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NOT FOR SALE FREE SAMPLE Or CLICK ON Stouaea SOR PJIVUGSCI S WOOK Virginia Evans - Neil O'Sullivan Stucent’s Book Virginia Evans - Neil O'Sullivan aa Express Publishing Contents 2/en; subject pronouns; the verb to be (affirmative) UNIT? jobs; countries; cardinal numbers (21-100); the verb to be (negative & Veet places in o town countries; nationalities; places in inferrogatve); plurals (s); (pp. 16.23) town there is/ihere ore; adjectives SOUDATION 2 fp. 2425) MODULE 1 SELF-ASSESSMENT (pp. 2627) plurals; irregular plurals; this/these; thot/those; the verb have got, possessive odlecves; possessive case; prepositions of place telling the ime; describing present simple affirmative); conimals; talking about people's can; prepesitons of time _ daily routines ot work; job “descriptions; abilifies daily routines; free- present simple (negative & time activities; ‘week; months; seasons; people's interrogative); adverbs of describing people facial features; lkes/disikes; frequency; prepositions of preferences & character time food & drink; types of shops; types of food & _countable/uncountable clothes; shops dink; clothes; Bish money nouns; a/an/some/any; how much?/how many?; the imperative CONSOUDATION 6 jp MODULE 3 SELFASSESSMENT (pp. 7071] PAIRWORK ACTIVITES (pp. 7378) WORD UST feo won PN MNT talking about freetime Published by Express Publishing Uberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 HW. Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 email http: //eww © Virginia Evans - Neil O'Sullivan, 2002 Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 2002 Allright reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in o retrieval system, or ransmited in any form, or by any mecns, electronic, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior writen permission of the publishers. Fist published 2002 ISBN 1-84325-654.1 Acknowledgements ‘Ashors’ Acknowledgements Wo would like to thonk al the sf ot Express Publishing who hove contributed thei kilo producing this book. Thanks for ther support ond patience are due in particular fo: Megan Lawton (Edor in Chel; Stephonie Smith ard Sean Todc leenior elton); Michosl Sadler and Andraw Wright editorial essistons); Richard White (senior poduction ctrl) the Express design team: Onyx recording produces); and Rachel Robbins, Kevin Harts, David Smith, Eica Thompson Kimberly Boker, Timothy Forstr Steven Gis, Eric Simmons, Chitin tle ond Exe Taylor We would alto like to thank ‘those infitions and teachers who poled the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were involuale in the production ofthe book. Special thanks to Louren, Alex, Andy, Nodia ond Chris The auhors end publshers wish fo hank the fllwing, who have kindly given parmsion for the se of copyright inateriok © gilheaen forthe article on pp 66467; © The Body Shop forthe article on pp 66:67. Colour tlsretins: Nathon, Chris ‘Music Compositions & Arrangement by Ted and Tax © Express Publish ‘While every effort has been made to ace ll the copyright holders, i ony have been inadvertently overlooked the publshers wil be plosed to make the necesary arrangements ct he fist opportunity Before you start ... ur name? Where are you from? Which class ore you in at school? Do you like English? @ Listen, read and talk about ... cardinal numbers {1-20} fomily members jobs cardinal numbers (21-100) countries & nationalities places in a town Moet Learn how to ... * greet people . your town ® Practise ... @ Write ... * co letlerto a pentriond ebout ourself ond your family * 2 short description of a town i b) Read the sentences, then close your lead-in bodks’end try to rememb@Pbs many as ] 4) Mach the pictures (1-11) to the words, possible. @-cat ... ; agnake ... ; a hat 3 (D> listen and mark the sentences true {T] or a TV camer ... ; a parrot... ; an apple ..AANMN false (F). achimp ... ; a dog... ; a hot a mouse a mike years old. b) In pairs, osk and answer questions, as in the example. What is this? Is a TV camera. ooo00 >> Listening 2 Se q) Listen and repeat. * What's your name? © What's this? © How old are you? ¢- HeWware you? £4 This is my sistor. #_I'm fine, thanks: Kent County Pet Contest . [B] Sue: Hi, Dan. This is my sister, Liz. Reading Fe in te abe: A. Read the dialogues (A-C) and match the Bene people to their pets, then explain the words Dans“ =What'ethis?: eer Liz: It's my pet cat, Tabby. [E] Tom: Hi, Eva. How are you? = a fg Eva: _ I'm fine, thanks, Tom. e cl Tom: What's this? inn Eva: It's my horse, Winnie. A] Ruby: Hello, What's your name? Jake: My name's Jake. 5 Inpairs, read the dialogues aloud. Ruby: How old are you, Jake? Jake: I'm twelve years old. Speaking Ruby: And what's this? Jake: It's a parrot. Her name is Polly. 6 look at dialogue C. In pairs, use the Ruby: Hello, Polly. prompts to act out similar dialogues. Polly: Hello! Hello! y ~ Sue ~ mouse, Mickey ‘ Tom ~ Eva - dog, Rufus > Vocabulary * The Alphabet 7 Disten ond repeat, Look at the capital letters, then write the small letters. F Listening” 4) listen and repeat. What's your name, pleose? ‘Mary. What's your last name, Mary? Smith How do you spel hot? S-MHT-H Seer ee Speaking b) Use the names below to act out similar dialogues. * Jim Down © Susan Archer Brenda Hicks * Michael White © Your name * Colours 10 Q Look, listen and repeat. Which is your favourite colour? 11. o) Witte the colours. ~1_It's0 yellow hat. 2 Iisa Listening 13 Goo) Listen and cross out (x) the numbers your hear. Then write the seat numbers as in the example. Larreao dies octet Se 8 (6917) 18412) 119) © Ly 029 £39 114g 1154 ae shin. | © {164 1174 L184 L194 (20) i er Joke A five Som a Emma 8 Becky D Peer Speaking b) In pais, ask and answer, as in the oltsa Tshirt eames: A: What's your seat number, Jake? B: I's A five 14 Write the ages of the pets. Speaking b In pairs, ask and answer, as in the example. A: What is it? | B: I’s.a hat. A: What colour is it? | B: I's yellow. * Cardinal Numbers (1 = 20) ae (a | z 12. (Slisten and repeat. 1 one 8 eight 15 fifteen | 2 Iwo 9 nine 16 sixteen | 3 three 10 ten 7 3 Shepis ... years | 4 Kitty is 4 four 11 eleven | 18 etree | | neato old 5 five 12 welve | 19 6 six 13 thirteen 20 twenty | 7 seven 14 fourtsen | 5 Snowball is | 6 Rexis years old il ets old SEES OO ___~_ 10 © Family 15 4] Look at the pictures cand write the words in the dialogues. Then, read the dialogues aloud. 1 A: Who is he? B: He’s Mary's dad. ‘A: What's his nome? B; His name is David. 2 A: Who is she? B: She's Mary's mum, A: What's her name? B: Her name 3° A: Who is she? 4 A: Who is he? B: She's Mary's B: He's Mary's A: What's her name? A: What's B: Her B: Grammar *a-an # We use ‘an’ before a, ¢, i, 0, v aan pple, an orange ‘* We use ‘a! before all other letters (b, c dfigh i kimapacstvw, x, ¥, 2): @ bird, a horse 16 Fill in oor an. Then, in pairs, ask and answer, as in the example. @ 1 ahat 2 99 3 umbrella 4 cap E balloon 6 orange Speaking b) Ask and answer, as in the example. $1: Who is David? $2: He's Mary's dad. Who is Tracey? S3: She's... 7 robbit 8 goldfish A: What's number one? B: It's a hat a Game Divide the class into two teams. Say words from the list. Students, in teams, say the word, adding @ or an. Each correct answer gets 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner. apple, dog, mike, egg, ball, umbrella, boy, ete Teacher: Team AS1. Teacher: Team BS 1 opple cn opple Correct! dog adog etc * Subject Pronouns 1 Underline the correct answer, as in the example. 1 Thisis Tim, Joe and Meg. lt/They ore fifteen. 2 This is my sister. She/He is sixteen. ! we you you 3 My name is Rose. We/! am eleven he 4. This is Tony, He/They is twelve, shes ibe, 5 This is me ond Ann. We are thirteen. 7 6 This is my brother Pele. He/She is twenty 7. This ie ohn and Tim. He/They are my friends 17 Write the correct pronoun in the blanks. 