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ta GIA "| 866140 DUC VA Digg, PHONG “4° : — ae I CHON HQC SINH GIOL ‘THANH PHO P12 CAP THPT NAM HQC 2012 - 2013 DE THI MON: TIENG ANH-BANG A ,,_.._ Déthi gm 6 trang, téng diém: 100 mu aneigion am bai: 180 ph, king, ké thai gian giao ae ins im bai wi thi may. Kg, sit dung thy aT gh HO TEN, CHU KY CUA GIAM KHAO paRT ONE: PHONOLOGY | ind the word in each group whos irom R RES te getaah 1A shone B. cone a 1, Adecreases B. advises a a. O.bone _—_ 4. Assmooth 8. worthy i D reduces _ . » northem D. thermal 4, Atimber B.climber c — ; debt D. doubt ———_ 5. Avinterpret B. prefer tan a D. percent ————_ & Adealt B. dread leak D.sweat 7. Acexpediion —-—Bexercise Ccexpert a, a Ainfuential B. ancient C. society D. parachute 4, A.hostage 8. college C. garage D.advantage — 10, A.pension B. equation C.expansion _—_D negotiation choose the word with the different tess pattem In ech oF Wte your answer (A,B, Cor D) inthe space provided onthe right. (5 rs) 1. A.passage B. knowledge C. because D. normal _ 2. A.obligation B. policemen C. lemonade D. automatic ee 3. A.companion B. contaminate C. environment D, automobile —— 4. Aexaminer , mountainous ©- erate D. television —— 5. A dificult 8. restaurant . contrary Duepply —— & A.universiy punderstend§——C-inustiae ne —— “ant , . fe 1 Amountsieer atic C. professional a me , un — & Ahotel 8, surface C.effectne " C. desire 0. advise — & A.answer B. refer y ear p.deveopment Sere ‘0. A, businessman Scanned with CamScanner PART TWO: VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR |. Choose the word or phrase that fits each sentence. ‘Write your answer (A, B,C or D) in the space provided on the right (10 pts) 1. Could you please ___a good hotel near here? A introduce B tell me . recommend D. direct —_ 2. He painted the room dark green itlooks so heavy. He___chosen a different colour. A would be B.should have C. had better D. must have — 3. We must___our money for dollars before our trp to the US. ‘A change B. exchange C. convert D.tum 4. Sarah's friends all have brothers and sisters butshe is a(n) child. A singular B. individual C. single . only 5. The increased pay offer was accepted although it____short of what the employees wanted. A.fell B.arived C. came D. ended — 6. He arare disease when he was working in the hospital, A. took B, suffered C. infected D. caught 7. That a nice coat, and the colour__ you wel. A. matches B.fits C. agrees D. suits 8. When he retired from his ob the management him with a clock, AA offered B. pleased C. satisfied D. presented 8. Iknow him by __ but | have no idea what his name is. A sight B. myself C. heart D. chance 10. You must ___ that your safety bettis fastened, A.examine B. secure C. check D. guarantee 11, Lan find my dictionary atthe moment hope it will___up soon, ‘A.come B.clear C.tum D. look 12. Mary Smith decided to give up herjob forthe of her children A. care B. sake reason D. concer 13, I dont think hetlever__the shock of his wife's death, A.getthrough Bet over C. gatby D. getoft 414, Ann:*Do you think its going to rain?” Peter:*__* ‘A.ldon'thope. ——B. | hope not. C. I don'thope so. 0. Its hopeless. 15. Tom: "What lovely at you have!” Mary: "Thanks. ___* A.ThatsOK. — B. Idonitcare. —_C. I'm glad youlike it. D. Certainly. 16. Students always make _when they are lal for school A. decisions B.excuses C. mistakes D. allowances 17. | goto the city irary_ and bring volumes home 2 or 3 ata time. Acevery few days B.forevery other day C. every other days D. every afew days 18. ___ that the American students protested against the war. twas the Johnson administration B. When there was the Johnson administration C. twas during the Johnson administration. It was when the Johnson administration 19. Tom __better than to ask Dick for help. ‘A. should have known B.has known C. shouldn't know D. shall know 20, Buy the new. of soap now on sale. Itis softer than all others! A model B brand C mark Diabel 'l. Complete the sentences by giving the correct form of the words in brackets, ‘Write your answers inthe spaces on the right. (10 pts) The rule isnot (apply) in this case. —— ‘We had the phone (connect) because we are moving tomorrow. ——— The results ofthe fist experiments are very (oromise). —__ + Your book's ful of lvely pictures but its (use) asa guide. — (Dents) problems hit neaty everybody at some time of thei lives, (Mysten), there was no answer when | phoned. He examined the parcel (suspec), as he had no idea what it could be, _. Robo have already joined the work fore in highly (dusty) counties, Page 2088 Scanned with CamScanner | “eo cant loads up tnt. TY C8 F yes 9¥0% —____ tis eat go Bee. 5 es POth be hte Aitctes. covedsausstis are in Frone. |, os Cs © pen is aunt passed "Aor, other wot. © isis none —_S aletof mone a ;, tisisnov —__my busines. rs siesinert © ye poo net door ar uous ~ you to decide vee : footnote making so much noise lat nih g_ patead he fotncle —_the boom ote page. interest yOU. sys fr rom saishied pare timayte___ some! f tre way tings ta ued out. He sat st _— thought remem bene acme «fr yu forthe past hurt What you (4) al this ine? ‘scarcely (they move) info the new House wien thet fends (core) to vst them. wnat (90 on) when | (pass) your house last night? | (never rvad) any novels (write) by © Jepsnese author, -Atthis time next week they (si) on a beautiful beach, (have) a good time. They said they (never’make) (do) anything they didn't wart o before. 