English Grammar in Use. Ing II

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We use do/does in simple present questions: Afirmative Question || work 1 | jwe | |you | work? they like? do? have! Study the word order: {does + subject + base form | Do | you |play | the guitar? | Do |yourftiends |live | near here? | | Does | Chris work — | on Sundays? Does | it rain | alochere? Where} do | your parents |five? | | How often} do | you |wash | your hair? | | What | does this word | mean’ | How much | does it cost | tottyro Puerto Rico! | Questivns with always and usually: ‘a Does Chris always ‘work | ‘on Sundays? ] { What) do | you | usually |do on weekends? ‘What do you do? = What's your job? "What do you do?” “I work ina bank” Remember. do I/welyoulthey O De they like music? does he/sheli.. O Does he like music? Short answers | | liwelyourthey | | To, Llwelyoulthey de ‘don’t. helshefit_di ‘baie he/she/it doesn’t | Yes, ) *Doyou play the guitar?” "No, Idon't ) “Do your parents speak English?” "Yes, they do.” © "Does Ryan work hard?” “Yes, he does.” ©) "Maes your sister live in Vancouver” "No, she doesn't.” (Cdotworhlibe o> Unies Tdon (agate) Unie _quesions b Unie 68 Exercises eal ED Write questions with Do ...2and Does {like chocolate, How about you? Do you like chocolate | play tennis. How about you? you You live near here. How about Emily? Emily Tom plays tennis. How about his friends? You speak English. How about your brother? Ido yoga every morning. How about you? Sue often travels on business. How about tric? I want to be famous. How about you? You work hard. How about Anna? 1 2 3 4 5 6 , 8 9 GB Mate questions from these words + do/does. Put the words in the right order. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 (where / live / your parents) Where do your parents live. z (you / early / always / get up) Do you always getup early. ? (how often / TV / you / watch) ? (you {want / what / for dinner) - ? (like / you / football) 7 t (your brother / lke / football) 2 (what / you / do / in your free time) z (your sister / work / where) ? (breakfase / always / you / have) ? 10. (what / mean / this word) ? (in the winter / snow / it/ here) ? (go / usually / to bed / what time / you) 13. (how much / to call Mexico / it / cost) 14 (you / for breakfast / have / usually / what) ‘Complete the questions. Use these verbs: g (dodo enjoy get like start. teach work ) ? \ At. I work in a bookstore. ireOK Ac 900, Sometimes. Usually by bus. He'sa teacher. Science, Yes, he loves it in the morning? on Saturdays? How. to work? ‘And your husband. What ? What ? his job? ONaANaweo rite short answers (Yes, he does. / No, I don't. etc.) Do you watch TV a lot? Nader... or ..Yes.1da, 7 Do you live ina big city? pi 2 Do you ever ride a bike? a me = Does it ain a fot where you liver Do you play the piano? Ee + Additional exercises 4-7 (pages 239-240) 15 waunag Unit. ! am doing (present continuous) and 8 , | do (simple present) Jack is watching television, He is not playing the guitar. But Jack has a guitar. He plays ita lot, and he plays very wel Jack plays the guitar, bur he is not playing the guitar now. Ishe playing the guitar? No,heisn’t. (present continuous) Does he play the guitar? Yes,he does, (simple present) Present continuous (1am doing) = now, at the time of speaking: Vm doing past now future O Please be quiée. I'm working. (nat | work) Tom is taking a shower at the moment. (nat Tor takes) © Take an umbrella with you. Ws raining, © Youcan tum off the TV. I'm not watching it. © Why are you under the table? What are you doing? ‘Simple present (I do) = in general all the time, or sometimes: Ido past Tow future OI work every day from 9:00 to $30. ©. Tom takes a shower every morning, Itrains a lot there