Laboratory Tests Ordered by A Chiropractic Sports Physician On Elite Athletes Over A 1-Year Period

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Journal of Chiropractic Medicine (2015) 14, 68–76

Topics in Sports Medicine

Laboratory Tests Ordered By a Chiropractic

Sports Physician on Elite Athletes Over a 1-Year
Dustin C. Nabhan DC, DACBSP, CSCS a,⁎, William J. Moreau DC, DACBSP, CSCS b ,
Chad Barylski DC, DACBSP, MSN, NP-C c
Associate Director, Clinical Research and Multidisciplinary Care United State Olympic Committee,
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Managing Director of Sports Medicine, United States Olympic Committee, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Nurse Practitioner, Annadel Medical Group Family Medicine/UCSF Medical Center Department of
Orthopedics/Neurosurgery, Santa Rosa, California

Received 16 December 2012; received in revised form 12 April 2015; accepted 15 April 2015

Key indexing terms:

Objective: The purpose of this study is to describe and discuss laboratory tests ordered on
Sports medicine;
elite athletes in an interdisciplinary sports medicine clinic by a doctor of chiropractic over 1
Clinical laboratory
calendar year.
Methods: A retrospective review of laboratory tests ordered during routine clinical practice as
standard screening and diagnostic tests from November 1, 2009, to November 1, 2010 was
performed. Data were collected during clinical encounters at one sports medicine clinic and
entered into a database for analysis. Descriptive and frequency statistics were used to describe
the tests ordered and the frequency of abnormal findings.
Results: Five hundred and thirty-nine studies were ordered for diagnostic and routine
screenings on 137 athlete patients (86 males, 51 females), representing 49 types of tests.
Sample sources included blood, urine, skin lesions, and fecal matter. The most commonly
ordered tests were complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic panel, serum ferritin,
creatine kinase, serum iron and total iron binding capacity, total cortisol, thyroid stimulating
hormone, and lipid panels. There were 217 studies (40%) flagged as abnormal by the
reporting laboratory.
Conclusion: : This report provides greater insight into the diverse array of laboratory studies
ordered over a 1-year period for diagnosis and screening of elite athletes. A high percentage of the
results were flagged as abnormal by the laboratory. These findings show that the unique physiology
of the elite athlete must be considered when interpreting laboratory findings in this population.
© 2015 National University of Health Sciences. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

⁎ Corresponding author at: 1 Olympic Plaza Colorado Springs CO 80919. Tel.: + 1 928 580 3642.
E-mail address: (D. C. Nabhan).
1556-3707 © 2015 National University of Health Sciences. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Laboratory Tests 69

