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Group 4 :
Yoel Albryan (1914026036)
Muhammad Haidir (1914026042)
Ahmad Alfi Roziq (1914026054)
Nur Hijrah (1914026058)
Fitri Ramadhana (1914026059)
Rani Tia Anjani (1914026061)
Shafira Uswathul Ghuna (1914026062)


Praise be to God Almighty for the blessings of his grace, and that we were given
the opportunity to be able to compile a working paper about Verbal Clause properly and
correctly, and on time.

This paper is structured so that readers can know how important application of the
right English language in daily life. This paper also was compiled with help from various
parties. Both parties come from outside as well as from parties concerned itself. And
because of the aid and help of God Almighty, these paper can be finally resolved.

This is a paper about “Verbal Clause in English Syntax” and deliberatery chosen
because in these days and ages the use of English need to have support of all those who
care about the world education.

Hopefully this paper can give a broader insight to the reader. Although this paper
has advantages and disadvantages. Thank you.

Samarinda, 18th May 2021





TABLE OF CONTENT.......................................................................................................3

CHAPTER 1.........................................................................................................................4

A. Background.............................................................................................................4

B. Purpose...................................................................................................................4

C. Formulation of the Problem....................................................................................4

CHAPTER 2.........................................................................................................................5

A. Definition................................................................................................................5

B. Verbal Clause in Sentences....................................................................................6

C. Differences in verbal clause and nonverbal clause.................................................7

D. The Important To Learn About Verbal Clause.......................................................7

CHAPTER 3.........................................................................................................................8



A. Background
If you are learning English at college, school, or further education institution, then
you join approximately one billion other people around the world who are involved in
the same pursuit. However, because you are trying to memorize proper grammar, and
try to avoid the common mistake for students learning English, you might be
wondering why you can learn English in the first place.
Language plays an important role in human life. One seeks to acquire, learn and use
the language as a means of communication, and social as well as a symbol of
humanity. By using the language a person can make statements, convey facts and
knowledge, explain or report something, and maintaining social relationship between
the users of the language. And there are so many ways to communicate with people.
We can talk, write, or even give a sign. So, to build a sentence we need to gain our
knowledge because as well as we know that English is an international language.
A sentence is formed by one or more clauses. Consisting of a subject and a
predicate, clauses are the smallest grammatical unit that can express a complete
preposition. There are independent and dependent clause, and verbal and non-verbal
clause. And here we will explain more about the Verbal Clause in this paper.

B. Purpose
1. To know about the definition of verbal clause.
2. To understand more about verbal clause.
3. To know how to use verbal clause in a sentence.

C. Formulation of the Problem

1. What is verbal clause?
2. How to use verbal clause in a sentence?
3. Why is it important to learn about verbal clause?


A. Definition
The clause is a set of words that form sentences and correspond to grammar and
follow the rules of the current sentence structure. How do we know it is clause or
phrase in a sentence? There is an easy way to tell if you are using a phrase or a clause.
The main difference is that clauses have both a subject and a predicate; phrases do not.
Phrases are part of clauses. They add meaning to sentences, but the sentence can exist
without a pharse. Removing an entire clause from a sentence may affect understanding.
There are two following types of clauses according to the governing node of the
clause : Verbal clause and Non-verbal clause. Verb clause is the only independent
clauses in English language. Some grammars use the terms main clause, matrix clause,
independent clause, and super-ordinate clause for verb clause.
All verb clauses are finite. A finite clause contains a finite, or conjugated, verb
phrase functioning as a predicate. Finite verb phrases express person (first, second,
third), number (singular, plural), and tense (present, past).
So, what is verbal clause? Verbal clause is such clause the governing node
(predicate) of which is a finite verb form (but also a non-finite verb and other forms
with the function of a verbal predicate). Verbal clause can be dependent as well as
independent. If a clause in a typical sentence cannot be a whole sentences (dependent
clause) because of the absence of the subject, it can, however, be a complete sentence
(independent clause) when it is in an imperative form or a command sentence.
1. Verbal clause in the form of incomplete sentences
- Flies across the water. (incomplete sentence or dependent clause)
The bird flies across the water. (complete sentence with the addition of the
subject “the bird”)
- Enjoyed the concert. (incomplete sentence or dependent clause)
We enjoyed the concert. (complete sentence with the addition of the subject
2. Verbal clause as an imperative form

