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“THE ESTABLISHED LEADER IN EE REVIEW” LEGIT MULTIVECTOR Review and Training Center Ground Floor, Cuevasville Tower F. Cayco corner Earnshaw St. Sampaloc, Manila Tel. No. (02) 8731-7423 LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER TRIGONOMETRY 1. Types of Logarithm ; 1. Common or Briggstan Logarithm (base 10) lod M'=log M 2. Natural or Naperian Logarithm (base e) og, M=In M where e = 2.718281828. Il Properties of Logarithm : 1. logy MN =log,M log, 6. blot = Mor eM a Mt M loge Mt _logM _ In M 2. logis logs Mt —logsN 7. lo. M = eS = Toop eb 4. log, MM = N log, M 8. logM=InMxloge 4. logy M= N, implies that St = ib" 9. logyb=1,b>0,b44 5. log, M=log,,Nimplies that M=N 10, logy 1=0,b>0,b41 Six Trigonometric Functions, c a > Fundamental Relations : Complementary Relations 1, sin OF eo@=1 1. sin(90"-0) =coso 2 tan? O+1=sec@ 2! cos(90"-0) 3 cot O+1=cae70 3. tan(90°—8) _t 4. eot(90°—2) 4. eset wg orsind = 1 5. sec= 5 orcs = 6. cot o- coto= = or tan = Double Angle Formulas Half-Angte Formulas 1. sin2b=2sinocoso 2B _ Arcos 2. cos20=cos? 0—sin? 0 wang > 2c0s70—1 18 _1+c0s0 =1-2s 2 eos 9 2tand 28 _1-eoso T=tan?6 3. n'3 “Treos8 ((1*) LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER TRIGONOMETRY Sine Law: c a b 8 7 A Cosine Law ; Tangent Law 1 a =bF +e -2bccosa 2. bi =a? +c —2accosB a. cl sat +b? —2abeos€ Addition Formulas : 1. sin(A +B) =51n AcosB+ cosAsin® A+B) (A-B 2. sin(A—B) =sin AcosB—cosAsin® 1. sinA-sinB=2sin(T) eos 3. cos(A+B) =cosAcosB—sinAsinB ASBY 1A 4, c0s(A—B) =cosAcos B+sinAsinB 2, sina—sin=2cus(“=")sin(“*) 5. tan(asn)-S2AttanB A+B) (A-B T-tanAtand 4. casatcosB=2c0s(4=*)cos(A=*) __fanA~tanB A+B) AB 6 and — 8) = 4. cosa—cost=—2sin(~>~}sin(“>*) Product Formulas : 1. 2sinAcosB=sin(A+B)+sin(A—B) 2. 2eosAsinB=sin(A +B) —sin(A-B) 3. 2cosAcosB=cos(A +B) +e0s(A—B) 4. 2sinAsinB=cos(A~H)=cos(A +8) Inverse Trigonometric Function : 1. ysaresinx — ifandonly x= siny where: ~1sx 10. cosh®x—sinh? x= 1 11, tanh? xtsech? x= 1 x_, feostxat 12. coth®x—eseh?x 1 25, cosh = +> 13. coshx+sinbx=e* 14. coshx-sinbx=e™ coshx—1 26, tanh tanhg = + lcostixta yesinh™!x represents the equation x= sinhy 4 sinktx=ta(x+ 241) (alls) 2 coshtx=in(rtyre—1) x21 -11 O0 Tagonametry wo 10. 1. 12. LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER TRIGONOMETRY REE ~ May 2010 / Sept. 2017 ‘What is the value of xif logs 1296 = 4? Aa B.S ce D3 REE — Aug. 2019 Find allreal solutons tothe agaritunic equation In (2 — 1)—In (x1) = n AO B.3 D. 12 REE — Sept. 2012 It cos theta = —3/4. and tan theta is negative, the value of sin theta Is AS B.-(sqrt.of7v4—C.(dsqrt. of 7/7. (sqrt. of 74 REE — Aug. 2019 I'sin A = =4/5 and sin B = 7/25, what is sin (A + B) if Ais In the Srd quadrant and 6 Is In the second quadrant. A. -3i5 B.3/5 c.25 D.4i5 REE — Sept. 2017 Itesc” 6 =x" + 1, what is cot? 6? AX B.1tx cx? D1 REE — Sept. 2010 If cos 2 = 2, find cos 2z. A-26 B14 cs D7 REE — Feb. 2014 / Apr. 2017 ico 2 = 2, find cos 32. AT 5.17 c.27 D.37 Solily (son 7+ enn 1°+ 00m 2° +. + 008 00°} sn 6" an #%+ al 2° +... ain 907) 5.1 c2 DS REE — Sept. 2014 / Sept. 2016/ Apr. 2017 / Sept. 2018 ‘What Is the value of xin Arctan 3x * Arctan 2x = 45 deg? A, 1/6 and 1 8. 1/6 and «1 C.16 DA REE — Sept. 2003 How many possible triangles can be formed In angle A = 126 deg and side a = 20 cm and b = 25m? A. 1 solution B. 2 solutions CC. no solution D= REE ~May 2010 A triangular fish pen has sides 30 cm, 50 cm and 60 cm. Find the acute angle opposite to the shortest side. A. 80 deg 5.45 deg ©. 30 deg D. 60 deg REE ~ Apr. 2003 Given the curve y = 3cos x. Find the amplitude and period. A.3, pil2 B.3, 2pi C.3, 3pl2 D. 3, 4pi Tiiaonametiy ca LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER a TRIGONOMETRY REE - Sept. 2010/ Aug. 2019 13. Find the helght of a tree if the angle of elevation of its top changes from 20 deg to 40 deg as the observer advances 23 meters toward the base. A 14.78m B.13.78m C.15.78m. D.16.78m REE — Apr 2011 / Sept. 2012 / Sept. 2015 / Apr. 2019 14, Two stones are 1 mite apart and are of the same level as the foot of the hill. The angles of depression of the two stones viewed from the top of the hill are 5 degrees and 15 degrees respectively. Find the height of the: hill A. 109.01 m B. 209.01m C. 409,01 m D. 309.01 m REE — Sept. 2007 15. A photographer wants to take a picture of a 4 feet vase standing on a 3 feet pedestal ‘She wants to position the camera at point c on the floor so that the angles subtended by the vase and the pedestal are the same size. How far away from the foot of the pedestal should the camera be? Ast B.63n c.798 D.4en 16, Two cars A and B started at the same time from the same point and moved along straight line which intersects at an angle of 60 degrees. If car A was moving at the rate of 50 kph and car 6 at the rate of 70 kph, how far apart are they at the end of 45 minutes? A.46.64 km B. 78.3km C.48.64km. D.73.8km REE — Sept. 2017 17. From a ship sailing due east a lighthouse was seen to bear N 45° E. After sailing 5 km, the lighthouse has a bearing of N 69° W. How far was the lighthouse from both points of observation? A387 km B. 3.00km .0.87 km D.8.33km REE ~ Apr. 2003 418. Two cities are 270 miles apart fie on the same meridian. What is the difference in latitude, if the radius of the earth is 3,960 miles? A 2/4 rad B. 3/44 rad C. 4/44 rad D. 5/44 rad “Triganometry

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