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Bangladesh University of Professionals

Department of Business Studies in Marketing

Faculty of Business Studies

Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka- 1216, Bangladesh

Term Paper

Name Roll Section

Raiyan Javed 2025171027 A

Alavy Rayhan 2025171061 A

UbaidBin Afzal 2025171083 A

Submitted by:

Submitted to:

Sabakun Naher Shetu


Department of Marketing

Faculty of Business Studies

Bangladesh University of Professional


Individual countries in today's globalized and highly competitive globe always function as part
of the "global value chain." As a result, it is critical that nations compete with one another not
merely for attention, but also for respect and trust. All value chain participants, whether they
rival, consumers, or even onlookers, must assess the country as a potential partner in order to
build their own brand equity. Furthermore, the country's particular value addition is regarded a
competitive advantage of the value chain, not simply the country, which must be maintained in
order for the country to gain respect and confidence. As a result, having a strong and favorable
"country brand" gives you a significant competitive edge.

Governments have recently spent money to nation branding in order to enhance their country's
position, since a nation's image and reputation may have a significant impact on its ability to
strengthen its political, social, and economic power throughout the world. Simon Anholt, the
inventor of the term "nation branding," defined it as "the methodical process of aligning a
country's activities, behaviors, investments, innovations, and communications behind a clear plan
for creating a reinforced competitive identity." To develop a country brand, it is critical to
consider three key strategic factors.

Anholt proposes six main components via which countries may brand themselves. The following
is the conceptual framework that the components are built on: (i)Tourism (value for money,
lodging, food, recreation, and so on); (ii) Heritage and culture (arts, history, and so on); (iii)
Investment (technological, legal, market, and other environmental factors); (iv) Quality of life
(education, healthcare, standards of living, employment, and so on); (v) Value systems (political
and cultural freedom, governance, and so on); and (vi) International relations (exports,
partnerships, diplomatic relations, etc.

Keeping all these things in mind a Brand Identity proposal for Bangladesh would surely need to
consist of tourism, heritage and culture, investment and international relations. For this reason,
we are introducing Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park.

Bangladesh Hi tech park is comprised of an enriched sector in our country currently and has
huge prospects of national and international investment. The Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority
has established 28 (eighty) Hi-Tech Parks (HTP), Software Technology Parks (STP), and IT
Training and Incubation Centers around the nation. The building of 4 (four) parks is now
complete, and commercial operations are underway. Construction work on the remaining parks is

The Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority's major goal is to help the country achieve economic
prosperity by developing adequate investment infrastructure and trained people resources to
boost investment and employment in the IT/ITES industry. Now I’d like to get into

Formulating Project Goals.

Vision: Sustainable Development & Proliferation of IT/Hi-Tech Industry in Bangladesh.

This vision provides us a complete picture of Bangladesh's future. The "Digital Bangladesh,
Vision-2021" ideology is based on the ultimate goal of enhancing people's lives. It includes
ensuring the delivery of government services to citizens' doorsteps through the use of
technology, as well as preserving people's democracy and rights, transparency, accountability,
and establishing justice. Digital Government, Human Resource Development, IT Industry
Promotion, and Connecting Citizens are the four pillars of Digital Bangladesh. Bangladesh Hi-
tech park has been one of the biggest assets to fulfill this vision.

Mission: Establish international standard infrastructure and create congenial & sustainable

business environment; Develop an IT/ITES-based industrial ecosystem and provide all IT/ITES
business and industry services through a single platform.

Objectives: The Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority's major goal is to help the country achieve
economic prosperity by developing adequate investment infrastructure and trained people
resources to boost investment and employment in the IT/ITES industry. In a nutshell, the
Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority's objectives are as follows:

 Developing and implementing plans to build Bangladesh's investment infrastructure

 Proper operation and management of the Hi-Tech Parks established by Bangladesh Hi-
Tech Park Authority across country.
 Attract FDI and create a world-class investment climate in the country's Hi-Tech /
software technology parks.
 Developing IT skilled resources to lead the Hi-tech and software technology sector.
 Encouraging the development of private STP Formulating rules, regulations, guidelines,
and various fiscal and non-fiscal incentives for investors in the hi-tech sector and hi-tech
and software technology parks in the country.
 Developing an innovation ecosystem and infrastructure to support start-up concepts and
companies across the country
 Under Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority, implementing the decisions of the Board of
Governors, Executive Committee, Digital Task Force, and other national committees
pertaining to hi-tech and software technology parks.

