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International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2020, 55, 33–45 33

Recent developments in molecular docking technology applied in
food science: a review

Xuan Tao,1 Yukun Huang,1,2* Chong Wang,1 Fang Chen,1 Lingling Yang,1 Li Ling,1,3 Zhenming Che1* &
Xianggui Chen1,2*
1 School of Food and Bioengineering, Xihua University, Chengdu Sichuan 610039, China
2 Key Laboratory of Food Non Thermal Processing, Engineering Technology Research Center of Food Non Thermal Processing, Yibin
Xihua University Research Institute, Yibin Sichuan 644404, China
3 College of Pharmacy, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu Sichuan 611137, China

(Received 15 April 2019; Accepted in revised form 30 July 2019)

Summary Molecular docking is a theoretical simulation method based on bioinformatics, which studies the interac-
tion between molecules (such as ligands and receptors), and predicts their binding modes and affinity via
a computer platform. This technology acts as a promising mean in medicinal chemistry such as structure-
based rational drug design, which is accepted by researchers in the scientific community. During recent
years, various fundamental studies involving biomolecular interaction in the food matrix have gradually
emerged. The remarkable advantages of molecular docking such as predicting experiments are attracting
increasing attention for its application potential in various fields. This review presents the theory and soft-
ware development of molecular docking, and emphasises its application in the field of food science,
including nutritional components and food safety. Moreover, the operational mechanisms of molecular
docking are further summarised in this review.
Keywords Developments, food, interaction, mechanism, molecular docking.

docking is the most widely used one in molecular mod-

elling research.
Recognition, between two or more molecules, exists in In 1894, Fischer proposed the key-locking principle,
most life science processes (Grosdidier et al., 2011). which was based on the recognition of enzyme active
There has been a challenge in explaining the structural sites and substrate (Sledz & Caflisch, 2018), and was
properties and reaction mechanism of biological sys- initially considered as fundamental of molecular
tems and revealing the secrets of the microcosmic recognition. However, due to the limitations of the
world, when studies only depend on experiments. key-locking principle, Koshland (Koshland, 2010) pro-
Molecular modelling is a general method for describ- posed the induced-fit theory in 1958, which was
ing the reaction system of molecules and predicting strongly supported by X-ray diffraction results. There-
their macroscopic physical properties. During the last fore, it is now considered as the basic principle of
twenty years, the development of molecular simulation molecular recognition. As early as 1982, DOCK, the
(MS) technology has exhibited significant progress, first molecular docking software appeared, encourag-
especially since the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was ing the development of 60 additional programs for this
awarded (Nie et al., 2018). To date, MS technology purpose (Xu et al., 2016). Furthermore, molecular
includes homology modelling (Nascimento et al., docking can predict binding sites and elucidate the
2018), molecular docking (Arthur et al., 2018) and mechanism of molecular recognition by simulating the
molecular dynamics simulation (Zhang et al., 2018), spontaneous binding process of ligands to receptors
and combines free energy calculation (Mizuguchi & (Brooijmans & Kuntz, 2003; Dror et al., 2013). There-
Matubayasi, 2018). Among these methods, molecular fore, it is commonly used in drug design studies (Fer-
reira et al., 2015; Forli et al., 2016; Luo et al., 2016).
Moreover, it can provide a reference for characterising
*Correspondent: Fax: +86-28-87720552;
the thermodynamic and dynamic changes of inter-
e-mails: (YH); (ZC); (XC)
molecular interactions, which not only verifies the

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34 Review on molecular docking in food science X. Tao et al.

