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La Salle University

College of Teacher Education

Lesson Plan

A. Content Standards:
The learner demonstrates understanding of: the formulation of theoretical and
conceptual framework.
B. Performance Standards:
The learner is able to: formulate theoretical and conceptual framework, research
hypotheses (if appropriate), and define terms used in study.
C. Learning Competency and Code:
The learners should be able to illustrate and explain the difference between
theoretical and conceptual framework. (CS_RS12-If-j-6)

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. illustrate and explain difference between theoretical and conceptual
b. construct a Haiku poem that best describes theoretical and conceptual
framework; and
c. elucidate the importance of valuing and respecting someone’s ideas.

I. Subject Matter: Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

a. Textbooks:
b. Reference:
Zamboni, J. (2018, July 26). Difference Between Conceptual & Theoretical Framework.

A. (2021, March 3). What is the Difference Between the Theoretical and the Conceptual

Afribary Blog.

c. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, (Digital Tool)

II. Procedure: 4A’s Method

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Good afternoon, class!

Good afternoon, Sir Ken!

Let us start the day with a prayer. Will you

please lead the prayer, (Name of Student)? (Student A does as told)

How are you this afternoon?

Well, that is good to hear! Indeed, we are We are fine, Sir.
beyond blessed and grateful because God
gave us a brand new day to live life to the
fullest despite the problems that we may
encounter every day.

I believe it is my first time teaching here in

your class. Thus, allow me to introduce
myself. I am Sir Kenneth S. Tumulak, your
English teacher this afternoon, and for your
convenience class, you may call me Sir Ken.

As with your other teachers, I also imposed

my own online classroom rules that you are
strictly required following. These rules are R-
L-P. The letter R stands for RESPECT. I
believe you will be respected if you respect
me as your teacher and your classmates as (Students do as told.)
well. Second is the letter L which stands for
LISTEN. Please listen very carefully because
after the discussion we will be having
activities. Last would be the letter P, which
stands for PARTICPATE. Every time you are
going to participate, just kindly press the raise
button. It will be good as well if you would
take your seats properly at your home so that
you will be comfortable along the educative

Yes, Sir.
Am I making sense here, class? 

None, Sir.
Now, are there any absentees this afternoon?

Perfect attendance!
None, Sir
How about assignments to be passed?

That is good to hear!

1. Review (Jamboard)

Alright! Last meeting we discussed about the

Background of the Study.
Exactly! Thus in order for me to verify the
extent of your knowledge with regard to our
previous discussion, let us have an activity

Directions: Think of a Hash tag that best

describes or defines the "Background of the
Study". You may paste your answer here.

(Students do as told)

Alright! Everybody got participated which

means Excellent job! It goes to show that
everyone had fully understood the previous
lesson. You deserve 5 big claps. Begin!

2. Motivation
Before we would formally start our discussion
this afternoon. Allow me to present this
picture, class.

So, class, what do you think is this picture

trying to imply?
Yes, Cassie?
This picture talks about how the concepts and
theories work in a research manuscript, Sir Ken.
These picture talks about how these concepts
and theories work in a research manuscript.

What do these circles mean? Yes, Babyline?

These circles refer on the concepts that

Exactly! These circles are the concepts of a researchers might be using for the reliability and
certain written piece such as education, validity of their manuscript, Sir.
technology, learners, and the like.

How about the names beside the circles, class,

who are they?
These are the proponents of various theories,
Superb! These names are proponents of some
of the theories that we knew, right?

Yes, Sir.
So, class, do you know what our topic is all
about for this afternoon?
No, Sir
Alright, would you like to know, class?

Yes, Sir
With that being said, this afternoon, we are
going to unravel the difference between
“Theoretical and Conceptual Framework”

3. Statement of the Subject Matter and the


I want you to listen attentively and participate

actively because at the end of the lesson you
will be able to attain these following

Will you please read the learning objectives,

Janice, begin!
Learning Objectives
a. illustrate and explain the difference
between theoretical and conceptual
b. construct a Haiku poem that best describes (Janice does as told)
theoretical and conceptual framework; and
c. elucidate the importance of valuing and
respecting someone’s idea.

Are the objectives clear, class? Yes, Sir.

A. Activity
Activity 1 (Google Slide)

To formally start our new lesson this

afternoon, let us have an activity that would
let us discover the difference between
“Theoretical and Conceptual Framework”.
The title of our activity is Identify ME!


(Guide Questions) (Students do as told)

1. What type of framework is this?
1. This is a type of theoretical framework, Sir.\
2. Who are the proponents being mentioned in 2. The proponents being mentioned in the
the framework?
framework are Hoffman and SavilleTroike, Sir.
3. How do these theories help in a research?
3. These theories are usually used to help design
a research question, guide the selection of
relevant data, interpret the data, and propose
explanations of the underlying causes or
influences of observed phenomena.

(Students do as told)

1. This is a type of conceptual framework, Sir.

(Guide Questions)
1. What type of framework is this? 2. These variables are interconnected with each
other, Sir because these variables play a vital
2. Why is it like they are interconnected with role for its study which is “customer
each other? satisfaction”.