8 Thisis me. /We om eighteen This is me ond my fiend Danny. We/They are fifteen, }O This is Tina. She/He is my sister. 1 This is Bill, Lyn cond Stella They are my friends © The verb “to be” 2 This is me. you fe 3 This is me and they they J my friend 1 They are twins Z two. 21 a mouse. 8 3 Hil Eva ther and siste 4 You eight. 1S my mum. 5 They Pe! 10 He ...... my friend 6 It © parot. 20 Write 'm, ’s or ‘re. My n 10 oes Toni 2 fenieen years old This is me in my ski suit. / 3) puple ond bi The ski boots are my sisters \ They 4)... orange Listening 21 (listen and tick (7) the correct box. 1 Which is Says per? Saeibali 3 How old is Don? a4 oa id c[ 4 What colour is Bob's Thin? =. Sr aC] B Cc A B Communication Pronunciation /1/, /i/ © Introductions & Greetings 23 (ol Usten and repeat. 22 (4) listen and repeat. short /1/: this, i, sister long /é/: he, three, thirteen © A: Hello. My name's Rick Potter. What's your CaH) tiston and tik 1), then pec name? B: My name's Bill Martyn a A: How do you spell that? M-A-R-T-I-N? Al [id AL \ fi) 8: No, M-A-R-T-Y-N tz 4 Smith is nineteen +A Hi, Carla she listen B: Hi, Debbie, Who is this? ae A: This is my sister, Kathie. Listening B: Hello, Kathie, How are you? C: I'm fine, thanks 2A (> listen and fill n the missing words. Speaking lisa Ed Dove Jane 'b} In pairs, use the prompts below to act out Animal rabbit cat similar dialogues. : Cindy | Jaws | Tibby | Shep * Ron Foster - Ray Lewis (Lovis) Nome © Helen - Vicky — Mary Colour orange | grey Age eight | one eleven Reading 25 Read the paragraphs below and match each animal to the correct text. AD My name (s Lisa. This {s my rabbit, Cindy. She is white, She is eight years old. My name is Ea. This is my fish, Jaws. He is orange. He is one year old. cu My name i@ Dave. This is my cab, ; Tibky. He is grey. . He is three ears old. M PL] My name is Jane. This is my dog, Shep. He is brown. He is eleven years old Speaking 26 00k at the table in Ex. 24 and make sentences, as in the example. This is Lisa's rabbit, Cindy. She is white. She is eight years old. Writing (a letter to a penfriend) © Capital Letters We use a capital letter for the first ward in @ sentence He's twolve. + names Karen * the personal pronoun “I” Hello. I’m Sally and I'm nine years old. 27 Read the text and write the capital letters. dear carlos, hello! my name’s lisa. i?m twelve years old this is a picture of me and my family. this is my mum, anne, and my dad, derek. my brother, gary, is fourteen years old. my pet rabbit, cindy, is white, she is eight years old. that’s all about me. what about you? love, lisa 28 Fill in the table, then talk about yourself and your family. my name: age: mum (nome|: dad (nome brother nome, agel: sister [name, age): pet [animal, name} colour, age): Use the information from Ex. 28 to complete the letter to your penriond. Dear Roberto, Hello! My name's . old. in semaeersp 4p ence This is a picture of me and my family. This is my mun, . , and this | is ny ) My } years old, and My pet \ alee 4 years old. That's all about me. What about you? J Love, { (your first name) ‘ 13 Consolidation 1 1 Complete the crossword. >i la Et 2 Write the colours. Which is your favourite colour? Mir RR eno How old are they? Look and say. 1 2 3 4 5 10 3 1 lizis ten years old. 4 4 5 6 Write the words, then spell each word, Write a sentence for each word, old How old are you? colour nome mum years old who dod last name spall coat brother fine siser shoe Write three words which take ‘a’ and three which take ‘an’. LL IN. aan 7 Match the questions to the answers. TD How old are you? [2] What's your name? [3D] How do you spell that? Smith 1 Who's this? Red A M-A-R-Y, B @ D [How are you? E This is my dad. F G H I'm fine, thanks. GL] What's your last name? Mary. [ZL Whats your favourite colour? BL] Whar’ this? Its a snake, Twelve, Write he, she, itor they. Qo) Write is oF are, Josh welve years old. This his sister. Her name His mum Anne and his dad Peter. This Milzi, his dog, and Sooty, his cat. They his pets Claire, b) Write a similar paragraph about your family. Pairwork Activity 10 In pairs, do the activity. Student A looks at page 72. Student B looks at page 75. Ask ‘questions to complete the cards. paletss 11 G tisten and fill n the words. Listen again cand sing. Yellow are the 2) And so is the bus. The colours of the rainbow are Red, 3) yellow, green, 4. , indigo ond violet. i 1 A B: A 8: A. 8: A: 8, Lead-in Match the people (7-10) to the jobs. Then, in pairs, ask and answer, as in the example. : Where’s Mae from? She’s from Ching. What's her job? She's a receptionist, Where’s Nick from? He's from Ireland. What's his job? He's a pila. aa I'm from ... Listening 2G 2 Q) Listen and repeat. Can |help Please sit down * ror e doctor, © are you from? * i our name, © Here it is, sea: © Thank you. b) Read the sentences, then close your books and fry to remember as many as possible. (Rosa - Thailand ) A 3 QD Listen and circle the correct answer [EL_Hécdmasters! Gon nea melas is Mr Hammond. He’s your Diclogue A is new teacher. A a pilot an ol Mr Hammond: Good morning, class. B a pilot and a receptionist Class: Good morning, Sir. 2- Dialogue B is between Student A: Where are you from, Mr A nd two teachers. Hammond? 8 Mr Hammond: I'm from Portland 3 0 Student B: Where’s that? A Mr Hammond: It’s in the USA. B C] Miss Pinto: Yes? Postman: Good morning. I'm your new postman. Is this 27 ‘4 Read the dialogues (A-C} and answer the Cedar Lane? auestions (1-6), then explain the words in Miss Pinto: Yes, itis. bold. Postman: have a parcel from Brazil for Miss Maria Pinto. T How is Nick? 5 What is Miss Pinto's Miss Pinto: I'm Maria Pinto, 2-What's Nick's job? address? Postman: Here it is. 3. Who's Mr © Where's the parcel Miss Pinto: Thank you. Bye. from? 5 Inpairs, read the dialogues aloud : Good afternoon. Can I help you? Nick: Yes, please. | want to see the doctor. What's your name, please? | My name's Nick Black. Receptionist: How old are you? 2 Nick: I'm thirty-one. Receptionist: What's your job, Mr Black? > Nick: I'ma pilot Receptionist: Please sit down, over there. Ron - the USA as \ cave Nick: Thank you. \ Vocabulary listening ¢ Cardinal numbers (21-100) rdinal numbers ( ) 9 isten and waite the city. Then, in pairs, ask and answer, as in the example. 6 listen and repeot. Q ahundred | (one hundred) 29 twenty-nine 7 look at the numbers and write them in words, 2 { Countries and Nationalities 8 (> Match the countries (1-10) to the nationalities (a-j), then listen and check. A: Who's he? B: Yes, Dijon. B: His name's Jean. D-I-J-O-N. Nationalities A: Where is he from? A: Where's thot? 1 Italy @ British B: He’s from Dijon. B: It's in France. 2 Canada b Chinese A; Dijon? 3 Bazi © Greek j 4 Tukey d_ Brazlion 5. Poland fe Aggentinian | © Britain f Canadian 7 America g Tutkish 8 China h halon 9 Greece 1 Polish 10 j_ American Argentina: 1 look at the pictures. Then, in pairs, ask and answer, as in the example. Who's she? Her name's Rosa. How old is she? She’s 27. What nationality is she? She’s Portuguese. Ph Ohwn Grammar © The verb “to be” | am not I'm not you are not you aren't she isnot she isn't i it you are not you aren't they they 11] Underline the correct word, as in the example. 1 Tim from Spain, I'm not/isnt from lily 2 You are eleven years old. You are/aren't Weve yeors old 3. They/te from Egyph. They isn't/oren't from Poland, 4. She's British. She isn’t/‘m not American. 5. He's my frond, He aren't/isn't my brother. <7 err Ee as male aes Amt? Yes, 1am. / No, I'm not Ate you .....? Yes, you are. / No, you aren't Ise... ? Yes, he i / No, ho isn't Is she .....? Yes, she is. / No, she isn't bit ..? Yes, iis. / No, it isn't Are we.....? Yes, we are, / No, we aren't Ate you .....? Yes, you are. / No, you aren't Ate they .....? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't 12 fill in the correct answer. 