1. Hi greatest ambition is (choose) (take) part in the Olympic Games. £.lthe (see) the doctor last week, he (nol sufla) now. §. | suppose when | (como) back in two years tine, hey (pul down) al hese od bukings 10. woul rather she (water) the flowers first than (coat) the mel. 1 u i ——_— —_————_- a _ —— 3___ 3 4 5 oO 1, word. \ Flin exeh ofthe numbered blank in ine passer senna Lalo Write your answers in the spaces . icin a ne een (berms tO ae! | ped fas i and mountains, and tey ant Ten have helped explorers in_(6) for fae Benepe (@)_to explores. nthe seuaens Sing equent ard anting hat maybe _(7)_ Big "ele lil wel. They are use 19 BNO td watever @ chosen spo. Tis _(@) helicopters me sod nis. As ey get mere fet, hey wi len fing cranes. Helicopters Nave tantotemeand (Owe / 2 — * 3 t 8. * 7.——_ Pega dots Scanned with CamScanner Pi : oe READING COMPREHENSION ” Write yor 2S88ge and ch We 1008e the correct answers tothe questions that follow. ee 'swer (A,B, Cor D)in the spaces that follow, (5 pts) risingly, no one kr n education, Proper records arouse receive education in English hospitals stil less the content or quality of hay eae that 80,000 children go through hospital each year, and that every child of school age has @ legal ioe into: sata {0 receive education while in hospital. We also know there is only one hospital teacher to every 1,000 chien, Little wonder the latest sur INey concludes thatthe extent and type of hospital teaching available differ a great deal the cour. found ta al he hosp in England whca ct cre have no eater. A futher Quer hae Fare teacher. The special chitrershasptals in major ce do est, general hospitals inthe county an hla areas rst off From ths survey, one can estimate that fewer than one in fve children have some contact with a hospital teacher - and tht contact may be as little as two hours a day. Most children interviewed were surprised to find a teacher in ‘hospital at all, ‘They had not been prepared forit by parents or ther own schoo. If there was a teacher they were much more likely 0 rad books, and do maths or number work; without a teacher, they would only play games. Reasons for hospital teaching range fom Preventing a child falling behind and maintaining the habit of school to keeping a child joccupied, and the latter is often al the teacher can do. The position and influence of many teachers was summed up when parents referred to them as ‘the library lady or just ‘the helper. Chiléren tend to rely on concemed school fends to keepin touch with schoo! work. Several parents spoke of requests fr ‘work being ignored or refused by the school. Once back at school, cidren rarely get extra teaching, and are tol to cach up as best as they can, Many short-stay child-patients catch up quickly! But schools do very litle to ease the anxiety about faling behind expressed by many ofthe children interviewed. 1. The writer of this article points out that. A. every child in hospital receives some teaching C. hospital teaching is of poor quality 2. This latest survey found that hospital teaching is provided AA for the whole ofthe usual school day every chidren's hospital in the country C. for a small proportion of children D. by full time teachers 3. It seems that children interviewed in hospital AA like having maths lesson regularly C. didn't expect to receive any teaching 4, It suggests that most teachers of children in hospital were _. ‘A suocessful in getting the co-operation of parents _B. unable tohelp from other hospital staff CC. unable to provide a proper teaching programme —_. inthe posion of great influence on the hospital 5. Some children in hospital are able to keep up with their school work because. AA the nurses try to teach them B. their fiends help them to do so . teachers from the school come to the hospital D. their parents bring them books from the library 1. 2 3. 6, B. not enough is known about hospital teaching . many children pass through hospital each year 8. wanted to play games most of the time . didnt want to contact with their school Il Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each gap. Write your answer (A, B, C or Din the space provided on the right. (5 pts) Human beings have a strong need to (1)... their experiences and problem into words. That's why everyone ...(2)..@ “tiendly ea’- someone who is wiling to listen to their roubles and joys. But few people ..(3)... what a complex ski isting is. Tobe a good listener requires great..(4...of concentration, which can only be gained through practice, There are two reasons why listening is often such hard work. The first is simply that people much ...(6).. to speak. How often have you (6)... what someone has said because you were thinking about what you were going to say in ..