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Sekolah : SMA NEGERI 1 KRAMAT Hari, : 30 mARET 2021

Kelas / Jurusan : XII / MIPA IPS Waktu : 07.30 – 09.30 WIB

1. Tulislah dahulu nama dan nomor peserta ujian pada kolom yang tersedia di dalam sudut kanan
atas pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan.
2. Jumlah soal sebanyak 45 butir, semuanya harus dijawab
I. Pilihan Ganda = 40 soal
II. Uraian = 5 soal
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian kalau ada tulisan yang kurang jelas atau rusak.
4. Apabila ada jawaban yang anda anggap salah dan
ingin memperbaikinya, caranya adalah
ABCDE diperbaiki ABCDE
5. Perbaikan jawaban hanya diperbolehkan paling banyak 2 (dua) kali setiap soal.

I. Untuk soal no. 1 sampai dengan 40, pilih salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan
memberi tanda (X) pada huruf A, B, C, D atau E pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan !

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand Spoken
English. There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.
Part 1. Pictures (Questions 1 to 3)
For each item, there is a picture in your test book and five short statements about it on the tape.
They are spoken two times, and are not written out on your test book, so you must listen
carefully. You must choose one statement – (A), (B), (C), (D) or (E) – that best describe the
picture. Then on your answer sheet, mark your choice.
Look at the picture and listen to the four statements.
Sample answer

listen to the following statements
A. The boy is playing with a remote-controlled car.
B. The man is repairing a car.
C. The man is mowing the lawn.
D. The grass is long and messy.
E. The grass is green.

Choice (C) – “The man is mowing the lawn.” – best describes what is seen in the picture.
Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.
Now let’s begin with question number one.



Part II. Questions/Statements and Responses

Questions 4 to 7
In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by five
responses, also spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken two times. They
will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers
say. You have to choose the best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question:
You will hear:
Woman: Excuse me, could you tell me where the bank
is? You will also hear:
Man: A. You can take bus number 57
B. It’s over there, across from the post office
C. Yes, I want to save my money in the bank
D. Pick me up at the nearest bank from your office
E. No, I don’t know how far the bank is
Sample answer:

Choice (B) – “It’s over there, across from the post office” – is
the best response to the question, “Excuse me, could you tell me where the bank is?” Therefore,
you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.

Now let’s begin with question number 4.

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part III. Short Conversation

Questions 8 to 11
In this part of the test you will hear several short conversations. The conversations will not be
printed in your test book. You will hear the conversations two times, so you must listen carefully
to understand what the speakers say.
In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be
followed by five answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on
your test book.

Now listen to a sample question.
You will hear:
Woman : I ordered a pair of shoes last week. They should have arrived by now.
Man : Maybe there’s a problem with the shipment. Have you checked with
the company?
Woman : Not yet. I’ll phone them this afternoon.

You will read: What will the woman probably do?

A. Get the shoes herself
B. Call the company
C. Cancel the order
D. Check the store
E. Check the

email Sample answer


Choice (B) – “Call the company.” – is the best answer to the question “What will the woman
probably do?” Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.

Now let’s begin with question number eight.

8. What did the man do?
A. Had a vacation in Hawaii
B. Went to the woman’s house
C. Joined his friends for vacation
D. Looked for his cousin in Hawaii
E. Asked the woman to search his cousin

9. What will the woman do to help the man?

A. She will submit the documents tomorrow
B. She will revise the documents
C. She will accompany the man
D. She will type the documents
E. She will print the documents

10. Where will the man be tomorrow morning?

A. At the woman’s house
B. At his own house
C. At the restaurant
D. At the cinema
E. At a meeting

11. What does the woman do?

A. Need a reservation code
B. Check out from a hotel
C. Reserve a suit room
D. Check in at a hotel
E. Arrive at night

PART IV – Short Monologues

Questions 12 to 15
In this part of the test, you will hear two short monologues. Each will be spoken TWICE. They
will not be PRINTED in your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand and
remember what is said. On your answer sheet, you will read some questions followed by five
answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following announcement
12. What is informed on the announcement?
A. a compulsory to replace lost books
B. the subjects of the library books
C. a request to return library books
D. the library administration officer
E. the price list of the books

13. What will happen if the book you borrowed is lost?

A. you will get receipts
B. it should be replaced with a similar book
C. it should be covered by non-colourful plastic
D. you will get a fine according to the book’s price
E. the librarian will be fined with a certain amount of money

Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following procedure.