Analysis of Current Place Brand

Analysis of current place brand is necessary as it indicates about any brand’s place image,
reputation, identity etc. This analysis helps us to make important plans to enrich the brand image.
Three major standpoints are observed in order to analysis the current place brand. Those are:

1. Place Identity
2. Perceived place image
3. Projected place image
How these three points align with Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park is discussed below:

1. Place Identity: Place identity is an environmental psychological factor. The place of any
company can represent historical, political, religious, a great piece of architectural design or any
other significant event. To attract the attention of local people the place can be near urban, sub-
urban or any other convenient place, a brand can deploy the headquarter, training center or
factory accordingly. As Bangladesh has man power who are willing to work in IT sector,
Bangladesh government has taken steps to construct IT parks in several convenient and large
area to reach out people. The Hi-Tech Park symbolizes a great piece of architectural design
where people can invest their time to earn money and get a stable income. In every district Hi-
Tech Parks are being constructed near urban area for which people get a sense of safety and for
their convenience The Hi-Tech Parks provides transportation for the employees. For such great
initiatives people are showing their support and willing to contribute in this sector.

2. Perceived place image: The perceived place image is how people perceives the brand’s
place based on various facilities, location, design etc. Through qualitative and quantitative
survey, a brand can analysis how people have perceived the place.

The Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority has established 28 Hi-Tech Park (HTP) Training and

Incubation Centers throughout the country. The building of 4 parks is now complete, and
company operations are continuing. The remaining parks are undergoing construction.

Investors are already investing in these parks to train people for a better future. In Sheikh Hasina
Software Technology Park, Jessore there are 51 investors who are currently operating their
business, the area of Sheikh Hasina Software Technology Park, Jessore is 232,000 sq.-ft. On the
other hand, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Hi-Tech Park, Rajshahi (BSMHTP) is spread across
nearly 250 acres and is divided
into five blocks. The BSMHTP
recently added a total of 97 acres
of property. Already, Sheikh Hasina Software Technology Park, Jessore

37 firms have got land allocation

in Bangabandhu Hi-Tech City, of
which five are presently
manufacturing there. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Hi-Tech Park, Rajshahi

Bangladesh Hi tech Park Authority and It’s Projects: Some of the parks created by
Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority (BHTPA) are given below with brief detail for our better
understanding of how this park has immense opportunities for investment and growth of our
country. These parks (constructed and under construction) needs highly skilled personnel. Thus,
many training centers are also created to educate our countrymen. Foreign investments are likely
to be more prone towards these. Solely because of cheap labor cost, cheap tariffs and taxes and
low export cost. In Comparison with China and India, many social stigma, political instability
are the reasons why Foreign investment in our country is much more suitable.

Bangabandhu Hi-Tech City, Kaliakoir

Area of Land: 355 Acre

Employment Target: 1,00,000

Park Investors No. of Investors at Present: 25

Rate of Rent: Ready Space- per sft BDT 30-50

per month; Land- per sqm USD 4-6 per year

Many potential investors/startups are

welcome depended on their organization
motive, size, plan and structure.

Sheikh Hasina Software Technology Park, Jashore

Area of Land: 12.13 Acre

Employment Target: 5000

No. of Investors at Present: 48

Rate of Rent: Ready Space- per sft BDT 10 per

month; Service Chargepersft BDT 2 per month;

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Hi-Tech Park, Rajshahi

(under construction)

Area of Land: 30.67 Acre

Employment Target: 14,000

No. of Investors at Present: 48

Rate of Rent: Ready Space- per sft BDT 10 per

month; Service Chargepersft BDT 2 per month;

Many other Hi-tech park list with their existing employees, employment target (under
construction) is given below:

 Hi-Tech Park, Sylhet (Sylhet Electronics City) (Under Construction)