(7)..? The ‘second reason is that people speak too slowly. The average speed is about 125 words per minute, which is not fst enoug? for the human brain, It allows foo much time for concentration to fai, as the brain tries to (8). itself busy wih ott imrelevant thoughts. Page dol Scanned with CamScanner lt me YU Ben Estrin ot ti wal *| Ng said, and (10). i westions about what is if the » UY 10 predict pein Speaker ‘what the specks ir ‘Ask yourself a spe te ase ALOT ese tgs pyres Fay. ate ack sears nyt ead he a at Asay B.put "10 Concentrate and make you a beter istener. | is 4 Arvalze B. believe ae O.atracts — forces B D. detect —— aA Powers ©. skis i ea 8 rather — P a a | st 4 ke —— a - moped C. sipped 1 Apert Breply A D.missed —_ keet B. wer D.tum —_— 4A? Stop C. maintain D. hold = a, Astaion B.circumstance ©. atm fe Ak i ° etten D. situation 7 D. tel wey SS cemrneiat tin each ‘Sentence thatis wrong and make it right. *™: OF D and corrections in the spaces that follow. Number 0 is an example. (10 pts) 0 Avofus a ein fanart fa tp a Halong Boy net ee D 1 Te children were playing lastnight outdoors when it tate orn very hard, 9 |. [2 He youmsidored ake an ea cousein <8 BC matics? || 3, Iwillhave to reat Am foten ints. ha itr wie ef he primes. 4 Tomecehe ‘a degree from an American university, ong ‘must take many courses beside those in one's major feld. 5, The elephant relies more on its sense of smell than for ay aher sense. 6, Nearly all kinds of feed ese hee Sarre eee world. 1, se studying all the new materials, teste was able ose his test ce by uty points. 4 Wet be be nabs tons remy you should take a raincoat wth you. c D inthis dificult situation. D 9. Incase it may rain hard this aftemoon, A B 10. Under no circumstances | will leave you. ame A B Examples 0. C + to 1 + —__— aaa 7. _— + 2. an ———— 3. 5 —————_ Do 4 = 10. 5. > — pS way that means the same asthe original sentence 10 ps) Finish each of the sentences below in such @ Please don't smoke in the kitchen. ve Page 5 of § Scanned with CamScanner ——————— 2 Mary it appy forthe jb in the brary ard regrets trow. Mary wishes, 5 thad ony just put the phone down whan the boss rang back. May 4. Billsaid, “Lets check the engine before staring.” Billsuggested 5. his fatheris the person he admires most of al. Theis 6. Im sony | missed Professor Baker's lecture. regret 7. We couldn't finish all the work only because ofthe bad weather. wit 8. “didnt attend the meeting yesterday, and you, Jack?" Linda asked. Unda said 8. Ihave never seen a Japanese fim before, Thisis 10. Katherine isthe ony real fiend that Dolly has in ths town. Except I. Rewrite each of the sentences below in such a way that its meaning stays the same, using the worg siven in capitals. Do nat change this word in any way. (5 pts) 1. Weil probably have to suffera lot for what we have done tothe environment. LIKELY 2. The result ofthe match was a deep disappointment to the fens. DEEPLY 3. Could you look after my suitcase fora moment? EYE 4, Alice and Charles did not decide to move toa bigger house until after the birth of their second child, ONLY 5. She has a very good relationship with her neighbours. TERMS |i, Write complete sentences using the words given. (5 pts) 1. IV diffeul ged touch’ manager! company! the moment 2. My father! used to/ smoke! lot! when! he! young. 3. This! frst time! U/ see! such long bridge. 4. Wel going/ have! house repaint 5. When! police/ arrive! scene! vitim!take/ hospital, ‘THE END Page 6016 Scanned with CamScanner 4g GIAO DUC VA DA i <<——_ HAIPHONG © 740 KY THI CHON 61 THANH PHO 3 N HOC SINH GIOL TH: | LOP 12 CAP THVT NAM HQC 2012 - 2013 | pE CHINH THUG DE THI MON: TIENG ANH - BANG AT | Th i, im én 100 {i ehing ké thai gian giao de “Khéng ste dung bat ky 101 teu 8 DIEM BAI THI HQ TEN, CHO KY CUA GIAM KHAO gt ONE: PHONOLOGY se the word Whose bold partis pro Geyer sever (AB,CorD)inthespcepied na eee A.colonialist —B. colonel C.palm * akon A.gadget 8. prophet C cricket Dafilet a Aanthem B. soothe C. mouths D. smooth — Aespionage —_B. sabotage ©. pvlege Droge A.extreordinary —_B. exploration C. exterior D. explicit A.malria B. scare wary i: caren Anegotiate ——_—B.racialism C.consensus chivalrous A.sprout B. poultry C. spouse D. lounge A.con B. police C. hostage D. hostel .A.etard B. leopard . bombard D. discard Choose the word with a different stress pattern in each group. Wite your answer (A,B, Cor D) in the space provided onthe right. (5 pts) - Amedieval ——_-B. entertain C.horizonlal ——_—D. spectacular \ Asociaism Bequalorial ©. curiosity D. ecological _ \ Atigonomety B.unerimous C.argumentave_, controversial _ | Ahotel B. canal C. typhoon D. greenhouse —— \ A.ympatheic B. volunteer indispensible _D. abandon _ 3 A interpreter _B. undermine C.resurection —_—D. guarantee _ '. Agenetics B. develop C. poliician D. contributory ___ 2 instinct Beffect C. preference _D. obstacle —— 2 Aneverteless B. photographically C. bougensie D. sectaich ‘VA prerequisite 8. perpetual GC. reservoir , equivalent Page 1ol7 Scanned with CamScanner to, TWO: VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR “Wit you some wrt or phrase fo comple each see pt ‘Wire your answer (A,B, Cor Din the space prov ross. Cor jin tors People who tae ona second job inevitably themselves 10 Ss A offer Batted eae D. place 2. His poor handing of the business ‘on negligence. A bordered", edged C.approached D. ee rogulalion.. i 3. To discuss this matter with anyone else would ___ our eee —. A.contradict B. counteract C. contrast. —«~OD- i our aity in a oated 4. To begin studying chemistry at this lve, you must have pro —_ Aline B.discipine —C. region Dore along, th professor said, 5. Throw ou have an apoinimentin tn ints, 0M not_—__ YO" —_. A.detain —B. withhold ——C. postpone—«O et began his address. 