14. What is the purpose of the text?
A. to show the display of vending machine
B. to inform the history of vending machine
C. to tell about how to use vending machine
D. to describe about the shape of vending machine
E. to inform the price of the drinks in vending machine

15. What should we do to choose the drink that we want?

A. look at the machine’s display
B. check the delivery port
C. inserts some money
D. press “Push” button
E. press the price list


Questions 16 – 17 refer to the following text;

If you go to Western Sumatra, don,t forget to visit Nias Island where there are many
unique traditions and culture. Nias has a different atmosphere from other islands.
Everthing about Nias will attract you to visit.
Hombo or stone jumping is one of the greatest performance there. It has made Nias
famous not only in Indonesia but also in foreign countries.
Almost all villages there have a large stone to do this tradition. It is called megalithic
stone. Its shape is like a pyramid with a flat surface.
This stone is used to train people to be stronger in life. The jumper has to know how to do
it well. The jumpers who can jump well are indicated as mature persons because they have
been smart in technique and can avoid accident.

16. From the text above, we can conclude that....

A. all people in Nias island are good jumpers
B. people in Nias island always train everyday to jump the stone
C. the jumpers who don’t know the technique well will get on an accident
D. the shape of the megalithic stone is flat so it is not dangerous for jumpers
E. the tourists who come to Nias island must try stone jumping

17. “It shape is like a pyramid. ” (Paragraph 3)

The underlined word has the same meaning with...
A. Form
B. Land
C. Stone
D. Creation
E. Length

Questions 18 – 19 refer to the following text;
I began my first job in Januari of 2015 Honda Japan Invesment Company as an intern.
After six-month internship, I officialy joined Honda as a full time employee. In December
of that year, I was promoted to be an administration officer, and I worked in the
administration department for the next two years. My main responsibilities in the
administration department were purchasing facilities and stationery, selecting local
vendors through publick bidding, issuing invitation letters for Japan colleagues, booking
air plane tikets, hotels and selecting travel agents.
The most valueable thing I learned from this job is how to work in multinational
company like Honda. I learned how to organize my daily schedule,how to arrange
administrative servive for my colleagues effficienly and effectively, how to communicate
and cooperate with people who come from different culturan background.

18. When did the writer get a promotion in the administration department?
A. After six-month internship
B. Six months after was promoted
C. in the sixth month
D. in January 2015
E. in December 2015

19. Which one is not the responsibility of the writer in the administration department?
A. Selecting travel agent
B. Booking airplane ticket
C. Preparing for financial report
D. Purchasing facilities and stationary
E. Issuing invitation letters for Japan colleagues

Questions 20 to 22 refer to the following text.

Princess Diana Spencer was born on July 1st, 1961, near Sandringham, England.
She was the daughter of Earl Spencer. She grew up as shy girl. Unfortunately, her
parents got divorced when she was six years old. Diana lived with her father who won
custody of the children.
While studying at school, Diana was not so bright on the academic front. She did very
well in swimming. After graduating from school, she got a job as a nanny and part time
cook. Later she became an assistant at Young England Kindergarten.
Diana married Prince Charles on July 29th, 1981. Their royal wedding was very
popular around the world. They had two sons, Prince William and Prince Harry. Although
people thought they had they had dream marriage, they got divorced in 1996. Diana died on
August 31st, 1997, a Paris tunel. She sustained injuries in a car crash in Paris. She
remembered as
the “People’s Princess” because of her popularity and humanitarian efforts.

20. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To tell the story of Princess Diana.
B. To describe what Princes Diana looked like.
C. To give information about Diana’s marriage.
D. To describe the childhood of Princess Diana.
E. To retell the events of Diana’s life in a sequence.

21 What people remember Princess Diana?

A. Her royal wedding.
B. Her dream marriage.
C. Her death in Paris Tunel.
D. Her efforts in humanitarian activity.
E. Her career at Young England Kindergarten

22. From the text, we can conclude that?
A. Diana graduated from Young Kindergarten .
B. Diana grew up with her mother in England.
C. Diana spent her childhood in a noble family.
D. Diana died before her divorce from Prince Charles
E. Diana married Prince Charles on August 31st 1997

Question number 23 refers to the following text; Narative text

Queen of Arabia and three
Maura, who like to be thought of as the most beautiful and and powerful Queen of
Arabia,had many suitors. One by one she discarded them,until the list was reduced to just
three sheiks.they were all handsome and young. It was very hard to decide who would be
the best.
One evening, Maura disguised her self and went to the camp of three sheiks. As they
were about to have dinnner, Maura asked them for something to eat. The first gave her
some left over food. The second sheik gave her some unappetizing camel’s tail. The third
sheik,Hakim,offered her some of the most tender and tasty meat. After dinner the queen
the sheik’s camp.
The following day the queen invited three sheiks to dinner to her palace. She order
her servant to give each one exactly what they had given the evening before. Hakim,
who rece- ived a plate of delicious meat,refuse to eat it if the other twosheiks couldn’t
share with him Hakim’s act finally convinced Maura that he was the man for
her.”without question,
23.In the sentence, The first gave her some leftover
food” The underline word refers to ....
A. The sheiks
B. One of the sheiks
C. Hakim
D. Queen Maura
E. The sheiks in Arabia

Questions 24 -25 refer to the following text;

Personel Manager
Jakarta, 1000001

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I would like to apply for the vacant position as Accounting staff you need, as advertised in Kompas
Februari 21st, 2020. Having read all through the job description. I am confident that I have all
required skills and experience to successfully fill the role. I graduated from Vocational School and
having high motivation to develope, able to work independenly as well as in a team, and I can work in
high pressure, any place and any time.