3. Does this framework differ from the 3. Conceptual framework is developed by the
previous presented framework? researcher to solve a particular problem that he
wants to find solution whereas theoretical
framework is based on theories or general
representation of relationship between various

B. Analysis
Now based on our previous activity, class,
what do you think is the difference between
theoretical and conceptual framework?

The theoretical framework is the structure that

Yes, Ronnie?
can hold or support a theory of a research study.
The theoretical framework introduces and
describes the theory that explains why the
research problem under study exists. On the
other hand, conceptual framework is the visual
Precisely! Now to deepen and strengthen our or written representation of the relationship
understanding with our lesson this afternoon. between variables.
Let us discuss “Theoretical and Conceptual
But before that, what comes to your mind
when you hear the word “theory”?
Yes, Andria?
A theory is a constructed in order to explain a
Precisely! Theory is constructed in a written certain phenomena,
form in order to explain a certain study.

Let us start discussing the “Theoretical

Can you please read the definition, Andrew?
Theoretical Framework

Definition (Andrew reads the definition)

The theoretical framework is the
structure that can hold or support a
The theoretical framework is the theory of a research study. The
structure that can hold or support a theoretical framework introduces and
theory of a research study. The describes the theory which explains
theoretical framework introduces and why the research problem under study
describes the theory which explains exists.
why the research problem under study

Importance of Theory

Will you please read the first bullet, Andrea?

Begin. (Andrea reads the first bullet)
A theoretical framework consists of A theoretical framework consists of
concepts, together with their concepts, together with their definitions,
definitions, and existing and existing theory/theories that are used
theory/theories that are used for your for your particular study. The theoretical
particular study. The theoretical framework must demonstrate an
framework must demonstrate an understanding of theories and concepts
understanding of theories and concepts that are relevant to the topic of
that are relevant to the topic of your research paper and that will relate it
your research paper and that will relate to the broader fields of knowledge in the
it to the broader fields of knowledge in class you are taking.
the class you are taking.

Thank you, Andrea!

This framework, class has various concepts
and theories which can be used for a particular
study. This framework must exhibit an
understanding of the concept and theory itself
which are quite essential and related to a
particular study.

How about in the second bullet? Will you (Andrew does as told)
please read, Andrew? Begin.
The theoretical framework is not
The theoretical framework is not something that is found readily available
something that is found readily in the literature. You must review course
available in the literature. You must readings and pertinent research literature
review course readings and pertinent for theories and analytic models that are
research literature for theories and relevant to the research problem you are
analytic models that are relevant to the investigating. The selection of a theory
research problem you are should depend on its appropriateness,
investigating. The selection of a theory ease of application, and explanatory
should depend on its appropriateness, power.
ease of application, and explanatory

Thank you, Andrew! Well, anyone from the

class who would like to elucidate the second
bullet? May I have, Bless? (Bless explains the second bullet)

Thank you, Bless!

Well, basically this theoretical framework is
not something that is found readily available.
In other words, you have to look for
literatures which are relevant to your studies
and make sure that these literatures are
reliable to strengthen and to fully-anchored on
your studies. Yes, Sir.
Am I making sense, class?

Alright! This is an example of theoretical

framework, class.
As you can see, there are two proponents
being mentioned in the framework itself.
These proponents were the one who
constructed thoughts which are relevant to this

Always be reminded, class that when you are

going to write a theoretical framework, you
have to consider these following stips:

 Clearly describe the framework,

concepts, models, or specific theories
that underpin your study. This
includes noting who the key theorists
are in the field who have conducted
research on the problem you are
investigating and, when necessary, the
historical context that supports the
formulation of that theory. This latter
element is particularly important if the
theory is relatively unknown or it is
borrowed from another discipline.
 Position your theoretical framework
within a broader context of related
frameworks, concepts, models,
or theories. There will likely be
several concepts, theories, or models
that can be used to help develop a
framework for understanding the
research problem. Therefore, note why
the framework you've chosen is the
appropriate one.
 The present tense is used when
writing about theory.
 You should make your theoretical
assumptions as explicit as possible.
Later, your discussion of methodology
should be linked back to this
theoretical framework.
 Don’t just take what the theory says
as a given! Reality is never accurately
represented in such a simplistic way; if
you imply that it can be, you
fundamentally distort a reader's ability
to understand the findings that emerge.
Given this, always note the limitations
of the theoretical framework you've
chosen [i.e., what parts of the research
problem require further investigation
because the theory does not explain a
certain phenomena].

Am I understood?
Yes, Sir.

At this moment, let us now discuss the

“conceptual framework”, class.

Conceptual Framework

A written or visual presentation that:

- Explains either graphically, or in a
narrative form, the main things to be
studied – the key factors, concepts or

Writing a conceptual framework cannot

only help to guide your research paper or
to ensure that your research stay on
track, but it also helps to guide fellow
researchers to understand your study.

Conducting a literature review can

help you refine your central
arguments or hypotheses.