experimental results at the molecular level but also design, it is particularly important to clarify the interac-
guides the actual experiment. Considering that the tion mechanism and binding sites between molecules.
food matrices are usually complex and the reactions Molecular docking can effectively predict these sites and
are diverse, molecular docking shows a great potential provides a powerful method to study them at a molecu-
in predicting the action mode and facilitating cost lar level (Patel et al., 2016; Jaiteh et al., 2018).
reduction of experiments, which justifies extensive
application of this method in food science.
Basic theory
Since food provides the human body with essential
nutrients, such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and Molecular docking is a method for predicting the posi-
vitamins, molecular docking can be widely applied in tion and affinity of a ligand (small molecule) at a recep-
these particular areas. Moreover, food safety issue tor (macromolecule) binding site (Roche et al., 2015).
concerning with drug residues, biotoxins and food- Scheme 1 presents the common flow chart of molecular
borne pathogens is one of the utmost importance in docking. The docking process mainly involves spatial
the food research, which is increasingly involved with matching and energy matching between ligand and
molecule level study (San-Martin et al., 2015; Nakano receptor for optimal conformation and focuses on
et al., 2018; Sledz & Caflisch, 2018). It should be agreeability. Besides, during the binding process of the
noted that the applications of molecular docking ligand to the receptor, the structure of the binding site
related to food have been growing rapidly in the last changes constantly until a stable bond has been success-
few years (as seen in Fig. 1), but barely any reviews fully established. Only then can the charge distribution
are available to focus on the advance of this field. and configuration of the binding system be determined.
Therefore, this review aims to summarise more than The numerous interactive processes between receptors
100 articles published in the recent 5 years of molecu- and ligands include hydrogen bonding, electrostatic inter-
lar docking applications in food science. action, van der Waals forces and hydrophobic interaction.

Molecular docking
X-ray crystal and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
techniques have been used in conjunction with struc-
tural biology to analyse the structure of protein mole-
Convert to 3D Receptor
cules (Czarnota et al., 2019), even though few complex
structure structure
structures between biomolecules and ligands exist.
Using the example of drug design, the method of virtual
high-throughput screening is vital in identifying the
Bond Length/Angle Protonation /Charge
therapeutic targets of drugs. To obtain structures that
are more complex, and to improve the efficiency of drug Optimisation distribution

formation Grid construction


Scoring and

Complex structure
Figure 1 The numbers of papers studied on ‘the applications of
molecular docking in food science’ published in Web of Science dur-
ing the last 5 years. Scheme 1 The flow chart of molecular docking.

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Review on molecular docking in food science X. Tao et al. 35