1 ‘ls Maria from Poland?” “Yes, she is.” 2. “Are you twenty-one years old?" *No, 3. *Ate they Chinese?” "No, 4 ‘Is she your sister?” “Yes, 5. ‘Are Frank and Bill teachers 6 “ls Brian your brother?" “No, 7 ‘Is Stella from Portugal?” “Yes, 8 ‘Are they Italian?” “Yes, 9 ‘Are Keiko and Daisuke students?” “Yes, 10 ‘Is Bll sixtoon years old?” “No, 11 ‘Is Li your sister?” "No, 12. “Are Maria and Lisa nurses?” “Yes, e...... Di the class into two teams. Choose a leader and ask him/her to think of a job. Students, in teams, ask questions to find ‘out what his/her job is. Choose another leader and continue the game. Each correct guess gets 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner. Leader (thinks of “pilot” Team ASI: Are you a vet? leader: No, I'm not. Team BS1: Are you a postman? etc 19 13 fillin: are, i, ’s, ‘ey ‘m, Listening aren't or isn’ 15 (D3 listen and tick the correct picture. © A: Hellol | 1) Marco. Who 2} you? B: Hil | 3) Petra, 4) you a doctor Where's Stella from? A: No, | 5} rat. £ eA Poul and Dan from England? B: No, they 2) irom the USA A that 8: Molly, she from? B: She 7) from Brazil A: Oh, so she 8) Brazil 14, 00k ot the pictures. Then, in Pairs, ask and answer ‘questions, as in the example. ‘Most nouns take + in the plural hairdresser ~ hairch 16 Write the plural form of each word. Poa a do chi 2. Nog 5 pilot * el 6 student © There is - There are 6 Portugal 6 Al Affirmative There is a hotel : eens 5. Nina There are some hot Negative There isn'ta hotel : There aren't any hotels. Yang / Turkey? Ricardo / Canad? Ross / Greece? Nina / China? Ai / aly? Inlerrogative _ Is there a hoiel? Ave there any hotels? B | Short answers Yes, there is, / No, there isn’t Yes, there are. / No, there aren't Coonan * Places in a town 17 look at Paul's neighbourhood. Match the numbers (1-11) to the words, then make sentences. of flats bank cinema SI: There are some benches in Paul's neighbourhood. $2: There’s a park in Paul's neighbourhood. ele Speaking 19 Moke sentences, as in the example. 1 Ask questions to find out what there is in your friend’s neighbourhood. A: Is there @ park in your neighbourhood? B: Yes, there is. A: Are there any blocks of flats in your neighbourhood? B: Yes, there are. » Adjectives * An adjective describes o noun * Adjectives go before «@ modem cals + a noisy «a lovely dress - a black car ns. * We can also use on adjective clone after the verb to be. I's an old hous: + The house is old, W's @ big park. + The pork is big. 1 This is a clean beach. The beach is clean. 21 listening 20 (SP tisten ond match the people to the countries. Rosita Mexico Pranee Spain Pedro Thailand Reading 2.1 Read the short texts and underline the sentence which best describes each picture Which text mentions ... « big theatre? lots of schools? lots of museums? lots of old buildings? «a big arch? lots of statues? lots of becuiiful palaces? Rosita is 25 years old and ehe Ie a vet. She is from Barcelona in Spain. It's a very beautiful city There. are lots of schools and old buildings in Barcelona. There io a big arch, too. The arch ie in Rosita’ neighbourhood. I's fantastial Pranee is 27 years old and she is a nurse. Pranee is from Bangkok in Thailand. Bangkok is a very old city. There are lots of beautiful palaces in Bangkok. I's a great city. Pedro is 35 years old. He is a teacher from Mexico City in Mexico. Mexico City is a huge city. There are [ots of museums and statues in the city. There is @ very big theatre in Mexico City, too. It is near Pedro’s school. It's a beautiful old building. Speaking 22. Complete the table, then use your notes fo 24 ask and answer questions about each person. how job | where what there . old from is/are 5 Rosita 25 vet | Barcelona, Is, of Pranee Pedro 25 How old is Rosita? She is 25 years old. What is her job? She is a vet. ote prob Communication 26 * Greetings 23 a 1A: Good morning, nue. 8: Good morning, Mv Morgan. How ten and repeat. you Je fea A: I'm fine, thank you : od 2 A: Good afternoon, Mrs Smith. How ore you this | ctemoon'? B: Not bad — and you? A: Al ight, thank you. 3. A: Good right, Rick. Sleep well B: Good night, Mum. b) In pairs, use the prompts below to act out r dialogues. © doctor - Mrs Crown - very wel * Good evening, Mr Finch - evening - Pretty good * lisa - Sweet dreams - Dad * Saying Goodbye 2A Write the sentences in the dialogues below. Then, read the short dialogues aloud. © Bye, Robby * You too. See you on Monday, 1 Wend Gary 2 Robby: Bye-bye, Dad. See you later. © Pronunciation 25 Q Listen and tick (V), then listen and repeat. ist ill isi fish 7 | [shop Sally she seal Scotland Writing Read the text and write the correct adjective from the list. Which picture matches the description? if # clean ¢ big * tall ¢ Mentteal is @ 1) beautiful city in Canada. It's 0 very modern city with friendly people There ore lots of 2) buildings in Montieal. The streets are 3) ond are squares with 4) statues, There are lois of museums, nice cafés and restaurant Montreal is a fantastic city. i's a great place to visit. 27 4) Look at the pictures of Prague. Match the pictures (A-C) to the phrases (1-7), then talk about the pictures. 1 chuiches, castles & museums B 2 beauiitu ald buildings 3 clean siteels & big squares 4 nice cafés and restaurants 5 6 7 a big river with lots of bridges & parks ues lots of tree famous si b) Now write about Prague. Start like this. Prague is @ beauiiful city in the Czech Republic. son old city with friendly people. There are Prague is 0 for a holiday 23 Consolidation 2 4) Write the words. 1 Write sentences, as in the example. 5 Nick © Becky 5 Write the opposites. 2 a) Write the nationalities. Talos eaden eed. aa Toca ae 2 old building # m__ building 2 3 quiet street # 1. street 3 4 6 Write a sentence for each word/phrase. BS 6 1. job Whar's your job? a 2 old 8 3 4 wi b) What nationality are you? 5. nationality 6 clean 3 o) Write the numbers in words. 7 i there 8 fine 9 schools 10 statue a. } 11 street 74 112 lots of | 13 vet | 90 14 neighbouthood 97. 7 Write the plurals. ey 100 a, 1 bark 4 town cinema 5 tive b) How old are you? How old is your- mum? 3. park & palace - dad? - brother? - sister? - friend? 24 G Write ‘m, is, ’s, are, ‘re, ‘m not, isn't or aren't 1A: Dijon in America? B: No, i it in France. 24: Tony and Mary from England? B: No, they They from America 3 A: Where Moe from? B: She from China, 4 A: How you today, Jeff? B fine, thank you 5A there a café in your neighbourhood? B: Yes, there 6 A: How old Pei B: He forty-one years old. 7A ‘you @ receptionist? B: No, | \ « teacher BA they from Spain? B: No, they They from Portugal 9 A; Where Chuck from? B: He from America 10 A: Where you from, Stella? B: | from tly, look at the picture. Ask and answer questions, as in the example. 1 bonk? ‘A: Is there a bank on © a heatre? Apple Steet? 7. any shod? B: Yes, there is 8 ony restauran's’ 9 ony cass? 2. any blocks of flats? 3. any tees? 10 ony howe? 4 apos ofice? 11. any bicycles 10 Answer about yourself. 1 Whats your name? 2. Where ore you from? 3. What nationalily are you? 4 What is there in your neighbourhood? Pairwork Activity 11 In pairs, do the activity. Student A looks at page 72. Student B looks at page 75. Ask questions to find the differences between the two pictures. Let's sing! 12 C Read and fill in the correct words. Listen and check, then sing the song. ‘a park in my neighbourhood aie There are trees n my neighbourhood They'reveryt____ and green town is very beautiful people there are good there are lots of lovely things | my neighbourhood are cars in my neighbourhood re modem and they'ren__ te black and white andr __ low, grey and biue e are no blocks off here are birds in my neighbourhood ‘And lats of dogs and cats 4 Vocabulary look atthe pictures and write sentences, as in the oe Rolf 1 Max is a cat. Pally 4 Cindy 6 ners 2. Write the numbers in words. 91 +72 * 48 + 36 ou 225 6 mans 3° Write the nationalities. 