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Areeba Ayaz1, Hania Amin Khan2, Farkhanda Sarwar3, Aliza Khalid4
Department of Food Science and Technology, Jinnah University for Women Karachi, Pakistan
Department of Food Science and Technology, Jinnah University for Women Karachi, Pakistan
Department of Food Science and Technology, Jinnah University for Women Karachi, Pakistan
Department of Food Science and Technology, Jinnah University for Women Karachi, Pakistan

Halal foods are those that are not prohibited in Islam. Sea food is mostly consider
as Halal but there are few exceptional cases in which seafood is consider as
haram. Due to such debate researchers divide the fish and fish industry into four
distinct categories. Many of the scholars consider shellfish as halal except The
Hanafi school of thought is the only exception as they consider all shellfish to be
Makrooh. Fish and seafood are natural existing body that are found in sea, rivers,
pounds, lakes and marine waters or can be grown in man-made farms.  Essentially,
any of the other ingredients are utilized in Surimi creation should likewise meet
halal prerequisites. Few people don't eat some seafood, for example, lobster tails
and crab legs, either due to religious prohibiting or because of individual restraints,
imitation seafood items are made with Surimi.Imitation fish items are seasoned with
common and artificial flavors and texturized by utilizing stabilizing agents.  It is
basic practice to separate flavors and produce ingredients from fish and seafood for
use in non-seafood items. . Handling of Surimi for assembling imitation seafood
items is a special cycle. In the event that gelatin is utilized in Surimi creation, it
ought to be halal bovine or fish gelatin.  . However, gelatin may cause debilitating of
myofibril protein gelatin in Surimi items and this will prompt less flexible texture
of Surimi. In halal control points 3 Surimi ought to be load in clean appropriate
halal packaging materials and marked appropriately and related to halal markings

The word HALAL refers to lawful, the thing which isn’t prohibited in Islam. Consumption of Halal
products must be viewed from a much wider scope and perspective. In reference of food, it is usually
consider as dietary standard for Muslim. Halal concept isn’t only applicable for food, it is important in
every step to life. Generally every food is consider as Halal until it is not mention as prohibited in Quran.
Every food that processed, produced, manufactured or stored using utensils, equipment or machinery
that have been cleansed according to Islamic law. Foods containing ingredients such as gelatin, enzymes,
emulsifiers, and flavors are questionable, because the origin of these ingredients is not known. Fish and
seafood are natural existing body that are found in sea, rivers, pounds, lakes and marine waters or can
be grown in man-made farms. There are multiple opinion regarding the consumptions of fish and other
sea animals. Some scholars believe only live catch fishes are consider as halal while some of them said
fish or sea animals are free from this restriction as land animals are restricted to eat in dead state. Some
believe that fish with scale can be eaten but on the other half some of them denied. Some believes that
reptiles (those animals who lives dual life on land as well as on sea) are prohibited[ CITATION Mia \l
1033 ]. Shellfish are aquatic shelled fish often categorized as mollusk or crustaceans. Prawns, Crabs,
Shrimps, Lobsters and Oysters are all examples of shellfish. Many of the scholars consider shellfish as
halal except The Hanafi school of thought is the only exception. They consider all shellfish to be
Makrooh [ CITATION IsS20 \l 1033 ]. Due to such debate researchers divide the fish and fish industry into
four distinct categories. Category 1 having fish with scales and fins such as cod, flounder, haddock,
halibut, herring, mackerel, perch, pollock, salmon, sea bass, whiting, buffalo fish, carp, trout, tuna,
orange roughy, and snapper. This category is acceptable by all the Muslim consumers. Category 2
includes fish or fishlike animals which may have fins but not removable scales. Some of these may
breathe oxygen from air rather than water, but live in water all the time. Examples of this are catfish,
shark, swordfish, eel, monkfish, cusk, and blowfish. This category is acceptable to the majority of Muslim
consumers, but not all denominations accept them as halal. They might consider them makrooh.
Category 3 include several unrelated species, mobile or not, of several shapes and sizes, that cannot
survive without being in water. These are generally either mollusks or crustaceans, including clams,
mussels, lobsters, shrimp, oysters, octopus, scallops, and squid. This group also includes marine
mammals that live totally in the sea such as whales and dolphins. The majority of Muslim consumers eat
them, however others consider them either haram or makrooh. Shrimp seems to be in a special
category some only eat them but not the rest of category. Category 4 comprises in many of the animals
generally falling under the definition of seafood. They live in and around water most of their life cycle,
but are capable of living outside water because they can breathe air. These are generally not considered
halal although some Islamic scholars are of the opinion that they are from the seas because they live in
and around water. These include crabs, snails, turtles, alligators, and frogs [ CITATION Mia \l 1033 ].

