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RA 9163 / IRR

            The Filipino youths are considered as the most valuable resource of the country.
The “Youth in Nation-Building Act” (RA 8044) which was enacted in 1995 established
the National Youth Commission and the National Comprehensive and Coordinated
Program on Youth Development. This act defined the Filipino youth as those with ages
15-30. Currently, the Philippines have a projected 85.2 million population. The youth
comprises more than 40 percent of the total population.
The National Service Training Program is also known as “An Act Establishing the
National Service Training Program (NSTP) for Tertiary Level Students, Amending for the
Purpose, Republic Act No. 7077 and Presidential Decree No. 1706, and for other
Purposes, Republic Act No. 9163. It was signed into law in January 23, 2002 amidst the
various calls of dissenting sectors for its abolition or reform. 
            It invoked the constitutional provision regarding the “duty of the state to serve
and protect its citizens,” specifically Article II (Declaration of Principles and State
Policies), Section 2, which states that “The prime duty of the government is to serve and
protect the people.  The government may call upon the people to defend the state, and
in fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required under conditions provided by law, to
render personal military or civil service” (italics supplied).  This is the same principle that
created and sustained the Reserve Officers Training Corps. 
            The primary objective of the NSTP law is to promote the role of the youth in
nation-building.  As such, it aims to encourage the youth to become civic and/or military
leaders and volunteers whom could be called upon by the nation in cases their services
are needed.
Compared with the ROTC which specializes in military training, and the E-ROTC which
granted three options for students yet was limited in implementation, the NSTP law
ensured that the three components – Civic Welfare Service, Literacy Training Service,
and Reserve Officers Training Corps – will be given the same and equal implementation
in educational institutions.  Moreover, it defined the different components, the duration
The Three NSTP Components
The National Service Training Program is composed of three different components. 
The Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) is geared towards activities that have social
impact through activities that could contribute to “health, education, environment,
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the citizenry”, thus the CWTS
component of the NSTP stresses the importance of youth involvement in broad
programs or activities that will benefit the people. 
The Literacy Training Service (LTS) has a more limited yet equally useful objective that is
to “train students to become teachers of literacy and numeracy skills to school children,
out of school youth, and other segments of society in need of their service”.  LTS thus
specializes in the education of the people, strengthening the education sector to
empower the people through education. 
Meanwhile, the Military Training Service (MTS) or also known as the Reserve Officers’
Training Corps (ROTC), is deemed equally important by the NSTP law (it maintained its
existence and nature mentioned in RA 7077) having the primary objective to prepare the
youth in national defense, became merely a component of the program. 
Political development – the active participation and involvement of all individuals to all
governmental activities and public affairs.
Economic development – the constant progress or social mobility of every individual;
the presence of adequate economic resources, conservation and proper consumption;
and the maintenance of peace and order in the society.
Socio-cultural development – the harmonious relationship of individuals belonging to
the different social groups, culture and religion; and the preservation of the cultural
virtues and values necessary for moral development.
The Elements of National Security:
Cultural Cohesiveness – an instance where people share the values and beliefs handed
down by their forebears and possesses a strong sense of attachment to the national
community despite of their religious, ethnic and linguistic differences. This cultural
cohesiveness is manifested through the presence of commonalities of ideas, feelings and
perspectives among the people of different language, religion, lifestyle or ethnic
Moral Consensus – an instance where people are inspired by their patriotism and
national pride to participate vigorously in the pursuit of the countries goals and
objectives. There is agreement among the people where they want to go as a nation and
how they want to get there. There is agreement among the people about what is right
and what is wrong and an agreement about national vision.
Territorial Integrity – Refers to an instance where the territory of the country is intact
and it is under the effective control of the government. The nation’s territory is
adequately protected from illegal intrusions and destructive explorations, and rebels or
belligerent group has control over any portion of the territory where our laws cannot be
Ecological Balance – Refers to an instance where the environment is capable of
supporting sustainable development strategies for the benefits of the nation and the
people who depend on it for their existence
Socio-political Stability – Refers to peace and harmony among the divergent groups of
people in the country, and mutual cooperation and support exists between the
government and the people as a whole. This refers to a situation where civil and human
rights are respected and just policies and rules are obeyed.
Economic Solidarity – Refers to an instance where the nation’s economy is strong,
capable of supporting national endeavors, and derives its strength from the people who
have an organic stake in it through participation or ownership. This is also a situation
where people have control over their own lives, livelihood and economic destinies, and
economic democracy prevails.
External Peace – Refers to an instance where the country and the people enjoy cordial
relations with their neighbors and they are free from any control, interference or threat
of aggression from any of them. A particular state or country is respected by other
nation-states regardless of its political, economic and socio-cultural status, and it is able
to conduct its activities without being hampered by any nation.
Voters' Education
- it is a program intended to initiate political development
- Political development is best observe on the citizens' exercise of their right to vote
- Right to vote is primarily exercised during election

 What is Election?

       - Election is the means by which the people choose their officials for definite and
fixed periods.

 What are the different types of electoral activities?

Regular Elections                                                    Special Elections

            - National                                                                   - Plebiscite   
            - Local                                                                        - Referendum
            - Barangay                                                                - Initiative
            - ARMM                                                                      - Recall
            - SK (Sangguniang Kabataan)

 How often are elections held?

- Every 2nd Monday of May for national and local elections

                        - President and Vice-President: every 6 years
                        - Senators, Representatives, Provincial, City and Municipal
elective officials: every 3 years
                       - Every last Monday of October, every 3 years for barangay and SK
                       - Every 3 years from March 1993 – ARMM elections

 How to participate in electoral activities?

              -An individual who wants to participate in electoral activities must register.

 What is Registration?

               - This refers to the act of accomplishing and filing of a sworn application for
registration by a qualified voter.

 Why should register?

               - To have the opportunity to choose our leaders.

 What are the requirements for registration?

One must be :
                        - a Filipino citizen;
                        - at least eighteen (18) years old;
                        - a resident of the Philippines for at least one (1) year and in the city or
municipality for at least six (6) months immediately preceding the election;
                        - not otherwise disqualified by law.
Validation of Registration. It is a process wherein fingerprints of the voter would be
captured electronically at no expense to the voter.

 Where to register? - COMELEC Office

 How to transfer registration?

- Apply with the Election Officer of new residence for the transfer of your registration
- Accomplish six (6) application forms.

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