1 5 Tukey 2 6 tialy 3 7 America 4 8 Brazil 3B nods gh) Unis T-2) A Fill in the correct word from the list. * friendly * neig * years * pel * how * new hbouthood dirty * sleep 1 Nick is twenty old 2 Hello, john. are you? 3. This river is 4 Mi Brown is our teacher 5 There's a siatue in Sam's & Good night, Mary. well 7. Montreal is a nice city with people 8 His dog, Rufus, is five years old 8 nots 5 Write the colours. Cres. S moss Grammar 6 Underline the correct word 1 James is 27 years old, l/He is o teacher. 2 Pinky ond Perky are fish. They/t are my pels. 3. My name is Jenny. I/He om six 4 Tina is my sister. We/You are twins 5 This is Fiona, He/She is my friend S mors 7 Fillin is, ore, ‘m not, isn’t or aren’. © A: Excuse me. 1} you Mr Jones? B: No, | 2) eA Franco from lialy? B: No, he 2) He 3) from Spain eA Tom and Bill doctors? B: No, they 2) They 3} vels © A: Anna 1) from Italy. B: No, she 2) She 3) from England and she 4) a nurse. 12 wos 8 Fillin ooran, 1 square 6 nice café 2 ‘apple Zz umbrella 3 ..... hairdresser 8 bike 4 snake 9 animal 5 old building +10 supermarket 10ats Communication Fill inthe missing sentences. Then, read out the dialogues in pairs. © This is my sister © What's your name © How do you spell that © A: Hello, I'm Martin. 1) t B: My name's Pedro. AQ) ? B; P-E-D-R-O. Who's this? A: Oh, sorry. 3) Rosa. * How ate you ® Not bad '* A: Good morning, Tom. 1) ? B: I'm fine, thanks — and you? A: 2) thank you. 10 merks Reading 10 Read the text and answer the questions. Ny AY Gg = amily We are the Johnson family. There ave five people in my fomiy. my rum is forty yeors old and she is a hairdresser. My dad is forty-two years old and he is a postman There are three children. | am simon and | am ten. My brother, stuart, is fourteen years old, Mary is my sister and she is siten years old. We are all students. muffy is iy pet dog. She is small and white. She is four years ld We are from London in England. London is a huge city with Jots of cars on the streets. Our neighbourhood is nice and quiet. There is a big park with lots of trees, and a small square with some shops and a café 1 How many penple ate there in the Johnson family? How old is Stuart? Who's Muffy? Where are the Johnsons from? Is there c big patk in their neighbourhood? 10 mos ARON Writing (a short article about your family & where you live} 41 Write an article about your family and the place you live in. Use the text in Ex. 10 as. model. Start like this: We are the people in my family family. There ore There are children. {am is my pet We are from 20 marks TOTA: 100 more 27 Before you start ... Where do you live? How old are you? How many members are there in your family? What is your neighbourhood like? @ Listen, read and talk about ... Welcome to my house! UNIT Module 2 Working with Units 3-4 @ Learn how to ... animals ... eet * give your address * describe onimols UNIT * tal hese jobs related fo animals @ Practise ..: * onimals * obiliies * plurals job descriptions * imegular plurals * everyday activities © this/there - thal/Ahose ————— ae © the verb “have got” * present simple (affirmative) * prepositions of place * prepositions of time ® Write ... z3 * a later to « friend describing your house. Lead-in 4) Look at the pictures and match the num- bers (1-16) to the words. adesk —[-] acurtain ] anarmchoir C] amiror [J awall [_] achoir a solo ==] abed [] awindow (1) alamp [] acushion [] a dolls house[_] a cupboard [_] a fireplace [_] avase ([] atoble (] b) Make sentences, as in the example. Number 1! is a window. ¢] Ask and answer, as in the example. $1: What is there in the bedroom? 52: A desk. What is there in the living room? S3: A mirror. ... ele 28 ae Listening 2 Q } Listen and repeat. * Sorry, where's that? Here | am. How many rooms has it gol? You're very lucky. What's that noise? Come in, please ‘What do you think? When can | move in? b) Read the sentences, then close your books ‘and try to remember os many as possible. anon (D> Histen and underline the correct word. Rachel isin the dining room/bedroom Rachel is under the bed/desk. ‘Adam has got « big/smoll house Thete are five/fout bedrooms in Adam's house John wants o rent a house/toom © The bathroom/bedroom is at the end of the hall. OuROna on fA] Reading Read the logues (A.C) and mark the sen- fences true (T) or false (F). cachel can't find her Adams living Adam's sister The room for ie rent ster for Rachel ushion, .om hos gat a fireplace got his CD player h is quite small OO00000 ek. Read the dialogues again and explain the words in bold. Then, in pairs, read the logues aloud. Sue: Hello, Mrs Kane. I'm Sue. Is Rachel here? Mrs Kane: Hello, Sue. Yes, Rachel’s in her bedroom. Sue: Sorry, where’s that? Mrs Kane: It’s next to the dining room. Sue: OK. Thanks. ... Rachel, I've got a new poster for you — Rachel! Where are you? Rachel: Here | am — under the bed. | can’t find my fittle mirror. Ouch! My head! Sue: Oh, Rachel! Frank: This is a fantastic living room, Adam. Adam: Thanks. Frank: Look at that fireplace — it’s great! You've got a really big house, How “a s fe iL,got? m= 11 14 ‘Adam: There are four bedrooms and a bath- room upstairs, and downstairs, there's the living room, the din- ing room and the kitchen. Frank: You're very lucky. ... Whats that noise? ‘Adam: That's my sister. She’s got my CD player in her room — again! John: Hello. My name is John Brady. I'm here about the room for rent. Mrs Fry: Oh, yes. Come in, please. Here we are. What do you think? John: Yes, it’s very nice — and quite ig, too. Mrs Fry: Here's the bed, and the desk is over there. There's lots of space in the wardrobe and a big arm- chair in the corner. John: What about the bathroom? Mrs Fry: The bathroom is at the end of the hall, and the rent is £60 a week with meals, John: That’s great! When can 1 move in? Speaking Look at the pictures on pp. 28-29 again. In pairs, ask and answer questions using the words in Ex. 1, as in the example. Has Rachel got a desk in her bedroom? Yes, she has. Has Adam got a bed in his living room? No, he hasn't. etc Vocabulary * Ordinal numbers Th Q Listen and repeat. [st fist oth sixth | 2nd second 7th seventh | 3d thi Bih eighth | 4th fourth 9th ninth | Sih fifi 10th tenth 8 Wiite the ordinal numbers. Sth 5 1 s 2 10th 6 4th 3 7th 7 2nd 4 3rd 8 8th J 4] Where are they? Look at the block of flats, then ask and answer questions, as in the example. uf Emma Martha, Samantha, Harvey, Ist ound: 30 1 Harvey / third floor? A: ls Harvey on the third floor? 8: No, he isn't. He’s on the first floor. 2 Samantha / fitth floor? 3 Martha / second floor? 4 Ben and Ellen / ninth floor? 5 Sam / seventh floor? © Emma / sixth floor? b) Which floor are you on? * Types of Homes 10 Read and write the correct words from the lists. garden, bedrooms, street This is my hovse, on a beoutfl V in a small town. ft has got a tall ree in the 2 There is 0 garage next to he house and the 3) are on the firs floor. | My fat is in the 1) this on the 2) Hloor of a big block of flats. It is very 3) in the cily countryside, farmhouse, houses ‘My house is a big 1) in the 2) i ith ll of hes and fields cround f it There arent any ober 3) near it, It is very quiet rooms, river, houseboat My house is ona 1) Whisa 2) this quite big ond it has got five * Rooms * Household objects 13 ©) What is in the - kitchen? - living room? - bedroom? - bathroom? Look and say. 2} Match the words to the pictures (1-5). h the words to th * kitchen # bathroom * living room * bedroom * garden There’s a cooker in the kitchen. cooker = sink pillow v me | wardrobe. bath fridge ee ey bookcase bedside cabinet b) Look at the pictures again. Use the prompts to ask and answer questions, as in the 2 example. ~ b) In pairs, ask and answer ques- tions, as in the example. A: Is there a cooker in your kitchen? B: Yes, there is. Is there a sink in your liv. ing room? 2 4 Cotla & Ted / bathroom? Grammar 3 5 Donald / living room? © Plurals Nouns ending in #5, 88, th, ch, % -0 fake es in the 12 QD iisten and write. plural Listening bus > buses glass + glasses, brush > brushes. torch > torches, Se RENT | fox-> foxes potato ~> potatoes __HOUSEFORRENT __ } * a vowel + y take + in the plural 0 consonant + y drop the -y on Four) valving oom, a dining room, abig 2) andtwo 3) toke “es in the plural @ chery ~ two cherries | *# or fe drop the For fe and take ves ‘iso has a garage anda 4) . ; ) onas) _ naineiia a | in the plural. 