- Close the door!
- Have a guess.
- Don’t be shy.
3. There is also a verbal clause in the form of a verbal noun clause that uses gerund.
For example is the word “swimming”.
- Swimming against the current. (incomplete sentence or dependent clause)
The athlete was swimming against the current. (complete sentence with the
addition of the subject “the athlete”)
- Watching a movie. (incomplete sentence or dependent clause)
I am watching a movie. (complete sentence with the addition of the subject

B. Verbal Clause in Sentences

Verbal clauses perform verbal functions. Verbal functions correspond to the forms
of sentences in English: declarative sentences, exclamatory sentences, interrogative
sentences and imperative sentences. The four verbal function in english grammar are:
1. Declaration or statement (declarative sentence)
Example: Beverly took away Murray’s tighty-whities.
2. Exclamation (exclamatory sentence)
Example: I need to command respect with my giant hair!
3. Question (interrogative sentence)
Example: Are we finally getting rid of that terrible blonde helmet?
4. Command or imperative (imperative sentence)
Example: Take a chill pill!

All sentences contain at least one verb clause. Verbal clause in English grammar
are independent clauses that consist of a subjcet and a predicate. Verb clause is a
grammatical form.

C. Differences in verbal clause and nonverbal clause

Verbal clauses are sentence fragments that lack subjects. They show action, but no
actor. They are rarer than noun clause fragments, but still exist. For example, “Flies
across the water” is not a sentence. Is it a bird, a plane, or Superman? In order to fix a

verbal clause fragment, finish the fragment by adding the subject, such as “The pelican
flies across the water.”

Verbal nouns or gerunds are formed when the suffix –ing is added to the root form
of a verb, but the verb then functions as a noun. Most of the time verbal nouns are
found as part of a complete sentence, such as “Swimming is good exercise.”
Occasionally, they become part of a fragment. “Swimming against the current” is not a
sentence. “The salmon were swimming against the current” adds a subject and an
auxiliary verb.

D. The Important To Learn About Verbal Clause

Knowing which clauses are independent and which are dependent will help you
organize your ideas. Learning about clauses is very important in grammar. A clause is
something that helps us express, in the form of spoken words or written text. Unlike a
phrase, a clause can express what the sentence is all about with the existence of a
subject and when we include a verb, we can tell what the subject is doing. Clauses help
you direct the attention of the reader so that your sentences are understood. Proper
usage will also help you avoid dreaded sentence fragments and run on-sentences.


Clauses are grammatical structures that contain a subject and a predicate and are the
smallest grammatical unit that can express a complete proposition. Verb clauses
perform four grammatical functions: declaration, exclamation, question, and
command. An independent clause contains a subject and a predicate. It can stand alone
as a sentence because it expresses a complete thought. The three independent clauses
shown on the previous chart all contain a subject and a verb and express a complete
idea. A clause can function as a simple sentence, or it may be joined to other clauses
with conjunctions to form complex sentences. By knowing about the definition of
clause, especially verbal clause in this paper, we will realize how important it is to
learn these things. one of the reasons is to help us better understand how to apply a
verbal clause to a sentence and how to identify it, also by understanding the difference
between clauses and phrases is the first step to varying your sentence styles.


Editor. “English Review of Kinds of Sentence Fragments”, retrieved from,
on May 23, 2021.
Editor. “Grammatical Form of English Verb Clauses”, retrieved from, on May 23,
Editor. “VERBAL AND NON-VERBAL CLAUSES”, retrieved from
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verbal-clauses-2/, on May 23. 2021.
Fromkin, Victoria & Robert Rodman, Nina Hyams. 2003. An Introduction to
Language, Seventh Edition. USA: Michael Rosenberg.
Gunner, Jennifer. “Phrase vs. Clause: Identifying the Differences”, retrieved from
differences.html, on May 23, 2021.
Madan, Chander. “Types of Clauses You Must Know”, retrieved from
must-know, on 23 May, 2021.


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