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Brainstorm writing for final test

Topic 1: Are sports useful for young people?

In my opinion, I think that sports useful for young people. First, they can help
bones and jonts become stronger, increase fixibility, strength and endurance.For
example, praticing volleyball will help you grow taller, yourbody become flexible
and you move faster. The second thing is you will improve your memory, because
practice exercise increases blood flow to the brain, hence the brain have been
provided enough oxygen, keep your mind sharp and alert. Third,play sports make
you feel more confidence,practice sport regularly will stimulate an area of the
brain,increase your self-confident. Improve self-confidence will help you express
yourself easily,expand relationships with the community.Fourth, its can help you
reduce stress, anxiety and pressure after work. In short, sports benificial for young
people, especially is term of our health and I think everyone should practice sport

Topic 2: Is it better to go on a package tour or to travel on your own?

In my opinion, I think that travel on own better than go on a package.First,you can

practice independence for your self, when you travel on your own, you have to
take care of everythings by yourself. Problems such as find accommodation, food,
activities, finding place to visit,… no one will plan to helps you.Do everything by
yourself will help you practice independence. Second, you can come where you
want to come, do what you want to do. When traveling alone, you don’t have to
follow any group or individual rules.You are free to enjoy your private time by the
way you want. Third, you don’t need to worry about being on time.You don’t
need to wait for anyone so you don’t need to care about time.This time is yours,
it’s up to you to decide.Fourth, in stead of being on time with the tour group, you
don’t need to set an alarm to wake up on time. In short, traveling alone is more
convenient than go on a package tour. And if you are a person who want to
challenge yourself, let’s try to travel on your own.

Topic 3: Should university education be free?

In my opinion, I think that university education should’n be free. First, there will
be no bonus fund or scholarship for excellent student if you don’t pay tuition fee.
Don’t have bonus or scholarship, student will not have movation to try. There for,
student will be dependened because if they don’t pass the course, they don’t need
to pay for re-study but if they study well, they won’t have scholarship. Second, if
you don’t have money, you can’t invest, the quality and equipment are degraded.
So when the equipment is damaged, there will be no money to repair. If don’t
have enough money to invest the equipment, student won’t have enough condition
to study. Therefor, learning quality up won’t be upgrade and reduced fast. Third, to
organize extracurricular activities, the school must have fund to spend. So if you
don’t pay the school fee, there won’t be enough cost to spend on these activities.
In short, university education should’n be free because these reason.

Topic 4: Should boys and girls attend separate schools?

In my opinion, I agree that boys and girls attend separate schools. First, single-sex
education provide a environment for boys and girls to concentrate on their study.
Research shows that a single-sex school environment can eliminate the distraction
from members of the opposite sex, and therefore is academically beneficial to
students. Girls in an all-female school can establish self-esteem, and avoid the
situation faced by young women in co-ed schools such as struggle to survive
emotionally. They will be able to focus more on their academic curriculum and
have good prepare for life in the future. Second, traditional gender stereotypes are
often reinforced in single-sex academies. Boys tended to be taught in more
regimented, traditional and individualistic fashion and girls in more nurturing,
cooperative and open environments. This will develop their virtue and prepare
them for their future roles in the society.In short, to facilitate for good development
and learning, boys and girls attend separate schools.
Topic 5: Should student be allowed to use cellphone in classroom?
In my opinion, I agree that student should be allowed to use cellphone in
classroom.For example: looking up  dictionary in english object. Phone with
internet-accessed can help students understand vocabulary without difficulty. It
also help them to search information about everything that relates to their study. In
this day and age, phone is considered as the key of knowledge that can unlock
most of information by mankind. Another factor to accept using phone in class is
taking note the lesson efficiently with camera function. If students know how to
apply their phone in their learning, it will be their efficient assistant. For example:
they can record the lesson of the lecturer to rewatch at home or snap something
important that the lecturer emphasised before. Although we can not deny the fact
that phones will have some bad influence on students when they are studying, it is
also a great efficient partner for them.Therefore, instead of interdicting them, we
should briefing them on how to use it in learning.

Topic 6: College students should not be forced to wear uniforms to school

In my opinion, I didn’t agrre that college students shouldn’t be forced to wear

uniforms to school. First, uniform express the unity and unique characteristics of
the school. On each uniform will be printed with the school’s logo, course
information so that everyone and teacher can know the most basic information of
student. Beside that, the benefit of wearing a school uniform is that wearing a
school uniform will help students be more conscious and disciplined. Second,
wearing uniform also helps student become equal. Student who have good
condition will invest more in fashion clothes when they go to school, and this
makes students have disadvantage will be self-deprecating about their clothes.
Third, wearing uniforms also contribute to built solidarity. The uniform shirt is like
a rope linking all the members in the class together. In short, to practice discipline,
student should be forced to wear uniforms to chool.

Topic 7: The only way to guarantee a good job is to complete university


In my opinion, I agrre that the only way to guarantee a good job is to complete
university education. First, university is the fastest way to have a good job. When
you study in university, you can learn the unique things in their which in real life
does not have. By way of illustration, medical school  can provide students with
knowledge and experience. Furthermore, we have a chance to go on an excellent
internship program. And after finishing university we will have a good quality jobs
which provide us  lots of professional conditions. A doctor or an engineer is a case
in point. Especially, if we do not have a certificate we will get an abysmal job and
becoming rich is more and more difficult . In hospital ,we need a medical
certificate so that we can afford to be a doctor.Summarising, university is not the
only one way to have a good job but it is the fastest way to become rich.

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