6s. smnannnsen @ THORED, Tel: 0802 887 682 \ a loaf > two loaves, a ~ a «@ knife -+ two knives 31 child + children fan men woman > women Uc Unaat ny foot + feet tooth > teeth mouse > mice 14 Write the plurals. | We use that/those for things 32 This is a flower rete Svaitess Jl 1 one loaf + wo 6 one oy + Wo 2 one man + hwo 7 one puppy + two 3 one glass > wo 8 one box > two 4 one child + Wo 9 one knife > two 5 one foot > two 10 one woman > hwo 15 Write the correct plural form of the nouns in brack- ets. 1. Sally hasn't got ten ttorch) 2 Paul has got two (child) 3. Ate there ony (tomato) in the fridge? 4 The baby has got three new (iooth). 5 those (bus) are ted 6 Ate Harty ond George (policeman|? 7 Ate there any {mouse} in the garden? © This/These - That/Those | | These are ee flowers Those are ae vases. | We use this/these for things things near us. 16 Write: this is, these are, that is or those are. Ss 1 Boor s This is piano ond that is « guitar. a 2 > on PSR These are irons and those are ironing boards “Bp ond > ee e e e @ comera and photographs. e 04S ond ‘\ e e e a towel and toothbrushes, e e 25 ee ol ° . spoons and . 2 bowl Sen © The verb “have go!’ ire) eRe) I) you havegot you ‘ve got he) he she } has got she | 's got it it we we you have got you. ‘ve got they. they a ¥ (R23), | a 1 ov have not got —you__—haven't got he has not got she hasn't got it have not got you haven't got they Have |/you/we/they -Yes, — |/you/we/they oot? “have | No, _ 1/you/we/they “haven't Has he/she/it got? Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn't. 17 Inpairs, ask and answer questions. 1 Penny / a red dress (v1 3. they / bicycles? v) 4; Has Penny got o 4 you / a big house? |x} 1 dress? 5. we / an umbrella? | 5, she has. 6 lynn / a sister? [x] adog? |x) 7 Jim / a camera? (¥| Listening 18 (Se) Listen and puta tick (/) for what each person has got and a cross (for what they haven't got in their bedrooms, as in the examples. 'b) Look at the completed table and say what each person has/hasn’t got. Steve has got a telephone and a radio in his bed- room. He hasn't got a television or a CD player. * Possessive Adjectives 1 + my we + our you your you + your he + his they > their she + her it > its * We put a possessive adjective before a noun to show that something belongs to someone. e.g. This is her car. 19 Write the correct possessive adjective. 1 Ron hos got a bicycle, I's bicycle 2 We have got a new car, I's cat. 3 They have got a yellow ball. I's ball 4 You have got « black dog. I's dog 5 I've got o new camera. I's camera. ® Possessive Case To show possession * We add 's for names and singulor nouns. e.g. This isthe man’s dog, We add ‘ for plural nouns ending in . e.g. This is the gins’ ball 20 Make sentences, as in the example 1 Andy / CD player 3. the girls / bedroom This is Andy's CD Helen / guitar player. i's hisCD 5 the boys / radio ployer. 6 Mis Greene / desk 2 MrBrown / house 7 John / car 33 * Prepositions of Place £5 var © in front ‘9 21 9) look at the picture and underline the cor- rect preposition. There is a bed in / on the room There is @ cap next to / on the toble There is a book in front of / behind the cap There is o table in front of / next to the bed. There is @ chair on / in front of the table. There is a pillow behind / on the bed There is a shirt near / under the bed. There is a book in / on the floor There are bools near / under the table CONOURON— Speaking Ask and answer questions, os inthe exam- ple. SI: Is there @ cop in Jim's bedroom? $2: Yes, there is. Is on the table. Are there any boots in Jim's bedroom? etc 34 a... Divide the class into two teams. Choose a leader. Look at the picture in Ex. 21 again. The leader thinks of a place in the picture to the ball. Teams, in turns, try to guess the place. Each correct guess gets one point. The team with the most points is the winner. (leader thinks of “under the bed") Team A $1: Is the ball on the table? leader: No, it isn’t Team B $1: Is the ball under the bed? leader: Yes, itis! The ball is under the bed, Communication * Addresses ©) Look at envelope A, then use the prompts below to write the address on envelope B. London Miss Paula Smith 3 Abbott Road Britain NW27DM Db) Use the information on envelope A to complete the dialogue. Then, listen and check. A; What's your name? B: Ben Jones A: And what's your address? B: It's A; And your postcode is? B: A; Thank you very much. ¢) In pairs, use the information on envelope B to act outa similar dialogue. listening 23 listen and underline the correct answer, Buckingham Palace is a famous/modern palace. + in Paris /London ghom Palace isthe home/flat of the Queen as got 600/60 rooms Reading 0} Read the article and answer the ques- tions, then explain the words in bold. RM nenan Palace + Don are ee ee {Queen and her family on this balcony. You can also see a lag on Se Buckingham Palace has got 600 rooms. There are very Se on Ce ee aes Ce ne ee Error fo ee nea Is Buckingham Palace old? What colour is Buckingham Palace? What can you see on top of Buckingham Palace? What have many of the rooms got? What is behind the palace? BnRona Speaking b}_ Make notes under the headings, then talk about Buckingham Palace, as in the example. © Name © Where it is * Why is famous * Rooms & whats in them © Behind the palace Buckingham Palace is « famous palace jn lon- don, England. It is famous because ... * Pronunciation listen and tick (/], then listen again ond repeat. desks fais churches! | bes [Sale ty babies copies |_| dishes books Writing Read the letier and underline the adjectives. What is the letter about? Dear Mary, How are yout T'm writing to secoens tell you about my new house. My house is on a quiet street. |} It has got two floors. On the ‘ground floor there isa beautiful living room, a huge dining ‘oom, a madern kitchen onda bathroom, Upsiairs there are five ‘big bedrooms and two small bathrooms. ‘My bedroom is great. ve got bed andl a pink carpet on the floor. ve also got a small desk, two chairs and an old ‘wardrobe next tothe window. Well, that's all for now. Uhope you can as visit me soon. Love, Gail \ 27 ©) Make notes about your own home, under these headings, then talk about your home * Where * Floors * Rooms an ground floor * Rooms upstaits * My bedroom & what's in it b) Use your notes to complete the letter below to a friend of yours (60-80 words) You can use the letter in Ex. 26 os a mod: Dear How are you? I'm writing to My My bedroom Well, that’s all for now. | hope you can visit me love, 35 Consolidation 3 | @) Where can you find each of these? Write sentences, as in the example. ® f 1 bed 2 fireplace 3 treehouse Q@ ~~ | t 4 bath 5. fridge 6 sola 1 There is a bed in the bedroom. 2 3 4 5 6 b) What is there in your bedroom? 2 Write the plurals. 36 1 chair + 6 toy = 2 box + 7 toolh 3 life + 8 glass + 4 child 9 toma = 5 mouse 10 feny 3. Write a sentence for each word/ phrase. flat My flat is on the first floor. sixth floor Kitchen upstairs under desk next to How many rooms for rent 10 famous 11. dining room 12 comer WONOURON= 4 Write this is, these are, that is or those are. 7 ee 1 + 7 a sofa and armchairs. 4 = : Sy on umbrella and books. “0 > Bip a mirror and chairs. BS a towel and toothbrushes. 5 oe 27 pen ond notebooks. 5 Write the ordinal numbers in words. 