8. There was a nosy ___at he back f the hall whon tho speak be —__ A.disturbance B. interference interaction _D. inter 7. The pioneers buittheirhomes on the of Nebraska. —~ A.marshes B.deserts. oases Daas nd 8. In the early days ofthe industry, each automobile was ___ Abarey ——Batiicialy —C. propery. virtually ~~ A P wwspaper’s views. We cannot publish this article. Itis not__ our ne Papers the level with —_ A. all square with B. on the point of Cin ine with n id, . i were good. 10. He was when he was told that his chances of being able to win the prize were 9 ——_. A.allsmiles ~B.ailthesmile — C. all smile D. allof smiles 11. We__ the enemy's secret telegram and were able to win a big victory. A.enlightened B. encoded C. decomposed D. decoded —~ 12. If your teeth are giving you so much trouble, you'd beter have them _- Atosceof Bsesover ——_C. seento D. to be seen about —_ 13, Once they had fame, fortune, and secure fulures;___ is utter poverty. A nowall thats left B. now all which is left —— C. now that alls left D. now all what i lft 14, ___ he does get iitated with her sometimes. A. Ashe likes her much B, Much though he likes her a C. Though much he kes her. Much as he likes her 15. _, he remains very modest. A. Though his contributions B. For all his great contributions C. He made great contributions —_D. However his ‘great contributions 16. !fyou are talking shop, you ere, A. chatting toa friend ina shop B, slock-taking C. discussing your purchases _D. talking about your work 17. We should study harder___better in the future, A. with the view to serve the people B. with a view to serve the People C. with he vw sening the people. with a view to serving the people 18, He tried many times to sneak across the border tothe neighbouring country, each time, AA having been caught B. always being caught C. unfortunately caught D. only fo be caught —_—__ 19. _____ that she burst into tears. A Such was she angry B. So angry she was C. Her anger was such D. Such her anger was —— 20. The misunderstanding is thought to have___from an amb a in yesterday's newspapers, imbiguous article which appeared A. stirred B. steered C. strayed D. stemmed psn DOT Scanned with CamScanner fib ay ot Ae write Your answers in the “o"ds the spacey <° 9M In brag f . bre sheis very ecient and ai pr ME Tisat completa each of to setences blo Polite tothe customers, 1, Sefdus events are foo of dyourworkls SArisey, ron et ————— 1 He is completely (EMPLoyy) Not only ger Contract, __ |[5, (DEAL)has no Place in moder po S he lazy buthe is dishonest oo. _____——_ ||, The boy (REPEAT) askeg io poise Ch —_—— |, Thesolhas been (POOR) byerson ———— |g, Hewas (ACCOUNT) delayed, . nn ¢. Hisinlerrtation ofthe figures is arto (SIMPLE [ae 10. He says everyone is equal but he treats his em ). EE What (HYPOCRITICAL)! Ployees bly. ee Fill each gap in the following passage wit THE SUBMARINE 3g witha suitable word Witeyour answers inthe spaces that follow. (15 Pts) il boals designed to di sn al eiccear ra and operate beneath he surface ofthe sea, submarines were (0) frst devised in (use which hd a pares i invented in the 1770s. By the 1870s, a steam-operated submarine was ‘adhe fre. (4)... out at water to ...(3).. steam bul when it dived, the chimney had to be pulled down Inthe twentieth century, submarines were developed and used during ...(6).. World Wars by the opposing naval feces. They were ...(6)... by petrol-driven engines while on the surface but..(7)... on batteries beneath the sea, and today diesel is used in modem submarines of ths ...(8)... Al submarines operate (9)... a similar principle, 2s fa as diving and ..(10) the surface is concerned. They have how ballast tanks beneath the outer ‘kn’ which ae filed wih ar when the craft ison the surface. In ‘(1.0 dive, valves ae (12)... and water enfrs te tanks dving out he ai, so the submarine becomes ‘aon and ..(13)... To retum to the surface, compressed air is pumped ito the tank wih the valves Ope? t4)w that the water s forced out. Thus, the submarine becomes ..(18)... agen and rises to the surface with ving-ke hydroplanes providing contro! as itaives end ses, 1. 6. it. 2 i ge 8. * OH a oo ~—s- * 5. Rewrite the sentences replacing the underined sword withthe corect form of one ofthe verbs below (10s) cary on find out goin for fook back on oa ty ‘stand up for think over m putup with set off ioliday with great pleasure. 1. 1m sure we'l all remember this a accidentally. 2 Thetronorks mst sored sain ore” avoid gxsoding fhe Page 3 of7 Scanned with CamScanner I didn't expect fo win the competition. | only entered it fora joke. Unless you confess, we shall all be punished. Before you accept this offer, please consider it very carefully. . We can't continue if you don't co-operate When the critics attacked her work, she defended it vigorously. 8. He was offered a new job but he refused it because he didn't want fo move house. 9. We moved house because we couldn't bear the noise from the motorway any longer. 