In general, hydrogen bonding is produced by the covalent Flexible docking is generally used to study the interac-
bonding of hydrogen atoms with more electronegative tion between molecules accurately (Roy et al., 2018).
atoms, such as oxygen and nitrogen (Cleland, 2010). Elec-
trostatic interaction, including electrostatic gravity and
A comparison of molecular docking softwares
electrostatic repulsion, lacks spatial directionality (Amano
et al., 2016). The van der Waals forces either repel or Molecular docking is achieved by using specifically
attract molecules, which are significantly weaker than formulated software. Since the first docking program
chemical bonds. Hydrophobic interaction refers to the was developed in 1982, an increasing number of
phenomenon of hydrophobic groups gathering close molecular docking software have emerged and are
together to avoid water (Atkins & De Paula, 2011), and updated constantly. However, a distinct difference in
the intensity of these interacting forces is crucial in evalu- accuracy and functionality is evident among the differ-
ating the affinity between the receptors and ligands. ent versions of docking software currently available.
More than 60 molecular docking tools have been
reported in the literature (Pagadala et al., 2017). Pre-
Types of molecular docking
sently, the most commonly used docking software pri-
The flexibility of the receptor is crucial during the pro- marily includes AutoDock (Morris et al., 2009),
cess of molecular docking and can be regulated in two DOCK (Allen et al., 2015), GOLD (Verdonk et al.,
ways. One is to modify the standard rigid receptor, 2003), FlexX (Rarey et al., 1996), AutoDock Vina
while the other is to input multiple receptors, and it is (Trott & Olson, 2010), ICM (Schapira et al., 2003),
often necessary to consider the shape of the ligand, such Glide (Friesner et al., 2004), Surflex (Jain, 2003) and
as ions and tautomers (Yuriev et al., 2015). Given the Affinity (Ring et al., 1993). As shown in Table 1
above factors, molecular docking can be divided into (Cross et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2018b; Salmaso &
three types according to the degree of simplification: Moro, 2018), various types of docking software are
rigid docking, semi-flexible docking and flexible dock- compared in algorithms, evaluation methods, docking
ing. accuracy, docking types, and more.
The AutoDock semi-flexible docking software consists
Rigid docking of two parts namely AutoGrid and AutoDock and is
Rigid docking means that the conformation of the mentioned in several studies. AutoGrid is used to calcu-
docking system (receptor and ligand) does not change. late the energy level contained in the lattice, while Auto-
It is suitable for large systems, such as protein–protein Dock is mainly employed as a search tool to determine
(Liu et al., 2016) and protein-nucleic acid (Yan & optimal conformation and score. DOCK, the first molec-
Wang, 2013). Furthermore, rigid docking does not ular docking software developed by Kuntz and colleagues
require multiple calculations, making it the simplest in 1982, is intended for rigid docking and utilises a shape-
method. based algorithm to determine the best site for receptor-li-
gand binding to occur. GOLD is a molecular docking
Semi-flexible docking program developed by Cambridge Crystallographic Data
During the semi-flexible docking process, the conforma- Centre and uses a genetic algorithm (GA) for receptor-li-
tion of the fixed receptor remains unchanged, while the gand docking. Moreover, the docking process allows for
conformation of the ligand is altered. Therefore, it is complete flexibility of the ligand and partial flexibility of
evident that the bond length or angle of the noncritical the receptor. The two primary applications of the FlexX
part of the ligand structure can be fixed (Morris et al., software (BioSolveIT, Sankt Augustin, Germany) include
2015). Semi-flexible docking is suitable for the docking complex prediction and virtual screening, allowing for a
of small molecules and macromolecules, such as pro- protein to be docked with a group of compounds.
teins or nucleic acids and small ligand molecules (Tiwari Although the design of the automatic docking program
& Mohanty, 2013; Jiang et al., 2016). It takes into AutoDock Vina is based on AutoDock, it exhibits a
account the influence of changes on the ligand structure higher docking accuracy and speed. Furthermore, Auto-
and can be employed in a broader range of applications. Dock Vina abandoned the GA and reverted to gradient
optimisation to establish the minimum point.
Flexible docking
During this process, the docking procedure allows the
Molecular docking applications in food science
docking system (receptor and ligand) conformation to
be readily modified. Given that the receptor and ligand
Protein, bioactive peptides and amino acids
variables increase in conjunction with the number of
atoms, it is necessary to consider various additional fac- Protein
tors. These include the fact that the calculation is sub- Protein does not function in isolation and requires the
stantial, and the docking process is too complicated. identification of other molecules to successfully fulfil

© 2019 Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF) International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2020
36 Review on molecular docking in food science X. Tao et al.

Table 1 The comparison of molecular docking software

Software Algorithm Evaluation method (%) Type Speed Cost References

AutoDock Lamarckian Genetic Semi-empirical free energy 49 Semi-flexible docking Average Free Mathew et al. (2018)
algorithm (LGA)
DOCK Geometric matching The molecular force field – Semi-flexible docking Fast Free Grancieri et al. (2019)
GOLD Genetic Semi-empirical free energy 78 Flexible docking Fast Pay Kumar et al. (2017)
FlexX Incremental construction Semi-empirical free energy 58 Semi-flexible docking Fast Pay Chittepu et al. (2019)
AutoDock Broyden–Fletcher– Semi-empirical free energy 78 Semi-flexible docking Fast Free Wang et al. (2016b)
Vina Goldfarb–Shanno
ICM Stochastic global Semi-empirical free energy – Flexible docking Fast Pay Singh et al. (2014a)
Glide Systematic search Semi-empirical free energy 82 Semi-flexible docking Average Pay Honmore et al. (2019)
Surflex Surface-based Semi-empirical free energy/the 75 Flexible docking Fast Pay Shen et al. (2018)
molecular similarity molecular force field
Affinity Monte Carlo (MC) The molecular force field – Flexible docking Slow Pay Yao et al. (2007)
LigandFit Monte Carlo (MC) The molecular force field 46 Semi-flexible docking Fast Free Ying et al. (2017)
Discovery Molecular Dynamics (MD) The molecular force field – Flexible docking Slow Free Yu et al. (2018)

