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Edwin Ivan Colmenares Velasquez
University Foundation the Liberators
Bogota, Colombia

Abstract— The following document consists of taking the coordinated management of those projects that are under its
reader to deepen on an important topic for the working life in jurisdiction. The responsibilities of a project management
the area of engineering, which is the project management office can range from providing support functions for project
institute (PMI), to identify when this type of management management to the responsibility of directing projects
should be applied. For this you must know their different life
cycles. Knowing that project management is a set of processes
to a set of knowledge areas and their interaction.
Project director
I. INTRODUCTIÓN The project manager is the person assigned to achieve the
The project management study will focus on the good project's objectives.
practices defined by the PMI in the PMBOK. For this we The role of the project manager is different from that of a
will know the good practices that should be applicable when functional manager or that of an operations manager. In
carrying out any project such as the use of knowledge, general, the functional manager is dedicated to the
processes, skills, tools and techniques and thus be more managerial supervision of a technical or administrative area,
likely to succeed. while the operations managers are responsible for a basic
business area.
What is a project? Life cycle of a project
It is a temporary effort that is carried out to create a product, It is a series of phases that the project goes from its inception
service or unique result. It has a defined beginning and end. until its closure. The phases are usually sequential, and the
It is considered finished when the objectives have been number and name of the phases depends on the management
carried out. and
control of the needs of the organization or organizations
Direction / Management of projects involved in the project, the nature of the project itself, and its
It is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and area of application.
techniques to project activities to meet the requirements of Projects vary in size and complexity. All projects, without
the project. importing how small or large, or how simple or complex
These groups of processes are: they may be, can be configured within the following life
 Start cycle structure:
 Planning  home,
 Execution  organization and preparation,
 Monitoring and Control  work execution
 Close  closure.

Management / direction of programs GROUPS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT

A program is defined as a group of related projects managed PROCESSES
in a coordinated manner to obtain benefits and control, Process group management describes what is needed to
which would not be obtained if they were managed manage the work, the project.
individually. Project management processes are grouped into five
categories known as Project Management Process Groups
Management / direction of portfolios or process groups:
A set of projects or programs and other works that have been
 Start process group. Those processes carried out
grouped to facilitate the efficient management of that work,
to define a new project or a new phase of an
in order to comply with the strategic business objectives. The
existing project by obtaining the authorization to
projects or programs in the portfolio are not necessarily
start the project or phase.
interdependent or directly related.
 Planning process group. Those processes carried
Office of management / project management out to establish the total scope of the effort, define
It is a body or entity within an organization that has several and refine the objectives and develop the course
responsibilities assigned in relation to the centralized and of action required to achieve those objectives.
 Execution process group. Those processes carried  Human
out to complete the work defined in the plan for  Resources
the direction of the project to meet the objectives  Communications
of the project.  Risk
 Monitoring and control process group. Those  Acquisitions
processes required to monitor, analyze and  Interested
regulate the progress and performance of the The ten areas of knowledge that are used in most projects
project, to identify areas in which changes to the
plan are necessary and to initiate the Integration management
corresponding changes.
 Group of closing processes. Those processes Includes the processes and activities necessary to identify,
performed for finalize all the activities through all define, combine, unify and coordinate the various processes
the groups of processes, in order to formally close and activities of project management within the groups of
the project or a phase of it. At the close of the project management processes
project or phase, the following may occur:
Scope management
 Scope of the project. The work that must be done to
 Obtain the acceptance of the client or the deliver a product, service or result with the
sponsor specified characteristics and functions.
 Conduct a review after the project closure  Preparation of the Outreach Plan. Process of
or the completion of a phase creating a plan Scope management documenting
how the scope will be defined, the validation and
 record the impacts of adaptation to a
control of the project.
 Collect Requirements. It is the process that consists
 document the lessons learned in defining and documenting the needs of the
 apply appropriate updates to the assets of interested parties in order to fulfill the objectives of
the processes of the organization the project.
 archive all the relevant documents of the  Define the Scope. It is the process that consists of
project in the information system for developing a detailed description of the project and
project management to be used as the product.
Historical facts  Create the Work Breakdown Structure (hereinafter
EDT). Is the process that consists of subdividing
 close acquisitions deliverables and project work into smaller and
easier to manage components.
 Verify the Scope. It is the process that consists of
formalizing the acceptance of the deliverables of the
project that have been completed.
 Control the Scope. It is the process that consists of
monitoring the status of the scope of the project and
the product, and in managing changes to the base
line of the scope.

