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Name : Siti Rauda

NIM : 205190117

Class: 6B

Subject : Computer Asisted Language Learning

Lecturer : Juliana Mesalina, M. Pd

1. Skills: Speaking
Material: Introduction
Class/Semester : VII / 1
Junior English Language Learning Materials Class 7
A. Self Introduction (Perkenalan diri sendiri)

Ketika kita ingin memperkenalkan diri kita sendiri kepada orang lain, maka
berikut adalah ungkapan/ ekspresi yang lazim digunakan:

 Let me introduce my self

 Allow me to introduce myself
 I would like to introduce myself, my names is...
 Good morning everybody, My name’s ...
 Hello, I am ...
 I want to introduce myself


Good morning friends. Let me introduce myself. My name is Muhammad Rasya. You can
call me “Rasya”. Nice to meet you.

B. Introducing other to another (Memperkenalkan orang lain)

Setelah kita sudah belajar cara memperkenalkan diri dalam Bahasa Inggris, kita
selanjutnya belajar cara memperkenalkan orang lain. Berikut adalah gambit/ekspresi
umum yang digunakan:
 I would like to introduce you to ...
 Let me introduce you to ...
 I would like you to meet...
 I want to introduce you to...
 Hi Erna, This is Soni, Soni, this is Erna.

Darmy : Hi, Tony. I would liket to introduce you to my sister. This is Mika.
Tony : Hi, Mika. How do you do?
Mika : Hello, Tony. How do you do?

How do you do (Apa kabar) digunakan untuk pertama kali ketemu. Selanjutnya dapat
digunakan How are you untuk menanyakan kabar.

C. Asking for and telling one’s name (Menanyakan nama dan mengeja nama

Berikut adalah ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk menanyakan nama kepada
orang lain yang belum kita ketahui namanya beserta cara menyebutkan nama dalam

Asking for peoples’s name

 What is your name?

 What is your nickname?
 How do you spell your name?
 My name is Fayyadh Shidqi Faisal
 Shidqi
 /es/-/eij/-/ai/-/di/- /kyu/- /ai/ (Shidqi)

D. Asking for and telling address (Menanyakan alamat dan cara meresponnya

Asking for people’s address

 Where do you live?
 What’s your address?
 Where are you from?
 Where do you come from?

 I live in Wonosegoro Village.
 I live at 56 Jalan Maju Mundur Batang
 I’m from Siberuk
 I come from Bandar-Batang
Objectives :
 What are the learning objectives for this lesson?
Answer: 1. Students can explain the social function of self-introduction.
2. Students distinguish the structure of the text about self-introduction.
3.Students give an example of self-introduction text.
 What type of learning are required (e.g. problem solving, concept learning, rote

Answer: Rote memorization of vocabulary has long been a common way for students
to learn lexical items for introducing. Cultural, educational background and traditional
teaching practice in Indonesia are identified to be the factors that contribute to many
students' heavy reliance on memorization as their sole approach to vocabulary

 What level of cognitive demand will be placed on the students?

Answer : Lower-level demands (memorization)

 Reproducing previously learned facts, rules, formulas, definitions or committing

them to memory
 Cannot be solved with a procedure
 Have no connection to concepts or meaning that underlie the facts rules, formulas,
or definitions

 In what sequence should the content be presented?

Answer : Show and explain slides of learning materials about introducing oneself and
other people in the form of text structures, social functions and linguistic elements
through power points.


 What are their general characteristics (e.g. age, grade level, socioeconomic status,
previous experience, special needs)?

Answer : Socioeconomic status is the social standing or class of an individual or

group. It is often measured as a combination of education, income and occupation.
Examinations of socioeconomic status often reveal inequities in access to resources,
plus issues related to privilege, power and control in education.
 What specific knowledge or skills do they already possess?

Answer : Vocabulary to introduce yourself properly and correctly

 What are their learning styles and preferences?

Answer :

Approach: Scientific Approach

Model : CLT (Communicative Language Teaching)

Methods: Lectures, Questions and Answers, Games, and Discussions

 How many students will participate in the learning experience?

Answer: 25 students

Learning environment:

 How large is the space?

Answer : Class 7

 What distractions could there be?

Answer : Personal devices, unnecessary talking, eating food or chewing gum,
tardiness, YouTube, and Class activities.