It consists of concepts that are

placed within a logical and
sequential design.
Will you please read the first purpose, Cassie?

Purposes of a Conceptual

(Cassie reads the first purpose)

To clarify concepts and purpose
relationships among the concepts in a
To provide a context for interpreting
the findings.
To explain observations.
To encourage theory development that
is useful and practical.

Please be reminded, class that conceptual

framework is usually used in research to
outline possible courses of action to present a
preferred approach to an idea or thoughts.

These are the easy steps in constructing or

designing a conceptual framework:

Choose your topic

- Decide on what will be your
research topic. It should be within
the field of your specialization.
Do a literature review
- Go over relevant and updated
studies related to your own
research. Use reliable sources of
information and use appropriate
Isolate the important variable
- Identify the specific variables
mentioned in the literature and
show their relationships.
Generate the conceptual framework
- Build your conceptual framework
using the variables studied in the
scientific articles you have read.
Your problem statement serves as
a reference in constructing the
conceptual framework. In effect,
your study will attempt to answer a
question that other researchers
have not explained yet.

This is an example of a conceptual


As you can see, this customer satisfaction is

connected with these three factors. These
factors can be classified as the dependent
variables because they cannot be existing
without this independent variable which is the
“Customer Satisfaction”.

Am I making myself clear, class?

Yes, Sir.

C. Abstraction
So, class, based on our discussion awhile ago.
Who among you here can give differentiate
the conceptual framework and theoretical
framework? Yes, Josie?
Theoretical framework is a written constructed
thought that can be used to anchor a certain
problem. And it can usually use to strengthen
and make reliable of the research study. On the
other hand, conceptual framework is a written
or visual representation of a certain study. And
it usually used as graph, map or diagram to
present the entire idea.
Absolutely correct, Jossie! The sole purpose
of this theoretical framework is to simply
present theories that are related and relevant
to your chosen studies. With that being said,
without these theories, your research study
might be meaningless and dull. The same with
conceptual framework; it presents concepts or
theories, but in a graphical manner. In other
words, you have to make it in a sequential
form which the dependent and independent
variables are present.

Why is conceptual and theoretical framework When used well together, a theoretical and a
important in research? conceptual framework provide a researcher with
sufficient support to explain the need and the
relevance for the study in the field; in addition,
the researcher who chooses to have a theoretical
and a conceptual framework in the research
study demonstrates appropriate.

Precisely, these frameworks provide a

researcher with sufficient support to explain
the need and the relevance of the study.

Now, do you have any questions as regards to

our discussion this afternoon? None, Sir.

Well, that is good to hear!

D. Application (Google Slide)

With that being said, in order for me to verify
your understanding of the lesson, let us have
an activity that will let you enhance your
knowledge about “Theoretical and Conceptual

Directions: Choose the correct answer.

1. What is a type of framework which

presents various theories in a narrative form?
a. Concept Framewrok
b. Theoritical Framework
c. Theoretical Framework
d. Conceptual Framework
2. What is a type of framework which usually
presents concepts and theories in a graph, map (Students do as told)
or diagram?
a. Concept Framewrok
b. Time Framework
c. Conceptual Framework
d. Theoretical Framework

3. Based on Hoffman’s Theory Code-

switching and mixing is detrimental to the
learning of students. What framework is being
a. Conceptual Framework
b. Theoritical Framework
c. Theory
d. Theoretical Framework

4. Which of the following is the correct

definition of theory?
a. The assumptions and beliefs of the world
b. A set of interrelated concepts that provide a
systematic view of a phenomenon.
c. The specific and measurable premise.
d. An education guess.

5. Why do these frameworks important in


a. They are important because they provide

sufficient ideas to support the study.
b. They are important because they are part of
the research manuscript.
c. They are important because they are
connected with each other.
d. All of the above.

Value Integration
Class, what do you think is the behavior that
we can learn from writing proper citations?

We can learn by respecting and valuing their

ideas, Sir.

How can we show respect and value to their

ideas, class?
We can show respect and value by properly
acknowledging their names, Sir.
Precisely! It is really important that when we
are going to use ideas from other authors, we
have to acknowledge them properly by simply
mentioning their names before or after their
written works. And let us always be reminded
that valuing and respecting someone’s idea is
something that we can be proud of as an
individual. These ideas from various authors
help our research manuscript to be more valid
and credible. Thus, they truly deserve to be
properly acknowledged. Same thing with
respecting and valuing our loved ones; we
value them because they helped us to become
the best versions of ourselves.

Am I making sense here, class?

Yes, Sir!

IV. Evaluation(Google Slide)

To test your personal understanding of the lesson, let us have our next activity.
Directions: Construct a Haiku poem that best describes “Theoretical and Conceptual

V. Assignment
To reinforce what you have learned during our discussion this afternoon, let us have your
Directions: Create one Theoretical and Conceptual Framework in your chosen field.
Criteria Points
Content 10
Coherenc 5
Grammar 5

Note: Submit your output in CANVAS.

Prepared by: Kenneth S. Tumulak

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