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Lesson Plan

SPED 435/ED 427

Topic: 5 senses (hear and taste)

- ETS1.B: Developing Possible Solutions • Designs can be conveyed through
sketches, drawings, or physical models. These representations are useful in
communicating ideas for a problem’s solutions to other people. (ESS2-K-3)
- ETS1.A: Defining and Delimiting an Engineering Problem • Asking questions,
making observations, and gathering information are helpful in thinking about
problems. (ESS2-K-2)

- The students will be able to identify taste and sound out of their 5 senses.

Student-Friendly Objective:
- The students will be able name taste and sound out of their 5 senses.

Assessment Plan:
- To start up today's lesson I will ask the students if they know what their five
senses are. I know start holding up flashcards with the five different senses on
them. We will do a quick review of each of the senses and what they do. Then we
will move on to hear. As we are focusing on sound and hearing I will pull up the
PowerPoint on the computer and ask the students to close their eyes. While the
student’s eyes are closed, I will ask what sound do you hear? when the students
know what sound, they hear they will then draw on their piece of paper what
sound they heard. We will continue doing this for multiple different sounds.
Between the different sounds ask the students what they heard after they drew it
put an emphasis on how they knew what sound it made and why they drew their
picture. As the students have focused on their hearing since we will move on to
taste. For taste, the students will be shown a picture of sour Skittles. I will ask the
students what do you think these sour Skittles will taste like. As the students are
thinking about what the star Skittles are tasting like create a class discussion.
Once the students have their hypothesis on what these Skittles will taste like go
ahead and pass out Skittles to each student. Allow the students to taste their
Skittles and explain what it tastes like. Before they eat the whole skittle, they will
simply just lick the skittle and explain what it tastes like on the outside. We will
talk about how these sour Skittles are sour and how we use our taste to tell if
something is sour or sweet. Then after the students have eaten their Skittles, I will
ask his students what does a pancake tastes like. Are pancakes sweet or sour?
Engage with the students and see if they think pancakes are sweet or sour. Once
the students have their hypothesis on what pancakes taste like pass out pancakes
to each student. Before the student takes a bite of their pancake have them lick the
pancake and see what it tastes like. sentence to finish eating their pancake, once
they have finished eating have the students bring the worksheet up to the front of
the class and throw their trash away. Once studnets have done this ask the student
to raise their hand if they like sweet or sour better. These assessments will allow
me to get an understanding of what the students know and the deeper thinking
questions that they may think of. This will also allow me to know if I need to
cover these senses again in a future lesson.

Materials Needed:
- PowerPoint
- Worksheet
- Skittles
- Pancakes

Key Vocabulary:
- Sweet
- Sour
- Tastebuds
- Hypothesis
- Sounds

Anticipatory Set :
- “We are going to learn about our senses! We are going to focus on using our taste
and hearing. Before we focus on those two let’s review!”
- Review using the flashcards with the 5 senses

Instructional Inputs:
- “We are going to learn about our senses specially hearing and taste.”
- What are our 5 senses?
- What does our hearing do?
- What does our taste do?
- Open PowerPoint with sounds
- Listen to sounds (studnets will close their eyes and listen)
- Then they will draw what they heard (Repeat for all sounds)
- Now on taste show students the skittle package
- “You are going to make a hypothesis a hypothesis is a guess on what you think it
will taste like.”
- Ask studnets what skittles taste like (hypothesis)
- Students will lick the skittle (talk about it)
- Studnets will eat skittle (talk about it)

- Do actions along with flashcards, have students repeat the action.
- When introducing the new worksheet show it under the projector so all the
students can see it. Write your name on the paper, have students write their name.
- Model what to do on each worksheet.
- Do first sound as a class

Guided practice:
- Ask the students “What are your 5 senses?” The flashcards are see, hear, touch,
smell, and taste. Hold up the flashcards along with doing actions.
- “Today we are going to use our hearing and taste out of our 5 senses”
- Pull up the slide show with the different sounds.
- Do the first sound together, close your eyes and listen to what you hear.
- Open your eyes “What did you hear? Go ahead and draw what you heard.”
- Then as a class draw what you heard.
- Repeat this for all of the sounds allow the studnets to do the rest on their own.
- When the students are done move onto taste.
- Show a bag of skittles, “What do skittles taste like?”
- Create a hypothesis as a class and explain what a hypothesis is
- “You are going to make a hypothesis a hypothesis is a guess on what you think it
will taste like.”
- Once the studnets have done this pass out skittles
- Each student gets their own skittle and will lick it and describe what it tastes like
- Then after a class discussion students eat it skittle and explain what it tastes like
- “Is the skittle sweet or sour?”
- Have a class discussion about sweet or sour
- Move onto pancakes
- Ask studnets to describe what a pancake tastes like, then allow them to taste the
- Once studnets have done this ask the student to raise their hand if they like sweet
or sour better.

- Review what we use hearing for and taste
- Review the 5 senses using the flashcards, have the students copy the actions along
with you.

Independent practice/application:
- The studnets will draw what they hear onto their paper.
- They will identify what sounds that they hear.
- Create their own hypothesis.
- Raising hand on if they like sweet or sour.

- Struggling learners:
 Repeat instruction directly to them
 Verbal prompts
 Visuals
 Point on the student’s paper which box we are on
- Students who have finished:
 Bring up their worksheet
 Clean up their workspace
 Help someone at their table
 Add more detail to their drawings

- The students will get a 3-minute warning, then a time to clean up to go to recess.
- The students will pick a dot by the back door and once everyone is lined up each
line will go outside for recess.

 Your specific insights into teaching as a result of your teaching experience with
this specific lesson plan. Include at least two things that went well, supported by
examples from the lesson and your reasoning, and two suggestions for
improvement, supported by examples from the lesson and your reasoning.

Studnets Work:
Porter: Absent

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