10. He had to leave when his boss discovered what he had been doing. PART THREE: READING COMPREHENSION |. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each question. \Wiite your answer (A,B,C orD)in the spaces that follow. (5 pts) Nowadays many products are nearly identical to one enother in quality and pre. If products are almost the same, \what makes consumers buy one brand instead of another? Although we may nol like to admit it, commercials on lelevision and advertisements in newspapers and magazines probably influence us much more than we think they do. Advertsing informs consumers about new products avaiable on the market. It gives us information about Frerting. However, there is one problem with his. The “infomation, which is actually very offen misinformation, {els us the products" benefits bu hides their disadvantages. Advertising not ony leads us to buy things that we do not need or cannot afford but also confuses our sense of reality, ‘Advertisers use many methods fo get us fo buy ther products, One of their most successful methods is to make fel dissatisfied with ourselves and our imperfect fives. They get psychologists to study the way consumers think their reasons for choosing one brand instead of another, Psychologists have found that certain colors on the Package of an attractive product will cause people fo reach out and take that Package instead of buying an identical Product with different colors. Also, certain words attract our attention, For example, the words "new’, "improved", ‘natura’, and “giant size" are very popular and seem to draw our eyes and hands toward the package, Many consumers believe that advertising does not affect them, They say that they have freedom of choice, and they like to think they make choices, Unfortunately, they probably do not realize the powerful effect of. advertising. Rae ae ‘spend billions of dollars in aggressive compelition for consumers" money and they are 1. Advertsing . AA. always tells consumers about the truth of the products. B. always tells consumers about the disadvantages of the Products, C. informs consumers about ew products available on the market D. have no effect on consumers’ selection Scanned with CamScanner pavetses—__ » ie not ike competion aiways introduce goog oes aproiealeoee 8. ae ver honest to advertise the rodues rors and words on osumers ein D. spend aot of money on advertisements . _ r pe competion Ie Package need by B.he psychotog: coms sume Diatawcaree | they adit ‘at advertising have spend bili ‘ave affect ¢.ttey spend bills of dois fr sieathem —8.they eee tat avetsng dos nt affect them pdvertisers aed psychologists study 9D. they enjoy advertisements crazily ‘consumers’ thoughts s a, products! Cisadvantages 20S Tr hacsing oe trandntead of ana c. aggressive competition 1. maney for advertisements 1, rr) 4 4 5_—_— st lines ofthe follow nthe space given, Trae etre ls one word which shuld note thee Undertne the word and then write Correct ine with atick (v), Numbers (0) and (00) are examples. (15 pts) i ea ° oetn ofthe turing of the sun, has been being the being tas nother summer for centuries -an event lof symbolism, v 4 awstoms, mage and supersilions. in Fintand, Midsummer nightis so short ee i Serr aed inigeutetons awn almost unnoticed. Even in __ | Midsummer night was, the most of . coninanaee — i ne , greenery and oe frit, Nature is in a full bloom then and the day is neverending. It was _—___—_ customary throughout Finland to bring branches and greenery to indoors on — vjidsummer Eve. Houses were so thoroughly cleaned and decorated with — bic branches and flower garlands, This indoor forest was complete when _— leaves on the scrubbed floor gave outa fresh forest roma, Midsummer is __ (0. sfll the Finns’ most important summer cerebration. They gather together —_— 1 zcund the bonfire to make dance, play and be with family and friends _ themselves, In some areas Midsurwmer poles decorated with flowers garlands SS 1b and leaves are erected forthe fests. Athough sameotthe old ceremonies | 14. are now performed only for fun, Midsummer night, 2s bathed in he strange ees 5 vite ight of the North, is stil mysterious. —— » Lette falloning passage and choose te cred oN A heal) tyr answer (4 B,C or) inthe Pae8 ONTO Ed sdeways on. Do you see a long elegant back or are You "esata emma ongat aia Round with our (0). trying to 1ook |. But... er ee ma, jays sitting in front of a Spur where is 2) {oo easy to neglect some Scanned with CamScanner ‘AS we grow older these poor habits are exacerbated, but by taking ...(3)... immediately we can not only look ang feel better but protect our body for the future. Make sure you sleep on a frm mattress at nigh ying fat on your back; instead try sleeping in a curled position on your side. The ...(6)... revival in platfo ‘thelp and wearing shoes with heels more than (6)... centimetres high is just asking fo ..(7).... Dont load everything into a bag that you wear on one shoulder or you'll end up lopsided. ..(8)... the weight evenly by wearing a rucksack or even a bag around your waist. When you get home from a days studying or work it's all too ...()... fo slump on the sofa in front of the telly. Sitting in this way may feel ‘comfortable but it prevents you from breathing properly. Try to sit..