Employment target: 50,000
 Sheikh Kamal IT Training and Incubation Centre, Natore
Existing employees: 799, (480 have been trained)
 Sheikh Kamal IT Training and Incubation Centre (Under Construction)
Employment target: 15,000
 IT/Hi -Tech Park at District Level (12 district)(Under Construction)
Employment target: 60,000
 IT Business and Incubation Centre, Rajshahi (under construction)
Employment target: 300
 ICT Incubator Cum Training Cente, KUET (under construction)
Employment target: This would be an Innovation and Commercialization Hub

Moreover 28 hi tech park will create 300,000 jobs and huge opportunity to be digitally
improvised and huge prospect to earn foreign currency. Some special amenities for startups in
these hi-tech parks are very commendable.

Investments: With such large area it is easy to attract investors, shareholders as well as other
company to set business and train people, in fact the response from local people were positive
and they were inspired to learn about technologies. The investors aim is to enable local people
with the knowledge to start their own online business, outsourcing etc. Walton, Rangs, Fair

Electronics, Vision, KDS, Nasdaq Technologies, Elion International, Business Automation, and
JR Enterprise were among the 166 local and international enterprises given plots in exchange for
investing $118 million in these Hi-Tech Parks. So far it is working well. Recently, nine firms are
going to invest 55 million USD in these IT tech firms. Walton Hi-Tech Industries Limited,
Technomedia Limited, Daffodil Computers Limited, Celltron Electro Manufacturing Services
Limited, Ulkasemi Pvt Limited, Mactel Limited, Child Health Research Foundation, Reddot
Digital, and Felicity BigData Limited are among the nine businesses involved. The enterprises
will create around 3,500 jobs in the Hi-Tech Parks. The firms and the amount of money they are
investing is given below:

This investors are getting their own piece of land for manufacturing and assembling mobile
handsets, producing computer parts, and offering state-of-the-art IT services.

The Hi-Tech parks are already showing great potentials. In the operational 4 parks most of the
major investors are taking actions to provide training to the people who are willing to learn
technological and modern way to earn money and work for our nation. For such activites our
country is benifited by:

 People are learning how to operate technologies

 People are getting a way to earn money using technology
 Companies that are investing creates job opportunities
 Exporting skillful menpower to other countries
 Attracting the attention of modern firms and companies
 The Hi-tech park is also gaining attentions of local and foreign tourists

For such Hi-Tech park Bangladesh is closer than ever to become fully digitalized counrty. As we
have huge manpower who are willing to depend on technologies to earn money, the perceived
place image is good. Our government has chosen convenient, large and attractive place to create
such Hi-Tech park which is appreciatable. Not only Hi-Tech Parks are being created in large
convenient places, it comes with other facilities too. On a regular basis the Hi-Tech Park host
various programs like 3D world, VR world, robotics, software development etc competition and
seminars. Throughout this students get inspired to come and visit Hi-Tech Parks. Every Hi-Tech
parks are equipped with modern facilities such as library, computer store, sports area, automatic

parking zone, cafeteria etc. These all are essential to attract people so that they visit the places
and get ideas to start something new or employment. Apart from these every Hi-Tech Park has
it’s own medical center where employee can get first aid if any accident occurs.

3.Projected Brand Image

Bangladesh is a developing country in the verge of climbing the global ranks of developed
countries. And among many of the current innovations and mega project that are under
development in Bangladesh, the Sheik Hasina Software Technology Park and the Bangabandhu
Sheikh Majibur Rahman Hi Tech Park are some prime examples. Bangladesh is now at a state
where she can offer many countries and companies the opportunities to establish their foot hold
in terms of business in a country with the 8 largest population of the world. And many major
companies of the world are wising up to this prospect and have already started to invest in the
future of Bangladesh.