Sea food is mostly consider as Halal but there are few exceptional cases in which seafood is
consider as haram. Sea animal that contain any type of poison is declare as haram like blowfish.
Allergenic substance that found in any sea animal would be haram. Sushi is a Japanese inspired
seafood dish made from raw fish such as salmon. It is usually prepared with rice, vegetables and
a variety of other ingredients. All fish from the ocean that does not cause harm is halal. So as
long as the other ingredients used in the preparation of the sushi are also halal. Then that sushi is
halal and permissible to eat in Islam. Surimi is a minced fish paste, produced using a modest fish
in plentiful stock, typically Alaskan Pollock, and habitually blended in with sugar and sorbitol, a
sweetener. The mixture is joined with different assortments of fish and fish flavorings, additives,
for example, sodium tripolyphosphate and binders, for example, wheat flour or egg white, and
reorganized to appear as though more like crab, scallops, shrimp or lobster. It is basic practice to
separate flavors and produce ingredients from fish and seafood for use in non-seafood items.
Since there is an enormous distinction in the agreeableness of fish and other seafood among
various Muslim buyers in different nations, it is fitting to become familiar with the market
necessities in a specific country before to delivery any seafood products or flavors.
Few people don't eat some seafood, for example, lobster tails and crab legs, either due to
religious prohibiting or because of individual restraints, imitation seafood items are made with
Surimi. Surimi is produced using flat types of fish like Pollock. Imitation fish items are seasoned
with common and artificial flavors and texturized by utilizing stabilizing agents. The ingredients
utilized in the planning of imitation seafood items should adjust to the overall rules for halal
items; that will be, that they should not contain any elements of haram animal origin or alcohol
or any unsure materials. Handling of Surimi for assembling imitation seafood items is a special
cycle [ CITATION Mia \l 1033 ]. Surimi is well known not just in Japan yet in addition in numerous
different nations because of its exceptional texture and nutritive worth.
Gel strength was most generally utilized to evaluate the characteristics of Surimi which
include the three dimensional protein gel network arrangement. The protein gel network was
shaped by cross-linkage among actin and myosin of fish muscle proteins, which hardens during
heat treatment Surimi gelling is an interaction that includes disintegration and accumulation of
protein. During heat treatment, the protein separates uncovering the receptive bunches. On
openness, there will be development of connections between the adjoining protein atoms. At the
point when adequate holding power have been acquired, a progression of three-dimensional
systems will be made and creating gel.
However, gelatin may cause debilitating of myofibril protein gelatin in Surimi items and this will
prompt less flexible texture of Surimi. As another option, some protein added substances have
been utilized in Surimi and Surimi based items to improve the qualities of the gel also to
diminish protein debasement brought about by endogenous proteinases. In this way, to expand
the Surimi gel strength protein supplements have been broadly utilized due to its capacity as a
proteinases inhibitor and increment the protein-protein connections for the arrangement of 3-
dimensional organization. They are various protein supplements being added into Surimi
product. Like plasma protein, whey protein, egg whites (EW) and soy protein. The EW and soy
protein are considered as Halal yet not plasma protein. While whey protein is rely upon the
enzyme utilized in the cheese creation. It is Halal if the rennet comes from slaughtered calf as per
Syariah law. Whey protein is a fluid protein communicated out during cheese creation. The
protein is gathered and dried to shape whey protein intense or segregate. Plasma protein is
gotten from blood and disallowed for Muslim purchasers. The plasma protein has been
accounted for being utilized as emulsifiers also, stabilizers to improve the firmness.
Transglutaminase (TGase) is food additive substance and perceived as meat glue, an enzyme that
catalyzes the development of a covalent connection between a free amine groups. It tends to be
found in the animal, vegetable and also, in yeast cells. The TGase has been appeared to improve
the solidness, water holding limit, nutrient content of protein based items through the
arrangement of protein-protein cross-links and subsequently, improving the mechanical
construction and surface of food [ CITATION AMS16 \l 1033 ]. The handling of Surimi is fairly
basic. Creatures and fish got with target fish are taken out, and rest of the fish is handled by
washing, deheading, eviscerating, some of the time filleting, mincing, washing the minced meat
a few times, rewashing furthermore, crushing the overabundance water and soluble proteins out,
mixing with stabilizers also, cryoprotectants, and pressing in boxes and freezing for additional
preparing. There are just three halal control focuses (HCPs). Halal control points 1 includes
evacuation of non-targeted animals, which are eliminated at any rate in the operation since that
Surimi can't be made out of crab, shellfish, or turtles. Halal control points 2 includes expansion
of stabilizers and cryoprotectants. A few ingredients such as sugar, sorbitol, calcium items,
phosphates, egg whites, gelatin, blood plasma proteins, Transglutaminase, or different covers and
gums are utilized. In the event that gelatin is utilized in Surimi creation, it ought to be halal
bovine or fish gelatin. Essentially, any of the other ingredients are utilized in Surimi creation
should likewise meet halal prerequisites. In halal control points 3 Surimi ought to be load in
clean appropriate halal packaging materials and marked appropriately and related to halal
markings [ CITATION Mia \l 1033 ].

Hygienic, safety and cleanliness are strongly emphasized in Islam via Halal. It includes every
aspect of personal hygiene, dress, equipment and premise where Halal products is processes or
prepared. In fact the basis of Halal itself is hygiene and health. the consumption of Halal is not
only an obligatory in serving ALLAH but obedient to Halal shows that material and ingredient
are not harmful to health since ALLAH permitted only what is good for human existence
[ CITATION Moh \l 1033 ].


Allah in His Divine Wisdom has made certain animals halal and others haram. Complying with
the orders of Allah in halal and haram is a focal piece of a Muslim's day by day life. Greater part
of the researchers of Islam believes most seafood to be halal. So we ought to appreciate these
endowments and show thanks and appreciation to Allah for giving nutritious seafood to us.
Islam isn't just a religion it is a lifestyle with conventions, rules and habits overseeing each
aspect of life. Since food is a significant piece of day by day life, food laws convey an
uncommon importance. Muslims are relied upon to eat for endurance, to keep up great wellbeing
and not to live for eating. In Islam, eating is viewed as a matter of love of God like petition,
fasting, aid giving and other strict exercises.

Chaudry, M. N. (n.d.). Fish and Sea food requirement . In Halal food requirement (p. 348).

Is Seafood Halal? (Crab, Lobster, Shark, Octopus, Oyster, Sushi). (March 6, 2020). In Muslimversity.

Mohd Imran Khan1, D. A. (n.d.). Understanding “Halal” and “Halal Certification & Accreditation System”-
A Brief Review. Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies.

Sahilah, A. (January 2016). Halal authentication in Malaysia context: Potential adulteration of non- Halal
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