(10)... withthe stomach pulled flyin, 0. A mates B, acquaintances C. colleagues _D. counterparts 1. Ahead B. feet C.eyes D. hands 2. Aso B. quite Call D. rather 3. A.course B. something, moves. D.action = 4. A. Evade 8. Prevent C. Avoid D. Restrain 5, A.existing —_B. topical C.contemporary D. current 6, A.various —_B. several C.considerable . numerous 7. A.concem —_B. problem C. trouble D. fuss 8 A.Scatler B.Circulale Disseminate _D. Distribute 9 A.enticng B.attractive ——C. iesistible tempting 10. A. level B. erect C. vertical D. upright PART FOUR: WRITING |. Finish each of the sentences below in such a way thatit means the same as the original sentence. (10 pts) 1. [left out without kissing goodbye my child as | didn't want to disturb him, Rather It's sad, but he is likely to be fired sooner or later. Sad You're asking questions because you didn't pay enough attention. Had it |. It seems fo me that her performance has developed amazingly in the past year. » Her perfomance __ 5. When the girl was told about her failure, she broke down and cried. On. only realized what | had missed when they told me about it later. Itwas not . Rita doesn't realise how serious her husband's operation is going to be. Little |. [tis possible that some of the students saw the exam paper last week, The exam paper may Oe ‘Some linguists believe all the world's languages to be related. According 10. I have little confidence that he will be able to do the job. thave serious. ~ aaa hat? Scanned with CamScanner te each OF the sente i es Réptals. DO Not change this wor tO™ I Such a ya His rude behaviour is tog much a way. (5 pts) fF '. ENOUGH jis train should have left 30 my Minutes ago, MEANT litle Son IS really looking forward fo Sr lsney World. THOUGHT y that its meaning stays the same, using the word given in we have nearly reached the deadii . line for this j Job! SHORT make ir 5 He always makes everything look so difficult WEATHER. inish the second sente Finis a fentence so that the meaning ofthe original sentence remains. Use the word given (5 PS) 1, Can you possibly get the work done as soon as possible, APPRECIATE fe . ible. 2, Why locate the factory so far from the port? el could get the work done as soon 2s possi ———— inti te port? 4, Imsure we went the wrong way at the last junction, TAKEN ene at the last junction. 4, The police are warning people to check for forged bank notes. LOOKOUT forged bank notes. The police are warming people to 5, Ive considered the advantages and disadvantages and I've decided to give up the plan. WEIGHED Ive and I've decided to give up the plan. THE END Scanned with CamScanner ee et” YADA SO HATPHONG OTA gy — Y THI CHoN Hoc sINH GIO THANH PHO 12 CAP THPT NAM HQC 2012 - 2013 DE THI MON: TIENG ANH - BANG B «,, Db thi gém 6 trang, tong diém: 100 i ghd san tam bai: 180 ph, khing ké thi gin giao dé nh lam bat vio dé thi nay. Khég, sie dung, bat ky tai lg DIEM BAI THy aeeeg, HQ TEN, CHU KY CUA GIAM KHAO ing so: ging chit snT ONE: PHONOLOGY find the word in each group whose bol wee your answer (A,B,C or D)inthe a Parti pronounced differently. ea ; B. tooth cect —_——_ Aintioduced —_B. slipped it = Acunning ——B, muddy ¢ nn : eve A.machine B. cheat C. chance D. march a A.gone B. done C. money D. honey —_ A.shoulder B. though C. lounge D. poultry A.hopes B.fines C. makes D. invites Aheat B. spread C. dreamt D. threaten A social B. ancient C. content D. patient » ALruit B. biscuit ©. bruise D. cruise ‘hoose the word with the different stress pattem in each group. Write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the space provided on the right (5 pts) Acaware B. legal C. believe D. ahead ‘opportunity B. mathematician. agricultural. volunteer A.pessimistic _B. personnel ©. horizontal D. excitement Acunless B. hotel C. industry D. location A. wonderful B. factory C. supply D. failure —_B. inform C.exact D. literature eventually B. inhabitant C. determine o shotograph A. prefer B.offer C. collect D. discover Apernanent B. development C.converient _D. apartment "A influence B. resource C.dependence _O. intelligence Page 1 of6 Scanned with CamScanner PART TWO: VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR |. Choose the word or phrase that its each sentence, Write your answer (A, B,C orD) Inthe space provided on the right. 10 pts) 1. The police are___ a robbery which took place last Monday night. A. investigating B. inspecting , searching . looking for —— 2. Tom: "Thank you for your support.” Jane: *__" ‘A.With al my hear, B, Never mind me, C. I's my ploasuro, D. Wish you luck 3. John hardly ever comes to class on time and_. ; ‘A. nether does Bill B. so does Bil Bll does, loo__D,nelther doosn Bill 4, His brother is very inteligent but he __ common sense. A. misses B. fails C. lacks wants ———— 5, Jack: ‘Peter had an accident. He's been in hospital for § days.” Davi ‘A.Oh, he's poor. B. Poor him. C.Howtemiic! —_D. Oh, ishe? 8. Close the window, _? ‘A-can you B, don't you C. will you D.wontyou 7. People say that inthe future the whole world wil experience a period of __ depression. ‘A.economy B.economic CC. economics. economical 8, After the flood, there was a__of pure water in this village. A.shortage ——_—B. plenty C.out D. short 9. She gave us a warm welcome ___she was very busy. Aveven B. despite C. in spite of . although 10. Cooking and shopping are real_ for women. A. works B. chores C. jobs D. duties —_—_. 