in the wineer. don't watch TV very ofc. (©. What do you usually do on weekends? We do not use these verbs in the present continuous (1 am -ing) like want know understand remember prefer need mean believe forget Use only the simple present with these verbs (| want / do you like?, exc): © mtited. want to go home. (not m wanting) ) "De you know that girl” “Yes, but | don’t remember her name” © Idon't understand. What do you mean? (resent continaoue 3-4 dimple present ob Units 5=7 _ present for the furure “> Unit 24 ) Exercises ali BD Arswer the questions about the pictures. Does he take photographs? ...Yes. he does... | Is she driving a bus? Ishe taking a photograph? ..No.heisn't........ | Does she drive a bus? What is he doing? He's taking a bath, Does he wash windows? Are they teaching? Is he washing a window? Do they teach? What is he doing? What do they do? ‘Complete the sentences with am/is/are or do/don't/does/doesn’t. cy 1 Feruce me, do you speak English? 2 "Where's Kate?” “I know! 3. What's so funny? Why. you laughing? 4 "What your sister do?” "She's a dentist” 5 ie coon faining, | ‘want to go out in the rain 6 “Where. you come from? "Canada" 7 How much it cost to stay at this hotel? Is it expensive? 8 Steve isa good tennis player, but he play very often. Put the verb in the present continuous (Iam doing) or the simple present (1 do). 1 Excuse me, ..doyou speak... (you/speak) English? 2 “Where's Tom" "..He'e taking. (he/take) a shower” 2 ..Lden't watch. (I/noc/watch) TV very often. 4 Listen! Surmebody (sing) S Sarahis tired. (she/want) to go home now. 6 How often (you/use) your car? Every day? 7 “Excuse me, but (you/sit) in my seat” “Oh,t'm sorry! 8 I'm sorry, (Vinot/understand). Can you speak more slowly? 9 slate. (Vigo) home now. (you/come) with me? 10 Whar time (your father / finish) work every day? 11 You can turn off the radio. (Winot/lsten) to it 12 “Where Eric?” “In the kitchen, (he/cook) something” 13 Josh (not/usually/drive) to work. He Be (usualiy/walk). 14 Sue (notylike) coffee. (she/prefer) tea + Additional exercises 8-9 (page 241) Ww Ihave ... and I've got... ‘Youcan sy thave ore got he has ore got 1 (I've got) we | have got you pas | (we've got) | ys have | (you've got) the | oe ‘ve got) | (he's ces he has | or te | has got | (aeene) | it] —__| fies got) short form © have biue eyes. or I've got blue eyes. © Tom has two sisters. or Tom has got two sisters. O Our car has four doors. or Our car has got four doors. © Sarah isnt feeling well. She has a headache. or She's got headache. © They like animals. They have a horse, three dogs, and six cats. or They've gota horse... I don't have / | haven't got, exc. (negative) You can say {Woe | gone [wou tom we/they | welthey | —— have | oy Were doen || TR hat don’t have a car. or haven't got a car. © They don’t have any children. or They haven't got any children. Ita nice house, buc it doesn’t have a garage. or ...it hasn't got a garage. Mariko doesn’t have a job right now. or Mariko hasn’t got a job right now. do you have? / have you got”, etc. (questions) You can say: r — | | vyou | wethey | have | we/they ——* =| got | | he/she he/she does | : etic "Do you havea camera?” “No, I don’t” or “Have you got a camera” "No, | haven't” “Does jennifer have acar?” "Yes, she does” or “Has jennifer got a car?” "Yes, she has” ©. What kind of car does she have? or ... has she got? © How many children do they have? or ... have they got? hhad / didn’t have (past) Units 11-12 have breakfast / have a headache, ecc.