Introduction Methods

Quality health care requires a thorough assessment This retrospective observational study represents the
of each patient’s health status, including a detailed analyses of 1 calendar year of laboratory data
history and physical examination, as well as appro- (November 1, 2009-2010) on all laboratory studies
priate laboratory and diagnostic testing. It is accepted ordered by a sports medicine certified chiropractic
that the judicious use of laboratory tests coupled with physician in one clinic (United States Olympic
thoughtful interpretation of the results of these tests is Training Center, Colorado Springs, CO) with a patient
an important tool in clinical decision-making and population of elite athletes. Athletes with access to this
patient management. Laboratory tests are commonly clinic are involved in a wide range of sports divided
used in periodic evaluation of the healthy athlete. 1–7 into categories such as power, endurance, combat, and
Owing to the metabolic stress of training for sport, acrobat sport. The population studied was variable in
laboratory results in elite athletes may differ from the regard to age, gender, and sport; however, only elite
general population. 1 The sports medicine clinician athletes have access to the clinic facilities and were
must be astute as to how training affects laboratory therefore the target of this study. This clinic serves a
results and the clinical relevance of abnormal resident population of 175 athletes and may serve an
findings. This has been described in limited detail in additional 200 to 300 athletes at any given time on a on
previous manuscripts; however, a thorough descrip- a temporary basis throughout the calendar year, with an
tion of the tests commonly ordered and the frequency estimated 10,000 patient visits annually.
of findings outside of the reference range has not been During the 1-year period observed, studies were
published. 1–3 Publication of test results in athletic ordered by the attending chiropractic physician for
populations may help clinicians better understand diagnostic testing during injury or illness, during routine
what is “normal” in this special population and the physical examinations as a screening measures during
clinical significance of abnormal findings. periodic health examination, or as part of multidisciplin-
Practice patterns regarding the use of diagnostic ary management with sports performance or medicine
laboratory tests by doctors of chiropractic have not consultants such as sport dietitians or exercise physiolo-
been thoroughly described in medical literature, and no gists for performance purposes, and never as a means of
studies on this topic have been published in regards to screening for performance enhancing drugs.
chiropractic management of the athletic patient. All tests were ordered by a single practitioner and
Chiropractors are trained in laboratory testing and collected by the physician or clinic staff and sent to a
interpretation during their curriculum. Commonly local laboratory for analysis. A database of all test
ordered tests in chiropractic practice include complete results ordered by the lead clinician was provided by
blood counts (CBC), comprehensive metabolic panels the contracted external laboratory (Quest Diagnostics,
(CMP), urinalysis, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C- Denver, CO) at the end of the calendar year and then
reactive protein, random and fasting serum glucose, he- stripped of all patient identifiers before analysis. No chart
moglobin A1c, serum lipid panels, vitamin B12, vitamin D, reviews were performed; the database served as the only
fecal occult blood tests, and allergen testing. 8 It has been source of patient information. The results of each test
reported that chiropractors order diagnostic laboratory ordered were tabulated into summary tables, including
tests on a yearly basis and review laboratory data and whether each test result was considered normal or
interpret the results on a monthly basis. 9 However, abnormal based on the laboratory’s reference ranges.
chiropractors have been reported to see a very low The clinical or scientific rationale for each study
importance in regard to the collection and processing was not recorded in the retrospective database as
of laboratory tests, with importance of these skills reasons were too widely distributed and were all part of
being scored as 0.6 out of 20 (20 being the highest normal patient care over the 1-year period but included
value). 9 injury or illness evaluation and diagnosis, routine
The purpose of this study was to describe what tests health screening, performance testing, or as part of
were commonly ordered by 1 doctor of chiropractic in multidisciplinary management of chronic conditions.
a sports medicine setting during 1 calendar year, to Communication of the laboratory results and their
describe common abnormal findings in this popu- clinical relevance was performed as a usual part of
lation, and to discuss the clinical significance of patient care. Owing to the retrospective nature of this
these findings. project, no changes in patient management were made
70 D. C. Nabhan et al.

during the one year time period. This study was

approved by the Southern California University of
Health Sciences Institutional Review Board.


Retrospective analysis of data revealed that 539

different laboratory studies were ordered on 137 athletes
over a 1-year period, with an average of about 4 tests
ordered per patient. The patient population who required
laboratory evaluation for their clinic visit consisted of 86
male and 51 female athletes. The most commonly
ordered tests were the CBC, CMP, thyroid stimulating
hormone (TSH), serum ferritin, creatine kinase (CK),
serum iron, and total iron binding capacity (TIBC), total
cortisol, urinalysis, and lipid panels (Fig 1). The resulting
laboratory reported 217 out of the 539 studies as
abnormal (Table 1).