its intended role (Salmaso et al., 2018). Consequently, binding of food ingredients to enzymes triggers the
molecular docking methods are increasingly employed structure and conformation of the enzyme to change,
to study the binding state of proteins and ligands and which can reduce its activity (Wang et al., 2017a).
are widely utilised in food science. The main proteins Moreover, the study found that the binding capacity
studied in the food industry include protease and of catechin gallate (EGCG) exceeded that of the other
human serum albumin (HSA). three catechin isomers (epicatechin gallate (ECG), epi-
The molecular docking technology was adopted to catechin (EC) and epigallocatechin (EGC)) that were
study the relationship between enzyme activity and docked with trypsin. As shown in Fig. 2, s1 pocket of
substrates. The contact between protease and sub- trypsin was occupied by EGCG, which inhibited the
strates includes hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic trypsin activity. The residues in the s1 pocket, namely
interaction, while the hydrophobic cavity of the Ser190, Gln192, Ser195 and Val213-Ser214-Trp215,
enzyme denotes the main binding site (Yue et al., stabilise the catechin via hydrophobic interaction and
2017a, 2017b). The substrate interacts with the amino hydrogen bonding, which provided a reference for the
acid residues of the protease to occupy the active site design of inhibitors to control the biological activity of
and inhibit the activity of the enzyme (Wang et al., trypsin (Cui et al., 2015). Moreover, some food ingre-
2016b; Mohseni-Shahri et al., 2018). In addition, the dients compete with enzymes to bind substrates, a

Figure 2 The structures of the catechin and

trypsin–catechin complexes. (a) The 2D
structure of EGCG. (b) The structure of the
EGCG–trypsin complex. A ball-stick model
represents EGCG, while a stick model
denotes the interaction residue. The dashed
line represents hydrophobic action (Cui
et al., 2015).

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Review on molecular docking in food science X. Tao et al. 37