411, He was cleaning his gun when it suddenly _. A. went off B.wenton C. putof . putout —— 12, Ann: “im having an interview tomorrow, Tom.” Tor " A Great B. Good job. C.Welldone.__D Good luck. 13. The car had e____ tyre, so we had to change the wheel. A. broken B. flat C. bent D. cracked 14. Of course he can lift thal!" He's as _as a horse. tough 8. big C. heavy D. strong 18. The gi obviously didnt___ much impression on you i you can' remember meeting her. A. create C. make D. build 16. There was no ___ in continuing for him the race was over. C. worth D. profit A.vain B. point 17, Dave and | have ___ to meet at the bus station at 9 o'clock. D. aranged A.confimed —_B. combined C. appointed 18, the seller and the buyer finally agreed on the price for the car. ‘Alter bargaining for several hours 8B. They had been bargaining for several hours Asif bargaining for several hours _O. After they started bargaining for several hours 19, Is she the lady __? ‘A.which you borow this bike from _B. from who you borrow tis bike CC. from whom you borrow this book _D. from that you borrow this bike 20. A: ‘I've passed my driving test.” __ ‘A Congratulations! B, Thats a good idea. C.Do you? D. I's nie of you o say so. | Supply the correct form of the words given in brackets to complete each of the sentences below. Wiite your answer in the space provided on the right. (10 pts) 1. She satin terble (comfort) on the hard chair for over an hour. _— 2. This knife is very bunt. Itneeds (sharp). 3. The (conclude) is that the plan wil fail 4, He was very (sef) when his lovely cat ded. —_—___—_ Page 2016 Scanned with CamScanner_ [has 29) OF hin to gy * spore is $0 much information Work overt none Va) that tof on ‘Overy nightthisweok, | _____—— our ses nowa (Suit) m 1s n0W 2 (Sul) Moment to dieu, People confused, —— Hoos 8a af exhamee OO JF stam on ofthe biggest enn ope hed ———_ i in Brit tet MANY Houses Nave jg te dence, _ ' maka way for tho naw sitport ir OO fiteach oy {he following sentences With a sultat ,, Hewas ool ted otis mone poe (10 pts) + me q i: Put a blanket bi yo a *aNCe I nacd that her house While las sitting was__sale. | thepotcae aking Paap tet__ yt 4 myopia atall man feirhai. § Mion, itis more conor f be Lie doy {olive a country farm. + \cantbelieve a word eae ees Pee bis story. | think he's jst making it A each ————hhe am andled him the street 2 Leut the pi —————- Six equal paris aknife, i provide sg. Weliprowe You —__ whatever infomation you ask Use the correct tense or form ofthe verb it your answerin the namie sees rakes to compet the sentences belo. lanks that follow. (10 pts) 1. Bil (al) fo another student when (see) him this monn, | We (watch) the play for nearly thity minutes when he (come). 4. (YouKnow) the man (stand) at the bus stop over there? 1 We couldn't help (laugh) after (liste) to his story. & Atthe moment, the government (consider) (build) a new airportin the area. 4. Iwould prefer him (stay) at home tonight rather than (go) out. 1. Oh, look at the sky. | (think) it (ran) scon. 4 The exam (not be) as easy as | think) at fist. 4. John said he (get) someone (repai) the fridge the following day. ‘1 Tom suggested (ook) for somewhere (have) a drink. Seana 10. \.Fitin each ofthe numbered blanks in the passage below with 2 sultable word from the list below. Vite your answers inthe spaces that follow. (StS) ma ancunls anything «tone ceompowd denne tops 7 Jear increasing S materials rapidly o can are cisappearing much more (1) than had been believed. It Arce a's tropical rain about the problem. report says the world's tr fate to do _(3)_. about the pr "Sif_2)_ ave not taken soon it ay be 00 Page 3016 Scanned with CamScanner oop ect Fan forests to _(4)_the way fr farms, houses, roads, and oer development (5). They use ‘WOod for fuel, and to make Paper and building _(6)_. Plas i Ai, ica and Amora ae the mat Boil fh areas inthe WH. Scns) 'S and animals there can provide us with medicines and new kinds of food. ide will Rain forests also take in large _(8)_ of carbon dioxide. Many scientists believe _(9)_levels of carbon dio Than Earth's environment to a dangerous level. As ran forests disappear, more and more ofthe gas wil ema mm Rew report found that rain forests are _(10)_at a rale of between sixteen millon and twenty milion hectareg ar. 4. —— 5 Wn, 9. Spl eeneees PART THREE: READING COMPREHENSION |: Read the passage and mark your answers tothe questions that follow. ‘Write your answer (A, 8, C or D) inthe spaces tat follow. (5 pts) For many people the language of the Intemetis English. "World, Wide, Web: three English words' was name of an article by Michael Specter in the New York Times a few years ago. The article went to Say:"If you want to take {ull advantage of the Intemet, there is only one real way to doit: “learn English’. In general, itis not difficult to eam to use Intemet services. But although Interet services are rather easy to use, you will have considerable diffcultes if you are not familiar with English. Infact, knowledge of English is one of the most important aspects that help you use the Internet. Leaming to use anew Intemet service may take afew hours, a few days or some weeks, but it takes years fo leam a language So that you can use it fuenty and confidently. Of course, when you know some English, you can leam more just by using it on the Interne. But at least your English should be good enough to understand commonly used words and know what to do on the Intemet. 