 What types of technology are available/accessible?

Answer: Laptop, LCD, Power Point.

Available resources:
 What resources do you have at your disposal (including material, equipment, funds)?
- Buku Paket learning more english 1 for grade VII junior high school hal 7 -
- Buku LKS kelas VII Hal 25 – 44
- Power point

 What constraints are there on what you can do?

a. Confused to start the topic of conversation
b. Awkward for fear of wrong grammar
c. Difficulty developing conversation topics
d. Confused giving first impression
e. Not confident

 How much time is there to produce the materials?

Answer: Two days

 How much time is there to prepare and utilize the materials?

Answer : One days

2. Skills: Reading
Material: Narrative text
Class/Semester : X / 2
Learning Materials English High School Grade 10

 Identify factual meaning in the texts;

 Identify the structure of narrative texts;
 Reading and understanding narrative texts.

The Legend of Beowulf

Once upon a time, there was a horrible monster called Grendel. He was half-man and half-
monster. He lived in Denmark. One day, he went to the King’s castle. The king and his men
tried to kill the monster but their swords were useless. A knight called Beowulf heard about
the problem and went to Denmark to help the king. In the morning, Beowulf went to the lake.
He killed Grendel’s mother with a special sword. When he came back, the king was very
happy and he gave Beowulf presents and money. Beowulf went back to his country and
became a king. He was king for fifty years. But one day, a dragon came to his country, and it
attacked people. It lived in a cave with treasure. The dragon was very big and breathed fire.
The knights were afraid and they did not want to fight the dragon. King Beowulf was an old
man but he put on his armour again and went to the dragon’s cave with his men. …

Taken from Opportunities Elementary, 2003

Objectives :
 What are the learning objectives for this lesson?
Answer: Students can read aloud various written discourses that are discussed with
the correct speech and intonation, identify the topic of the text read and certain

 What type of learning are required (e.g. problem solving, concept learning, rote
Answer: In the narrative, problem solving is analyze the author's use of techniques
such as similes, comparisons that use the words "like" or "as," and metaphors, which
make direct comparisons without these words. You can also look closer at images the
author describes and consider whether they carry symbolic meaning to the story as a

 What level of cognitive demand will be placed on the students?

Answer : Provide opportunities for students to communicate orally or present on how

to read aloud various written discourses discussed with correct speech and intonation,
identify the topic of the text read and certain information. related to solving a problem.

 In what sequence should the content be presented?

Answer : Responding to meaning in short functional texts (eg announcements,

advertisements, invitations, etc.) formally and informally accurately, fluently and
acceptable using a variety of written language in the context of daily life.


 What are their general characteristics (e.g. age, grade level, socioeconomic status,
previous experience, special needs)?

Answer : Remember, narrative text structure uses a story structure that includes story
elements such as setting, characters, conflict, plot (rising action, climax, falling
action), and resolution. that the text might be a narrative text type. type of our text.
Use choral reading or have students follow as you read.

 What specific knowledge or skills do they already possess?

Answer : Reading skill is one of the essential factors in teaching and learning English.
Through reading people know the word because reading gives enjoyment as a medium
of getting information and knowledge. Reading means to learn various written
symbols, simultaneous associationof these symbols with existing knowledge and
comprehension of the information.In other words, reading is the combination of word
recognition, intellect, andemotion interrelated with prior knowledge to understand the
message communicated

 What are their learning styles and preferences?

Answer :
Approach: Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Learning Strategy: Cooperative Learning

 How many students will participate in the learning experience?

Answer: 25 students

Learning environment:

 How large is the space?

Answer : Class 10

 What distractions could there be?

Answer : Personal devices, unnecessary talking, eating food or chewing gum,
tardiness, YouTube, and Class activities.

 What types of technology are available/accessible?

Answer: Tape, Dictionary, Cassette/CD, Tape/CD Player, OHP/LCD, Photo/ Poster,
Picture, English newspaper, and Magazine

Available resources:
 What resources do you have at your disposal (including material, equipment, funds)?
Answer: Developing English Competencies for Grade X Senior High School

 What constraints are there on what you can do?

Answer: Therefore, some students are still not good at using proper grammar

 How much time is there to produce the materials?

Answer: One days

 How much time is there to prepare and utilize the materials?

Answer : One days

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