2018b Mec4a4-Gr1 Deber3

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MEC4A4-GR1 – Dinámica (2018-B)

Deber 3
Fecha de entrega: 25-octubre-2018

1. Repasar la teoría de las últimas secciones del capítulo 2 del libro de texto (pág. 90 a 114).

2. (2/227) The two sliders are connected by the light

rigid bar and move in the smooth vertical-plane
guide. At the instant illustrated, the speed of slider
A is 25 mm/s, θ = 45°, and ϕ = 15°. Determine the
speed of slider B for this instant if r = 175 mm.

Prof. Marco Guamán A. (marco.guaman@epn.edu.ec)

Oficina: Antiguo Lab. Máquinas-Herramientas / 311-B
3. (2/244) A small aircraft is moving in a horizontal circle
with a constant speed of 130 ft/sec. At the instant
represented, a small package A is ejected from the right
side of the aircraft with a horizontal velocity of 20
ft/sec relative to the aircraft. Neglect aerodynamic
effects and calculate the coordinates of the point of
impact on the ground.

Prof. Marco Guamán A. (marco.guaman@epn.edu.ec)

Oficina: Antiguo Lab. Máquinas-Herramientas / 311-B
4. (2/210) Determine the velocity of cart A if cylinder B has a
downward velocity of 2 ft /sec at the instant illustrated. The
two pulleys at C are pivoted independently.

Prof. Marco Guamán A. (marco.guaman@epn.edu.ec)

Oficina: Antiguo Lab. Máquinas-Herramientas / 311-B
5. (2/242) The coordinates of a particle which moves with curvilinear motion are given by x = 10.25t +
2 3 2
1.75t − 0.45t and y = 6.32 + 14.65t − 2.48t , where x and y are in millimeters and the time t is in
seconds. Determine the values of v, v, a, a, er, e, vr, vr, v, v, ar, ar, a, a, r, r , r , θ,  , and
 when t =
3.25 s. Express all vectors in terms of the unit vectors i and j. Take the r-coordinate to proceed from the
origin, and take θ to be measured positive counterclockwise from the positive x-axis (las letras en negrita
representan vectores).
6. (2/243) As part of a training exercise, the pilot of aircraft A adjusts her airspeed (speed relative to the
wind) to 220 km/h while in the level portion of the approach path and thereafter holds her absolute speed
constant as she negotiates the 10° glide path. The absolute speed of the aircraft carrier is 30 km/h and that
of the wind is 48 km/h. What will be the angle β of the glide path with respect to the horizontal as seen by
an observer on the ship?

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