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Always remember that everyone learns differently

How to Incorporate Culture Into The Classroom:

This can be done in numerous ways. One great strategy is to have

culture weeks in the class. For example, one week students can
learn all about Asian culture and the differences in the different
parts of Asia.

Another strategy is to have a show and tell for each culture week.

Another strategy is to have a hello/welcome sign in the

classroom with hello/welcome in various different languages.

Important Facts
• War is still very evident throughout
• Family is very important
• Holidays are a crucial part of Asia
• Dietary restrictions
• Trust
• Traditional outfits
• Religion is important, common
religions are Buddhism and
Christian, but there are others as

Parents Values
Parents value the teachers. Parents are very involved in their student’s
education; therefore, it is important that educators communicate with
the parents.

Education in Asia
Typically, in Asia, students learn from strong note taking and lectures rather than group work. Students are even discouraged from
speaking out. Because of this, students are proficient in English writing skills but lack communication skills.

Teaching Strategies
It is extremely important for educators to be culturally responsive.
Educators can support this by incorporating students’ native languages
into the classroom. Another great idea is to address linguistic
differences and constantly review vocabulary as a class. Differentiated
instruction and scaffolding is crucial because everyone learns
differently, and educators need to ensure that all students are given a
chance to succeed.

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