s years at Yale University including
Ventilation, Warmth, Light, Cleanliness, Diet, Nursing Research; A Survey and Assessment
Noise She also directed a twelve-year project entitled
o Proper Ventilation : keep the air he Nursing Studies Index, four volumes recognized as
breathes as pure as the external air an essential reference for many years
without chilling him
Nature Nursing, this book expressed for belief about Nursing – she asserted that nurse function
the essence of nursing and influenced the hearts independently from the physician but they must
and minds of those who read it promote the treatment prescribed by the physician.
– Special role of the nurse is to help both
At 75 years old, she directed her career to
the sick and well individuals. Care must
international teaching and speaking. Another
include people from all walks of life from
generation harvested the benefits of contact with
the well to the sides’ newborn to the
this outstanding nurse of 20th century
Numerous honors bestowed on Henderson – Role of the nurse as a health care
• Honorary degrees from 13
– The nurse must be
knowledgeable in both biological
• Selected to the American Nurse
and social sciences
Association Hall of Fame
– Must have the ability to assess
Sigma Theta Tau International Library named her basic human needs
honor – Her definition of nursing was
considered as the signature of
Historical Nurse Leadership Award was presented to
the profession
her by the Virginia Nurses in 1988
Recognized Henderson as one of the 51 Pioneer
Nurses in Virginia Nurses Association in 2000
1. Breathing Normally – one needs to take care of
Halloran, a nurse theorist write “Henderson was to
one’s respiratory system
the 20th century as Nightingale was 19th century.
2. Eating and Drinking adequately – eat a
Both wrote extensive works that have influenced
balanced diet and drink water regularly
the world
3. Eliminating Body Wastes – urinate and bowel
METAPARADIGM IN NURSING movement to eliminate toxins out of the body
4. Moving “maintaining a desired position” –
Person – the person is an individual who requires 5. Sleeping and rest –
assistance to achieve health and independence in 6. Selecting suitable clothes –
some cases, a peaceful death 7. Maintaining normal body temperature by
– Introduced the concept of mind and adjusting clothes in modifying the environment
body of a person as inseparable. For a 8. Keeping the body clean and well-groomed to
person to function to the utmost, he promote integument (skin)
must be able to maintain physiological 9. Avoiding dangers in the environment and
and emotional balance. avoiding injury to others
Health – viewed health as a quality of life and is very 10. Communicating with others in expressing
basic for a person to function fully emotions, needs, fears with opinions
– As a vital need, health requires 11. Worshipping according to one’s faith
independence and interdependence 12. Working in such a way that one feels a sense of
– Gave emphasis in prioritizing health accomplishment
promotion 13. Playing or participating in various forms of
Environment – it is important for a healthy 14. Learning, discovering, or satisfying the curiosity
individual to control the environment but as illness that leads to normal development a health, or
occur, this ability is diminished and affected using available health facilities
– In caring for the sick, the
responsibility of the nurse to help
the patient manage his
surroundings to protect him from A. 3 LEVELS OF NURSE-PATIENT RELATIONSHIP
harm or mechanical injury. 1. The nurse as a substitute for the patient:
– Nurses must provide physicians – Provide knowledge, will and strength in
data about the safety needs of order to make him complete, whole and
the patient independent once again
2. The nurse as a helper to the patient: C. Implementation Phase
– Nurse focuses her attention in assisting – Nurses uses the 14 basic needs in
the patient meet these needs so as to answering the factors that are
regain independence as quickly as contributing to the illness state of
possible the patient
3. The nurse as partner with the following: – Interventions are focused on:
– As partners, formulates the plan of care o Maintaining health
together o To recover from illness
– Both an advocate or as a resource o To aid in peaceful death
person, the nurse can empower the – She performs activities that are
patient to make effective decisions directed in helping the patient attain
regarding his care plans his independence as fast possible
– As partners, their interest are the same D. Evaluating phase
having the patient achieve health and – Nurse-patient reviews the
independence relationship and decides whether
the goals are met or not.
– Assess if the patient attained
independence and if health is
– Though the nurse and patient are partners, the achieved
plan of care must be implemented in such a way 2. Education
that will promote the physicians prescribed • Developed 3 phases of curriculum
therapeutic plan development
– She insisted that nurse do not follow doctor’s A. First Phase
orders to patients or other health care team • Emphasis is made on helping the
members patient perform ADL
• Priorities are given on the
fundamental needs of the patient
C. NURSE AS A MEMBR OF THE HEALTH CARE and planning of nursing care
TEAM B. Second Phase
– As a member the team, the nurse works and • Importance is placed on assisting
contributes in carrying out the total program of patients achieve their needs in times
care of mark body disturbance
• The approach becomes more
medical and the nurse understand
ACCEPTANCE BY THE NURSING COMMUNITY the rationale behind the prescribed
1. Practice therapeutic plans made by the
– Henderson’s approach focuses on doctor
decision making C. Third Phase
A. Assessment Phase • Centered on the patient and his
– She gathers data by observing, family together with dynamics
smelling, feeling and hearing affecting the relationship in the side
– The nurses use critical thinking and unit
analysis of the condition of the
patient RESEARCH
B. Planning Phase
– Plan of care to meet the needs and • Henderson supported the use of research in
personality improving the practice of nursing
– To make the plan same with the goals • The nurse responsibility is to identify
of the health care team, the notes problems, continuously validates her
and responsibilities of each practice, improving the methods used, a
professional member must be reassuring the effectiveness of the care
included and integrated to the care
of plan
21 NURSING PROBLEMS to create new techniques to serve the health
THEORY OF FAYE GLENN ABDELLAH needs of different people.
o Provision of continuous care of the
• Born in March 13, 1919 in New York City. individual’s total health needs was
• Finished her Basic Nursing Education as Magna Cum eliminated in 1973. The words continuous
Laude in 1942 from Fitkin Memorial Hospital School and total are impossible to provide.
of Nursing in Neptune, New Jersey.
• Obtained her BSN degree in 1945, Master of Arts in
1947, Doctor of Education in 1955 at Teachers
College of Columbia University. PERSON:
• The first nurse and first woman to serve as DEPUTY
SURGEON GENERAL of the US. • Classifies the beneficiary of care as individuals.
• Inducted into the US National Women’s Hall of Fame • Does not set standard limits on the nature and
essence of human beings.
in 2000 due to her contribution in the field of
Education and Nursing Research. • The 21 nursing problems relate with biological,
• A Fellow and beneficiary of both National and psychological and social aspects of individuals.
International Awards. HEALTH:
• As retiree, she has written and discussed more than
100 publications related to nursing care, education • The center and purpose of nursing services.
for advanced practice in nursing or nursing research. • Healthy state of mind and body. She speaks to a
• In 1960, she was profoundly influenced by the desire “Total health needs.”
to promote client-centered all-inclusive nursing care, ENVIRONMENT:
thus making the idea of nursing as a true
humanitarian service to individuals, families and to – The idea of environment is included in “planning
society. for optimum health on local, state, national, and
• Nursing is grounded as an art and science that molds international levels” She elaborates her idea, the
the attitude, intellectual capabilities, technical know- apex of nursing service is the individual.
how of the individual nurse into the desire and NURSING:
capacity to assist people, sick or well, and to deal
with their needs. – Is an all-inclusive service that is based on the
• Nursing as a complete humanitarian service, it disciplines of art and science that serves
includes the following: individuals, sick or well, cope with their health
o Be acquainted with the nursing problems of needs.
the patient.
o Choose the definite courses of action to
make in the scope of relevant nursing ABDELLAH’S WORK UTILIZES THREE CHIEF CONCEPTS:
1. Health Needs are seen as problems, which
o Make available continuous care of the
individual’s entire health needs.
a. Overt – which is obvious or can be seen
o Give continuous care to relieve pain and
discomfort and provide immediate security
b. Covert – which is an unseen or masked
for the individual.
o Regulate the total nursing care plan to meet
- sometimes attributed with
the patient’s tailored needs.
emotions and relationship in nature and
o Serving the individual to become more self-
often seen incorrectly.
determining in achieving maintaining a
- in many instances covert
heathy state of mind and body.
problems may solve the overt problems
o Informing nursing personnel, family and
as well.
support system to provide the individual act
for oneself within perceived limitations.
o Facilitate the individual to adapt to limits 2. Nursing Problems is more in tune with “Nursing
and emotional problems. goals” and “Nursing functions”. Therefore the
o Team up with different allied health focus of the theory is more nursing-centered
professions in working with the diagram for than client-centered. She re-focused the role of
optimum health on local, state, national and the nurse from the disease orientation to
international levels. nursing orientation, but maintaining the client
o Engaging in non-stop evaluation and as the main concern.
research to develop nursing techniques and – all medicines and nursing practices help the
client, but the nurse must know where she can
excel well, and that is, on caring for the overall The 21 Nursing Problems as an extensive collection
needs of the patient. would give confidence to the simplification of principles
and a result, would:
• Guide care.
o medium for nursing problems as the
• Promote the development of the nurse’s
client is geared in the direction of health,
judgmental ability.
which is the outcome.
• Increase ability to use the theory in
– This process includes:
clinical practice.
a. Identifying the problem
• Strengthen the usefulness of the nursing
b. Selecting relevant data
c. Devising hypotheses
d. Testing hypotheses through the This 21 Nursing Problems is one of the forerunners of the
assortment of data Nursing Diagnosis as compiled by the North American
e. Revising hypotheses when necessary on Nursing Diagnosis Association {NANDA}
the basis of conclusion obtained from
the data.


