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School billing system project pdf

AUTHOR: UNKNOWN SIZE OF FILE: UNKNOWN NUMBER OF PAGES:UNKNOWN LANGUAGE: ENGLISH CATEGORY : C LANGUAGE PROJECT PAGE QUALITY: GOOD Project Of School Billing System in ‘C’ Language Download Link Project : School Billing SystemSchool Billing System is based on the
concept to generate the Student’s and Staff’s records and to add their details and update it. Here User can Add Students & Staffs Information as well as their Salary due and Fees details. The whole project is designed in ‘C’ language and different variables and strings have been used for the development of this project.
It’s easy to operate and understand by users.Features :Proper Log In System.Proper Validations.Calculates Fees of the Students.Calculates Salary of the staffs.Easy To search, modify & delete records.Project DemoDOWNLOAD SCHOOL BILLING SYSTEM IN C SOURCE CODE : CLICK THE BUTTON BELOWMore
Under: c programming You can’t perform that action at this time. You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. This School Billing System project enables the user to maintain the billing system in schools and helps to
print term reports for students. It shall also print reports of the fees payments for students. The teachers shall be able to upload the term reports on to the system. it shall hold the performance reports of all the students. The School Billing System shall allow the teachers to print terminal reports of every student. Each user
shall have different access privileges for the system. It is a user-friendly web based system which efficiently takes care of the billing activities of the school. Existing School Billing System The existing system did not have the option to track bills or fees payments from students. It was done manually. It was a laborious
task. The system did not have the option toprint the termreports or feepayment reports.All the accounts were maintained manually. It was a difficult task to manage as the schools accommodated large number of students. Proposed System This School Billing System will help the user to Pay school bills online and print
term reports. There are different types of users like teacher, student and admin. The student shall be able to print reports for the fee paid. He shall be able to print reports of the term specified. The teacher shall be able to maintain the data of each student. The system will also notify the students of outstanding fee
payments. This is a simple UI developed using and The database is managed through SQL server. The back end stores all the details about students which could be accessed by the teacher. System Specifications Modules Student: This module holds all the data regarding the student. It has the fees
paid data and the pending fees for each student. It includes the name, class, section and the term for which the fees are paid etc. Teacher: This module shall have the details regarding the terminal reports of students. It shall hold data for printing the term reports of students. Hardware configuration Processor
Pentium III 866 MHz RAM 128 MD SD EAM Monitor 15 inch color Hard disk 20 GB Floppy drive 1.44 MB CD drive LG 52X Key board Standard 102 keys Mouse 3 buttons Software configuration Operating system Windows XP
Professional Environment Visual studio NET 2005 4.6 Language, Backend SQL Server 2008 Technologies used Download Project Windows Clear Filters & Widen Search Do you have a GitHub project? Now you can automatically sync your releases to SourceForge &
take advantage of both platforms. The GitHub Import Tool allows you to quickly & easily import your GitHub project repos, releases, issues, & wiki to SourceForge with a few clicks. Then your future releases will be synced to SourceForge automatically. Your project will reach over 35 million more people per month and
you’ll get detailed download statistics. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 2 Windows Clear Filters & Widen Search Do you have a GitHub project? Now you can automatically sync your releases to SourceForge & take advantage of both platforms. The GitHub Import Tool allows you to
quickly & easily import your GitHub project repos, releases, issues, & wiki to SourceForge with a few clicks. Then your future releases will be synced to SourceForge automatically. Your project will reach over 35 million more people per month and you’ll get detailed download statistics. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 This mini project in C school billing system was developed by me and my friend for project submission during the 1st semester. In this project, you perform billing or accounting operations under two account types: one for the students and one for teachers and staffs. This project is complete
and totally error-free. It utilizes file handling and data structures, and is one of the best C mini projects that will help you understand and learn whatever you need to know about developing small C projects. School Billing System is a console application without graphic. It is compiled in Code::Blocks with gcc compiler. The
source code for this project is over 1000 lines, so I didn’t want to display the source code here. You can directly download the source code plus application file of mini project on school billing system from the link below. Download Mini Project in C School Billing System with Source Code [sociallocker] Download Mini
Project in C School Billing System with Source Code [/sociallocker] Features of School Billing System in C: In this project, you can add, record, modify, search and delete the records of both account types. In addition to that, this mini project in C allows you to display fees, dues, total and advance of students, and salary-
related information of teachers and staffs. For the entry of records, current date and month is asked. Then, you can select the account type, and perform billing operations like I mentioned above. In the add record, the name, class and roll no. of the student is asked, and it is similar for all other functions as well as the
teachers account. Data structures have been used effectively to handle co-related functions and store the record. This school billing system C project comprises the following data structures: struct dat – to store the date (month and day) of entry of records struct student – to store and organize the record of individual
students struct teacher – to store and organize the record of individual teachers/staffs I have used the different functions for performing different billing operations in School Billing System. Listed below are some functions which will give you an outline of the project and help you understand it better. start() – shows the
account selection screen chkdat() – for checking date addrec() – for adding records modrec() – for modifying records searchrec() – for searching records delrec() – for deleting records fee() – for recording the fee paid and displaying fine, due, total and advance salary() – for calculating the salary of teachers and staffs
ext() – for exiting Output Screenshots: Welcome Screen Select Account Type Enter Choice Also see, Customer Billing System Bank Management System More Projects in C and C++ This mini project on school billing system in C utilizes file handling in three of the functions mentioned above in the post: delrec(), fee()
and salary(). Go through the source code once, and it may guide you to create a better mini project using file handling for other functions as well. Using/submitting this project with little or no modification at all is completely discouraged. Be a part of the DaniWeb community We're a friendly, industry-focused community of
1.20 million developers, IT pros, digital marketers, and technology enthusiasts learning and sharing knowledge.

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