Silva - Activity 2

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Activity for

HOSM 100A Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality

Activity 2: Chapters 12-15

Chapter 12

1. Go to page 350 of your e-book and read the details about the “Prices and Unethical
Practices” when it comes to tourists shopping.
Ans: One of the most important considerations in shopping is the pricing of the goods. Probably
resented more than any other single factor of tourism is higher prices for tourists than for local
residents. Because many shoppers compare prices from one store to another, prices should be as
consistent as possible and in line with costs. If the shopkeeper resorts to unethical methods of
selling, such as deception, selling imitation goods or products of inferior quality, refusing to
exchange damaged goods, or shortchanging or short-weighting, the seller is hurting the tourist
trade and should be prosecuted by local authorities.

2. Research for any real-life example of a situation experienced by tourists related to this (1
from local and 1 from international setting) and identify the actions taken to resolve that
Ans: The tourism economy has been heavily hit by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and
measures introduced to contain its spread. Depending on the duration of the crisis, revised
scenarios indicate that the potential shock could range between a 60-80% decline in the
international tourism economy in 2020. Beyond immediate measures to support the tourism
sector, countries are also shifting to develop recovery measures. These include considerations on
lifting travel restrictions, restoring Traveller confidence and rethinking the tourism sector for the
3. Fill in the table below for your answers.

Tourist Shopping: Prices and Unethical Practices

Situation Action References
Location Taken
Local Have you ever ordered a burger that I understand https://mobile-
(Philippines) looked mouthwatering on tv only to food styling
get a limp and sad-looking one from a with appropriate eting/unethical-
fast-food joint? Then you know the lighting is a and-false-
utter disappointment that follows must have if marketing/
when the burger is unwrapped and you want
served. As a business owner, you’re photos to look
responsible for serving meals that appetizing. But
match marketing assets. Don’t let the do everything
plating of a meal disappointment. The you can to offer
worst examples of misleading photos the same visual
or illustrations fall under false quality when
advertising and if found guilty can it’s served to
lead to paying Hely fines as a penalty. customers.

International The souvenir is an integral part of the Gift and https://journals.op

(any foreign travel experience and most tourists souvenir shop
country) return home with souvenirs to owners may os/2653
preserve and commemorate such benefit from
experiences. However, souvenirs and identifying best
souvenir retailing are for the most part practices that
an untapped field of research. This differentiate the
research investigates the marketing Ontario stores
strategies implemented by gifts/ and make their
souvenir shops and whether marketing
differences are found between Canada strategy more
and the United States. appealing to
visitors. This
may provide
guidelines for
changes to
improve their
Chapter 13

1. Do research on the recent Visitor/Tourist Arrivals here in the Philippines.

Ans: The Philippine tourism industry continues to feel the impact of the coronavirus pandemic as
reflected in the 73 percent drop in foreign visitor arrivals for the first seven months of 2020 from
the same period last year.
Tourism Undersecretary Benito Bengzon Jr. said only about 1.3 million visitors from January to
July 2020 have been recorded, down from the 4,852,107 international tourists in the same
months in 2019.
He also reported that tourism revenue dived 72 percent to PHP81 billion in the same period.
"Clearly the tourism industry has been severely affected by the pandemic and of course this is a
result of the travel restrictions that were imposed in the middle of March," he said in an
interview over ANC.
In March 2020, the government decided to issue various travel restrictions to foreign visitors as
the coronavirus spread across the globe.
With virtually no foreigners visiting the country, Bengzon is optimistic local travel could fill in
the gaps once tourism activities fully resume and local destinations reopen.
He said that 10.8 percent of the country's GDP could be attributed to domestic tourism.
Based on the latest data from the Philippine Statistics Authority, the domestic tourism
expenditure reached PHP3.1 trillion while the inbound was pegged at PHP548.8 billion in 2019.
2. Show a diagram/chart of the data of the tourist arrivals.

Leading source countries of foreign tourist arrivals in the Philippines in 2020

3. Give a brief description of the results based on the data. (For example: Did the tourist arrivals
increased or decreased? and so on…)
In 2020, there were approximately 339 thousand South Korean tourists that visited the
Philippines. The United States and China were the other leading source countries of foreign
tourist arrivals, with 212 thousand and 170 thousand visitors, respectively. On average, foreign
tourists’ length of stay in the Philippines was approximately 9.5 nights in 2019.