1 2nd 5 Ist : 2 10h 6% 3 7th 7 oth : 4 3rd 8 ath : Fill in the correct possessive adjective. a 1 We have got a new house. I's house. : 2 You have got a red bicycle. I's bicycle 3 Ihave got a new TV. I's WV 4 Sue has got a black dog. Is dog 5. Harry and Ben have got a big boat. I's boat. 7 Write ‘ve got, ’s got, haven't got, hasn’t got, Have ... got or Has ... got 1A you ocar? © cat, It’s in the garage. 2A he a sister? B: No, he wv... @ sister. He «@ brother, Tim «an umbrella? No, he one today. This is © very big house. How many rooms i 2 \ iwelve rooms you al in your bedroom? TV in my bedroom. «TV in the living room A they any pets? B: Yes, they two dogs. 7A you « big family? B: Yes, | four sisters. 8 Write sentences, as in the example. 1 Jim / bicycle This is Jim’s bicycle 2 the children / horse 3 the students / teacher 4 Ms Smith / car 5 the girls / radio Q look at the picture. Ask and answer, as in the example. SI: Is there a TV in the living room? S2: Yes, there is. It's on the cof. fee table. Is there a cat in the room? S3: Yes, there is Its in front of the window. Is there ? etc 10 Answer these questions about yourself. 1 Whot’s your name? 2 Whats your address? 3. Have you got a TV in your bedroom? 4 How many rooms has your house gol? 5. Hove you go! a big family? Pairwork Activity 11 Ir pairs, do the activity. Student A looks at page 73. Student B looks at page 76. Ask ‘questions to find what there is in each bed- toom. Then, describe where each item is. SpLet’ssing! 12 O Read and fill in the correct words. listen and check, then sing the song. f My Home My home is in a fat = Iron the seventh for Theb____offatsis modern My room ison a houseboat raf EE eateghid Tee And he windows are, too aan Wsaloveybgf There's alivngroomand asa penal nw bedroom But no d My nome sin afarmhouse fi Ws realy very od | move along the river There's at_ Its.alovey way tobe Et Living ona houseboat ineach room Isthepertectfeforme So the house i never cold Thaes a great big A quiet old farmhouse Is alovely place to be 37 Lead-in ] look at the pictures. Which picture shows: [la] « dolphin trainer? [IB] « 200 keeper? mark on its 3 farmer? " i [11d] « sncke chormer pci with @ cobra ina [IE] « jockey? basket? 2 0] Which of the people in the pictures works: on the steel? snake charmer, on a racecourse? on a farm? in an aquarium? at a 200? b] Make sentences, as in the example. A dolphin trainer works in an aquarium horse with o white Working with animals listening A Sa 3G) a listen and repeat don't know. I'm * How can itdo that? —* Oh, © You'r red of snakes. . © Don't be silly! . © Oh, no! let's go! Yes, | can see that b) Read the sentences, then close your books and try to remember as many as possil A. GQ listen to the dialogues (A.C). Which take place: ef (101 in an aquarium? Reading o} Read the dialogues (A-C) and underline the correct word in the sentences (1-3), then explain the words in bold in the dialogues. The dolphin has got a strong tail/body ne snake can/can't hear the music. BI Bloze has got a white mork on her forehead/ legs Toby: Wow! Look how high that dolphin can jump! How can it do that? Anne: It’s got a big tail and a strong body, that’s how. Toby: You're right. Hey — is that a fish in the trainer’s mouth? Anne: Yes, it is. The dolphin jumps out of the water to get the fish. Clever, isn’t it? Toby: Dolphins are very clever animals. Give me the camera. | want to take a picture Anne: Here you are — but don’t go near the pool, Toby: Why? Anne: The dolphin might think the camera isa fish! Diana: What's that music I can hear? Pete: It's from the snake charmer over there. Let’s go and have a look. Diana: Oh, | don’t know. I'm scared of snakes Pete: Don't be silly! Look, the cobra is in a basket. Oh, yeah. Hey, it can dance to the 6 Pete: No, it can’t. It can't hear the music at all. It moves when the charmer moves his hands. Diana: Really? Well, that’s a very clever ick. Pete: Yes, but the snake isn’t in the basket now. Diana: Oh, no! Let’s go! Roger: Hi, Jack! How’s your new horse? Jack: She’s great in all the noisy traffic. | can sit here and see all the people and cars on the city streets. She's a perfect police horse. Roger: What's her name? Jack: Blaze, because there’s a white mark on her forehead. Roger: Yes, I can see that. She’s a really beautiful horse. Jack: Hey, Roger! Look at those men outside the bank! Roger: Let’s go and see if there’s a problem b) In pairs, read the dialogues aloud. Vocabulary © Parts of animals 6). Match the parts of the body to the adjectives. small long b) Make sentences, as in the example. A giraffe has got a small head, a long neck and long, thin legs. 40 7 ©) Write the opposites of he adjectives. 1 small body # 2 > short tail * fa 3 thin neck é neck Speaking b) Choose phrases from the list to talk about the animals in the pictures, os in the ‘example. a sharp beak, big eyes, long, sharp teeth, a long tail, small ears, short, thick legs, a big body, a short neck, sharp clows leopard alligator, i An owl has got a sharp beak, big eyes, 0 short neck and sharp claws. * Telling the Time 8 Q Q} Listen and repeat, Ws quarter to six Nears MP wh b) Write the times, os in the example. am fo fen Qo) Write the times in numbers, as in the example. lock calf past nine 9 eight o'clock © twenty to half post one ter pas eleven RON— hree Speaking b) In pairs, ask and answer, as in the example. A: What time is it? 8: It’s half past nine. Grammar * Can aa 1 1 | you you he/she /it he/she/it ee nf ef can [Con 2 you you they they Yes, |/you/he/she/it/we/you /bey can Neo, I/ you/he/she/i/we/you/they con't 4a} Use the prompts to ask and answer, as in the examples. = jump 7 wun x rile ~ swim ¥ fy x strich — run v fly & parrot — talk 7 swim X k = fly v climb trees X bear — climb trees v tak x A: Can it run? B: No, it can’t. ete A: Can a frog jump? 8: Yes, it cam b] Write sentences, as in the example. 1, frog 1 It can't run a Game Choose one person to be the leader. The leader chooses an animal and tells the class a fact about it. The rest of the class, in teams, ask questions fo find the animal. hant kangaroo chimpor dolphin leader: It’s grey. Team A $1: Has it got big ears? leader: No, it hasn't Team B $1: Can it swim? leader: Yes, it can Team A $2:Is ita dolphin? leader: Yes, itis. Each correct guess gets 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner. 41 42 1] What can you do? Look at the pictures, then write true sentences about yourself. 1 can draw, but | can’t drive. 1 can read and | can write * Present Simple Affirmative 1.2 Read the rules, then fill n the table. * We form the present simple with the subject (\/you/ he/she/it/we/you/they) and the verb |run, jump, e'c) * In the thitd person singular {he/she/it) we odd +s fo the end of most verbs. I alk - he talks * We odd -es to verbs that end in-a) listen and repect. E ple B: I A: Thank y CP 8: You'e b) In pairs, act out similar dialogues using the prompts below. what time is i 44 Reading 23 4) Read the article and correct the sentences (1-6) DE ee ad Cee eee Se ee CeO Se dolphins CO cy TR eae ee Se nS Cee ge ee Ny at the weekends. Jonathan loves to be in the water with the See ee ee ee ed enjoys playing with dolphins and seeing them jump out of the cS See eee ner Coa Ce oe ed that lve in 22s and oceans around the world to the pink dolphins Seanad Cee ea * Describing animals 21 Cra) listen and repeat. 2. A; Have you gi B: Yes, I've got a pe b) Act out similar dialogues in pairs, using the prompts below. * snake - | * cabbi Listening 22 (D> listen and match |. Then, explain the highlighted words. Ce ey pea MeL See Sues Jonathan takes people on trips to catch dolphins. See Le CE cd GO ec b) Are there any words in the text which are the same as words in your language? Pronunciation 2A (> listen and tick (V), then listen again cand repect. Writing (on animal fo 25 Read the text and fill in the table. Then, talk about the timber wolf. 3s to the dog family. 