Laboratory testing is an important component of the

management of the athletic patient and should be
considered by the clinician working in the sports
medicine setting. Although not all chiropractic offices
have the capability or desire to order and utilize these
laboratory tests, this report describes the importance of
these tests, how the results in the athletic population may
differ from the general public, and the clinical signifi-
cance of test results in this special population.
Laboratory testing of the elite athlete has been
described as a routine part of health screening. 1–7
However, detailed descriptions of the tests commonly
ordered in the population for both diagnostic and
screening purposes, the frequency of abnormal results, Fig 1. List of test ordered between September 2009 and
and the clinical utility of these findings have not been September 2010.
published in detail. Prior investigations have reported
findings of specific screening tests, such as iron comprehensive metabolic panel, total cortisol, creatine
screening, in athletic populations; however, to the kinase, complete blood count, iron panel, and serum
authors’ knowledge, a retrospective study describing ferritin. The studies ordered appear to be unique to the
the practice patterns in regard to types of tests patient population studied, as tests such as creatine
performed in a sports medicine clinic over a time kinase and serum cortisol were ordered more frequently
interval and percentage of abnormal tests has not been in this population then as described in past studies on
performed. This study provides new insight on tests practice patterns of doctors of chiropractic. The results
that are used in the sports medicine setting and suggest the utility of laboratory analysis is increased in
describes the results of this testing. a competitive sports environment to monitor health and
In the population studied, there were a high number performance. Biomarkers may be used to analyze
of abnormal results (40%; 217/539). Tests with high adaptation to training and identify physiological
numbers of abnormal results included the lipid panel, explanations for changes in performance. 10,11 Serum
Laboratory Tests 71

Table 1 Percentage of Abnormal Laboratory Results Among the 7 Most Common Reported Panels
Percentage marked as abnormal
Test Abnormal Total by the laboratory
Lipid panel 11 18 61
Comp metabolic panel with estimated glomerular filtration rate 46 90 51
Cortisol, total 18 36 50
Creatine kinase, total 26 59 44
Complete blood count 48 114 42
Ferritin, serum 26 82 32
Iron and total iron binding capacity, serum 15 59 25

cortisol, serum iron, creatine kinase, and vitamin D are in the size of RBC, and a reticulocyte count is a
all studies that may help clinicians and sports scientists measurement of the absolute count or percentage of
explain changes in performance and assess training young RBC in blood. 17 These tests can assist the provider
status or may be used to monitor the effectiveness of in determining certain types of anemia and assist with
nutritional intervention. 1,10,11,13–15 further work-up.
The sports medicine patient population presents White blood cell (WBC) counts are important in
clinical challenges to the interpreting physician when assessing for general inflammation or infection. The
analyzing athletes’ laboratory results as compared to WBC count helps diagnose infection or inflammatory
normals. 12 A thorough patient history, including recent process and may be used to determine the presence of
training volume, past laboratory values, and a precise other diseases that affect WBCs such as allergies, bone
nutrition and hydration assessment may be required to marrow disease, or immune disorders. 17 Highly trained
accurately interpret laboratory data. 11–13 The unique endurance athletes may have a low WBC count due to
metabolic demands of elite athletes to excel in elite sport training. 18
commonly result in abnormal laboratory findings when
compared to the general population. 1–7,14,15 Reference
laboratory values often do not necessarily reflect what is Iron Panel
normal or abnormal for an elite athlete in training. 16 Iron-deficiency anemia is the most common cause of
anemia in athletes and presents with common signs
Review of Commonly Ordered Laboratory Studies such as fatigue, headache, joint pain and weakness
which could otherwise be overlooked as a sign of
Based on the results of this study, laboratory tests over-training or dehydration. 7 It is therefore extremely
that may be routinely considered when evaluating an important to screen for this type of anemia by utilizing a
athlete include the CBC, CMP, serum ferritin, serum CBC and assessing the mean corpuscular volume,
iron and TIBC, TSH, vitamin D, lipid panels, creatine MCH, red cell distribution width along with a serum
kinase, serum cortisol, and urinalysis. ferritin, serum iron and TIBC. Serum iron tests are
typically ordered as follow-up tests when abnormal
CBC With Differential results are found on routine CBC, such as a decreased
The CBC is performed to determine a general health hemoglobin and hematocrit level. They may also be
status and to screen for, diagnose, or monitor any one of a ordered when iron deficiency or iron overload is
variety of diseases and conditions that affect blood cells, suspected. These secondary tests determine the levels
such as anemia, infection, inflammation, bleeding disor- of free and stored iron in the blood and are useful labs
ders, or cancer. 17 The hematocrit and platelet count can to determine potential causes of anemia. The TIBC
sometimes be abnormally high in athletes, particularly if helps assess the body's ability to transport iron in the
the athlete is dehydrated. 17 Mean corpuscular volume is a blood and is usually elevated with iron-deficiency
measurement of the average size of red blood cells (RBC), anemia. As the iron level is low in the blood stream, the
mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) is a calculation of TIBC will be increased since transferrin saturation is
the average amount of oxygen-carrying hemoglobin very low. 20 TIBC may be ordered along with serum
inside a red blood cell, MCH concentration is a calculation iron when it appears that an athlete has iron deficiency
of the average percentage of hemoglobin inside a red cell, or overload. and should be assessed for in all athletes
red cell distribution width is a calculation of the variation with similar complaints. 20
72 D. C. Nabhan et al.

