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● Gram-negative bacteria
● Rod shape
● No capsule
● Motile
● Non-spore-forming
● Lactose Fermenter
● Catalase -positive
● Oxidase -negative
● From family enterobacteriaceae
● Aerobic
● Have the ability to convert tryptophan to indole
● Rarely the source of illnesses, except for infections of the urinary tract and infant meningitis and
● Can utilize citrate as the sole carbon source

● Soil and water
● Intestine of animals
Species of veterinary importance:
1. Citrobacter freundii
a. Disease condition: Cystitis
b. Host animal: Dogs and cats
c. Pathogenesis:
i. Virulence factors involved:
1. Cephalosporinase
d. Diagnosis
i. Clinical signs and lesions

1. Hematuria
2. Frequent urination
3. Dysuria
ii. Culture media most commonly used to cultivate the organism
1. Sheep blood agar
2. Nutrient agar
iii. Cultural characteristics
1. Appear translucent or opaque and gray with a shiny surface and an
entire edge
2. Slowly ferment lactose can resemble Salmonella colonies on enteric
iv. Reaction seen on biochemical tests
1. Voges-Proskaeur test
a. Negative
2. Oxidase
a. Negative
3. Methyl-red test
a. Positive
4. Citrate
a. Positive
v. Any special staining technique used to demonstrate the bacteria
1. Acid fast stain

2. Gram stain
3. Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD)
e. Treatment and Control
i. Recommended antibiotics: piperacillin, tazobactam, vancomycin and
ii. Any other recommended techniques for eradication
1. Proper mitigation through Biosecurity
2. Citrobacter diversus
a. Disease condition: Mastitis
b. Host animal: Cattle
c. Pathogenesis:
i. Virulence factors involved:
1. Urease
2. Pili
3. Renalin
d. Diagnosis
i. Clinical signs and lesions

1. Swelling of udder
2. Edema
3. Reduce milk secretion
ii. Culture media most commonly used to cultivate the organism
1. Sheep blood agar
iii. Cultural characteristics
1. Appear translucent or opaque and gray with a shiny surface and an
entire edge
2. Slowly ferment lactose can resemble Salmonella colonies on enteric
iv. Reaction seen on biochemical tests
1. Voges-Proskaeur test
a. Negative
2. Oxidase
a. Negative
3. Methyl-red test
a. Positive
4. Citrate
a. Positive
v. Any special staining technique used to demonstrate the bacteria
1. Acid fast stain
2. Gram stain
3. Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD)
e. Treatment and Control
i. Recommended antibiotics: Piperacillin, tazobactam, vancomycin and
ii. Any other recommended techniques for eradication
1. Proper mitigation through Biosecurity

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