Clinical Decision Support Tools and A Standardized Order Set Enhances Early Enteral Nutrition in Critically Ill Children 2019

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Clinical Research

Nutrition in Clinical Practice

Volume 34 Number 6
Clinical Decision Support Tools and a Standardized Order Set December 2019 916–921

C 2019 American Society for

Enhances Early Enteral Nutrition in Critically Ill Children Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
DOI: 10.1002/ncp.10272

Keegan J. Ziemba, MD1,2 ; Rajeswari Kumar, PhD1 ; Kathryn Nuss, MD1 ;

Maria Estrada, DO1 ; Ada Lin, MD1 ; and Onsy Ayad, MD1

Background: Critically ill children in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) have unique nutrition needs that are challenging to
achieve and thus are at high risk of malnutrition. There is increasing evidence that children who reach caloric goals early have
improved outcomes. The purpose of this initiative was to implement an enteral nutrition (EN) algorithm in a tertiary care PICU
utilizing clinical decision support tools (CDSTs) and a standardized order set within an electronic health record. Methods: A quality
improvement initiative was undertaken to implement an EN feeding protocol using electronic CDSTs, including a new standardized
order set. Results: In a historical cohort of 376 patients, only 18% met goal EN in the first 48 hours of admission. The EN protocol
was implemented in 272 patients who met 88% goal feed volume within 48 hours of intensive care unit admission. Median time to
start EN (1.7 vs 1.3 days, P < 0.0001) and time to goal nutrition (2.8 vs 2.2 days, P < 0.001) improved after project implementation.
Length of stay in the PICU was significantly reduced following protocol implementation (202 hours pre-implementation vs 156
hours post implementation, P < 0.0001). Conclusions: We used CDSTs and standardized order sets to implement a nutrition
algorithm to facilitate and likely improve the nutrition care of critically ill children. (Nutr Clin Pract. 2019;34:916–921)

child; critical illness; electronic health records; enteral nutrition; nutrition support; pediatric intensive care unit; pediatrics; quality

Background admission. The goal is to provide >50% of calories in the

first week of admission. Additionally, evidence exists that
Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) has been inte- the use of bedside algorithms and protocols may assist with
grated into routine patient care over the last 20 years. Its earlier initiation of EN.13-15
use has been associated with reduced rates of medication Given the wide use of the electronic health record (EHR)
errors and adverse drug events.1-4 There is also evidence in hospital systems, it follows that clinical decision support
revealing its effectiveness within order sets to influence tools (CDSTs) and CPOE can be utilized to improve patient
and benefit patient outcomes in the adult hospital setting. outcomes. In a pediatric critical care setting, there is a
Order sets within the intensive care setting have been paucity of research that describes the utilization of CDSTs.
utilized to benefit patients for congestive heart failure and Twenty percent of pediatric ICU (PICU) patients are mal-
pneumonia.5,6 nourished at the time of admission.9 Therefore, it makes
An area of increasing importance for patient outcomes is sense to target this high-risk population to enhance the
nutrition, especially in the critically ill. Evidence is mounting bedside deliver of EN in a timely fashion in our facility. In
that early enteral nutrition (EN) is beneficial. Critically
ill patients, both adults and children, are at high risk of From the 1 Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, USA;
malnutrition during their intensive care unit (ICU) stay. and the 2 Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University,
Addition of enteral feeds as early as 48 hours has been Greenville, North Carolina, USA.
associated with improved outcomes.7-10 Financial disclosure: None declared.
In respiratory illnesses, when positive pressure ventila- Conflicts of interest: None declared.
tion for support is indicated, patients are unable to tolerate
This article originally appeared online on April 1, 2019.
oral nutrition and must be supplemented either enterally
or parenterally. EN is the preferred route according to Corresponding Author:
Keegan J. Ziemba, MD, ECU Brody School of Medicine, Department
the American Society for Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition of Pediatrics, 600 Moye Blvd, Room 2CH252, Greenville, NC 27834,
(ASPEN) guidelines.11,12 In fact, ASPEN guidelines recom- USA.
mend that enteral feeds be initiated within 24–48 hours of Email:
Ziemba et al 917

