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class: F181102 The autumn term of 2021

Course paper of
《Management Information System》


Student ID:
Teacher: Zhai Danni


Overseas Education College, NUPT

Title of your paper

About Target of this paper:

Use some theory to analyze the corporation and verify this theory, you are not required to solve some
problem for the corporation.

About Content requirements:

Select a background for your course paper , it can be an organization ,a company of any industry, a city, a
geographical area, and so on.

use the theories we have learned in this course to analyze the corporation, such as:
what is the function of the system to this organization/company?
How does the system support the business strategy of the organization/company?
How does the ERP or CRM system support the corporation?

Possible topics:
5 forces model, competitive strategy, value chain
Outsourcing, crowd sourcing,
Business intelligence,data warehouse
ERP, SCM, CRM,knowledge management system, Expert system, artificial intelligence

About format:
You should establish a doc file, and the filename should be like this: F18110205-paper.docx
If you can give me a pdf file instead of the docx, that is also ok.
There should be a “list of contents” on the 2nd page
please do not paste many big photos in the paper.
There should be 3000 words at least in this paper

If you sent me more than 1 file with the same filename, I will keep only the last one. so don’t name your
lab report with the same filename.

the deadline is Nov. 5th.(Friday of the 10th week)

Please mail me the coursepaper on time, with the subject being like F18110205-paper
When you mail me the lab report, the subject should be like F18110205-labreport
My email is sometimes the mail will get lost, I will make a name list of those whose
papers I have received.
Here is an example of the paper structure, you are allowed to modify it.

1. introduction
Describe briefly the outline of your paper, such as the selection of the corporation, and the application of
some information system in the business.
You are required to cover some system we have discussed in the 3nd chapter, such as DSS, GIS, or artificial
intelligence technology(expert system, neural network, or genetic algorithm).

2. Background of this corporation

3. the brief introduction of the technology/system
The conception, structure, and function of the system.

4. the DSS (or other system) in the corporation

This is the most important part of this paper.
Describe the structure and function of the system in the corporation, you don’t have to list the technical
details of this system, but you should write out how it works and how it helps the corporation.


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