process capable of reducing enzyme activity (Zhao use of molecular docking technology for the virtual
et al., 2017). In food, the enzyme reaction is also pro- screening of bioactive peptides provides a directive ref-
moted when combined with some substances. For erence and saves costs for the screening process.
example, during the binding of lignin to a-amylase, the Molecular docking is also widely used in identifying
lignin structure is modified, and the alpha-amylase is BAPS (Mandal et al., 2013; Choonpicharn et al., 2016;
activated (Xie et al., 2019). These studies show that Ouertani et al., 2018) and evaluating their biological
the hydrophobic cavity of enzyme is a key binding site, activities (Xue et al., 2015; Mojica & de Mejia, 2016).
hydrogen bond and hydrophobic interaction are the The novel ACE inhibitory peptide YLVR was purified
main binding force, and molecular binding enzyme from wild hazelnuts, and it displayed a significantly
may trigger changes in enzyme structure. This is help- higher inhibitory effect due to cation–pion interaction
ful to understand the interaction between enzyme and (Liu et al., 2018a). In addition, the peptides from
substrate and the regulation of enzyme activity. stone fish inhibited ACE activity mainly through elec-
Human serum albumin is a protein found in human trostatic interaction and hydrogen bonding (Auwal
plasma that transports fatty acids, amino acids, steroid et al., 2019). Two antioxidant peptides, derived from
hormones, metal ions and many therapeutic molecules; millet protein hydrolysate, were exhibited with antioxi-
thus, it interacts with various nutrient contents taking dant activity due to the interaction of threonine and
from food. The interaction site I and site II of HSA serine residues with free radicals (Agrawal et al.,
between cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic acid were 2019). According to the umami taste receptor repre-
established by STD-NMR experiments, which were sented by the heterodimer composed of T1R1 and
very coincided with the results of docking (Sun et al., T1R3, it was discovered that T1R3 formed an open
2018). Moreover, the docking prediction was consis- conformation through homology modeling; whereas
tent with the results of the thermodynamic calculation T1R1 formed a closed conformation. The docking
of the binding interaction (Mu et al., 2019). The results showed that T1R3 played a significant role dur-
molecular docking technology is also used to explore ing the entire process, while T1R1 was unable to bind
the mechanisms of food dyes and HSA. The combina- with umami peptides (Dang et al., 2014). Dang (Dang
tion of quinoline yellow (QY) and HSA reduced the et al., 2019) proposed that monosodium glutamate
free sulfhydryl group content and surface hydropho- (MSG) could change the conformation of the T1R3
bicity of the protein, and provided a new understand- receptor, causing the active region to expand, which is
ing for reducing the physiological toxicity of QY beneficial to the combination of umami peptides.
(Wang et al., 2019b). In addition, fragrant interaction
occurred between Allura Red (AR) and Gln 196, while Amino acids
the formation of hydrogen bonding took place There are 20 kinds of amino acids in nature, and eight
between AR and His 242 (Wu et al., 2015). types of essential amino acids are found in the human
body. They are the essential components of proteins
Bioactive peptides and present various positive effects. Acylation of amino
Bioactive peptides (BAPS) derived from food protein acids is one of the most common reactions. Dettori
are composed of 3–20 amino acids (Manikkam et al., et al. (2018) confirmed the exclusivity of L-lysine e-
2016). Its biological activities are closely related to amino acylation at the molecular level via flexible dock-
human diseases and include many beneficial properties ing simulation and interaction energy calculation. The
such as antimicrobial activity, anti-inflammatory, as study on the interaction mechanism between hydropho-
well as anti-diabetic qualities (Agyei & Danquah, 2012; bic amino acids and b-cyclodextrin provided molecular
Tu et al., 2018). Therefore, the preparation of novel basis for removing the bitterness of bioactive peptides
BAPS for oral drugs or as functional food additives to composed of hydrophobic amino acids (Li et al., 2018).
prepare various health foods is of great significance to Amino acids are capable of both activating and inhibit-
human health. Based on computer simulation, bioinfor- ing enzyme activity. For example, the mycosporine-like
matics then represented a new method for discovering amino acids isolated from marine sources occupied the
BAPS (Udenigwe, 2014). Whereafter, a new tripeptide binding sites of proline and glycine in collagenase, thus
WCW was successfully screened out from 8000 tripep- causing competitive inhibition (Hartmann et al., 2015).
tide libraries constructed by GOLD software, and its However, the application of molecular docking in
IC50 value was 49 lM (Panyayai et al., 2018). Angioten- human absorption of amino acids has yet to be sub-
sin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptides are jected to a comprehensive research.
extensively used in the treatment of hypertension. Wu
et al. (2014) employed molecular docking technology to
screen short hypotensive peptides from 113 kinds of
peptides and docked them with ACE using Discovery Carbohydrates consist of polyhydroxy aldehydes or
Studio 3.5 software (BIOVIA, San Diego, USA). The polyhydroxyl ketones, as well as their condensates and

© 2019 Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF) International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2020
38 Review on molecular docking in food science X. Tao et al.