this initiative, we aimed to increase the number of children initiated). The BPA hosted the order set link and could be
receiving EN within 48 hours of admission to the PICU invoked directly from the advisory.
by leveraging functionality in the EHR as part of a quality For the analysis, only patients selected for full enteral
improvement (QI) initiative. feedings were included, as our primary interest was in
assessing the capabilities of the advancing protocol. Patients
who received trophic feeds were not included. Selection of
Methods feeding type (enteral vs trophic) was at the discretion of the
This study was performed in a large, urban, quaternary primary team and therefore varied between practitioners.
referral hospital. The PICU is a 42-bed medical/surgical unit Pediatric Risk of Mortality (PRISM) scores were com-
with 2700 admissions annually. In 2006, our hospital system piled from a prospective, observational database, collected
began implementation of an EHR that was intended for all at the time of admission to the PICU. PRISM is an indicator
patient documentation, order management, messaging, and for severity of illness in critically ill patients, with scores <10
patient tracking (Epic Systems, Corp.). associated with mortality < 10%.16,17 All statistics were per-
A QI initiative was undertaken to design and imple- formed in GraphPad 7.0. All continuous data were analyzed
ment an EN feeding protocol. Children <1 year of age with Mann-Whitney test. All data were reported as median
with diagnoses of respiratory distress and/or insufficiency values due to the nonparametric dataset, confirmed with
admitted to the PICU were identified as a target population, Shapiro-Wilk normality test (P < 0.01). A P-value < 0.05
as these high-risk patients would likely benefit most from was considered significant.
early initiation of a nutrition protocol. A historical cohort
included patients that met study criteria from January
2013 to November 2015. During this phase, CPOE was
already in place. The intervention cohort included patients The EN feeding protocol, which included the CDSTs and
from December 2015 to February 2017 when the CDSTs standardized order set, was instituted on December 1,
and feeding order set went live. All patients admitted 2015, with data collected through February 2017. A total
to the PICU for a respiratory illness requiring positive of 272 children met inclusion criteria. All children were
pressure ventilation (invasive or noninvasive) and who were <1 year of age. The most common reason for admission
<1 year of age were included. Patients admitted to a was acute bronchiolitis in both historical and intervention
surgical service and children with a gastrostomy tube were cohorts. Eighteen hours into the PICU admission, the BPA
excluded. encouraged the use of an enteral feeding order set. Table 1
A retrospective review of medical records established describes the patient demographics at the time of PICU
clinical practice baselines. We sought to create an informat- admission. Among those meeting the study criteria, EN
ics build that leveraged several electronic elements in the was started within 48 hours of PICU admission in 81%
EHR to design a CDST to achieve this goal. A SNOMED (221/272) after implementation of the standardized EN
concept diagnosis grouper was created to aid in the identi- order set, compared with 63% (236/375) in the historical co-
fication of the target patient population in the EHR. Rules hort (P < 0.01). EN was started during the implementation
evaluated the patients for age, location, and hospital service, period at a median of 1.3 vs 1.7 days in the historical cohort
as well as the time from admission to the PICU location (P < 0.01, Figure 2). Goal EN was also achieved sooner
and service. A comprehensive standardized EN order set with protocol implementation (2.2 vs 2.8 days, P < 0.01,
(Figure 1A and B) was developed in conjunction with the Figure 3). The percentage of children who reached goal EN
PICU clinicians. It also included a selection of trophic feeds in the first 48 hours of admission increased from 18% to 38%
if pertinent for the patient. The enteral feed section included (P < 0.01).
an age-appropriate nutrition supplement with a caloric titra- Acuity was not significantly different between the histor-
tion order and assessments for feeding intolerance. Bedside ical and intervention cohorts, according to PRISM scores
nurses were reeducated to utilize existing flow sheets to allow (median 2 and 2, respectively, P = 0.3). Initial weight was
for better documentation, data capture, and success of this higher in the implementation cohort. However, patients
intervention. We selected 18 hours from admission to the admitted after the introduction of the CDSTs and the
PICU as the most optimal time to introduce the interruptive standardized order set (intervention cohort) had a median
system alert to encourage the initiation of the newly created weight gain of 140 g during admission vs 80 g in the
EN order set. This alert was a best-practice advisory (BPA) historical cohort (P = 0.001). Length of stay (LOS) from
and as such could be delayed or overridden (Figure 1C). admission to hospital discharge was not significantly differ-
The BPA was presented to physicians and advanced practice ent in the 2 study periods (8.7 vs 8.4 days, P = 0.9). Yet,
providers during the ordering activity directed at patients LOS in the PICU was significantly shorter following the
that met the inclusion criteria (ࣘ1 year of age, diagnosis intervention (202 vs 156 hours, P < 0.01) (Figure 4). There
of bronchiolitis, in the ICU ࣙ 18 hours, and no feeding were no mortalities in either cohort.
918 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 34(6)

Figure 1. (A and B) Enteral Nutrition Protocol implemented during the quality improvement initiative. (C) Best-practice advisory
created to alert 18 hours from admission. ABD, abdomen; AG, abdominal girth; EN, enteral nutrition; GRV, gastric residual
volume; HO, house officer; NEO, neonate; NG, nasogastric; NJ, nasojejunal; PICU, pediatric intensive care unit; Q4H, every
4 hours.
Ziemba et al 919

