My Mountain: Entry # 1 From The Journal of Pia Jacel P. Sang-An

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STEM 11 c – Versatility

My Mountain
Entry # 1

From the Journal of Pia Jacel P. Sang-an

A student, An artist, A dreamer and A gamer.

Climbing any mountain can be a

challenge to anyone. Whether you “ What do you feel when you are
are experienced or not, it at the top? ”
depend in how you face it and
the determination one posses to “ What it feels be at the top? ”
achieve the goal of making to “ What is the view like? ”
the top of said mountain.
Sometimes these mountains are
completely figurative. They can
be anything that feels like a

When I climbed a local hill and

reached its highest point.
Whether it was the wind up my
face or that my sore muscles
screaming at me that they can
finally rest or knowing you are
at the top looking down on the
sleepy city. That moment at the
top that make you feel like you
These are the question that I are free. With the dusty skies
mostly ask myself. On nights so and the morning light, as the
long I feel like I am at the city awakens and you just look
base of the mountain that is my down to the beauty of the ocean
life. But slowly and steadily I and the calming winds.
climb. With every milestone When I am at the peak. I reflect
event in my life, one more step on myself and the current
I take to reach the peak. The problems I am facing. But
climb is that you only have ultimately every time.
yourself; bare hands and feet
inch by inch closer to the top
each day. I Will Live In The Moment.

I will live my life, saving and

The feeling of being at the compiling the small things in my
bottom and looking up to see the life. Because no matter what you
peak and think to yourself. achieve in your life the small
things may sometimes be the
reason to make you feel like
STEM 11 c – Versatility

your living your life to the

Pia Jacel P. Sang-an
Signing out, until the next entry.

And so I end this entry, another

page to the book of thoughts and
STEM 11 c – Versatility

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