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel Serum fasting glucose is a screen for diabetes, hyper-
glycemia and hypoglycemia. In the athletic population,
The CMP includes testing for multiple electrolytes glucose levels may be elevated acutely due to stress and
and metabolites such as sodium, potassium, chloride, demands of exercise causing symptoms such as sweating,
bicarbonate, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, hunger, confusion, and anxiety. 17 Exercise-induced
fasting glucose, calcium, magnesium, albumin, aspar- hypoglycemia has been reported in endurance athletes
tate amino transferase (AST), alanine amino transferase and, if encountered, should be treated immediately to
(ALT), alkaline phosphatase, and bilirubin. prevent complications including seizure and permanent
Electrolytes such as sodium and potassium are brain damage. 24
frequently abnormal in the athlete and are routinely Serum albumin is a non-specific screening that assists
evaluated in the sports medicine clinic and emergency is diagnosis and management of several diseases. 17 In an
department settings. Sodium levels generally help athlete low albumin levels can be seen with acute
determine if a disease or condition involving the inflammation, shock or poor nutrition whereas high
brain, lungs, liver, heart, kidney, thyroid, or adrenal albumin levels may be due to dehydration. 17 Addition-
glands is causing or being exacerbated by a sodium ally, low levels may be seen in conditions where the body
deficiency or excess. Urine sodium levels are typically does not properly absorb and digest proteins, such as
tested in athletes who have abnormal blood sodium Crohn's disease or celiac disease or in which large
levels to help determine whether an imbalance is from, volumes of protein are lost from the intestines. 17
for example, taking in too much sodium or losing too Athletes have been shown to have lower albumin levels
much sodium. 17 A high blood sodium level is almost than non-athletic control populations. 25
always due to inadequate water intake and dehydration, Two key important aspects of the liver panel include
with symptoms including dry mucous membranes, the AST and ALT enzymes, which help to detect liver
thirst, agitation, restlessness, acting irrationally, and injury, with ALT being a more specific marker of liver
coma or convulsions if the sodium level rises to damage than AST. AST/ALT are often measured when
extremely high concentrations. 17 In the athlete, sodium signs and symptoms of liver disease are present
levels may be low with excess water intake and may be including fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, swelling
high with dehydration. Severely low sodium levels, or or jaundice. In the athlete AST elevation is a routine
hyponatremia, may produce nausea, cramping, or finding associated with increased physical exertion and
neurologic problems and may quickly become a if found in isolation often does not require additional
medical emergency if not addressed properly. This work up. 2
has been reported in up to 50% of marathon runners
who collapse at the finish line and can be life- Lipid Panel
threatening if not managed appropriately. 21 Potassium Lipid panels may also be a routine part of health
is evaluated to assess for hyper or hypokalemia. screening of the athlete. The basic lipid panel includes
Hyperkalemia is often seen in kidney disease, but such tests as total cholesterol, which measures all of the
many drugs can decrease potassium excretion from the cholesterol in all of the lipoprotein particles, the low-
body and result in this condition. 17 Hypokalemia can density lipoprotein, often called “bad cholesterol” because
occur if an athlete has diarrhea, vomiting, or extreme it deposits excess cholesterol in walls of blood vessels,
sweating or drinks excessive caffeine and may cause high-density lipoprotein, often called “good cholesterol”
weakness, cramping, and cardiac rhythm disturbances because it removes excess cholesterol and carries it to the
that can be fatal. 22 liver for removal, and triglycerides, which are measures
BUN and serum creatinine are primarily used to of all the triglycerides in all the lipoprotein particles. 17
evaluate kidney function, muscle breakdown, and to The high-density lipoprotein is typically high in athletes
monitor athletes with acute kidney injury. It also may and is often abnormally high in well-trained athletes. 26
be used to evaluate a person's general health status. 17 Careful consideration should be given when prescribing
In regards to the athlete, BUN and serum creatinine statins to athletes, as it has been reported that only 20% of
may be elevated due to a condition that results in athletes can tolerate their use without muscular side
decreased blood flow to the kidneys, such as shock, effects. 27
stress, severe sun burn, or dehydration. 17 In athletes,
creatinine has been shown to be directly related to body Vitamin B12
mass index, and this should be considered when Evaluating athlete’s vitamin B12 levels is com-
interpreting creatinine levels in larger individuals. 23 monly performed and may lead to supplementation
Laboratory Tests 73