1. Which ofthe following languages is considered the language of the Internet? A. Chinese B. Japanese ©. English D. French ‘According to the article by Michael Specter, what should you do to take full advantage of the Intemet? ‘A. Leam to use the Intemet services 8. Learn fo type fast C. Leam the name of some Websites. Leam English 3, Leaming to use a language fluently and confidently may take _. D. afew days 2. A.afewhours B.afewyears —C.afew weeks 4. Ifyou do not know English very well, you will__ when using the Internet. A.have many diffcultes B. have to leam a language fluently C. be laughed at D. have to leam how to use Intemet services for a few weeks 5. Which of the following tte is the most appropriate forthe passage? A. English and the intemet B, Ways to takes full advantage of the Intemet D. Practicing your English on the Intemet C. How to use Intemet services 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. Il, Read the following passage and choose the correct word to fil each gap, ‘Write your answer (A, B, C. or D) in the space provided on the right. (5 pts) Acid rain will not be an easy problem ...(1).. . AS more and more countries become .. ‘and more competition for petroleum for cars, home heating, and industry, while ...(3)... petroleum contributes greally (4)... acid ran, its less polluted than coal, Unfortunately, petroleum is more ...(5).. than coal and n ‘one knows exactly ...(6).. petroleum is left. Therefore, there will be a pressure to burn coal for energy. Coal is @ (7)... ditier energy source than petroleum. Since we already know how ...(8)...acid rain is, itis important (9)... we increase our efforts to find a ...(10)... source of energy as quickly as possible, so that we can avoid further environmental damage. 4. A.solve solve C. solved D. solving _ Pogo 48 Scanned with CamScanner (2)an there will be mare v ———EEE__te pit B. industria C. indus Moe 8 shooting ° resis D. industrialized —_ ; te Eo c. aa 0. cooking —_ 1 ensive — a ‘ with al . clean . wan) B howe ar oe —__ 5 . . how I My Raetaeg Dam —— t . dest she oan fests decie — At whether i d , . which — a unpolluted —B.not polluting Nonpoluting potted — sty one underlined part in each sent wer AB fence that is wron fe your answer A,B,C, or D and comectons inthe paces tat lon Naber OS an example. (10 Pts) if the heavy tre se tm ee A, Despite rarer gina whework by mys boca oer people a F itis ei, —- 1 Hs brother cama we oun i because Ws aber sno alla motes te a I aoe le ‘essay she wrote last poet 5, ough ny site was red bu she held me wil my hover Bc OD 5, Many people conser up etter to be seatagant hapoy than richness. D 1 te tr itarived ti mein conned coat bate c a Te Aims were made werk really har, ia butter wages were. 2 fete ass not only ss Gen ent ut ao ows Ehoih ve, afieaiod, pel ciaton howe 9g ta wang fern an driving. B ane, a rer 2 a a 8, — seen is si '.Fitin each of the numbered blanks in the sage below with ONE sultable word, (10 pts) ‘ite your answers inthe spaces that fl the west of England, | hink it was bet tag and grew up smal fam nthe weet of England. thirkitwas beter st fe .uup by my uncle and igen ati {Bon ait (4). went fo school, all | did was play tte in acity, because t and uncle worked with the animals, and although they worked very hard, they ‘og 7m all day. Bon ya ae. They didnt have much money, but they got along ...(6)... with everyone, ean interesting a (7. f vg in the city. | always felt happy on the farm. There was no noise ; aioe any of the na ts robaby (10) beeame a farmer when I was older. Pollution, and ...{9)... Wa Page Sof 6 Scanned with CamScanner : 4. 1. ‘0 2s a 3 6. g_ PART FOUR: WRITING |. Finish each ofthe sentences 1. Hes angry so I dont say anything. Ihe 2. think it would be a good idea to spend a week in Halong Bay this summer. below in such a way that it means the same asthe orginal sentence (10 pts) I suggest Although he had a bad cold, Wiliam went to work yesterday. Ingpie |. John failed to find the solution to the problem. John didnt succeed ;. What is the meaning ofthis word? Whatdoes He paid a lol of money forthe old vase. The old vase People say Mr Smith was one of the founders ofthis company. Me Smith The house is too expensive for them to buy. The houseisso 9. Iregret not seeing the film on TV last night. I wish 10, ‘Did you goto New York ast yer, John?” Jane asked, Jane wanted IL Rewrite each ofthe sentences below in such a way that its meaning stays the same, using the word given In ‘capitals, Do not change this word in any way. (SPs) 4. Whatis the weight of the box? WEIGH 2. They do not intend to sell the house. INTENTION 3. Why dont you consult your legal advisor about the new contect? WERE 4. Please don't tel anyone about our conversation. RATHER 5. She has a good relationship with her neighbors. TERMS THE END rae 86 Scanned with CamScanner

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