1. To maintain good hygiene and physical comfort.

2. To promote optimal activity, exercise, rest, sleep.
3. To promote safely through prevention of accidents,
injury or others.
4. To maintain good body mechanics, prevent and
correct deformity.
5. To facilitate the maintenance of a supply of oxygen
to all body cells.
6. To facilitate the maintenance of nutrition of all body
7. To facilitate the maintenance of elimination.
8. To facilitate the maintenance of fluid and
electrolytes balance.
9. To recognize the physiologic responses of the body
to disease conditions – pathological, physiological,
and compensatory.
10. To facilitate the maintenance of sensory function.
11. To facilitate the maintenance of regulatory
mechanism and function.
12. To identify and accept positive and negative
expression, feelings and reactions.
13. To identify and accept interrelatedness of emotions
and organic illness.
14. To facilitate the maintenance of effective verbal and
non-verbal communication.
15. To promote the development of productive IPRs.
16. To create or maintain a therapeutic environment.
17. To facilitate progress toward achievement and
personal spiritual goals.
18. To facilitate awareness of self as an individual with
varying physical, emotional, and developmental
19. To accept the optimum possible goals in the light of
limitations, physical and emotional.
20. To used community resources as an aid in resolving
problems arising from illness.
21. To understand the role of social problems as
influencing factors in the cause of illness.

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