Earth Scince Quarter 1 Module 4

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Adrian Carl V.

Dumat-ol Earth Science

G11 STEM Quarter 1 - Module 4

What’s New- Activity 1




3. OIL




What’s New- Activity 3

Type of fossil Uses Renewable or Environmental concerns
fuel not?
Coal Coals are used Not Pollution, caused by emissions of
as fuel in power plants to generate contaminants such as sulfur
electricity. dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and
mercury, which affects human and
environmental health. Greenhouse
gases, emissions of which
contribute to global warming.
Sulfur dioxide (SO2), which
contributes to acid rain and
respiratory illnesses. Nitrogen
oxides (NOx), which contribute to
smog and respiratory illnesses.
Oil Oils are refined and transformed into Not Pollution impacts communities,
usable fuel dangerous emissions fuel climate
like propane, kerosene, gasoline and change, ruin wildlands, drilling
other fuel products. Also, it is used in disrupts wildlife habitat, and oil
making spills can be deadly to animals.
plastic and paint products.
Natural Gas Natural gas is now used for fuel and a Not Produces negligible amounts of
source of energy sulfur, mercury, and particulates.
for electricity. Burning natural gas does produce
nitrogen oxides (NOx), which are
precursors to smog. Global
warming emissions, air pollution,
water use and pollution.
What I have Learned- Activity 4

Coal Oil

 Source of
 Formed from carbon dioxide  Formed from
marine  Example of a vegetation
organism fossil fuel  Used for
 Non-renewable
 Migrates up electricity
 Takes millions
after formed  Typical power
of years to form
 Formed from  Contains
plant fuel
kerogen carbon  For varieties

 Most reservers (carbon content)

in Middle East

1. C

2. D

3. B

4. C

5. D

6. A

7. C

8. B


Disadvantage- Fossil fuels are nonrenewable. Once you burn a gallon of oil, it’s gone for good
– and fossil fuels will run out. It’s estimated we have just 100 years of coal production left, 50
years of crude oil, and 50 years of natural gas.

Advantage- A cheap source of energy.Fossil fuels are relatively cheap. It’s relatively easy to
find and produce these fuels, and there was a huge supply.

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