with intramuscular injection when deficient. Most hydration status and for a number of internal medical
athletes who eat a balanced omnivorous diet do not conditions. An important example of monitoring hydra-
need to worry about vitamin B12 deficiency, but those on tion with urinalysis is its use in weight class sports such
energy-restrictive diets, those with heavy alcohol use for as boxing, wrestling or judo. Athletes in these types of
more than two weeks, and strict vegetarians should sport often are required by sporting rules to have their
consider supplementation. 28 An athlete who is deficient hydration status simultaneously evaluated when their
in vitamin B12 may have decreased cognitive function body weights are measured in an attempt to ensure
causing impaired concentration, or compromised aerobic increased accuracy in determining the athletes correct
capacity resulting in decreased athletic performance. 28 weight class. To accomplish this, urine specific gravity is
used as an indicator of hydration status. In this clinic,
Vitamin D digital refractometry is the preferred method to measure
Assessing 25(OH) vitamin D levels may be an urine specific gravity (Fig 2). Digital refractometry has
important factor to consider during as part of a routine previously been described as a safe and accurate
screening assessment, particularly in the athlete with representation of urine specific gravity in athletes. 34
bone injury. Vitamin D levels help determine if bone
weakness, bone malformation, or abnormal metabolism Creatine Kinase and Serum Cortisol
of calcium (reflected by abnormal calcium, phospho- Creatine kinase and serum cortisol are tests that were
rus, and parathyroid hormone) is occurring as a result routinely ordered in this study but are less frequently
of a deficiency or excess of vitamin D. 29 Recent used in the general population. These tests have been
literature suggests that athletic performance may be previously described as possible predictors of over-
affected by vitamin D as well. 29 Vitamin D has been training. 10,11 In this study, there were a high percentage
shown to increase the size and number of type II fast of elevated creatine kinase and total cortisol tests, with
twitch muscle fibers and is directly associated with 50% of total cortisol and 44% of creatine kinase results
musculoskeletal performance and the prevention of identified as being abnormal. In the athletic patient
bone loss. 30 population the elevation of these specific studies may
not define overtraining but is rather as a sign of acute
Thyroid Panel muscle breakdown and stress seen with exercise or
Thyroid stimulating hormone is an excellent screening heavy training and serves as a small piece of the
test to determine if chronic athlete fatigue, weakness, diagnosis of overtraining syndromes. 10,11
weight loss or gain, depression/anxiety, or sleep distur- Cortisol is a glucocorticosteroid produced in the ad-
bances interfering with training may be related to thyroid renal cortex that plays an important role in metabolism of
hormone. 31 If TSH level is abnormal, it should be macronutrients (Fig 3). 11 In normal conditions, cortisol
followed with a test for total T4 or free T4 for further follows a diurnal pattern of secretion, with elevated levels
investigation on the cause and severity of thyroid in the morning and lower levels in the evening. Adrenal or
dysfunction. 32 pituitary dysfunction and stress can disrupt normal cortisol

