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2021 Simulated Emergency Test

Assess your emergency preparedness on October 2 – 3, 2021.

Steve Ewald, WV1X

everyone to take steps to prepare for emergencies in
ARRL’s annual Simulated Emergency Test (SET) is a their homes, workplaces, schools, and communities.
nationwide exercise that focuses on the amateur radio The US Department of Homeland Security works with
community’s commitment to being prepared and prac- a variety of organizations to highlight the importance of
ticing how to respond before, during, and after a com- emergency preparedness and promote individual
munications emergency. involvement through events and activities across the
nation. We encourage you to consider this year’s
This is a great time to check readiness for yourself, as
ARRL SET and all preparations for it as a demonstra-
well as your home station and portable radio equip-
tion of amateur radio’s commitment to being prepared
ment, antennas, and accessories in a simulated emer-
and ready. More information on National Preparedness
gency-like deployment. The ARRL SET is an invitation
Month can be found at
to get involved, practice your skills, and test your
response plan.
SET to Go!
Partner Agencies and Organizations ARRL Field Organization leaders have the option of
conducting their local or Section-wide SET on another
ARRL Field Organization, Amateur Radio Emergency
weekend besides October 2 and 3, 2021. SETs should
Service® (ARES®), National Traffic System (NTS), and
be conducted no later than the end of the fall season
Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES)
or the calendar year.
leaders and participants are among the many radio
amateurs active in public service and emergency com- To find out how to be involved in this year’s SET, con-
munications. They’re developing simulated emergency tact your local ARRL Emergency Coordinator or Net
scenarios in consultation with a number of agencies Manager. Contact your local club or other area clubs to
and organizations for whom radio amateurs are known find out who the Emergency Coordinator is and where
to provide service during disasters and emergencies. the nearest ARES or NTS nets meet. In addition, refer
to the ARRL Section web pages at
ARRL has formal relationships with several national
organizations, including the American Red Cross, the
National Weather Ser- Guidelines and specific
vice (NWS), the Federal SET reporting forms for
Emergency Manage- the ARRL Section and
ment Agency (FEMA), Field Organization
and the Salvation Army leaders are posted at
(among several others).
Visit service-field-services-
served-agencies-and- forms. Download the
partners for more infor- forms, fill them out as
mation. appropriate, and return
them to sewald@arrl.
National Preparedness
org at ARRL Head­
Month is recognized
quarters (copying your
each September to pro-
Section Manager, Sec-
mote family and commu-
tion Emergency Coordi-
nity disaster planning, During the 2020 ARRL SET, a search and rescue team gathered
prior to a simulated exercise to find two lost hikers in Shawnee State nator, and Section Traffic
now and throughout the
Park in western Pennsylvania. ARES members of the Bedford Manager).
year. This is a nationwide County Amateur Radio Society (BCARS) provided supplementary
effort to encourage communications for 75 volunteers from 16 federal, state, and local
agencies. [Lloyd Bankson Roach, K3QNT, photo]

64   September 2021 QST  

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