derivatives. Carbohydrates in foods include glucose,

sucrose, lactose, maltose, starch and cellulose. They
play a crucial role in the physical activities of living Lipids are nutritionally crucial for the human body to
beings and are the primary source of energy for all liv- function efficiently, which include simple lipids, com-
ing organisms to maintain vitality. pound lipids and derivative lipids in food. Pancreatic
The docking methods of polysaccharides and pro- lipase is the most important enzyme to hydrolyse diet-
teins are constantly updated. A novel docking method ary fat and is closely related to the digestion and
was proposed, which was dominated by the geometric absorption of fat. Its activity is affected by other sub-
constraints of carbohydrate-aromatic interactions stances in the environment. As shown in Fig. 3 (Du
(Yang et al., 2015). Wang et al. (2019d) studied the et al., 2018), astaxanthin and p-NPB binded to pancre-
effect of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides (GLP) atic lipase, but there was no competition between
on bovine serum albumin (BSA) via molecular dock- them. And astaxanthin acted with the adjacent resi-
ing. The results showed that GLP did not interact with dues of the catalytic site to change the conformation
the hydrophobic cavity of BSA, but with five sites on of pancreatic lipase, thereby inhibiting its activity.
its surface. Residues from 67 amino acids were Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic
involved in the binding process, and the main forces acid (DHA) are crucial lipid derivatives in human
included hydrogen bonding and van der Waals forces. body. Molecular docking technology has been broadly
The binding of carbohydrates to enzymes can modu- studied in the synthesis and function of EPA and
late its catalytic activity. The participation of residues DHA. The interaction of EPA and DHA with coen-
of a-glucoside-H+ transporters in the transport of zyme Q10 (CoQ10) improved its permeability, which
AGT1 permease was studied, which provided theoreti- was helpful to determine the best carrier of CoQ10
cal basis for the transport mechanism of the same type (Zulfakar et al., 2018). It was reported that amyloid-b
of sugar transporters (Trichez et al., 2019). Levansu- (Ab) can cause Alzheimer’s disease (AD) (Kotler et al.,
crase catalysed the conversion of sucrose to levan, and 2014). Studies have shown that oleic acid (OA) and
its residues 327 and 154 played an important role in DHA have direct inhibitory effects on Ab. Polyunsatu-
regulating the transfructosylation and hydrolysis activ- rated fatty acids as dietary supplements have far-
ities (Xu et al., 2018). Levansucrase binding to sucrose reaching significance in the treatment of AD (El Shat-
was beneficial to its activity in a wide range of pH shat et al., 2019). The body can also use linoleic acid
(Lee et al., 2018). In addition, simulating the binding and a-linolenic acid to synthesise EPA and DHA,
of sweeteners and their receptors provided an alterna- which are regulated by various enzymes. Rong et al.
tive direction for the design of new sweeteners (Goel (2019) docked n-3 desaturase with substrates (linolenic
et al., 2018). Pentagalloyl-glucose (PGG) inhibited the acid and arachidonic acid) by using PyMOL software
activity of alpha-amylase and can be used as a food (Schr€odinger, New York, USA), and then found the
additive to maintain normal glycaemic levels (Yang molecular structure and binding domain of n-3 desat-
et al., 2014; Kato-Schwartz et al., 2018). Moreover, urase, which provided guidance for better application
defining the structures of receptors, ligands, binding of n-3 desaturase to convert n-6 polyunsaturated fatty
intermediates and complexes, as well as determining acid into n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid. Ceramide
binding sites and forces during the molecular docking could also affect the interaction between Hsd17b4 and
process, could provide guidance for studying the stere- Pex5 enzymes and indirectly regulate the production of
oselectivity of sugars (Bras et al., 2009). DHA (Zhu et al., 2019).

Figure 3 The docking of p-NPB and astax-

anthin to pancreatic lipase using AutoDock
4.2 (Du et al., 2018).

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Review on molecular docking in food science X. Tao et al. 39