Expenditures of inbound tourists in the Philippines

The length of stay of foreign tourists has steadily increased in the past decade. Foreign tourists'
spending has also significantly increased over the years. In a recent finding, the average daily
spending of a foreign tourist in the Philippines was almost 110 dollars. Travel expenditures
included spending on accommodation services, food and beverage, transport services,
entertainment and recreation services, and travel agencies. Among these, approximately 38
billion Philippine pesos worth of spending on accommodation services in inbound tourism was

Inbound tourism outlook for the Philippines

Although earlier data have shown positive insights for the Philippines' inbound tourism market in
the coming years, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected its performance in the past
year. Despite vaccination measures, the country's borders remain to be closed for foreign
tourists, particularly those coming from high-risk areas. In effect, the industry's GDP share was
forecast to contract in the next few years, with pre-pandemic levels only expected to be reached
in 2025.

Chapter 14

1. Research on the economic impacts of tourism in the Philippines.

Ans: In 2017, the travel and tourism sector contributed a total of P3.35 trillions to the
Philippines economy, accounting for about 21 percent of the county’s gross domestic product
(GDP), according to the latest report from the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC).

2. Enumerate as much as you can its positive and negative effects.

Ans: Tourism, with eye catching places like in the Philippines, tourist from all over the world
come here thus making the economy rise due to the bill and expenses they make but then if the
beauty of a place is a much see, people will start going there in herd, destroying the peace and
the place too, visitors mean money, money result to vendors, vendors result to food with
wrappers, wrappers are waste, waste destroys.
3. Fill in the table below for your answers

Tourism Economic Impacts in the PH

Positive Negative
1.Contributes to income and standard of 1.Increases price of goods and services
2.Improves local economy 2.Increases price of land and housing
3.Increases employment opportunities 3.Increases cost of living
4.Increases tax revenues 4.Increases potential for imported Labour
5.Creates new business opportunities 5.Seasonal tourism creates high-risk, under-or
unemployment issues

Chapter 15

Based on your e-book, answer the ff. questions:

1. What is a tourism policy, and why is it important for a tourism destination to have a formal
Ans: Tourism policy can be defined as a set of regulations, rules, guidelines, directives, and
development/promotion objectives and strategies that provide a framework within which the
collective and individual decisions directly affecting long - term tourism development and the
daily activities within a destination are taken. The area of tourism policy is often overlooked in
terms of its importance in ensuring the success of a tourism destination. Perhaps its most
important role is to ensure that a given destination has a clear idea as to where it is going or what
it is seeking to become in the long term. In parallel, it must strive to create a climate in which
collaboration among the many stakeholders in tourism is both supported and facilitated.

2. What is the difference between a tourism policy and a tourism strategy?

Ans: The difference between a tourism policy and a tourism strategy.
Tourism policy is a set of discourses, decisions, and practices driven by governments, sometimes
in collaboration with private or social actors, with the intention to achieve diverse objectives
related to tourism and the Tourism Strategy, tourism is defined as: “The temporary movement of
people to. destinations outside their normal places of work. and residence, the activities
undertaken during. their stay in those destinations, and the facilities.
3. What do you see as the major barriers to successful policy formulation for tourism?
Ans: The major barriers have an important role in the tourism industry, it helps the tourists and
the locals understand each other's rights and the policies of its place. It helps create a more
accommodating and successful tourist spot. To make it successful, you must have a policy
definition who declares it “is whatever governments chose to do or not”. Resource management,
implementation of policy, implementation responsibility, power of politics, have a good
coordination with the other sectors, stakeholders' participation and accountability.

4. How do government policies on passports and visas impact tourism?

Ans: Given the huge number of international visitors, Zimbabwe is not competing favorably
against its competitors. The destination should have policies which attract tourists rather than
push them away and one such policy is a favorable visa regime. However, when implementing a
visa regime, nation-states do not consider the issue of attracting tourists. The aim is to have
secure borders for both visitors and residents. It is better to have a safe destination for tourists
than to have porous borders that put the lives of visitors and residents at risk. Ensuring people are
able to travel and engage in tourism activity is central to realizing the economic and other
benefits of tourism growth. With tourism’s role as an economic driver, export industry and
engine of job creation increasingly recognized, countries are taking measures to encourage
tourism demand and assist tourism enterprises. The potential for travel facilitation to boost the
global tourism economy is high on the national and international agenda, with governments and
private sector organizations alike actively working on these issues.

5. Can a good tourism policy help alleviate poverty?

Ans: No, evidence shows that sustainable tourism is a great tool for development and poverty
alleviation in developing countries. Sustainable tourism leads to employment diversification on a
local level, which reduces the vulnerability of the poor.

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