Fecha de Entrega: 18-Octubre-2018: Nombre: Grupo

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MEC4A4-GR1 – Dinámica (2018-B)

Deber 2 Fecha de entrega: 18-octubre-2018

1. Repasar toda la teoría del libro de texto desde el Capítulo 1 (pág. 3) hasta la sección de movimiento
relativo (pág. 93), excepto la sección 2/7 (Space curvilinear motion).

2. (2/150) The diver leaves the platform with an initial upward

speed of 2.5 m/s. A stationary camera on the ground is
programmed to track the diver throughout the dive by rotating
the lens to keep the diver centered in the captured image. Plot
 and  as functions of time for the camera over the
entire dive and state the values of  and  at the instant
the diver enters
the water. Treat the diver as a particle which has only vertical
motion. Additionally, state the maximum magnitudes of 
 during the dive and the times at which they

Prof. Marco Guamán A. (marco.guaman@epn.edu.ec)

Oficina: Antiguo Lab. Máquinas-Herramientas / 311-B
3. (2/148) As it passes the position shown, the particle P has a
constant speed v = 100 m/s along the straight line shown.
Determine the corresponding values of r ,  , r , and  .

Prof. Marco Guamán A. (marco.guaman@epn.edu.ec)

Oficina: Antiguo Lab. Máquinas-Herramientas / 311-B
4. (2/149) Repeat Prob. 2 (2/148), but now the speed of the
particle P is decreasing at the rate of 20 m/s² as it moves
along the indicated straight path.

Prof. Marco Guamán A. (marco.guaman@epn.edu.ec)

Oficina: Antiguo Lab. Máquinas-Herramientas / 311-B
5. (2/139) Consider the portion of an excavator
shown. At the instant under consideration, the
hydraulic cylinder is extending at a rate of 6
in./sec, which is decreasing at the rate of 2 in./sec
every second. Simultaneously, the cylinder is
rotating about a horizontal axis through O at a
constant rate of 10 deg/sec. Determine the velocity
v and acceleration a of the clevis attachment at B.

Prof. Marco Guamán A. (marco.guaman@epn.edu.ec)

Oficina: Antiguo Lab. Máquinas-Herramientas / 311-B
6. (2/141) The radial position of a fluid particle P in a
certain centrifugal pump with radial vanes is
approximated by r = r0 cosh(Kt), where t is time and K
=  is the constant angular rate at which the
turns. Determine the expression for the magnitude of
the total acceleration of the particle just prior to
leaving the vane in terms of r0, R, and K.
7. (13.38, Pytel) The telescopic arm of the robot slides in the
mount A, which rotates about a horizontal axis at O. The arm
of the robot is being extended at the constant rate r as end
traces the vertical line shown. Derive the expressions for the r
magnitudes of the velocity and acceleration of end B in terms
of r , b, and θ.

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