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Keur Knowledge Centre Article # 2020/07

Urgent orders & committing unrealistic delivery dates

When it comes to quoting delivery times while This creates an impression in operations that sales
booking orders, common practice followed by book orders by giving unrealistic delivery dates in
companies is to quote “standard” delivery times. order to meet their targets & then put pressure on
These standard times are given to sales team by operations to deliver on time, which is going to be
either operations team or top management. For impossible for them to do.
different products, there are different standard
times. For eg. for product A, it could be 4 to 5 weeks, How should you proceed?
for product B, 8 to 10 weeks & so on.
1. Set up a mechanism to provide visibility of
current order backlog to sales.
This practice causes problems for both teams, 2. Define new rules of what delivery times to
operations & sales, as it doesn’t address specific quote depending on order backlog, rather
needs of both these functions. than blindly quoting standard times.
3. If you foresee regular opportunities to book
The problem for operations team: urgent orders (with very short delivery
Delivery lead times are actually dependent on times), keep some capacity reserved for such
current order backlog. For eg. if a company has orders so that they will not disturb flow of
current order backlog of 6 weeks & books an order already booked orders.
for product A with 4 weeks delivery, there is no way 4. If your delivery times are longer than what is
it can deliver on time (the only way to deliver on time
acceptable in the market, launch
will be by giving this order higher priority & delaying
improvement projects to shorten them.
some other order from backlog).
Since sales team has no visibility of current order
backlog, different sales people quote same standard Word of caution:
times for many enquiries & from time to time end up a) Continuously booking orders with delivery
doing over booking for certain period. times shorter than capability of operations
& then putting pressure on operations to
meet committed dates creates chaotic
working. Eventually, delivery performance
will deteriorate to an extent that it starts
damaging reputation of company in
b) If you have decided, as a strategic call, to
book some orders with shorter delivery
times, knowing very well that operations
cannot deliver in that time, be prepared to
accept delay. Don’t put pressure on
operations to try & deliver on time. If you do,
& they oblige, it will be by compromising
something – either quality or scope or
The problem for sales team: delivery of some other order. This, you may
Many times, “standard” delivery times given to them not even come to know or even if you come
are longer than what is acceptable in the market. So, to know, it will be much later, by which time
view of sales team is that they will not be able to damage to company would have already
book any orders if they stick to standard times. Also, happened.
there are reports of competition quoting much
shorter delivery times. In this situation, with sales
targets to meet, they end up booking many orders
with delivery times shorter than standard.

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