-> Unit 56 7 some and any -> Unit 76 Exercises nis EBD rice cuese sertences wich have/has or don't have / doesn't have. The meaning is the same. Ly They have got two children They have two children She hasn't got a key. ‘She doesn't have a key. He has got a new job. He Have you got an umbrella? - We have got a lot of work to do. haven't gor your phone number oe Has your father got a car? How much money have we got? - S evauaunas rite these sentences with got. The meaning is the same. 1 Doyou have any money? Have you got any money? 2 Idon't have many clothes. ' 3 Does Tom have a brother? 4. How many children do they have? 5 Doyou have any questions? 6 Sam doesn't have a job. Read the questions and answers. Then write sentences about Mark. He doesn't have a car. He Do youhaveacar?) (No. Do you have a bike? Doyouhaveadog? | | No. iim, Doyouhave cell phone? | | Yes. mark Doyou havea watch? } | No. Do you have any brothers | | Yes, ewo brothers orsters? } | anda sister What about you? Write sentences with I have ur I don’t have. 7 (adog) 8 (a bike) 9 (brothers/sisters) : EBD complete the sentences with have, has, don't have, or doesn’t have, 1 Sarah ... doesn't have... a car, She goes everywhere by bike. 2 They like animals. They ...havé... three dogs and two cats. 3. Matt isnt happy. He. a lor of problems 4 They are always busy. They much free time. 5 “Whar wrong?” "I ---something in my eye” 6 “Where's my pen?” “I don't know. | it” 7. Melissa wants to go to the concert, but she —— a tides ‘Complete the sentences, Use have/has or don't have / doesn’t have with: _much time -theadsehe- sixlegs —ajob —_akey 1 I'm not feeling well. | have a headache. : as 2 Everybody likes Tom. He = 3. She can't open the door. She. 2 2 = 4 Hurry! We - 5 An insect 7 — - 6 I'munemployed. | : “+ Additional exercises 5-7 (page 240) 19 Unit 10 was/were last night now am/is (present) — was (past): O lamtired. (now) Whee is Kate? (now) The weatler is nice coda. are (present) —> were (past): You are late. (now) Saat Ur Re Robert is at work now. ‘At midnight last night, he wasn't at work. He was in bed He was asleep. was tired last night. Where was Kate yesterday? “The weather was nice last week. ‘You were late yesterday. © They aren't here. (now) They weren't here last Sunday. Affirmative Negative Question 1 ] \ ® | she | WS | | she | (wasn’t) cher | ie| i ei we w you were | | you Wfereme) || were | You? | they | | they they? © Last year Rachel was 22, so she is 23 now. When | was a child, I was scared of dogs. O. Wewere hungry after the trip, but we weren't tired. ) The hotel was comfortable, but it wasn't expensive. Was the weather nice when you were on vacation? Your shoes are nice. Were they expensive! ©. Why were you late this morning? Short answers Whe/shelic_was. | | Uhe/shefit wasn’t. | ye, heehee No, —wneen | welyoulthey were.| Wwelyoulthey _ weren't “Were you late?” “No, | wasn't.” "Was Tom at work yesterday?” "Yes, he was.” “Were Sue and Jim at the party?” “No, they weren't.” Camisfare 9 Ui 1-2 twas doing > Unie ) Exercises Ula 10 ‘Where were these people at 3:00 yesterday afternoon? 2 JACK _ KATE 1 ..Danwas in bed. 2 Jack and Kate 3 Sue aus And you? | Write am/is/are (present) or was/were (past). 1 Last year she. WaS__.. 22, so she .../6...23 now. 2 Today the weather nice, but yesterday ic very cold, 31 hungry. Can Ihave something to eat? 4 feel fine this morning, but | very tired last night. 5 Where you at 11:00 last Friday morning? 6 7 8 ° Don't buy those shoes. They very expensive. Ike your new jacket it expensive? This time lace year | in Paris, “Where Sam and Joc” “idon't know. They here a few minutes ago” LED Write was/were or wasn't/weren't 1 We weren't happy with the hotel. Our room was... very small, and it.Wasn't_ clean, 2 Nick at work last week because he sick. He's berter now 3 Yesterday a holiday so the banks closed. They're open today. 