Time management
Includes the processes required to manage the completion of
the project on time. The general description of Project Time
Management processes is as follows:
 Elaborate schedule management. It is the process in
IV. AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE OF PROJECT which the policies, procedures and documentation
MANAGEMENT. are established to plan, develop, manage, execute
and control the project schedule.
For the PMBOK® a good way to treat the processes is to  Define Activities. It is the process that consists of
group them in Knowledge Areas. identifying the specific actions to be carried out to
An area of knowledge represents a complete set of concepts, elaborate the deliverables of the project.
terms, and the activities that make up a professional field,  Sequence Activities. It is the process of identifying
field of project management, or area of expertise. and documenting the interrelationships between
Ten areas of knowledge are identified: project activities
 Integration  Estimate the Resources of the Activities. It is the
 Reach process that consists of estimating the type and
 Time quantities of materials, people, equipment or
 Costs supplies required to execute each activity.
 Quality
 Estimate the Duration of Activities. It is the process  Develop the Human Resources Plan. It is the
that consists in establishing approximately the process by which the roles within a project are
amount of work periods necessary to complete each identified and documented, the responsibilities, the
activity with the estimated resources. required skills and the communication relationships,
 Develop the Schedule. It is the process that consists and the plan for the direction of the personnel is
of analyzing the sequence of activities, their created.
duration, the resource requirements and the  Acquire the Project Team. It is the process by which
constraints of the schedule to create the project the available human resources are confirmed and
schedule. the necessary equipment is formed to complete the
 Control the Schedule. It is the process by which the assignments of the project.
status of the project is monitored to update the  Develop the Project Team. It is the process that
progress of the project and manage changes to the consists in improving the skills, the interaction of
baseline of the schedule. the team members and the general environment of
the team to achieve a better performance of the
Cost management project.
 Direct the Project Team. It is the process of tracking
The Project Costs Management includes the processes the performance of team members, providing
involved in estimating, budgeting and controlling costs so feedback, solving problems and managing changes
that the project is completed within the approved budget. in order to optimize project performance.
 Prepare the cost plan. It is the process that
establishes the policies, procedures and Management of project communications
documentation for planning, management, expense Project Communications Management includes the processes
and control of project costs. required to ensure that the generation, collection,
 Estimate Costs. It is the process that consists of distribution, storage, retrieval and final disposal of project
developing an approximation of the financial information are adequate and timely.
resources necessary to complete the activities of the  Prepare the communication plan. The process of
project. developing an adequate approach and
 Determine the Budget. It is the process that consists communication plan of the project based on the
of adding the estimated costs of individual activities information of the interested parties needs and
or work packages to establish the authorized cost requirements, and available organizational assets.
baseline.  Manage communication. The process of creation,
 Control Costs. It is the process that consists in collection, distribution, storage, recovery and final
monitoring the situation of the project to update the disposal of project information in accordance with
project budget and manage changes to the cost base the management of communications plan.
line  Control communications. The process of
supervision and control communications throughout
Project quality management the life cycle of the project to ensure the
The Quality Management of the Project includes the information needs of those interested in the Project
processes and activities of the organization that determine are met
responsibilities, objectives and quality policies in order that
the project meets the needs for which it was undertaken. Risk management
 Plan the Quality. It is the process by which the It includes the processes related to carry out management
quality requirements and / or standards for the planning, identification, analysis, risk response planning, as
project and the product are identified, documenting well as its monitoring and control in a project. Plan the Risk
the manner in which the project will demonstrate Management. It is the process by which you define how to
compliance with them. perform risk management activities for a project.
 Carry out Quality Assurance. It is the process of  Identify the Risks. It is the process by which the
auditing quality requirements and the results of risks that can affect the project are determined and
quality control measures, to ensure that the its characteristics are documented.
appropriate quality standards and operational  Perform the Qualitative Risk Analysis. It is the
definitions are used. process that consists of prioritizing the risks to carry
 Perform Quality Control. It is the process by which out other analyzes or subsequent actions, evaluating
the results of the execution of quality control and combining the probability of occurrence and the
activities are monitored and recorded, in order to impact of said risks.
evaluate the performance and recommend necessary  Carry out the Quantitative Risk Analysis. It is the
changes. process that consists in analyzing numerically the
effect of the identified risks on the general
Human resources management of the project objectives of the project.
The Human Resources Management of the Project includes  Plan the Response to the Risks. It is the process by
the processes that organize, manage and lead the project which options and actions are developed to improve
team. opportunities and reduce threats to the objectives of
the project.
 Monitor and Control Risks It is the process by  Draw up a stakeholder management plan. The
which risk response plans are implemented, the process of developing appropriate management
identified risks are tracked, residual risks are strategies to effectively participate stakeholders
monitored, new risks are identified and the throughout the life cycle of the project, based on the
effectiveness of the process against risks is analysis of their needs, interests and possible
evaluated through the project. repercussions on the success of the project.
 Manage the expectations of the interested parties.
Procurement management The process of communicating and working with
It includes the processes of purchase or acquisition of the stakeholders to meet their needs / expectations,
products, services or results that it is necessary to obtain management problems as they occur, and
outside the project team. encouraging interest groups to participate
 Plan the Acquisitions. It is the process of appropriately in project activities throughout the life
documenting purchase decisions for the project, cycle of the project.
specifying the way to do it and identifying potential  Control the expectations of the interested parties.
sellers. The process of monitoring the general interest
 Carry out the Acquisitions. It is the process of groups of the project, relationships and adjustment
obtaining responses from sellers, selecting a seller strategies and plans to involve stakeholders
and awarding a contract.
 Control Acquisitions. It is the process of managing V. CONCLUSIONES
procurement relationships, monitoring the execution
The previous document will help the reader to know about a
of contracts, and making changes and corrections as
very important topic such as the PMI, since it is a great help
for the elaboration and development of projects for all the
 Close the Acquisitions. It is the process of engineers that are involved in this work, since it is a very
completing each acquisition for the project
important work and very well paid.
Every project must have important guidelines, which by
following them to the letter, can reach a perfect closure as is
Management of interested parties the PMI approach.
It includes the processes required to identify the persons,
groups or organizations that could affect or be affected by
the project, to analyze the expectations of the interested
parties and their impact on the project. Identify interested VI. REFERENCIAS
 The process of identifying the individuals, groups or [1] Rita-PMP® Exam Prep 8th Edition – Autor: Rita Mulcahy
organizations that could affect or be affected by a [2] Project Management Body of Knowledge PMBOK Guide, 5th Ed
decision, the activity, or the result of the project; (PMBOK®) Autor: Project Management Institute
and analyze and document relevant information [3] (15/11/2015)
regarding their interests, participation, [4] Guía de los Fundamentos para la Dirección de Proyectos (Guía del
interdependencies, influence and potential impact PMBOK®)4ªEd Autor: Project Management Institute
on the success of the project. [5] (30/12/2015)

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