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A. Give the following characters from the 2 novels.

 Maria Clara  Quiroga
 Crisostomo Ibarra  Don Custodio
 Padre Damaso  Ben-Zayb
 Capital Tiago  Father Camorra
 Padre Salvi  Father Irene
 Doña Victorina  Placido Penitente
 Tenyente Guevarra  Paulita Gomez
 Basilio  Kabesang Tales
 Simoun  Juli
 Basilio  Tano
 Isagani  Hermana Penchang
 Father Florentino  Hermana Bali
 Father Hernandez  Macaraig
 Capitan Tiago  Sandoval
 Kapital Heneral  Pecson
 Father Salvi  Tadeo
 Father Millon  Juanito Pelaez

B. Is Noli Me Tángere related to El Filibusterimo? Why or why not? 

Yes, because Noli me Tangere talks about the lightness and hope, it is basically filled with
positivity while El FIlibusterismo on the other hand, contains violence, hatred, and bitterness
which taught the people how to gain the courage to finally fight for themselves and for their
country. How are they related? Well you can’t properly see the light if it is not dark.

C. Do you think Rizal portrayals as “subversive” is the solution to the oppressions of the

Filipinos from the two novels? Why or why not? 

Yes, but I cannot say that it is the only reason why because other Filipino leaders have already
and always has been ready to fight the oppressors. Rizal’s novels only helped them to have more
reason to fight and to be packed with courage, it opened their eyes with what they truly deserve
and to what their value is as a human and as a true citizen of their own country. They’ve learned
that they shouldn’t be getting oppressed by aliens in their own country because they do not
own it, the Filipinos do.

D. How does Sisa symbolizes her role in the novel? Can you compare it to our present

situation in our country?? 
Sisa symbolizes our country, the Philippines which have shown in the novel that Sisa lost her two
children Crispin and Basilio, which symbolizes the people of the country, or simply the Filipinos.
It shows that the country has been losing its people due to the colonization of the aliens and
little by little have already been losing their patriotism because of the Spanish influences, people
have been starting to make the Spanish language their primary language because of the Spanish
order which made Rizal to include in one of his poems the line “Ang hindi magmahal sa sariling
wika ay higit sa hayop at malansang isda.”. People are being forced to do such things because
they are being threatened by the oppressors. And if comparing it to our present situation, it is
somehow applying but the other way around, the country has been losing it people not because
there’s someone forcing them to do such things but because they are doing it themselves. Most
people today would prefer imported goods rather than choosing the local ones just because it’s
a “Trend” and because of this, many people are forgetting what it truly is to put your heart out
in your country just like what the early Filipinos have done in the Spanish Era. Most Filipinos
today would prefer buying food that is “imported” than buying on what is locally being made in
the Philippines and many people would prefer listening to Kpop, American music, etc., rather
than listening to Original Pinoy Music (OPM), these are just few of the examples why the
country has been losing its people today, as if we’re still being colonized by the other nations.

E. Give your own comparison between the two novels. 

Noli Me Tangere educated the people on how awful they were being treated at the moment, it
taught them that the lives that they were living isn’t the life that they deserve. It exposed all the
dirty works of the Spanish people, and even the church which is being governed by the friars.
And El FIlibusterismo on the other hand, finally taught the people to have courage to fight and
get out of their miserable lives with the Spanish government. To teach the Spaniards how to get
rid of their greed, to gain justice with the hell that these people have made the Filipinos felt with
their lives, and to finally have freedom and halt all the wrong doings and injustice government of
the Spaniards.

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