method commonly used for the rapid detection of pes-

ticides, but the sensitivity of this method is unfortu-
Vitamins are trace organic substances that cannot be nately not high enough. Therefore, research
synthesised by human body and must be obtained continuously aims to find a more responsive enzyme
from food. They play an important role in the growth, source. Yang et al. (2016) proposed a new scoring
metabolism and development of the human body (Gla- method, and the results of docking 219 serine hydro-
vinic et al., 2017; Khayat et al., 2017). And some dis- lases with 37 common organophosphorus pesticides
eases are inevitable with the continued lack of certain (Ops) illustrated that the method exhibited excellent
vitamins. For example, the vitamin A deficiency is predictability and the sensitivity spectrum of the
often responsible for night blindness (Cruz et al., enzyme was successfully obtained. Moreover, the
2018); the vitamin B12 deficiency can cause metabolic application of molecular docking technology can pro-
disorders (Mullikin et al., 2018); and the vitamin D vide a basis for the establishment of biological pesti-
deficiency can lead not only to rickets but may also be cide detection system. For example, four pesticides
associated with diabetes mellitus (de Oliveira & Dom- (2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, paraquat and glyphosate) inhibited
ingueti, 2018; Abdi et al., 2019). Lin et al. (Lin et al., tyrosinase activity by competing with substrates for
2016) studied the inhibitory effects of vitamin B2 and binding sites (Sok & Fragoso, 2018). An indirect com-
D3 on xanthine oxidase (XO), between which was a petitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (icE-
synergistic effect. The docking revealed that the main LISA) was developed using succinic acid derivatives of
interaction forces included hydrogen bonding, spinosad A as hapten, which provides a new method
hydrophobic interaction and van der Waals force. And for the determination of spinosad residues in fruits
the results provided the possibility of reducing the risk and vegetables (Lan et al., 2019). Molecular docking is
of hyperuricaemia and preventing gout through diet. also used to simulate the interaction between aptamers
Subramanian (Subramanian et al., 2017) proposed that and Ops (Zhang et al., 2014). Furthermore, through
the interaction sites between vitamins and their recep- molecular docking, Aamir obtained famoxadone, a
tors are Thr (314), Ile (20), Ser (16), Phe (142), Trp target fungicide for vascular wilt of tomato (Aamir
(24) and Asn (315), which are more conducive to et al., 2018).
intestinal absorption. Ascorbic acid and folic acid, two Veterinary drug residues have attracted significant
water-soluble vitamins, inhibit the activity of human attention following clenbuterol poisoning. The docking
pancreatic a-amylase (HPA). Adding vitamins to results of furan antibiotics nitrofurantoin (NFT) and
starch reduced the rate of increase of postprandial nitrofurazone (NFZ) with BSA showed that the binding
blood glucose level. The founding is conducive to the sites were located in the hydrophobic cavity of BSA,
development and design of new foods and drugs for while electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions fea-
diabetics (Borah et al., 2019). Furthermore, the inter- tured prominently during the binding process (Zhang &
action between vitamin A and b-42 peptide included Ni, 2017). The directional mutagenesis of amino acid
hydrophobic interaction and hydrogen bonding. This residues was performed on the anti-sarafloxacin ScFv
study of inhibition mechanism provided a theoretical antibody, and then, the affinity of the mutant antibodies
basis for the effective inhibition of amyloid fibrillation to the drug was evaluated with molecular docking
and protein aggregation by vitamin A (Alam et al., (Wang et al., 2016a). For the first time, Wang replaced
2019). In addition, the binding of vitamins and trans- the antibody in the traditional ELISA method with the
port proteins was studied by docking technology to receptor protein Rosetta-gami (DE3) and established a
determine admirable transport carriers, which provided tetracycline detection method, which has significant
prerequisite for more effective absorption of vitamins advantages in sensitivity and detection speed (Wang
into the human body (Zulkiflee et al., 2019). et al., 2019a). The use of aptamers in veterinary drug
detection is a new method, and the MS of selected adap-
ters to determine the mode of interaction is common.
Food safety hazard factors
For example, AutoDock was used in the study of flor-
Pesticides and veterinary drug residues fenicol aptamers (Sadeghi et al., 2018).
The annual output of chemical pesticides in the world
totals nearly 2 000 000 tons. And the study focused on Biotoxins
the performance of pesticides and their impact on food Biotoxins are also one of the main sources of food
safety. The production and use of DDT were banned safety problems. Staphylococcal enterotoxin is a kind
after the 1970s due to its acute toxicity and prolonged of protein toxin produced by Staphylococcus aureus
presence in the soil. Molecular docking was used to (Argudin et al., 2010), and most food poisoning inci-
initially validate the QSAR models of DDT, providing dents are caused by staphylococcal enterotoxin A
a new method for designing high-performance pesti- (SEA). The docking models of SEA with EC, ECG,
cides (Saini & Kumar, 2014). The enzymatic chemistry EGC and EGCG were compared, and the results

© 2019 Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF) International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2020
40 Review on molecular docking in food science X. Tao et al.