4* Kate and Bill at the party?” "Kate there, but Bill 2 5 Where are my keys? They... on the table, but they're not there now. 6 You home last night. Where you? Write questions from these words + was/were. Put the wards in the right order. ‘tt. 1{ (late / you / this morning / why?) Why.were you late this morning? He The waffic was bad. 2| (difficult / your exam?) tH No. ie was easy. 3.| (last week / where / Sue and Chris?) > They were on vacation. 4 | (your new camera / how much?) —FT> One hundred and twenty dollars. 5 | (angry / you / yesterday / why?) Because you were late 6 | (nice / the weather / last week?) > Yes, it was beautiful aie worked/got/went, etc. (simple past) They watch TV every night. (imple present) They watched TV last night. (simple past) watched is the simple past; The simple past is often ~ed (regular verbs). For example: work worked dance > danced clean — cleaned ‘stay 9 stayed start + started need —> needed | brush my teeth every morning. This morning | brushed my teeth. © Tony worked in a bank from 2005 t0 2017. © Yesterday it rained all morning. it stopped at lunchtime. ©. We enjoyed che party last night. We danced 2 lot and talked wo a lot of people. ‘The party ended at midnight. ‘You can use just with the simple past (just = a shore time ago) © “IsTom here?” ‘No, he just loft” ) tim not hungry. | just had dinner. For spelling see Appendix 5. wy tried study studied copy copied stop stopped _plan—> planned ‘Some verbs are irregular (= not regular). The simple past is not ~ed. Here are some important irregular verbs (see also Appendixes 2-3): begin > began | fall — fell leave — left sell sold break broke find found | lose lost sic sat ring brought fly flew make made | sleep -— slept build buile | forger_— forgot | meet. «= met speak spoke buy bought get got pay paid stand stood catch caught | give gave put put take took come came 0 went read read (red)* | cell told do did have had ring, rang, think thought drink drank | hear heard | say said win ‘won eat ate know knew see saw write wrote “pronounced “red” © Lusually get up early, but this morning | got up at 9:30. We did a lot of work yesterday. © Megan went to the movies three times ast week. © James came into the room, took off his coat, and sat down. (Cwasiwere > Unie 10 Ididn’t / Did you... (negative and questions) > Unit 12 _ ago “> Unit 18 I Exercises wis ah GBD complete the sentences. Use.a verb from the box. (brush die end enjoy happen open rain start stay want ) 1 Lbrushed.... my teeth three times yesterday. 2. It was hot in the room, so. _.... the window. 3. The movie was very long, It at 7.15 and at 1000. 4 When | was chile, | tobe a doctor 5 The accident last Sunday afternoon. 6 The weather is nice today, but yesterday it... _—all day. 7 We ~~ Our vacation last year. We... ata very nice place. & Anna's grandfather. when he was 90 years old. (BD Feead about Liz’ trip to Madrid. Put the verbs in the correct form. olslse! obj @7s2 ‘cHecKw Last Tuesday, Liz )....fl@W.... from Los Angeles to Madrid, fly She ———-.-—-- Up at 600 in the morning and acup | get, have of coffee. At 7:15 she « __...... home and «) . tothe — | leave, drive airport. When she (6) there, she (7)... —.. the car, get, park ® to the terminal, and (9) 1 in, Then she walk, check co) ....... breakfast at an airport café and (11) f for have. wait her tight. The plane (2) on time and (13) in | depart ative Madrid 13 hours later. Finally she (14) taxi from the airport cake to her hotel downtown, GB rice sencences about the past (yesterday / last week, etc.) 1 James always goes to work by car. Yesterday... he went-to work by car, 7 2. Rachel often loses her keys. She ee last week. 3 Kate meets her friends every night. Sh€ —enono-— __. last night. 