Good Afternoon Everyone, How Are You Today, I Hope All Is Well

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Perawat 1 : Assalamualikum wr wb,

Good afternoon everyone, how are you today, I hope all is well . Let’s us introduce ourselves before
we begin health promotion about Prevention of Covid -19. I’m .... Today i’m with my friend her name
is ..... please Nurse... to explain about our activity today.

Perawat 2 : okey thank you nurse for the opportunity, let’s talk about Covid-19 Prevention. Well, let me
ask you, does everybody know what is Covid- 19?

Audience 1 : all i know that Covid-19 is a type of heavy flu with a new strain of virus.

Audience 2 : yes, i agree with her. The sign and symptoms like fever and cough.

Perawat : Yes, you guys are right. Covid 19 is the new virus that causes respiratory disease. One way we
can prevent the transmission of the covid virus is by using masks. Because high chance of contagion
occurs when infected people interact with healthy people and healthy people interact with others. The
use of masks will protect us from saliva splashing or droplet.

Audience 2 : is there any other way to prevent?

Perawat 2 : In addition to using & preventive masks, use hand washing with soap, use masks when
coughing or closing with your inner upper arm, eat balanced nutrition, be diligent in exercise and
sufficient rest, eat perfectly cooked foods and avoid eating meat from potentially contagious animals,
keep your environment clean, reduce smoking or nonsmoking, drink pukeye is recommended only 8
drinks a day. If fever and shortness of breath go to the health facility immediately.

For more information Nurse…. That would be explain more information about coid-19 prevention.

Perwat 1 : In addition to the ways that have been explained, we can use a movement of 5m, a
movement of 5m (5m) is by wearing a mask, washing our hands with running water, keeping distance,
away from the crowd and restricting interaction.

Is there anything you’d like to ask miss?

Audience 1 : Yes I am, How to wear a mask properly nurse?

Perawat 1 : Wow, that’s an excellent question.

Perawat 2: are there any other questions?

Audience B : that’s me, is allowed to wear masks of fabrics?

Ners 1 dan 2 : okee that’s good question miss.

Ners 1 : we will answer the question one by one. Okey first question is How to wear a mask properly?

1. Masks over your mouth, nose and chin.

2.  Press the top of the mask to follow the shape of the nose
3. Avoid lowering the mask to the chin by contaminated the inside of the mask
4. When removing the mask grab the rope and quickly toss it into the bin and remember to tear
the mask away from being recycled by irresponsible people.
5. Change the mask regularly when it is dirty and wet

Is my explanation easy to understand?

Audience 1 : no nurse, it was so clearly.

Perawat 1 : oh thank you miss, okey secod question will answered by my friend. Please Nurse....

Perawat 2 : well i will answered the second question, is allowed to wear masks of fabrics?

Cloth masks are permitted with notes to be properly washed. When washing cloth masks using
detergent and then getting soaked in warm water as a preventive measure to be contracted from the
virus. The cloth mask is an alternative to the healthy community if a medical mask takes rare on the
market. If the covid 19 infected society could use a fabric mask to prevent droplet and particles from
spreading to others but it is recommended that disposable medical masks be used.

Perawat 1: Okey everyone has the questions been answered?

AU 1 : of course, that would be a very satisfying answer.

AU 2 : Yes, i appreciate it very much.

Perawat 2 : If no questions i will ask to Miss .... , repeat what we hhave already said, what is 5M
Miss .....?

AU 1 : Oh i was shocked, all i remember is wearing masks, washing my hands, avoiding crowds, staying
at a distance and reducing interaction. Was i right?

Perawat 2 : wow amazing, i think you understand perfectly, then you can practice it.

Perawat 1 : okey last question for Miss ...., please explain to me why not lower the mask to the chin
Miss .... ?

AU 2 : that’s a simple question nurse, it is not lowered to the chin because it can contaminate the inside
of a mask and is a form of poor masks.

Perawat 1 : Good answer Miss, after we give you health promotion about prevention of Covid-19, how
do you feel now?

AU 1 : i think i got some useful knowledge to avoid infected Covid-19.

AU 2 : of course, i got a new knowledge and i have to be careful and keep doing 5M.
Perawat 2 : well i guess this activities is over now, we apologize if there’s any miss information. Thank
you for your attention and your cooperation. I hope you guys are always healthy and happy. See you and
Good afternoon.

AU 1 & 2 : Good afternoon nurse, thank you very much for your information.

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