9 tail ond long brown or black. The timber wolf is about tall ond weighs 44 kilos It lives in the USA, Conada, China, Russia: reece, and it li s for about ten years The timber wolf eats animals of eats big onimals, such small animals, like 26 4) Read the fact file, then use the prompts to ask and answer questions about the fi as in the example. 1 3. what colour? A what size? 5 where / does / live? 6 how long / d live? 7 what / does / eat? b) Look at the fact file again and make sentences about the tiger. The tiger belongs to the cat family. Use the information in Ex. 26 to complete the fact file about the tiger (60-80 words). You can use the text in Ex. 25 as a model. ily. lt hos got The tiger belongs 10 the cot an # lis Iilives The tiger en's 45 46 Consolidation 4 J] Label the parts ofthe horse, then write A horse has got a big body. eunen Writ N the opposites. long tail short legs small head big body RON- wae wo ‘Match the animals (1-4) to the places (a-d), then make sentences, as in the example. 1 dolphin Ca] farm Dees EIB 3 tiger (Ce) aquarium 4 horse Cd) field 1 A dolphin fives in on aquarium 2 3 4 the times in numbers, as in the ‘example. » half past eight 8:30 quarter o one ten past thee four o'clock five to seven anon— 5 Find the job in each picture and write the word. 6 Write a sentence for each word/phrase. 1 time What inte is , please? 2 jump 3 trainer 4 noisy 5 forehead 6 hear 7 scored of 8 wings 9 bright 10 quater to 11 adopt 12 beak 13 interesting 14 tour guide 15 camera 7. Fillin the correct form of the verbs in the present simple. 1 | play — she 2 |un—he 3 | live — it 4 leat —we 5 | lly —she 6 I sit — they 7 | sleep — you 8 | dance — he B Write sentences, as in the example. ~@% 2 monkey— 3 owk— wim an climbwees / fly / tlk ly 4 urtle — 6 kangaroo — swim / jump jump / run n but it can’t rn, 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 What can/can’t Mark do? Look at the table cand say, as in the example. What can/can't you do? v cook ad draw v x drive “~~ point x gv tide a bike v dance Xx flya plane x Mark can run but he can’t swim. Mark can sing and drow. 1Q Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, 1 An artist {draw) pictures. 2 Iwalk) to school. 3 We (live] in a big house. 4 Tom {go} to work a nine o'clock 5 You {like} chocolate. 6 A waiter (work! in a restauran 7 Sim iplay] the piano every evening 8 A pilot (fly) o plone. 9 The have| breakfas! a! seven o'clock 10 Lovise be! from Scotland 11 Answer about yourself. 1 What is your favourite animal? 2 What does your favourite animal look like’ 3° What can it do? 4 What can/can't you do? Pairwork Activity 12 In pairs, do the activity. Student A looks at page 73. Student B looks at page 76. Ask questions to find which animals are in the Let's sings! Read and fill in the correct word. Listen cand check, then sing the song. Z008. 133.0 = ve the 209, | ove the 200, ‘There's lots to see and ots to do Grocodies, penguins andp_ too Hove the 200 Crocodies are very big ‘And really very tong Their eth are big, ther legs ares___ ‘Their tals are very long 7 Penguins are funny birds Theirw ____are very small ‘Their legs are shor, they're very fat Andthey can'tt ___ atall Parrots are so beautiful with brightly-coloured wings Thee really very ¢ Vocabulary ] Underline the odd word out. 1 living room: armchair, sink, lamp, fireplace 2 dining room: bath, table, choir, carpet 3 bedioom: bed, desk, cooker, wardrobe 4 kitchen: cooker, fridge, bookcase, cupboard 5 bathroom: sofa, bath, mirtor, towel eZ 2. Write the words. 1 th 5 ls 2 10h 6 7th 33d 7 ath 4 Sth 8 2nd 5 8 mos 3 Write the times in words. 1 2 3 4 5 6 marks A. Wiite the words for the ports of the body. 5 Underline the correct word. Harty lives on the six/sixth floor There is an} cooker/armehair in the living room Mrs Brown has three children /child. We have got a big house. I's our/your house. My posteode/address is 4 Apple Sir New York is a very noisy/clever cin An actor/author writes books. ‘A lion has got very thick/sharp teeth I, Lon eNOURER= 8 more Grammar 6 Write the plural of the word in brackets. 1 There are two (cushion} on the sofa, 2 Mrs Brown has three {baby} in her car 3 Ike to eat (potato) 4 look at those {man} on the bench. 5 That tiger has got very long (tooth) S mors 7 Underline the correct word. 1 These/Those are my parrots. I> 2 This/That is Tom's bicycle. Ss 3. These/Those are my sister's books, SR, 4 I'm scored cf this/that snoke. <> Q Fillin ot or in 1 We have breakfast 7 o'clock 2. He has lunch noon 3. The restaurant is open the evening 4. My sister works the morning 5. The bank closes night. 6 | haven't go! lessons the weskend 7 This shop isn’t open the afternoon, 7 mks Look at the picture and fill in between, Pi under, on, behind, in front of, in or next to. There is a is @ nice carpet the table. The call tables, Ther the small tables. so a lamp 6) a chair 7) There is a hair and a 1e comer of the room, the table. There the 10 marks Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the present simple. Ana and li 1] (be} friends. They 2) (live) in New York, but Ana 3) (be) from Norway and li 4) {come) from China Ana 5| (be) an artist. She 4) (paint) pictures every day, She 7) {work} very hard. She 3) (lke) her job. Li 9) (be) a student. She 10) (wan) to be a dentist. Ano and Li 11) (rent) o flat in New York. It 12) {be) 0 very big la. 12 mks C Communication 11] Complete the dialogues with the sentences in the list. * What's your address? * What does your get powt look like? ‘© Excuse me. What lime is it, please? TA 8 lis. gor-a sink bankconel bight leciiers 24: B: I's twenty past seven 3A B: Its 27 Rose Lane, Lancing. 6 nas Reading 112. Read the advertisement and mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F). a armen: Holiday House for Rent This four-bedroom country house is the perfect family holiday house. it is in a quiet village near the sea. The house has three floors. There Is @ huge living room on the ground floor with a fireplace. The bedrooms and the bathrooms are on the second floor. The modern kitchen has got a new cooker ‘and fridge. There is a garden at the back of the house. Call 293 7626 for more information. “serpent 1. The house is near the cily 2 The house has got four floors 3. There is a living roam on the ground floor. 4_ There is an old kitchen in the house. 5 There is a garden at the back of the house. a 10 mots Writing 13 Now write on advertisement for your house or flat. This house is in ee There is also Call for more information. 10 mark TOTAL: 100 mode 49 @ Before you start ... How many rooms are there in your What do your parents do? jou do? wut favourite animal? @ Listen, read and talk about ... people's daily routines day and free-time activities of the week es & character Units 5 ines & freetime activities @ Learn how to . is it? ar ribe p der food/drink @ Write ... © an article about a famous * an article obout clothes young oeople wear nowadays a ae Tr Str ir an 3 Ba aC Cronus Dene Sa ce eee ELCs Peace Santee nce No, | don’t. I walk to work every day. Sa a Nea ea ees BN Eee Beet Ee Reece NCC Cenc mney eet a or end Seco Do you usually sleep late on Sere NOs ore Ee eee Ree ee ee ee ee fan Se ee Peer Vocabulary * Days of the week 6 Ca Listen and repeat. b) Now answer the questions. 1 What doy is it today? 2 What day isi tomorrow? 3. Whats your favourite day? A’ What days ore at the weekend? * Sports/Activities a} Look at the table and say what Paul does each day. Wonday 2 play football Tuesday tide his bike Wednesday meet his friends Thursday play basketball Fridoy go to the cinema Saturday do the shopping Sunday von watch a video On Mondays Paul plays football a2 Speaking b) Ask and answer, as in the example. What does Poul do on Mondays? On Mondays, he plays football Does he play football on Tuesdays, 100? No, he doesn't. On Tuesdays, he rides his bike. | > oro>r What do you do during the week? * Months eueeee 8 Q aa tisten ond repect. b) Now answer the questions. 