Urinalysis provides valuable information when work-
ing with the athletic population. Dehydration not only
reduces athletic performance, and places athletes at risk of
health problems. Monitoring hydration has significant
value in maximizing performance during training and
competition. It also offers medical personnel the oppor-
tunity to reduce health risks in situations where athletes
engage in intentional weight loss. Simple non-invasive
techniques, including weight monitoring and urine tests
can provide useful information. 34 In-office dipstick
urinalysis is routinely performed at this medical clinic
for diagnostic, screening and sport science purposes. As a
diagnostic screening, urinalysis may be ordered as a
first line study in the management of urinary tract Fig 2. A pen refractometer is used to analyze urine specific
infection, abdominal trauma, hematuria, determining gravity, an estimate of hydration status.
74 D. C. Nabhan et al.

production. 11 Elevated cortisol can be associated with the athlete, and prevention of injury due to muscle
increased physical or emotional stress, or with Cushing’s damage and fatigue. 5 Isolated CK elevation, however, is
syndrome. 6,11 In athletes, if Cushing’s syndrome is not not diagnostic of overtraining syndrome and can occur in
suspected, increases in cortisol are associated with numerous other conditions in which training occurs
increased physiological strain. 6 beyond the body's ability to recover (Table 2). 5
Creatine kinase is an enzyme present in numerous
tissues in the human body. 11 In particular, there are The Use of Laboratory Tests in This Sports Medicine
high levels of creatine kinase in skeletal muscle, the Clinic Setting
heart and brain. 11 A CK test measures the breakdown
of this enzyme in the body. 11 Laboratory tests have The routine use of laboratory diagnostic studies in
been developed for specific isozymes of CK to this clinic, as compared to other studies showing DCs
differentiate whether a high CK is specifically due to rarely directly order laboratory tests, 36 may be
brain (CPK [creatine phosphokinase]-1), heart (CPK-2) explained by the collaborative form of multidiscipli-
or skeletal muscle (CPK-3) damage. 11 CK is elevated 1 nary medicine practiced at this facility and the level of
to 2 days after strenuous physical activity, and remain training of the chiropractic physicians. The chiropractic
elevated for several days. 7 CK is often elevated in physician who directs the clinic and the attending
athletes due to normal training, ranging from 7% to chiropractic physician are both Diplomates of the
137% higher in athletes than in the general popula- American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians with
tion. 5 Monitoring CK in the athletic population may be advanced training in Sports Medicine diagnosis and
a useful tool in evaluation of acute muscle damage in treatment. In addition to the clinics consulting physi-

Fig 3. Functions of cortisol. CAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate.

Laboratory Tests 75

Table 2 Creatine Kinase Values Found in Some Muscular

1 doctor of chiropractic in an interdisciplinary sports
Pathology. medicine clinic over a 1-year period. A high percentage
of the results were flagged as abnormal by the laboratory.
Muscular Pathology CK Value Increases These findings suggest that the unique physiology of the
Duchenne and Becker dystrophies 25-200-fold elite athlete must be considered when interpreting labo-
Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy 10-100-fold ratory findings in this population.
Facioscapulohumeral dystrophy 3-fold
Distal myopathy 3-fold
Endocrine myopathy Up to 10-fold
Congenital myopathies Slight increase
Metabolic myopathy Slight increase Funding Sources and Conflicts of Interest
Mitochondrial myopathy Slight increase
Drug-induced myopathy Slight or no increase
No funding sources or conflicts of interest were reported
CK, creatine kinase. for this study.
Elevations in creatine kinase are a common occurrence in the
training athlete, as well as in several musculoskeletal conditions
listed above. Clinical correlation should be made when
interpreting CK values.
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