11.04.21 IRN Re DOJ's Jim Crow Conspiracy To Obstruct Justice

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DOJ Conspiracy, Rot, and Filth Exposed:

Concealed USSG 5k letter found.

IRNewswires Breaking News:
New U.S. Attorney (SDNY) Damian Williams and
USAG Merrick Garland named as Unindicted Co-
conspirators in DOJ’s Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice.

“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a
rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

IRNewswires Public Corruption Investigations Group

Meredith Kammler, LLB, LLM, Ph.D., Int’l Investigative Reporter
November 4, 2021
London, UK

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November 4, 2021
IRN’s 2021 Ulysses T. Ware’s Innocence Project
IRN’s lawyers and investigators have uncovered, and exposed new Brady
exculpatory and impeachment evidence concealed and suppressed by the DOJ’s
prosecutors in Atlanta, GA lawyer Ulysses T. Ware’s cases in the Manhattan, NY federal
court trial in 2007. The new evidence indisputably proved that the DOJ offered to its
“principal witness” Jeremy Jones an illegal and unethical USSG 5K cooperation
agreement for his “known perjured testimony at trial” in U.S. v. Ware, 05cr1115
(SDNY) (Pauley, J.).

IRN’s lawyers have authenticated a letter from Jones’ court-appointed Criminal

Justice Act (CJA) lawyer, Marlon G. Kirton, Esq., dated April 30, 2008, addressed to
the 05cr1115 trial judge, Williams H. Pauley, III (deceased), see below.
It cannot be disputed by the DOJ. According to Jones’ lawyer, Marlon G. Kirton,
Esq., which was acquiesced by AUSA Steve Feldman, and the trial judge, Pauley, Jones
did willingly for benefits not disclosed “cooperated with the government” and Jones

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November 4, 2021
IRN’s 2021 Ulysses T. Ware’s Innocence Project
also in fact “received a “5K” letter from the government” an illegal “null and void
ab initio” contractual agreement for Jones to lie, commit known perjury, and he and his
lawyer conspired with the government to commit a fraud on the federal courts as
material participants in the DOJ’s “Jim Crow racially-motivated hate crime
conspiracy” according to court documents submitted but not docketed in the
Manhattan federal courts.

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November 4, 2021
IRN’s 2021 Ulysses T. Ware’s Innocence Project
To date, the DOJ’s new U.S. Attorney (SDNY) Damian Williams and his boss
U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland have been quiet as a church mouse, and have
not appeared and officially denied, on behalf of the United States, very serious
allegations raised by Mr. Ware in his submissions. Thus, the question, Why has Damian
Williams and USAG Garland not appeared and officially denied that Jones did
cooperate with the Government and Jones did receive a 5K letter from the Government
for his “known perjured testimony” if Mr. Ware’s allegations are not true?
IRN’s lawyers have also discovered that Jones’ “fabricated” Rule 11 plea
agreement, transcripts, and other documents, including the USSG 5K motion and letter
have not been placed on the 05cr1115 (SNDY) docket, and have continued to be
hidden from public scrutiny by the DOJ and the District Court (SDNY) in violation of
the First Amendment right of access to judicial public records. A willful and deliberate
cover-up, civil and criminal contempt of court orders, of material Brady
impeachment and exculpatory evidence required by the Brady Court Order to
have been disclosed to Mr. Ware “prior to the start of trial” [a continuing
obligation that continues even after trial] see Dkt. 17, Tr. 5-6, May 19, 2006,
Brady Court Order (Pauley, J.).

Sources within the U.S. Attorney’s Office (SDNY)

spoke to IRN’s investigators on the condition of
confidentiality stated,

“Damian is about to lose his mind. He is very upset

with Southwell and Kirton for placing him in
jeopardy … Kirton and Southwell are not going to
escape this mess without serious penalties ….

U.S. Attorney (SDNY) Damian Williams

Looking back we are sure that Senator Schumer would not have chosen Damian
if he had known that Damian is a very weak leader and is not up to the task for
the job. He is making everyone look bad by his weak leadership … Southwell
and Kirton have to be dealt with immediately if he is to survive ….”
Given the missteps made by Damian Williams in addressing and handling this
very serious matter, the willful civil and criminal contempt of the Brady Court Orders
by DOJ prosecutors, it is likely that Mr. Williams and Mr. Garland will have very short

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November 4, 2021
IRN’s 2021 Ulysses T. Ware’s Innocence Project
tenures as the U.S. Attorney (SDNY), and the U.S. Attorney General, respectively,
positions they are acutely unqualified for.
Mr. Garland, a former federal appeals court judge, clearly lacks the necessary
management skills and fortitude to manage the operations of the U.S. Department of
Justice, and moreover, the necessary sternness of character to oversee the litigation in
the federal court. A competent and energetic leader that values transparency and public
accountability would have immediately publicly addressed Mr. Ware’s allegations
regarding the civil and criminal contempt of the Brady Court Orders by current and
former DOJ prosecutors; allegations backed up by “clear and convincing evidence” and
announced that the DOJ was dismissing all charges against Mr. Ware, and also
announced that the DOJ prosecutors and federal judges involved in the conspiracy all
would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
“It appears that putting Mr. Garland in the position of the U.S. Attorney
General was equivalent to putting a camel in the American Kentucky Derby. Mr.
Garland is out of his element and the public’s confidence in the rule of law has
taken a severe blow” quoting individuals inside the Department of Justice that spoke
to IRN’s investigators under conditions of confidentiality.
An existential crisis has festered within the DOJ all in a futile and risible attempt,
caused by Mr. Garland’s weak executive leadership and management style, to cover up
that which has already been exposed: “the horse has already left the barn.” In most
cases, the cover-up is worse than the actual crime. In this case, the DOJ’s deliberate and
willful “Jim Crow racially-motivated 1960’s era
apartheid hate crimes” committed against Mr. Ware
and other African-Americans are just the tip of a very
deep iceberg of prosecutorial and judicial rot and filth.

IRN’s investigators are currently investigating

another egregious case of prosecutorial and judicial
misconduct committed by former AUSA Jessica
Ortiz and a sitting federal judge in the SDNY. Like
the Ware cases, the case and evidence involving AUSA
Jessica Ortiz, and the sitting federal judge is
overwhelming. Stay tuned for reporting. Just another case
Jessica Ortiz, Esq.
as they say in America, “The chickens coming home to

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November 4, 2021
IRN’s 2021 Ulysses T. Ware’s Innocence Project

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