Table 1. Patient Demographics at PICU Admission. Discussion

Historical Implementation The widespread adoption of EHR is now standard in the
Cohort Cohort P-Value medical setting. Utilizing its full capabilities provides the
opportunity to impact patient care. In this QI initiative, we
Female, n (%) 141 (39) 106 (39) 0.65
Ethnicity, n (%) focused on the use of electronic CDST and a standardized
African 7 (2) 10 (4) order set to support and achieve the aim of improving the
Asian 2 (1) 3 (1) time to initiation of EN in our PICU. The informatics
Latino 21 (6) 14 (5) design and build allowed for streamlined integration of
Multiracial 22 (6) 16 (6) the EN feeding protocol as demonstrated by the increased
Black 84 (22) 54 (20) number of children who received earlier EN.
White 227 (60) 166 (61)
This QI initiative provided the opportunity to evaluate
Unknown 11 (3) 8 (3)
PRISM score 2 2 0.31 the use of CDSTs with a standardized order set as a
(median) method of implementation of an EN protocol in a high-
Age, months 2 3 0.11 risk population. We found earlier implementation of EN
Weight, kg 5.1 6.1 0.01 and achievement of goal EN in our study population at
significantly higher rates than previously. This achievement
PICU, pediatric intensive care unit; PRISM, Pediatric Risk of was our primary goal. In secondary analysis, we also noted
greater weight gain and shorter PICU stays after imple-
mentation of the protocol. Although that cohort did have
a higher initial weight, the measured change in weight was
also greater than the historical cohort.
In the critical care setting, use of CPOE includes in-
tegration of order sets into bedside delivery of care.1,2
Notably, order sets have been used in congestive heart
failure and pneumonia in adult critical care units, with
reduction in LOS and mortality.5,6 The results of this study
demonstrated reduction in PICU LOS, though mortality
and hospital LOS were not affected. However, we cannot
with certainty attribute this solely to our project. Regardless,
this study adds pediatric evidence for using targeted CDSTs
and standardized order sets to enhance patient care.
QI methodologies are utilized in many facets of
Figure 2. Time to initiation of enteral nutrition from time of medicine. This model has been used to implement CPOE for
admission to the PICU. * Indicates significance, P < 0.001. the administration of chemotherapy agents, care of patients
PICU, pediatric intensive care unit.
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and reduction
of excessive laboratory test orders.3,4,18 To our knowledge,
this study is the first to utilize QI methodology to integrate
CDSTs to prompt users to initiate early EN in pediatrics.
By achieving the aim of increasing the number of children
who attain goal nutrition sooner in the PICU setting, this
provides evidence that CDSTs can be used to integrate new
technology to influence everyday patient care.
The use of algorithms to enhance nutrition within the
critical illness setting has been investigated in adults and
children. Several studies have shown that these algorithms
may minimize interruptions to achieve nutrition goals and
thus optimize delivery in this setting.13-15 Our results reflect
prior studies, as we demonstrated a higher percentage of
children achieving prescribed nutrition goals in a timely
Figure 3. Time to goal enteral nutrition from time of The ultimate impact of early EN remains a topic of
admission to the PICU. * Indicates significance, P < 0.001. research in pediatrics. Prior studies have shown that mal-
PICU, pediatric intensive care unit.
nutrition and suboptimal energy intake are associated with
920 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 34(6)

Figure 4. Length of stay for (A) PICU and (B) hospital. * Indicates significance, P < 0.001. PICU, pediatric intensive care unit.

increased odds of death, whereas early implementation of Future studies are needed to fully address long-term
EN may reduce mortality.7,10,19 This QI initiative was not outcomes. Regardless, our QI initiative serves to demon-
designed to evaluate long-term outcomes, and thus the lack strate that use of CDSTs and a standardized order set
of impact on time to hospital discharge was unsurprising. is both feasible and potentially impactful when used in
However, we did see a statistically significant decrease in conjunction with clinical protocols. In conclusion, this study
PICU LOS by nearly 2 days. Although overall LOS are demonstrates that the use of specific CDST can facilitate
low, we theorize that nutrition support during a critically ill the implementation of a physician-ordered and nursing-
period may have enhanced healing and affected the growth driven protocol to enhance the care of critically ill pediatric
hormone axis, thus contributing to decreased length of patients.
time of respiratory support. During the implementation
period, patients had greater weight gain. This may indicate
Statement of Authorship
better nutrition during their PICU stay, which could have
an impact on further growth and development, especially in K. J. Ziemba, R. Kumar, K. Nuss, M. Estrada, and O. Ayad
contributed to the conception and design of the research. K.
the first year of life. This finding, however, must be taken
J. Ziemba contributed to the acquisition of the data. K. J.
lightly, as weight is highly fluctuant in the PICU, influenced
Ziemba, R. Kumar, and K. Nuss contributed to the analysis
by a multitude of factors other than nutrition, including and interpretation of the data. K. J. Ziemba, R. Kumar,
fluid balance. Further in-depth analysis is needed to identify K. Nuss, and A. Lin drafted the manuscript. All authors
the true clinical impact. critically revised the manuscript, agree to be fully accountable
There are a few limitations of this study. This is a for ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the work, and read
single-center experience designed to focus on a specific and approved the final manuscript.
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