For your concideration I enclose my Experiences, CV and last photograph. You can contact me on
085801012345 to arrange an interview. I look forward to hearing from you
Your sincerely,

Hening Rahayu

24. I am confident that I have all required skills and experience to successfully fill the role.
The underlined word has the same meaning with ....
A. refused
B. doubtful
C. Sure
D. delight
E. confused

25. What will the Personnel Manager probably do after reading the letter?
A. Hold a meeting with the new Accounting Staff.
B. Invite the applicant for an interview at a certain time.

C. Introduce the new Accounting Staff to the other staff.
D. Post the same job vacancy in Kompas newspaper on the next day.
E. Tell the applicant about the job description as an Accounting Staff.

26. Erna : Hey girl, why did you come late to school this morning?
Andin : Because, my bike had trouble with the tire.
Erna : What happened with your bike tire?
Andin : Due to punctured nails. I left it at a workshop.
Erna : Owh, fortunately you can still go to school and follow the test.
Andin : Yeah, I thanked Kamila, she gave a ride.

Why did Andin come late to school?

A. Because she got a flat tire.
B. Because she woke up late.
C. Because she didn’t know the schedule.
D. Because she was trapped in heavy rain.
E. Because she looked for his motorcycle key.

27. Sukma : Let’s go bowling tonight.

Isna : Sorry, I can’t. I’m meeting a friend for
dinner. Sukma : Why don’t we go skiing next
Isna : Sounds like a good idea. Where do you want to
go? Sukma: Why don’t you come with me to Sidney?
Isna : Thanks, but I’ve already been there.

What does Sukma suggest to Isna for next week?

A. Go bowling
B. Go swimming
C. Go skiing
D. Have a meeting
E. Have a dinner

28. Windu : We’re going to the Italian restaurant. Would you care to join us?”
Seli : I’d love to, but I’m afraid I have another appointment this evening. Maybe
another time.”
Does Seli accept Windu’s invitation?
A. Yes, she is.
B. Yes, she does.
C. No, she isn’t.
D. No, she doesn’t
E. Yes, she does. But in one condition

29. Resti : Hei, what are you doing?

Alvina : I am preparing for my English Practice Exam on Monday next week?
What's Going on?
Resti : I need a partner on my way to Jakarta tomorrow. My father is sick and
now hospitalized in RSCM. I hope I won’t go there alone.
Alvina : I am sorry to hear that. But, unfortunately I can help you. I am so busy this
Resti : It’s Ok. Not at all.

What is Resti doing?

A. She is looking for somebody to accompany him to Jakarta.
B. She is preparing for English Practice Exam.
C. She is looking for somebody in RSCM
D. She is on the way to Jakarta.
E. She is sick and having a rest.

30. Sahra : Why are we in a hurry?

Lilis : If I don’t walk fast, we will come late at the party.
Sahra : Fine, but please slow down a bit, we still have plenty of time.

What will probably happen if they don’t walk fast?
A. They will come on time at the party.
B. They won’t arrive on time at the party.
C. They will not come to the party.
D. They will ignore the party.
E. They will slow down.

Questions 31 to 33 refer to the following text.

The glorious Idul Fitri day may be over but the holiday atmosphere is still high in
the air. As an addition to the annual mudik custom, many people use his national holiday
as an opportunity to explore some unfamiliar places and embark on a family holiday.
Approaching the end of the Muslim festive season, travel search site, Wego, has
recently revealed insights into Indonesian travel trends for this year’s Idul Fitri. Wego
Indonesia managing director Graham Hills said that Indonesians searched for domestic
trips is greater in numbers this year.
“Domestic travel trends more than tripled this year. Yogyakarta took over from
last year’s top destination of Bandung for hotel searches, and the city features as one of
the most notable movers this year, increasing 78 percent over 2014,” Hills explained.
He also said that even though Bali featured as the number one domestic
destination for the past two years, this year the island only occupied the fourth position
with flight searches to Yogyakarta escalating by 342 percent.
Regarding accommodation options, Indonesians tended to seek higher ranked
properties, while taking advantage of cheaper airfares. In 2014, more than half of
Wego’s Indonesian users sought three-star accommodation listings, but surprisingly this
year we’ve seen a shift toward higher rated hotels. Domestic airfare searches rallied in
mid-June, and while average hotel rates seemed to trend a little higher closer to Idul
Fitri, the overall average price of airfares were around ten percent lower this year,” Hills

31.What does the text mainly talk about?