What Bangladesh offer to any and every corporation selling their product or services to a country
of mostly illiterate people is the potential of massive exposure. Bangladesh is currently home to
161.4 million people, among whom 75% have only recently introduced to the digital world and
are still at the stage of learning about the different system of conduct of the modern world. So,
any company wanting widespread exposure in a densely populated area well surely get their
desired outcome from the people of Bangladesh. As investment in Bangladesh’s new project will
give them the opportunity to make themselves known to the people of Bangladesh and thus
create opportunities for them to become future customers and users of their products and


This is an industrial park located in Kaliakoir, Gazipur District, Bangladesh, known as the
Bangabandhu Hi-Tech City (BHTC). Kaliakoir Hi-Tech Park was formerly known as Kaliakoir
High-Tech Park. The aim of this project is to create a business hub of sorts through which major
corporation of the world can establish their base in Bangladesh to conduct their business. The
point of it being a Hi-Tech Park was brought up by personnel from Bangladesh University of
Engineering Technology or BUET so that major businesses of the world may see this as a variant
of the Silicon Valley of sorts and be encouraged by the state-of-the-art technology found here, to

come forth and establish trade relationships with Bangladesh. The construction of the
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Hi-Tech Park in Rajshahi, one of the 28 software technology parks
that the government is constructing across the country as part of its Digital Bangladesh program,
is expected to result in the creation of approximately 14,000 new jobs, according to estimates. In
December 2016, the ECNEC approved a project that will be implemented by Bangladesh Hi-
Tech Park Authority under the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Division at a
cost of Tk281 crore. The Park will play a critical role in accelerating economic development by
expanding high-tech industries, establishing hardware and information and communication
technology/information and communication technology-enabled services industries, and creating
a favorable investment environment for foreign firms. By creating IT-based jobs in that park,
Rajshahi would be transformed into a digital economy hub, according to the Minister of
Information Technology. The city of Rajshahi is home to more than 100,000 students from a
variety of educational institutions, including Rajshahi University, Rajshahi Medical College,
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET), and Rajshahi College, and every one
of these students will get a boost in job opportunities once the project is done.


Like mentioned in the description of the previous Hi-Tech Park, the aim of this project is to
create a business hub of sorts through which major corporation of the world can establish their
base in Bangladesh to conduct their business. In Jessore, the Sheikh Hasina Software
Technology Park's second server station has officially begun its journey throughout the country,
supplying essential data storage backup for the whole country. Bangladeshi Prime Minister
Sheikh Hasina officially launched the newly built park on December 10, therefore opening the
door to new prospects in the country's booming information technology industry. The first server
station at the new tech park in Gazipur's Kaliakoir will be tested after the park's official opening
to guarantee that no data from government or non-profit organizations is lost during the testing
period. Construction of the IT Park in Shankarpur's bejeppara area, which is estimated to cost
Tk305 crore, began in February 2013 following the announcement of the IT Park's location.
Modern facilities can be found on the park's 232,000 square feet, which includes a 15-story
multi-purpose building, a 12-story dormitory building with a three-star rating, a cutting-edge
conference center, and underground parking. Utility services, such as a 33 kVA power

substation, a fiber optic internet connection, and other infrastructure, will be accessible in the
information technology park. It is planned to build solar panels on the roof of the 12-story
dormitory tower to act as a backup power source, and the park will serve as the beginning point
for the Indian fiber optic links. Following the demands of Japanese businesspeople, the entire
11th floor of the dormitory building has been turned into a world-class gym with a swimming
pool. It has been reported by trustworthy authorities that all of the structures were built from an
earthquake-resistant composite material.

The attention to detail made by the government while the construction of these project to meet
the demands of foreign investors only doubles down on the fact that companies already investing
in the future of Bangladesh are in the course to be rewarded sooner than later.

In the future years, the information technology industry will be the country's largest source of
revenue. This year, the Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority has been hard at work developing
the requisite infrastructure and trained personnel required to allow a world-class business climate
for rapid industrial growth and new business development in the information technology sector.

The Most Important Factors Influencing Investment in Bangladesh

• Third largest economy in the world by GDP (PPP) with 7.11 percent growth

• One of the largest and fastest growing technology markets in South Southeast Asia

• Stable profits on investment are ensured by a stable local currency and macroeconomic

• Seven out of the top ten most environmentally friendly garment factories in the world

• 64 million people with access to the Internet

Why doing business in Bangladesh is simple?