4 | buy a newspaper every day. Yesterday | 5 We aften gn ta the mavies an weekends. Last Sunday we 6 leatan orange every day. Yesterday 7. Tom always takes a shower in the morning, This morning he ia 8 Our friends often come to see US. They on. nee last Friday, Write a sentence with just for each picture, ~+ Additional exercise 10 (page 242) 23 TC Oheeee Or ee 12, (simple past negative and questions) ‘We use did in simple past negatives and questions: Base Form Affirmative Negative Question play | played | i play | [ [1 play? | scart | we | started we | scare | jwe | stare watch you | watched | | yOu | gia qoe | watch | | | you | watch? have they | had they | (aidn’e) | PVE | did | they | have? | see he | saw he | see he | see? do she | did she | | do she [dot | (| |_ic|wene_} |_| wo || jt jer | do/does (present) — did (past): 9 | don'e watch TV very often. I didn't warch TV yesterday. 5 Does she go out often? Did she go out last night? We use did/didn’t + base form (watch/play/go, etc): iwatched but I didn't watch (not | didn't wacched) they went, did they go? (not did they went?) he had he didn’t have you did did you do? I played tennis yesterday, but | didn’t win. © "Did you do your homework?” "No, | didn’t have time” O We went w a nive restaurant, but we didn't enjoy the meal. Study the word order in questions: did + subject + base form id | yoursister | call | your? What | did do you last night? How | did | theaccidene | happen? pr [as eos ere el Short answers | iiwelyourthey | 4. Wwelyoulthey | a. | ve |“ hessenic | 4 | No. | “hetshene | “an | © “Did you see Joe yesterday” “No, I didn’t.” O “Didi rain on Sunday?” “Yes, it did.” © "Did Emma come to the party” "No, she didn’t.” CO “Did your parents havc a good trip?” "Yee, they did.” (Cororkedgocrwene ec (pan siipie) > Unie Exercises Ui SBD complete these sentences with the verb in the negative. 7 1 I saw Rachel, but |..didn't-6¢e.__ Jenn 2. They worked on Monday, but they on Tuesday. 3 We went co the post office, but we to the bank, 4 She had a pen, but she any paper. 5 Jack did some work in the yard, but he any work in the house. Write questions with Did... 1 Lwatched TV last night. How about you? Did you watch TV last night 2 2. Lenjoyed the party. How about you? - 2 3. Ihad a nice vacation. How about you? a ? 4 finished work early. How about you? ? 5 I slept well lastnight. How about you? : What did you do yesterday? Write afirmative or negative sentences 1 (watch TV) Iwatched TV. or... didn'zwatch TY. — 2 (getup before 700) a ee aaa 3 (take a shower) 4 (buy a magazine) 5 (eat meat) 6 (gotobed before 10:30) = Se BD write Bs questions. Use: (cost _gettowork go gotobedlate happen _haveanicetime -stay- win ) 1 & We went to Chicago last month. 5: We came home by taxi 8 Where _ did you stay. £ | & Howmuch. t A: With some trends, A: Twenty dollars 2 A: | was late for the meeting 6 A: Im tired this moming, &: What time 2] 8 a oeer 930, &: No, but | didn't sleep very well 3 A I played tennis this afternoon, 7 &: We went to the beach yesterday. 8 1) 2 & No ost. A Yes, it was great 4 thu a nice vacauiun, 8 #: The wintdow is Lroker. 8 Good, Where 7 | & How 2 4: To the mountains 4: Idontt know. Put the verb in the correct form ~ affirmative, negative, or question. 1. We went to the movies, but the film wasn't very good. We ...didn'tenjoy..i. (enjoy) 2 Tom some new clothes yesterday — two shirts, a jacket, and a sweater. (buy) a4 yesterday?" "No, it was a nice day" (rain) 4 We were tired, so we long at the party. (stay) 5 Ie was very warm in the room, so! a window. (open) 6 "Did you call Chris this morning?” *No, | time" (have) 7 “leutmyhand this morning” "Ilow that?” (do) 8 “Why werenit you at dhe seeding yesterday?” "1 about it” (kiww) + Additional exercises 10-13 (page 242) 25

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