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Myanmar Occupational Health and Safety

Framework for the Manufacturing Sector

Myanmar Occupational Health and more than 150 workers in the manufacturing
Safety Framework facilities.
for the Manufacturing Sector  Factories with more than 250 workers shall
have a dispensary run by a certified nurse.
The purpose of this paper is to outline  Reporting of occupational incidents.
Myanmar’s occupational health and safety  A qualified medical doctor shall be
framework in the manufacturing industry. appointed to perform medical check-ups.
This sector is mostly regulated by the Factories
Such doctor is responsible for performing
Act (1951) as last amended in January 2016, medical check-ups of young workers (under
whose provisions apply to all companies either 18) or workers engaged in dangerous
national or joint ventures with foreign capital, as
occupations and/or processes and issuing
long as a “manufacturing process” is carried on,
medical certificates of health and fitness for
at least, by (i) 5 workers with the use of power,
young workers and taking measures in a
or (ii) 10 workers without the use of power. factory where the following events are
The primary public agency involved in the reported:
supervision of occupational health and safety
(a) cases of illness caused by the nature of the
framework for workers in the manufacturing
manufacturing process carried on or other
sector is the Factories and General Labour Laws conditions of work prevailing therein, or
Inspection Department (‘FGLLID’) under the
Ministry of Labour, which is responsible for (b) there is a likelihood of damaging workers’
enforcing occupational health and safety rules, health by reason of any change or new
mainly through factory inspections and training. manufacturing process as well as any change
or new substance for use in a manufacturing
PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO THE (c) young persons are, or about to be, employed
MANUFACTURING SECTOR in any work likely to cause injury to their
Under the Social Security Law (2012): health.
Employers have the responsibility to protect The FGLLID’s checklist used for factory
workers from occupational hazards arising out inspections, check among other standards:
of physical facilities, harmful substances and  Appointment of a medical doctor.
environmental factors at the workplace, while
ensuring relevant communication of safety  The provision of first aid boxes.
guidelines in order to prevent any injury or  A dispensary and the keeping of medical
disease. treatment records.
Based on the Factories Act (1951) provisions a The Factories Act (1951) further provides that
breach by the owner or manager of a factory of factories shall arrange health and safety trainings
such provisions is liable to a fine and, depending and courses as recognised by the Ministry of
on the offense, to imprisonment for a term up to Labour, Employment and Social Security for
6 months. their supervising staff.
With respect to medical facilities and
monitoring, the Factories Act provides that the AND BEVERAGE MANUFACTURING
following requirements shall be met: PLANTS
In accordance with the National Food Law
 A first aid kit must be available and an (1997) enforced by the Food and Drug
additional one must be provided if there are Administration (‘FDA’), which is in charge of
supervising and controlling the production of
food, “the Township Food and Drug Social Security Board, or hospitals and
Supervisory Committee may pass a temporary or clinics established by the employer with the
permanent prohibitory punishment on a person permission of the Social Security Board.
who commits any of the following acts: According to the Social Security Law (2012),
(…) (b) causing a person who has contracted the costs of medical care related to employment
food-borne infection or who is a carrier of the injury resulting from a criminal action or
germs of the said infection to enter or work on omission of the employer or his failure to meet
the premises for production, storage or sale of occupational health and safety legal
food”. requirements shall be borne entirely by the
The City Development Committee (‘CDC’), is employer.
also vested with the authority to confiscate, If the Social Security Law provisions do not
destroy and take action against the producers if apply (where the business employs less than 5
their productions are not in line with the employees or in any case as stated in the Social
standards as per the Factories Act (1951) act and Security Law-2012), employees are allowed to
the National Food Law. benefit from the Workmen’s Compensation Act
Additionally, the internal directive No. 1/98, 1923.
“Recommendation for food (and beverage) Under such Act, if personal injury is caused to a
production” issued by the FDA, sets out a list of worker by an accident arising out of and in the
criteria when issuing its recommendations course of his/her employment, the employer is
during factory inspections. liable to pay compensation.
Such inspection shall take place as soon as the
manufacturing plant starts operating. In terms of V. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS:
health and safety considerations, the FDA Work-related injuries and diseases caused by
requests that: industrial health conditions at work trigger legal
 Employees who are directly involved in the compensation as well as disruption to
production process should have a medical manufacturing operations.
examination prior to and during employment In order to mitigate these risks, it is advisable
(yearly medical examinations) and not work that companies do the following:
while affected by contagious diseases likely
to be transmitted by food, skin infections  Conduct pre-employment health
and other diseases. assessments for employment candidates.
 Conduct annual health checks for current
 The workplace must be hygienic with staff.
adequate facilities provided for cleaning  Conduct a workplace health assessment
food, utensils and equipment. once per year.
IV. EMPLOYMENT INJURY  Seek professional guidance on occupational
The occurrence of an accident at the workplace health related matters.
shall be reported to the FGLLID, as soon as
possible in case of death and within 72 hours if When complying with local occupational health
the worker is incapacitated for 48 hours or more. legislation, companies benefit from a return on
The relevant township Social Security Office prevention through avoidance of the below:
shall also be notified.
 Direct costs (e.g. compensation, lengthy
An insured worker is entitled to take health care
hospitalization, post-incident medical costs).
and medical treatment at:
 Indirect costs (e.g. salary and administrative
 hospitals and clinics owned by the Social costs, productivity losses).
Security Board, or  Human costs (e.g. talent retention) of an
 state-owned or private hospitals and clinics accident/disease at the workplace.
which concluded an agreement with the

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