• One-stop solution for HTP/STP investment

• A mature capital market for exiting on investment


• Low cost of operations

• Low attrition rate

• There is no need for a license to run a call center; just registration with the BTRC is necessary.
Support for the IT/ITES industry on a fiscal basis

• One of the most favorable foreign direct investment policies in the area;

• A special double taxation avoidance pact with a number of nations.

And these facts are being spread throughout the world of business which is making Bangladesh
the new prospect for major business ventures for major international corporations. Bangladesh
throughout the years has had international recognition for the advancements in ICT. Honorable
PM Sheikh Hasina has received the “ICT’s Sustainable Development Award” from ITU
Secretary General on September 27, 2015. Honorable PM Sheikh Hasina has received the
“Planet 50-50 Champion award” and the “Agent of Change award” from the Global Partnership
Forum at the United Nations on September 21, 2016 for empowering women and promoting
gender equality in ICT. PM's ICT Affairs Adviser On November 21, 2014, Sajeeb Ahmed
Wazed earned the United Nations' "South-South Cooperation Visionary Award" for expanding
Bangladesh's digital infrastructure and educational expansion. He has also received the “ICT for
Development Award” at One UN Plaza on September 19, 2016 for his outstanding leadership
and commitment towards ICT and using cooperativeness as a tool for sustainable development.
State Minister for ICT Division Mr. Zunaid Ahmed Palak has received the “ITU Award” in
Geneva on June 10, 2014 for improving people's lives through the use of ICT and the “Global
ICT Excellence Award” from World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA)
on September 31, 2014 in Mexico for effectively using ICT in Public Service Delivery. And
besides this the World Congress on Information Technology or WCIT was also held in Dhaka in
2021 and all of these facts point to the clear view of Bangladesh receiving a global recognition
for her advancements. The country is at the precipice and is now being portrayed in a flattering
light to the world.

Now the only thing left to do is spread the fact of the development of Bangladesh throughout the
world through social media and major international gatherings to further establish our foothold

here. Because the already projected Brand Image of our country is quite positive internationally
and to the major corporations of the world.

Design a place brand essence

As with every brand, the brand essence includes a reference to the economic offerings. Even
while a location brand represents an experience 'product,' it is frequently reduced to the design of
visual identity and communication. As a result, the core of the place brand should include the
creation of an experience idea, or a vision of the qualities of the place experience that visitors
may expect. As we have mentioned before that we’re trying to position Bangladesh Hi tech park
in way where our country is reflected at its best. Every brand needs a basic identity, which
includes three core elements: Logo, Color palette, Typography. Now, creating the brand identity
requires few things. Which are:

Brand Identity: This is an articulation of your brand’s core principles (specifically your

purpose, vision, mission, and values). Through the use of graphics, colors, forms, symbols,
language, slogans, iconography, music, service, traditions, and rituals, brand values may
sometimes serve as a brand guideline. As The name of the project is Bangladesh Hi tech park
which represents our country’s goal to become Digital Bangladesh. For our branding we’d like to
go “Bangladesh Hi tech park” as our brand name.

Brand Logo & Tagline:


As brand logo and tagline must represent the country’s overview. Through our tagline it is clear
that Bangladesh is offering its valuable resources to the world as their next ICT destination.

Target market: Local and foreign tech companies. Given below are companies who have
already invested in Bangladesh hi tech park. At least nine businesses, including Walton, have
committed to large investments in high-tech parks for the manufacturing and assembly of mobile
phones, the production of computer parts, and the provision of cutting-edge IT services.

Brand Promise: Bangladesh Hi-Tech park promises over 300,000 employment for locals. Plus,
it includes training facilities for people to be qualified as well. As for Companies investing in Hi-
tech Park The authority introduced Some special incentives for investors:

 12 years exemption of Income Tax for park developers.

 10 years exemption of Income Tax for investors.

 Exemption of Import Duty, Regularity Duty and Supplementary Duty for locally
production of ATM machine and CC camera.
 Exemption of Duties on importing Capital Equipment and Construction Materials by the
 Hi-Tech Parks are declared as Bonded Warehousing Station.
 Exemption of Income Tax on Dividend, Share Transfer, Royalty, Technical Fees for
 Exemptions of Income Tax for Foreign Employees.
 Exemption of Income Tax on declared Dividend by Park Developers.
 Exemption of VAT during production level of goods by the Investors.
 Exemption of Duties on importing Goods/Materials to be used for the development of
Hi-Tech Parks by the Park Developers.
 Exemption of Duties on importing Transport by the investor.
 Exemption of stamp duty on the deed registration/ mortgage deed registration.


