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NAME: Zane Zangwill PERIOD: 8

Multiple Choice

1 ) Muhammad Yunus compares poverty to ___________________.

A) sickness
B) helplessness
C) darkness
D) ignorance

2 ) Muhammad Yunus was an ___________.

A) ecologist
B) economist
C) anthropologist
D) archaeologist

3 ) Yunus was able to provide life-changing loans to 42 people for a total of __________.

A) 27
B) 270
C) 2700
D) 27000

4 ) Who receives 96% of Grameen loans in the mostly-Muslim country of Bangladesh?

A) imams
B) Hindus
C) men
D) women

5 ) Muhammad Yunus and ____________________ won the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.

A) the World Bank

B) Grameen Bank
C) the Prime Minister of India
D) the government of Bangladesh

6 ) Minara and Dinislam used their loom to create ________.

A) traditional saris
B) play clothes for village children
C) the latest Western fashions
D) home décor items

7 ) ________________ is making small loans to poor people, enabling them to create businesses.

A) Microcredit
B) Venture capital
C) Charity
D) Personal finance

8 ) Who attends weekly Center Meetings?

A) village leaders
B) Muhammad Yunus
C) unscrupulous money lenders
D) Grameen borrowers

9 ) Initial Grameen loans are always for ____.

A) looms
B) cell phones
C) cows
D) income-producing projects

10 ) According to Muhammad Yunus, women ______.

A) are confused by financial matters

B) can't think beyond their immediate needs
C) have a longer time horizon
D) must defer to their husbands in a Muslim society


11) List two examples of how Grameen loans are used.

They are used to buy cell phones to talk with loved ones around the world. They are used to start businesses and change peoples
life’s by giving the a greater income.


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