1 What month is it now? 2 What is your favourite month? 3 Wht month is your birthday in? ) Fill in the missing letters. hday is in Ja _ _ s new jab in Fe fourteen in Mar __ ° cl finishes in __ ly tis my mum’ birthday, o Bonk ght in The year ends on 31stD__ Speaking b) Ask and answer, as in the example 4: When is your birthday, Terry? i's on 6th May. What about you? 4: Mine is on 2nd August. * Seasons 1 @) Look at the pictures and fill in the months. 8 7) winter spring summer ‘autumn 314} dag a ee s ~ 8 7 any 14g a b) What do you usually/never do in summer/spring/winter/autumn? Choose er from the Sos eee ree tee re] a4 20 n 12 build } watch TV go ona picnic read a book | | hair eyes: oer: fly a kite 90 to the “Roath fda a eel go ice-skating ride my bike __go_swit in summer | usually go swimming, | never fly a kite * Describing people 11 Q tisten ond underline the correct words in bold. tall/short ond slim shor brown heir brown/blue eyes beard and moustache quite short/slim grey/black hoit green eyes, glasses uite short and slim /at short/curly black hair brown/green eyes guile tal but « bit slim/plump long/short blonde hair blue/green eyes 0} Use words from Ex. 11 to complete the table. ot, shor plump, 2) s * long, short, 3} ¢_ * black, brown, bon 5)b Ob b) Now, talk about each person in Ex. 11, 4s in the example. John is tall and slim. He’s got 2 thal, savas eyes ond a ond 53 13 Match the words (1-8) fo their meanings (a4), then make sentences, as in the example. kind [a] doesn’t want to work clever [1B] always says ‘please’ and ‘thank funny you [Ze] alwoys tells the truth honest [Ea] is quick to understand things SY Efe] wants to help other people polite (TB can make people laugh ude 1g] always tells others what to do bossy ET) acts in on impolite way eNouKRen— A kind person wants to help other people Speaking Ask and answer about your friends and family members, as in the example. A: What does your mother look like? B: She's tall and slim with blonde hair and blue eyes. ‘A: What is your mother like? ‘A: She's kind. She always wants fo help people. etc Grammar * Adverbs of Frequency ‘Adverbs of frequency lalways, usually, offen, sometimes, never) go before the main verb, bu! atfer the verb to be He usually gets up early. He is sometimes late for school 15 Use adverbs of frequency to complete the sentences about yourself, as in the example. sometimes have breakfast at 9 o'clock. V4 21 go shopping on Saturdays ae play tennis in the summer. 41 cook dinner. 5 do my homework. © Prepositions of Time '* We use on for days, dates and parts of a day. on Monday, on 12th March, on Friday morning @ We use in for months and seasons. in July, in summer 6 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences, as in the example. 1 cat / they / usually / at / lunch / | o'clock They usually eat lunch at 1 o'clock 2 TV / moming / Martha / watches / never / the / in 3 on / goes / always / he / swimming / Fridays 4 for / work / late / someiimes / she / is 5 late / Philip / works / offen 177 Use the adverbs of frequency in the list to make true sentences about yourself, os in the example. * clays * never * sometimes * often # usually stoy at home cn Satuidoys go 'o the park on Mondays go on picnics in summer go 'o bed early on Sundoys ride my bike to school go to the cinema on Fridays oUReNna always stay at home on Saturdays. listening 18 (D> linda is talking to her friend about what she does ot weekends. Listen and put o tick (/) next to the correct item, as in the example. 4 How often does Linda go for walk? A alwoys oO B very often §=] C every Sunday morning 1 Atweekends, linda A never goes out, B_alwoys goss out always stays in 2 On Saturday mornings, she usually ‘A meets friends. [] 5 When does she go B goes shopping. L] to the cinema? C eatsathome. T] A Saurdey evening 3. Linda meets her B Sunday friends at evening A a supermarket. [] C Monday oO B home, Qa morning C the café in town] 19 Fill in on, of oF in, as in the example. 1 Mark's birthday is on 3rd March. 2 Tom stays ot home the weekends winter 3. Tom gets up early the moming 4 Shoron never goes out night. 5 Janets birthday is Joly. © Mike always drives to work Mondays. 7 | go swimming summer. 8 Bil goes shopping Saturdays. @ .0. Divide the class into two teams. Say the names of days, months, etc. Students, in teams, say the correct preposition: in, on, at. Each correct answer gets 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner Teacher: Monday. Team A SI: on Monday Teacher: Correct! Team A gets 1 point. the weekend Teom B SI: at the weekend ete ‘© Present Simple 20 Study the table, then say how we form the negative and interrogative of the present simple. \/You don't” He/She/It doesn't We/You/They don't know/like/go/ete Do I/you Does he/she/it Do we/you/they know/like/go/etc? I/you do Yes, he/she/it does. we/you/they do I/you don't. No, . he/she/it doesn't we/you/they don't 2] Fillin does, is or has. a) your brother play foo B: Yes, he 2) He 3) in the school team. A: Really? 4) he got a favourite te B: Of course he 5) His favour team 6) Manchester United 7) he go and watch them play? B: No, but he watches them on TV. A: What about your sister? 8) she got o hobby? B: Yes, she 9] She plays tennis. A: Who 10) her favourite tennis player? B: André Agassi 22 Fill in do, does, don’t or doesn’t. 23 In pairs, use the prompts to ask and answer questions, as in the example. live in a flat? + gel up early on like pop music? Sundays? ploy compuler games * mee! your friends in your free time? every day? caich a bus to school? * dance well? A: Do you live in a flat? 8: Yes, | do, What about you? A: | don't. Do you ete 55 Listening [A] Come to a Park Centre near you this year. We have a wide range of sports, activities and fun things to do for all the family all year 2 round, Why fly overseas = when your can have a great holiday here at a Park Centre? Call 0800-2170356 for more information, = 24 (Diisten and correct the sentences. 1 Trevor gets five weeks’ holiday in the summer 2 The Browns usually holidays in summer 3. Tomson Tours offer exper holidays. 4 TheSI place for « noisy holiday. ke their Idon Hotel is the perfect [B] Tomson Tours offer cheap holidays with sun, sand, sea and fun for all the family. Why not visit Spain, Italy 25 9) Read the descriptions (1-4) and the Turkey and stay in one of advertisements (AE), and match the people fo | _ourclean, modern hotels? the best holiday for them. There is one extra We have lots of activitis advertisement which you do not need to use. to offer, too. Call 01882-76210 now! ‘The Sheldon Hotel is the perfect place for a Trevor is 0 teacher. He lites to mee! quiet, luxurious holiday ws ie Yani oleae] away from the city. Stay in Pe vas itty oe ‘ itor conta summer. hb his free time he goes swimming and he reads. Reading Greece or ‘modern rooms. Walk in cour beautiful gardens or by our eke and cat fantastic food in our famous S-star restaurant, Contact us (on 01253-886782 for a brochure. a D] Your holiday, your choice. Happy — Haven Caravans is the right choice te Hels for people who love the Higehg bil ot i countryside and like peace Seance and quiet. All our caravan sites are in beautiful places, 5 with clean beaches and small villages nearby. Book now! ‘Mr ond Mrs Brown and their chicken ike lots cf diferent sports and cctvities. They usualy 4 Domne is 0 doctor. She works long hours ond cbesn't have much free (E] Join a Backpacker's Bas ‘Tour and spend 45 weeks in summer in new a Interesting places. We oe Bek? tours through Europe, the USA and Australia, wit the chance to make nel George and Joame lke to > a go to quiet places on holy. : i : MA friends along the way. Visi They like to ride ther bikes in the, our website at www.backpackers/ countryside or go for i wwaks on the beach. They lot have a bet of manay, 10 they prefer cheap places 56

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