Brand promises for Start-up: With a view to create new entrepreneurs in Hi-Tech Industry/
Information Technology industry, one floor is dedicated in each of the park for the
accommodation of Start Up company/individuals. The space will be allocated to the potential
Start Up company/ individuals with free of cost. BHTPA also offers mentorship services for the
growth of start-ups, as well as matching with investors and financial institutions.

Another facility for foreign investors which is known to be very affective and shows promising
outcomes is One stop service, here’s a brief description about it below.

One Stop service: BHTPA has established a One-Stop Service Center and an Online One-Stop
Service Portal ( to provide rapid service delivery to local and foreign
investors interested in investing in Hi-Tech Parks. Currently, 148 services have been recognized
as being available to investors. Seven (seven) of these services are available to investors online
through the site. The remainder of the services will be added to the portal over time.

Brand Value: The Brand itself represents a country’s overall image and future goals. It proposes
Digitalization of Bangladesh, Consisting the following:

Our Honorable Prime Minister is determined to make Bangladesh a country these values are kept
and she quotes:

“We are committed in establishing Digital Bangladesh by 2021”-

Sheikh Hasina (Honorable Prime minister Bangladesh).

Competitive Advantage: Factors that enable a company to provide goods or services better or

more cheaply than its competitors are brought up as competitive advantage. These elements
enable the manufacturing unit to earn higher sales or higher margins than its competitors.

In terms of IT Industry Competitiveness Index Bangladesh is currently ranked at 63 with overall

Index Score of 20.6 and Human Capital at 20.1. With such result it can be said that our country
stands poorly in IT sectors. But we do have huge population who are willing to contribute their
skills and expertise in IT sector if they are trained properly. What our country lack is proper IT
infrastructures and job opportunities. As we construct more High-Tech Park, we can enable a
large portion of the population to find jobs in ICT sector.

In comparison to other countries our biggest success rate lies in that population and proper
training also giving them the suitable job. Our neighbor country India is ranked 1 in ICT service
and manpower exporting sector. They are developed and have a sustainable plan. We as a
developing country are already getting enough men to work on exporting ICT services that can
provide premium services in different sectors. As per World Bank, Bangladesh stands 58 in
terms of exporting ICT services with net amount of 606044082.32 USD recorded in 2019. As a
developing country we are doing far better than other countries. All this is possible because of
what our government has planned with the large portion of our population who are doing
excellent job.

Experience Concept

From the record of June 2020, more than 13,000 people have been directly employed in various
parks and 16,000 people have been trained in various IT disciplines. These things reflect that IT
sector in our counrty is growing just like the RMG sector. Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park are creating
the opportunities for local and foreign investors to empower people for manufacturing,
freelancing, software development, digital services etc.

People who get trained and gets employed will expereince the technological growth of our
country. They will also earn knowledge, skill and money which will help them in long run too.
They will be proud as they can contribute to the society and is a skillful and talented member of

it. Beside all these people will expereince virtual world, augmented reality, robotics and other
technological advancments. Over 10,000 students, 25% of whom are girls, are graduating in ICT
from universities and technical institutions in Bangladesh every year. Bangladesh Hi tech park
has given the oppurtunity to people to create a better life. These Hi tech park are almost in every
major city in Bangladesh and Bangladesh Government has also made plans to make atleast one
hi tech park all 64 districts. Many rural people who didn’t have any idea about modern
technologies are suddenluy getting the oppurtunity to learn more.


Branding can make strong grounds for a company in market place. However, branding doesnot
only create strong, positive perception of a particular company it can have positive impact on
place branding too. Place branding has been an effective way to create a strong and positive
perception of our country’s Hi-Techparks or IT sector. If place branding is done correctly
Bangladesh will have her own recognition in the sector of IT where our countrymen will
skillfully represent our country, This will ensure economic growth and stability.

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