showed that the binding ability of SEA with EGCG 2018). Furthermore, the penicillin-binding protein 4
was the strongest, while the common binding site was (PBP4) might be involved in the biosynthetic pathway
located in the A-6 region. The spontaneous combina- of pathogen-specific peptidoglycan, further confirming
tion of EGCG and SEA occupied the active site of that the protein can bind well with 22 inhibitors (Sar-
SEA, thereby reducing its toxicity (Shimamura et al., angi et al., 2015). A deeper understanding of the toxi-
2018). Zearalenone (ZEN) and citrinin (CIT) are con- cological effects of foodborne pathogens, as well as the
taminants widely existing in food and beverage. Com- discovery and identification of new antibacterial
bining with HSA to form stable complexes is an agents, will help prevent and alleviate the harm caused
important factor to reflect their toxicological effects by foodborne pathogens.
(Poor et al., 2015, 2017). Classified as carcinogens by
the WHO, aflatoxins are mainly found in crops such
The mechanisms of interactions between
as soybeans, peanuts and corn, and pose a significant
danger to human health. It was reported that p-p
stacking interaction and van der Waals force are the Molecular docking is a technique for exploring the
main factors in the interaction between antibody and interaction modes between molecules. The acting
AFB1, which can be used to guide the improvement of forces between molecules include hydrogen bonding,
antibodies and their application in detection (Zhang van der Waals forces, hydrophobic interaction, electro-
et al., 2019). Wang et al. (2017b) screened the binding static interaction, p-p stacking and salt bonding (Zhu
proteins of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), Pim-1, trihydroxy et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2019c; Wu et al., 2019b; Yas-
naphthalene reductase and gsk-3b using molecular rebi et al., 2019). Hydrogen bonding is produced by
docking technology, and provided the 2D binding the covalent bonding of hydrogen atoms with more
map. In addition, Scafuro identified possible targets electronegative atoms, such as oxygen, nitrogen and
for the interaction of four biotoxins with a group of sulphur (Cleland, 2010; Liu et al., 2019; van der Lubbe
proteins (Scafuri et al., 2017). Thus, it can be seen that & Fonseca Guerra, 2019). The formation of hydrogen
molecular docking technology provides another way bonding is an interatomic interaction and is generally
for the screening of biotoxin-corresponding antibodies. included in all molecular docking. The basic units of
Moreover, the interaction between receptors and proteins and BAPS are amino acids. Since amino acids
ligands is expounded at the molecular level, which lays easily lose electrons, they are generally positively
the groundwork for rational design of efficient detec- charged. These amino acids can then interact with neg-
tion methods. atively charged moieties to produce electrostatic inter-
action. Moreover, most of the BAPS and proteins
Foodborne pathogens have hydrophobic cavities, allowing for effortless
Foodborne pathogens can contaminate food and water hydrophobic interaction (Wu et al., 2019a). Therefore,
sources directly or indirectly, and cause food poison- electrostatic interaction exists widely in the complex
ing, leading to severe food safety problems. In order containing proteins or peptides. In addition, the p-p
to prevent food contamination, molecular docking stacking is often formed between aromatic rings of
technology has been used to study the toxicological molecules. According to the structures of the mole-
effects of foodborne pathogens. Agrawal et al., (2016) cules, the modes of intermolecular interaction can be
successfully screened the antimicrobial peptide Pep49, predicted and verified by molecular docking. In sum-
and the specific binding of Salmonella Typhimurium mary, rigid docking techniques are generally used to
(LPS) to pep49 was validated by molecular docking. explore the interaction between protein molecules;
Furthermore, the interaction between the arginine and semi-flexible docking and flexible docking are usually
glutamic acid of pep49 and the abequose residue of used to study the interaction between small molecule
the O-antigen was confirmed. Listeria monocytogenes compounds and other substances. After determining
is primarily found in refrigerated food and can grow the interaction force and combining with thermody-
and reproduce at 4 °C. Therefore, it is one of the most namic experiments, the mechanism of intermolecular
dangerous pathogens threatening human health, neces- interaction at the molecular level can be described
sitating focused research into various antimicrobial more accurately.
agents. Reports indicated that suitable targets for new
antimicrobial binding patterns were found through the
Conclusion, limitation and future research
docking of various inhibitors with the chorismate syn-
thase of L. monocytogenes (Hossain et al., 2015). In In recent years, the application of molecular docking
addition, the antimicrobial agents of Vibrio cholerae technology in food mainly includes the screening of
were successfully isolated and identified by molecular receptor proteins or target molecules and the explo-
docking technology combined with UV, FT-IR and ration of intermolecular interactions, which has
NMR (Kar et al., 2018; Rajarathinam & Dronamraju, brought many benefits to human. Exploring the

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