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Assessment Literacy 2: Match the terms and their definitions.

H 1. A method of testing that measures abilities related to^back

the construct
to top^ being tested, rather
than the construct itself
Assessment that is used to make critical decisions with consequences for one
2. Assessment
or more stakeholders that
in the is used to make
assessment critical
process; decisions with
an admissions testconsequences
that for one or more
High-stakes test stakeholders
determines the course of a in the assessment
student's academicprocess;
a test usedtest
forthat determines the course of a
accountabilitystudent's academic
and linked future
to funding areand a test
both used for
examples of accountability
high-stakes tests.and linked to funding are both
examples of high-stakes tests.
Method of rating an assessment based on general descriptions of performance
at specified
3. levels; while awhich
Assessment holistic scoring
requires therubric may to
examinee take into account
demonstrate knowledge or skill through
Holistic scoring performance along several
activities that dimensions (e.g.,active,
are often direct, fluency,
andgrammatical accuracy,
hands-on, such as giving a speech, performing a
and word choice for
skit, ororal language),
producing one overall
an artistic product score which best represents
the examinee's performance is assigned.
4. Commercially-available test which can be purchased by an educational institution or
I individual user and administered at the discretion of ^back to top^ user
the individual
Impact The positive or negative effects of testing
5. Feasibility of test given materials, funding, time, expertise, and staff
A method of testing that measures abilities related to the construct being
Indirect testing
tested, rather than the construct itself
The materials (presented aurally and visually) that an examinee receives as
part of the
tasks into the current state of knowledge, resources, or practice with the intent of taking
Integrative test Test that addresses
making language
a decision,skills, sometimes
or providing in thewith
a service samethetask
M ^back to top^
7. Method of rating an assessment based on general descriptions of performance at specified
Test in which examinees demonstrate knowledge, skill, or ability by selecting
Multiple choice test levels; while a holistic scoring rubric may take into account performance along several
a response from a list of possible answers
dimensions (e.g., fluency, grammatical accuracy, and word choice for oral language), one
N overall score which best represents the examinee's performance is assigned.
^back to top^

Inquiry into
8. the current
Process of state of knowledge,
collecting data from resources, or practice
multiple sources about with the
an instructional program or
Needs assessment intent of taking action, making
intervention a decision,
and making or providing
a decision a service
about the with
success theprogram based on this
of the
results information; the evaluation could target both the process and outcomes of the program.
Scores interpreted with respect to other examinees; some must score high,
some low.9. Range of measures from 1-99 used to compare examinees with one another; an examinee
O who scored in the 80th percentile placed higher than^back
80% oftotest

10. Scores interpreted

Commercially-available with
test which respect
can to other examinees;
be purchased some must score high, some low.
by an educational
Off-the-shelf institution or individual user and administered at the discretion of the
individual user
11. Student's total number of correct responses on a test ^back to top^
Two or more tests with different questions that measure the same underlying
skill and whose difficulty levels have been determined to be
Parallel forms 12. scores
Test in which examinees demonstrate knowledge, skill, or ability
equivalent; from parallel versions of a test can be compared with one by selecting a response
another. from a list of possible answers
Range of measures from 1-99 used to compare examinees with one
Percentile another; 13. Test of ability
an examinee in a defined
who scored in thearea
language; the areahigher
placed may bethan
narrowly-defined (e.g.,
English for airline pilots) or broader (e.g., social and academic language). Proficiency tests
80% of test takers.
are not tied to a specific curriculum or course and are often contrasted with achievement
Assessment which
tests.requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge or skill
Performance assessment through activities that are often direct, active, and hands-on, such as giving a
speech, performing a skit,
14. Test that or producing
addresses multipleanlanguage
artistic product
skills, sometimes in the same task
Test whose results are used to assign students to classes designed for learners
Placement test 15. Test
at a particular levelwhose results are used to assign students to classes designed for learners at a
particular level
Practicality Feasibility of test given materials, funding, time, expertise, and staff

Test of ability in a defined area of language; the area may be narrowly-

defined (e.g.,
16. English for airline
The materials pilots) or
(presented moreand
aurally broad (e.g., that
visually) social
examinee receives as part of the test
Proficiency test
academic language).
tasks Proficiency tests are not tied to a specific curriculum or
course and are often contrasted with achievement tests.

Process of
17.collecting data from
The positive multiple
or negative sources
effects about an instructional
of testing
program or intervention and making a decision about the success of the
Program evaluation
program based on this information; the evaluation could target both the
18. Two or more tests with different questions that measure the same underlying skill and
process and outcomes of the program.
whose difficulty levels have been determined to be equivalent; scores from parallel versions
of a test can be compared with one another.
R ^back to top^

Raw score Student's total number of correct responses on a test

Instructor: B. Budiyono

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