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Asperger’s syndrome is a developmental disorder affecting the ability to effectively socialize and

communicate. According to the American Academy of Childhood and Adolescent

Psychiatry, Asperger’s Disorder or Asperger’s Syndrome was a term previously used to

describe one of the pervasive developmental disorders. The children and teenagers

diagnosed with this condition experienced problems in development of social skills,

having difficulty to relate with their peers and show unusual thinking behavior patterns

which can be rigid and repetitive.

Asperger’s Syndrome was also referred to as “high functioning autism. “This is because many of

the children diagnosed with the disorder had average or above average intelligence and

near normal development of speech and language.

Before 2013, Asperger’s was considered a separate condition in the classification in Diagnostic

and Statistical Manual (DSM-5).It is was then removed and now classified in the broader

category of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, ASD is the group name for developmental

disorders with a wide range (spectrum) of symptoms, skills and level of disability. Some

of the characteristics that defines them include: Ongoing social problems that include

difficulty communicating and interacting with others, repetitive behaviors as well as

limited interest or activities, symptoms that typically are recognized in the first two years

of life, symptoms that hurt the individual’s ability to function socially, at school or work

or other spheres of life involving interaction.

Causes and Risk factors

There is no actual specific known cause for the development autism spectrum disorders,

including Asperger’s Syndrome.However, when we consider the complexity of the

disorder and the fact that symptom severity varies, there are many associated causes of

this condition. These include:

Genetics: In certain children, the presence of Asperger’s syndrome can be linked with genetic

disorders, such as Rett syndrome or fragile X syndrome. Moreover, genetic alterations

may make a child more susceptible to autism spectrum disorder or act as leverage to for

environmental risks. Furthermore, other genes may affect brain development or the way

in which brain cells communicate, or will determine the severity of symptoms.

Physical: Brain imaging studies have demonstrated that there are structural and functional

differences in specific areas of the brain of those who have Asperger’s verses those who

do not have. These differences may be as a result of abnormal migration of the embryonic

cells during fetal development, consequently affecting the way in which the brain is

wired and further goes on to influence the neural circuits that control thought and


Environmental: Scientists are also exploring the impact that environmental factors, such as viral

infections, prenatal complications and air pollutants may play in the development of

autism spectrum disorders like Asperger’s syndrome.

Some of the risk factors for this condition include,

The sex of an individual that male children are likely to be diagnosed with this condition

compared to the female.

Presence of a co-occurring mental disorder that children that are exposed to depression or

anxiety are at risk of developing Asperger’s syndrome.

Family history of autism spectrum disorder or other mental health conditions maybe a risk factor

here as well as being born to older parents.

Another risk maybe linked tohaving medical conditions such as fragileX syndrome,

epilepsy,Tourette syndrome and tuberous sclerosis.

Signs and symptoms

Behavioural symptoms. Avoids eye contact,often vabalizes internal thoughts that most will keep

private,speaking style that lacks speech,difficult in relating with peers,talks excessively

especially about one specific topic,frequently has one sided conversations, inability to

express ones feelings.

Physical symptoms.Poor fine motor skills,poor coordination,clumsiness,difficulty using gross

motor skills,heightened sensitivity and overstimulation to loud noises,bright light unusual

textures or strong tastes, poor handwriting, cognitive symptoms, upsets in routine unable

to understand sacasm or jokes, lack of social skills,may have one or a few very select

interest that one is extremely knowledgeable about.

Psychosocial symptoms. Moodiness, depression, anxiety, loneliness and social isolation, lowered

self-esteem tendency towards shyness.

Management and treatment of Asperger’s syndrome

Asperger’s is a mild form of autism and children can greatly benefit from early treatment

intervention informed by early diagnosis. This condition requires treatment and

management of a sries of health specialists including psychiatrist, neurologist, speech

therapists, occupational therapists, teachers and pediatricians. Dietary treatment is also

important in the management of this disease.

Generally, children with Asperger’s can do well in specific work settings and develop lasting

relationship with family and friends when attention is given to their counseling, support

and assistance that consequently improve positive and successful outcome.


Volkamra, F.R., Paul, R.,Rogers , S.J., and Pelphery ,K.,A.(Eds.).(2014). Handbook of autism

and pervasive development disorders:Diagnosis,development and brain

mechanisms(vol.I).Hoboken, New Jersey: John Willey and Sons.

American psychiatric association.(2013).Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,

5TH edition :DSM-5.Washington, DC: Publisher.

Enticott,P.G.,Rinehart,N.J.,Tonge,B.J.,Bradshaw,J.L,& Fitzgerald,P.B. (2010).A preliminary

transcranial magnetic stimulation study of cortical inhibition and excitability in high-

fuctioning autism and Asperger’s disorder.Developmental Medicine and Child

Neurology, 52, 179-183.

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