A. A travel site.
B. A Domestic travel.
C. A National holiday.
D. A Traditional Festival.
E. An Annual Religious Festival.

32. According to Graham Hills, this year, … in the site

A. domestic travel trend to decrease
B. more people search for low cost hotels
C. Bandung was travelers’ top destination
D. Bali was at the 4th position of searches
E. Indonesians tended to seek higher ranked properties.

33.The underlined word in sentence,”... and the city features ...,”(paragraph 3) refers to....
A. Denpasar
B. Bandung.
C. Yogyakarta
D. Jakarta
E. Surabaya

34. Retnowati : What are you going to do after school next Saturday, Nova ?
Nova : Nothing special, I think. Do you have something interesting for next
Saturday? Retnowati : Sure, It’s my birthday ?
Nova : By all means. I’ll ask my sister to accompany me
A. Would you like to come to my party
B. Would you like to plan our destination tour
C. Do you like coming to give your birthday party
D. Do you want to arrange you birthday party
E. I have a birth party ,don’t go

35. Rahma : What do you think about this dress ?
Dias : ... because the color is very soft.
Rahma : Thanks. That’s very kind of you to say
so. Dias : You’re welcome.
A. I think is boring friend
B. Are you going to attend the party?
C. I think it suits on you
D. I Think it doesn't suits on you
E. E. Yes, You dress it

36. Nara : Hey, you look so serious. What is the matter ?

Monica : Oh. I am just thinking about something.
Nara : What is it about ?
Monica : I am thinking about....
Nara : Wow, Sounds Great !
A. quiting from my present job.
B. selling my antique old motorcycle.
C. celebrating my birthday party at the beach next Sunday.
D. cancelling my plan to visit my grandparents in Bukit tinggi.
E. complaining about the bad service of an online shop where I bought a new mobile phone.

Question number 37 – 40 based on the text below.

What should we do if your facebook account is hacked by someone? Here is what to do to
make your account in secure.
Firstly, pick “setting” then go to “security”
Secondly, log in and use direct link to change or reset your password.
Then, if the hacker has changed your password, report “compromized account”.
After that, don’t forget to check suspicious applications, then remove them.
Add your phone number to make it safer.

37. What is the topic of the text?

A. How to report a Facebook hacker.
B. How to hack someone’s account.
C. How to reset password on Facebook account.
D. What to do if our Facebook account is hacked.
E. How to install antivirus to prevent malware attack.

38. What should we do if there is a suspicious application?

A. Check it.
B. Ignore it.
C. Report it.
D. Remove it.
E. Send it

39. How can you make your Facebook account more secure?
A. By providing our phone number.
B. By checking the application .
C. By going to the security feature.
D. By resetting our password.
E. By updating the application.

40.” After that, don’t forget to check suspicious applications, then remove them”.
The underlined word refers to?
A. The phone.
B. The hacker.
C. The Facebook account.
D. The account password.
E. The suspicious applications

This text is for question 41.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Purwojaya Ekspres. It is an executive
train that will take 5 hour to Gambir - Jakarta. It is a smoke free train, so
passenger are not allowed to smoke on the train. If you need any services, you
can ask our crew. Please guard all your belongings and your precious things.
We are not responsible if there is anything lost on the train.
Please sit at your numbered seat because our crew will check your ticket.
Have a nice trip. Thank you.

41.What is the topic of the announcement ?

42. Complete the following sentences with appropriate verbs!

a. My sister...Ria Ricis latest video yesterday afternoon.
b. More than 55 % citizens of Indonesia. Mr. Jokowi on General Election last year.

43. Change these sentences into Passive Voice

a. Fitra Eri drives various types of car.
b. PT. AHM product Honda Karisma in 2001.

44. Complete the following conditional sentences below with relevant situations.
a. If the police came on time at this location,....
b. If she attended the annual meeting,....

45. Arrange the jumbled procedure below into good order!

Follow these steps to upload your video to your Youtube Channel successfully:
1. Click the “select file to upload” button and find the file that you want to add.
After choosing the file, click the Open button.
2. Convert your video into a proper format accepted by Youtube, such as AVI, 3GP, MP4,
MPEG and save it in your computer.
3. Log in to your Youtube account.
4. When the file is successfully uploaded, give it a title and description, remember that
the detail should give clear information.
5. Find the upload button on the right side of the search bar and click it.




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