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Skill up and get training

Bite Size chunks of information are far easier to digest and remember if delivered at the
time of need, just when you need it most.

If this information is fun, interesting and user friendly, then the likelihood of you being able
to recall that information at another time, is far greater than if you try and digest lots of
information in a short space of time.

Huge tasks can often be a huge turn off. So we've tried to make things simple by carving up
typical one day, desk top training courses into small digestible chunks of learning so you to
dip in and out of a lesson, just when you need it most, and complete that task with ease.

Bite Size aims to work with business and individuals to support their desk top training with
an on line, quick to administer learning centre to continuously improve individual IT
capability. Our Bite Size lessons aim to increase productivity and improve business output -
saving valuable time in performing a task. We will even send a Weekly Tip via email to help
you continue to learn.

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